
The Masked Man — IV

'I'm angry…'

The thought slipped out of Haru as his body was pulled deeper into the black water.

Everything around him was dark.

No light from above.

Just pitch black.

The most terrifying part was that those beings didn't stop pulling him. He kept sinking, deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Hatred was the only emotion that consumed him.

'I'll kill him… for what he's done.'

'How dare he… How dare he…'


'Ahh…!! damn it…'

As he sank, faces of his companions flashed before his eyes, memories replaying in his mind.

Was it because he was dying?

He didn't know, but every scene played vividly and quickly, racing through his mind in seconds.

There were a lot of good moments, even amidst the chaos, and they were with his friends. Moments of survival against the odds.

'Damn it… Why am I so weak…'

His anger grew, now directed at himself, at his own weakness.

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