
Double investigation (2)

Infiniti Technologies.

Huojin got the detailed information of what had happened. Kong Chuanli had the habit of coming to work very early. He would usually be the only one in the office until employees would start to pour in from 9 AM.

But today, there was a change in the scenario. Zhang Feiyu, though arrived later than Kong Chuanli, still came earlier to the office compared to the regular office timings. Sometime later, Zou Haoran followed and then Hu Linglu.

Everybody was working as usual when Zhang Feiyu headed towards Kong Chuanli's cabin. Ten minutes later, Zou Haoran, too, wanted to meet Kong Chuanli to discuss today's meeting but he waited for Zhang Feiyu to come out. But when he didn't after an unusual period of a long time, Zou Haoran frowned and knocked on the door.

He heard no response from inside and feeling even weirder than before, he slightly nudged the door open. He saw Zhang Feiyu standing behind Kong Chuanli's seat.

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