
Boss Xu, You Don't Owe Me Any Answers

On the next day, Calix finished the rest of his impending job. He hadn't forgotten his promise to bring Leslie out for a drive tonight.

When Calix brought up the matter during breakfast, Leslie's eyes shone brightly like two stars, prompting him to laugh. Her excitement was plainly obvious.

After having dinner together, Calix and Leslie headed out as planned. He didn't go too far from Mapleview Hills just in case she wanted or had to go back earlier than expected. 

But, the short time they spent together while on the drive made both of them happy and satisfied. 

Calix was glad to see Leslie's expression more vibrant than usual. Her eyes lit up in joy as she enjoyed watching the cityscape at nighttime. The glimmering moonlight gently cast a gleam on her smiling countenance.

Seeing her glowing with happiness reminded him of the times they spent exploring Rome together, including during their dance under the moonlight.

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