
A Tiger's Proposal (Jinko)

[A/N: Aight. Imma be real. This one's special. It's cuz the dude that recommended this oneshot is Psajchol (AKA one of my main inspirations for this whole book in the first place). I'm hoping that I don't mug this one up cuz this is WAAAY shorter than I thought and the stakes are high with this one. So with being said, do enjoy this dumpster fire.]

Name: Siberia Javei





Nickname: Riya





Mamano: Jinko





Type:Tiger Beastman





Looks: Riya has red eyes, light orange fur on her arms and white fur on her legs, alongside dark orange stripes instead of the traditional ginger and black. She has large paws instead of hands and feet with dagger like claws. Riya wears two bronze tiger pauldrons, a chest piece and armoured shins.





General Attitude: Serious, Calm





Package: 16 inches





Habitat: Montane Areas, Forests, Wastelands





Notable Trait: Jinkos are normally seen as the more tamer kind of Mamano, even when they fancy a partner. It is during their mating season however, when they actively pursue snu snu. It is rumoured that if you're targetted by a Jinko in heat, you must prepare to make love with her a 100 times before she's even remotely satisfied.





Fun Fact: Siberia is different from others of her kind due to Erythrism. This is a genetic pigmentation that causes an animal to have red or pink colorations on their body. If Melanism causes black panthers, Erythrism can make a pink panther. This is relevant in the real world with modern day animals if the existence of the "Golden Tiger" is of any indication.






You hum a free tune as you pull some carrots out of the ground, putting them on a wheelbarrow with a variety of fruits and vegetables on your family garden. This year's season was very bountiful with how much time it took for all your crops to grow. You and your father worked extra hard this time around as winter was fast approaching. Your parents had gone to town inorder to sell some of the produce so you're now home alone with your job being to reap the leftovers for yourselves. "Phew! That's enough for today. I'm sure Dad and Mum will be pleasantly surprised with how much we actually got t- Huh?"

You get cut off from a strange aura coming from the nearby forest. It's power was quite strong, but also a little pleasant to feel. Suddenly you see a figure coming out of the wood. The immediate features you could see were her orange fur and armour. But then you see the large cat like ears and striped tail. "A-A Mamano!?" You stammer out with slight fear. You heard stories of how creatures like her could turn women into them, and you didn't want to worry your parents. However, the Mamano's red eyes looked weary and tired as she drags her feet before falling to her knees. You gasp and rush towards the woman in need and kneels infront of her. "Hey! Are you alright?!" You ask with no response. "Hold on! You're going to be okay!

Siberia's eyes open wide as she feels the comforting feeling of soft hay. She jolts up and looks around, seeing where she was in. It was a big shed with lots of farming tools, bags of seeds and fertilizers. "Where am I?" She says softy before realising that her armour was taken off, revealing her inner wear and her.... Weapon. The Mamano blushes with shame as she tries to push her risen wood back down. At that moment, someone comes inside the shed and Siberia's eyes lock onto a beautiful sight.

You enter the big shelter with a relieved smile upon seeing the Jinko. Your (h/c) locks, supple arms and curvy figure captivated Siberia completely as a bright red blush spreads across her face. "Oh, thank the Makers. I had honestly feared the worst." Your melodious voice made the Mamano's heart skip a beat. "Wh-Wha?" She tries to say but you were already leaning right next to her, giving her a really good view of your cleavage. "Please. Don't move so quickly. Your body had symptoms of heat stroke and dehydration when I found you. So please stay still."

You were incredibly clueless on what you were doing to the Mamano as you put your hands on her shoulders to make her relax on her hay bed. But a whiff of your scent was enough for her member to quickly shoot up again. She immediately pushes her wood down and covers it with straw before you noticed it. "Wh-Who are you?" Siberia says with a hint of embarrassment. "Oh! Where are my manners. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). My family and I own this farm. And YOU are lucky I was nearby when you came out of the forest looking like you're about to starve to death." You say with a mix of sass and concern.

You: What about you? What's your name?

Riya: Um... S-Siberia... Siberia Javei.

You: Ara~ What a lovely name.

Riya: *gulps*

You: Now, you stay put. You're still rather weak, so I'm going to give you something to regain that strength of yours. Does chicken soup sound fine to you, Siberia?

Riya:... Y-yes. It does seem nice.

"Good. ~Don't go anywhere." You say with a singsong voice as Siberia isn't able take her eyes off your round hips swaying from side to side. With one last smile you go and get her soup, leaving the Mamano to fall back onto the hay. She begins to slowly pant as the tent in her boxers began reaching new heights. "F*ck. She's perfect." She breathes out as her red eyes slowly flicker pink.

You stare at the famished tiger woman with amazement as she completely devours the contents of the large wooden bowl full of your mother's chicken soup, that too without spilling a single drop or dirty her oddly attractive face. It must have gotten really hard for her out there in the forest. Speaking of which, "Say, Siberia?" You get her attention just as she finishes her final spoon. "Yes, Lady (L/N)?" She responds as you blink in surprise. "Huh? There's no need for that. Just call me (Y/N)." You say with a smile. The Mamano blushes again before nodding. "Then... Perhaps you can call me Riya? My sisters gave it to me." "I suppose that's a fair trade. Anyways, I wanted to ask. What were you doing out in the woods?"

Riya looks down before giving you her empty bowl. "It's.... A little complicated. I'm not sure if you would appreciate my honest answer." You raise an eyebrow to that before narrowing your eyes jokingly. "Why's that? Are you perhaps a criminal?" She looks at you with wide eyes. "N-no! It's not like that. It's just.... Something that only Mamano take part in. I wouldn't want to rope you into it." You hum and at her words before giving her another smile. "Alright. Then how about we talk about something else?" Riya perks up at this. "Well.... May I ask why you're living alone?"

"Oh, I'm not exactly alone per say. I live alongside my parents and help out with their farm. They've gone to the nearby town to sell some of their produce. Technically, I'm home alone. Which might as well be still called alone as well *giggle*." The Jinko looks at you surprised. "Your parents? Don't you have a husband?" You mirror her surprise before covering your mouth to stop yourself from laughing out loud.

You: And what gave you that idea?

Riya: Well... I just assumed so because of your....

You: It's because of how I look, isn't it?

Riya: I-I don't mean to offend you or anything. I just-!

You: No, no. It's fine. I understand you don't mean it that way. I think it's just a side effect of always getting pampered by two doting, loving parents.

You then get up slowly. "I do try to stay fit but I just can't get these stupid curves sharpened out. *sigh* I just think that.... Maybe I could find someone after I get back in sha- AH!!" You couldn't finish your sentence as when you turn around, Riya grabs your forearm and shoves you forward, making you drop the soup bowl. As your back hits the barn wall, she grabs both of you wrists and pins them slightly above your head. You look at her with surprise as you see her eyes flicker from red to pink. "R-Riya- Mmph!" You try to say before she closes in and locks her lips with yours. The way she moved her mouth felt rough yet soft at the same time. Her toned body pressing against yours felt so tingly when she pushes you further onto the wall. You could only moan and squirm as thoughts of resisting started dying out.

As you hold onto her hard shoulders, she licks your lips before locking on again, making you shiver. Her moans made you whimper as the vibrations reverberate through your body. Riya then breaks the kiss, leaving a string of saliva to briefly connect your lips before disappearing. You pant heavily as you stare into the Mamano's eyes. "I... Was in the forest..... Because I was searching for a mate." You gasp at this reveal as she slowly caresses your waist. "I come from a respectable family.... With my parents and 9 sisters, me being the 10th and youngest. I joined the Monster Army in order to find my ideal partner. I had searched high and low for weeks on end and finally.... I found you.."

Your eyes widen as she gently kisses you, wrapping her biceps around your soft torso. Inbetween kisses, Riya explains her actions more. "You saved my life... Provided for me.... And best of all.... You're everything I want in a perfect wife..." She starts licking your ear and gives one of your breasts a soft squeeze, making you moan. "A sonorous voice.... A beautiful face.... And the vulptous body of an ideal mother...." The Jinko then stares at her work; a sweating, panting, stunning woman. You look at her and blush heavily, realising what the two of you just did.

"W-wait... Are you.... C-courting me?" You say with disbelief as Riya firmly nods. "I am, (Y/N). You are simply the perfect woman to be my mate, and are the only one who can birth my cubs." You look at her with bewilderment. "C-Cubs? Wait. CHILDREN?! B-But we're both women! How would I... I....." You try to find the logic in that statement, but you quickly stop talking as you feel something big and hard coming from below Riya's waist. You catch a glimpse of a small blush on her cheeks as she sighs. "I suppose I can no longer hide it. This thing wouldn't stop acting out as soon as I laid my eyes on you."

Stepping back a little bit, your mouth gapes at the massive tent in Riya's boxers, almost like it's a.... *K-CHEUF* "(Y/N)??!!" The Jinko says in surprise as blood shoots out of your nose. "I-I'm fine! I'm fine. Just.... Surprised is all." You reassure as you use a cleaning spell to get rid of the blood. You then look at her awkwardly. "So... You have.... That?" Rubbing the back of her head, Riya sighs. "It's the reason why my family is so special. We belong to a special class of Mamano called Hermaphrodites. Instead of mating with human men and birthing their young, we mate with human women and make them birth ours. My parents? Both female. Mated together 100 times to bring all 10 of us into existence." Your face explodes with red as a mental image of m that enters your head, making you almost nosebleed again.

But you blush even harder when Riya's face is now inches away from yours. Staring into each other's eyes, your blush deepens as the two of you hold each other, sharing another kiss. You knew this was going so fast but you didn't really want this feeling to end. As you break the kiss, the Jinko uses her claw to twirl some of your hair. "I mean everything I say, (Y/N). You truly fit the picture of my ideal wife. One that I will love forever. I know that it's overwhelming for you, but I am truly speaking the truth." You didn't know whether to cry at how genuine her words sounded or to freak out from feeling her member pulse on your stomach. It's like it was ready to bree-

You cough and sigh, trying not to think of anything dirty and look at her with a little nervousness. "D-Do you.... Mean all of that? The whole.... Love thing, I mean.... Any time I get an arrangement, it..... Always ends up with people declining because of my looks. Too curvy or pudgy to their liking or something of the sort." You look down and say, not knowing that Riya looked shocked hearing this. "Do I really fit your standards? A-Are you sure there aren't any better ones than me? What.... If there's someone out there that's just perfect for y-MMPH!!"

The Mamano shuts you up with an even rougher kiss. Her claws grip the fabric of your clothes and tears it a little as you feel her plunge her tongue into your mouth. She gropes your loosened chest and puts her knee inbetween your thighs, making you wetter than ever. All you could do was moan over and over again. Her cock becomes so huge, you thought it became a metal pipe at how hard it felt. She finally lets your lips go as you pant heavily for air.

"I know for a fact that there will be no one like you, (Y/N). And I will not think about anyone but you! I swear on my family name that I will love you with everything I am and everything I will be. I will provide for you, cherish you, and make sure to never leave you. Those who rejected you were fools! They never saw what you truly embodied. They are NOT me.... I love you. And I always will ... Even if you turn me down, I will continue to love you. This is how I feel. What say you, (Y/N)? Will you be my wife, and the mother of my cubs?"

Your jaw was dropped so hard that it nearly felt like falling off. "I-...." With a shaky breath and a massive blush, you look into her eyes with yours getting watery. "Are you.... 100% sure?" Your response was a big paw caressing your cheek. "I am beyond sure." The Mamano's answer was the final straw as you just press yourself against the barn wall and show your neck. "T-Then.... Please.... Please be gentle..." Riya gives you a gentle smile. "For you, my dear? Anything..." She says softy as she leans in to claim her prize.





Sequence: (I'm kinda getting tired of putting stages in here so I'm just gonna wing it.)

You gasps sharply as you feel the Jinko's lips against your neck. She traces your collar bone with her tongue as you grip her shoulders to try and calm down. "Oh Makers...." You whisper as Riya nuzzles and buries her face into your cleavage. She then raises herself and kisses you deeply, something you wholeheartedly accepted as you wrap your arms around her neck. Her knee gets pushed back into your valley as your long skirt gets dampened with arousal.

As you try to helplessly wrestle with her, she uses the claws on one hand to further rip at the middle of your already torn dress. What followed was her hand gripping a soft, fleshy breast that was finally freed from its confines. She delightfully squeezes it as she thinks of the many cubs you will feed with it. Her tit massage and baritone moans made your body vibrate as you try to fight her tongue with yours. Only to fail and whine as her rough kisses connected the two of you deeper. Riya's hand squeezes your breast so hard, it's like she was actively trying to milk it. Her tongue swirls inside your mouth as you felt like releasing.

But her knee drops and your lower half immediately felt empty. "Ah! W-Wait! Please! Put it back..." You whimper as she smiles at you. "All in due time. Right now, you must be prepared for me" Riya says lowly as you gasps when you feel the fabric of your skirt tearing from her claws. You couldn't even say anything but let out a yelp as one of her fingers feels your exposed core. Pressing inwards, another finger enters inside as well with you instantly climaxing. The Jinko looks at you surprised before half of her mouth curls upwards. She then takes her fingers and slowly licks them infront of you, making you blush at how attractive that was. "Mm. As expected of my mate. You taste absolutely divine." You look away with pure embarassment. "D-Don't say all that. It's so.... Lewd..."

You try to argue which makes Riya lean forward, push you further back and start fingering you much quicker than before. Your moans were music to her ears. "This leaking cunt of yours says the opposite, dear." She whispers as a third finger joins in and pumps in and out of your overstimulated pussy. The sounds of your loud moans and your violent climax echo through the barn as you pant Hard from how good that felt. You sheepishly smile as Riya puts her fingers in her mouth and sucks your love juices off of it. Your shoulders then get suddenly pinned down. "I want the source of this essence. Stay still for me." She murmurs as drops to her knees and peaks under your ruined skirt, seeing your throbbing hole that dripped with precum.

"Beautiful." The Mamano whispers loud enough for you to hear. But as you're about to refute her statement, she silences you by running her sharp tongue across your folds, triggering another climax. "GYAHH! R-Riya!!" You stammer as it felt like you were already going to explode again. And you did, as Riya starts tongue kissing your vagina. Estrogen covered the Jinko's face as it dribbles down like a water leakage. It felt addicting almost immediately as Riya uses her strength to pry open your thighs for better access to your nectar. Tears nearly spill from your eyes as you could barely keep it together at how good this felt. The Mamano feels your hands on her head as you wordlessly tell her to not stop, which she happily obliges as she started to lick the inside of your walls. You couldn't take it anymore and just spray the tiger woman's face with your biggest climax yet.

You felt so tired that you just slump back onto the wall as Riya returns to her full height. She had you completely at her mercy as her hands grip your hips. "Such a gorgeous waist. I will put them to excellent use." You blush at her implications as the two of you felt like it was finally time. "W-Will this hurt?" You ask nervously which Riya responds with a smile. "I'll make sure it won't. But once we start, ~I won't stop untill I know you're fully bred~." Those dirty words keep you on edge as your face turns crimson. She then tugs her boxers slightly, which was enough to reveal the large twitching behemoth that guarantees your future together. "Riya.... This is.... Alot bigger than I thought... Can it even.... Fit....?" You squeak with concern. But at the same time, an ember of lust is immediately lit within you. "Don't worry. I'll make sure it will." Your face reddens even further at how your partner was looking at you.

You sigh with need as her big hands slowly move down and press your rear. Your head turns to the side as Riya grazes her teeth against your neck. Her tongue traces your chin as the two of you stare at each other. Your breath hitches immediately when you feel her massive member press against your virgin hole. To ease your worry, she kisses you long and hard to keep your mind on her. But your anticipation was too great as you could feel your precum mix together. You break the kiss and stare at each other again, as if confirming that you were ready.

You let out a deafening scream. The monster cock enters your vagina, spreading it wide open and tries to suck it all in. Since you've never pleasured yourself before, your core was simply aching to be touched. Riya tries to go in slowly but your entrance was far to good to strain. So she relaxes herself, making her dick plunge straight into your walls quicker than her reflexes could stop her. Your barrier gets instantly decimated and your womb is immediately speared by the length inside you. Your lungs get the wind knocked out of them as you try to inhale. Tears of pleasure flow from your eyes as Riya takes your virginity.

You finally gasp for air as the Jinko's eyes go fully pink. Her hands then go further below your rear and lift both of your legs high m off the ground. The only things keeping you in place were the huge arms holding your thighs and the log in your valley. "By the Demon Lord!! Your pussy just ate me up!" Riya roars out as she sees the stimulation on your face. "So tight! I don't think I can control myself, (Y/N)!!" She exclaims loudly as she pulls her hips back. "AAAAAH! AAAH!!! AAUGH! AUGH!!! AAAGH!!! RIYAAAAA!!!!!" You scream out her name as she begins to rapidly thrust into you with sheer power. Your arousal had greatly lubed up her dick so it was easy for her to go in and out of you. Your skins slap rigorously and produce squelching wet sounds against each other as the tiger ploughs her shaft into the woman. The barn wall behind you shakes and creaks as the two of you go at it without a shared of decency.

Your face was filled with ecstacy, your mouth did nothing but wail and scream with pleasure, your breasts bounce up and down at the blinding speed of the Mamano's thrusts, your arms tried their best to hold onto her shoulders, and your greedy cunt kept receiving the absolute unit of a cock. Riya stares at your state and goes berserk, causing her to thrust faster than before. Your throat felt like giving up as you've never screamed so loud in your life. Her tip repeatedly rammed into your bruising womb, begging to filled to the brim.

"I.... URGH!!! (Y/N) I'M CLOSE!!!" Riya snarls out as it looked like it wasn't possible for her to ram into you any harder. "AAAAUGH !!!! PLEASE!!!! FILL ME UP, RIYAA!!! MAKE ME PREGNAAAANT!!!!" You manage to wail out as you felt the member inside you shakes and throbs. With a loud roar, the Jinko finally releases. White hot seed shoots straight into your womb, overflowing it to the max. It wasn't long before your baby factory inflates to hold all the semen in, causing your belly to expand. Your folds explode as cum that couldn't be contained inside you sputters and splatters everywhere. You and Riya couldn't make any other noises except satisfied euphoria as thoughts of tiny tiger cubs cloud your brains. Satisfaction was your body language as the two of you cuddle together. The Mamano notices your enlarged stomach and smiles, gently caressing it like it was most fragile thing in the world.

Riya: I wonder how many of them will take after you?

You: They'll...*sigh*... Most definitely look like you.

Riya: Perhaps you're right..... Look at this. It's beautiful.... Just like you...

You: *giggle* Oh, stop it, you. I didn't cause this.

Riya: But you did allow it, (Y/N). And I am forever grateful to you.

You: Well... You did promise that you'll take care of me. So I'm going to trust you with that.

Riya: And I will keep that promise. Nothing will stop me from loving you or our future family.

You: That sounds.... Very nice...

The two of you share a deep kiss full of love and desire for one another, happy to have met. But upon breaking the kiss, the Jinko starts to pant. "R-Riya are you ok- Eeep!" You ask with worry but yelp at the tight squeeze on your thighs. "Forgive me, (Y/N). But my lust for you hasn't been satiated just yet." Your eyes widen as Riya carries you back to the hay bed she rested on and sets you there with her on top. "I need to continue mating with you until I am even remotely satisfied. Are you up for a couple more rounds?" She asks while staring at you with hungry eyes. Your cheeks flush red, but it didn't stop you from wrapping your arms around her neck. "Go on. I'm all yours." You say with a lustful whisper. Safe to say, that barn never stayed quiet for the rest of the night.

















It is now the crack of dawn as the sun slowly rises from the horizon. "What a week. Right, darling?" A fit old woman says to an equally fit old man as they ride a magic powered carriage. "You said it. Who knew that organic ingredients selled more than whatever slop those Order folk were selling? He says with a sarcastic smile as they share a hearty laugh together. As soon as they reach their little home, they hear something. "Wait. You hear that?" The man asks as the sounds seem to be coming from the barn. "I don't know. But.... That kinda sounds like-" "(Y/N)!!!!" The two parents yell out with worry as they rush towards the barn. But what they see inside stupifies them both.

On a damp pile of hay, a large tiger woman is seen savagely fucking their only daughter. Sweat and semen cover their bodies as the sounds the older couple heard from outside were just these two having the time of their lives. With a roar, the Mamano climaxes and overfills your whitewashed insides once again. Before you could go at it again, you noticed your wide eyed parents at the barn door.

You: Mum?!! Dad?!?

Riya: Hm? Oh. So these are your parents.

Mom: (Y/N)? What... What in the blazes is going on here?

You: I-I-I can explain! Really!! It's just-!

Riya: Greetings, Mr and Mrs (L/N).

You: !?

Dad: Uhhh hi..... Who are you and why are you assaulting our daughter?

Riya: My name is Siberia Javei and I have claimed your daughter as my mate. Currently, I am in the middle of copulating with her inorder to bring forth cubs of our own.

You(whispering): Riya! What are you-?

Mom: Wait a minute. Cubs? As in.... GRANDKIDS!?!

You: Eh?!

Dad: How many are you planning on having?

You: Hold on just a-

Riya: Atleast more than 10, since that's how many my mother gave birth to.

You: WHAT?!

Mom: Well, why didn't you say so? Come along, darling. Lets give these two lovebirds some privacy.

Dad: Of course, honey. We wouldn't want to interrupt them even further.

You: Wait! You guys!! Aaaand their gone.

Riya: It seems your parents have accepted our union.

You: How did you even.... Do that?

Riya: My human mother once gave me and my sisters some useful pieces of advice. Should your mate's parents find out about our relationship, you must mention grandchildren. Atleast one member of the family will be completely accepting.

You: Is that how your human grandparents became fine with your mom having sex with your tiger mom?

Riya: That's right. Now, ~Where were we?


As they enter their house, your parents punch the air, hug each other and spin around. Celebrating the fact that their baby girl found her soulmate.


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