
One and Only Wife

"The Divine Blue Star"

Xiang Ling stared into Zhe Yuan's mesmerizing eyes and realized that she was spellbound by him. He looked insanely good, but his looks weren't the only reason she had started feeling drawn toward him.

Each of these six men that had suddenly entered her life, made her feel like a real woman. The way they looked at her, talked to her, touched her, and took care of her - everything made her feel more attracted to them. Very slowly but easily, these men were making their homes not only in her life but also in her heart, and that realization scared her.

Each of these men had a powerful identity, and they all carried their own secrets. Was she even allowed to have even one of them let alone all six?

"What are you thinking about?" Zhe Yuan asked curiously when he noticed the thoughtful expression on her face. She almost seemed disturbed by something.

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