
Taste one own's medicine


Lihua and Bojing jumped to hug her first the moment they laid their eyes on her. After a tearful reunion, Jia chuckled. "You don't have to cry so much."

"I was so worried about you, sis!" Lihua sniffled. "You dropped a bomb with that confession! The hopes were practically nil."

Bojing tremblingly nodded and wiped his eyes. "It's g-good to see you back, sis…"

"Aww thank you so much you guys!" She hugged them hard.

Wei stared at his happy wife and was satisfied. He was the one who had leaked Judge Zhi's grandson's actions to the whole world after he got the news that he took the case off Jia's head.

"Zexi!! You are back too!" Jia and Zexi shared a hug too. "How are you doing?"

She burst into tears. "I scored a job sis!"


"But it's not good news because I am being sent as a spy there!"


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