
Break down of Midgard Ages

Midgard was the Very First Planet in Creation. All Gods originate from here, be they Egyptian, Norse, Shinto, Gaelic, Mayan or others. All Began in Midgard.

Midgard is Roughly 20x the size of earth, it is huge.

Midgard is mainly a Pangea, where the continents have not split, but have remained close to each other. There are some islands and many rivers, along with oceans.

Midgard is billions of years older than Earth.

The calendar of this world is split into ages


The Green age-

The Green age consisted of 2 billion years on Midgard

This was the age of creation, learning and discovery.

Many gods helped each other in creating races, animals, and the very nature

Multitudes of beings were made and destroyed by the Great gods of Midgard

The gods during this time walked freely among the newly created mortals.

They taught their people how to grow stronger, from peaceful and to strong armed means.

In this age Goblins, Orcs, Trolls, Ogres, Fire and Ice Giants were not created




The Settling age-

The Settling age consisted of 3 billion years

This was the age right after the gods Departed from Midgard and went on to Earth.

This was the age when each race started building actual communities instead of wandering around.

Borders were made, Cities constructed,

But during this age most races were still xenophobic, so very rarely did other species mix together.



The Conquest age-

The Conquest age consisted of 1 billion years

This was when borders and resource claims were being disputed. Along with this Many species were fighting to claim that they and their god were the best

Billions of creatures died during this time, some even went extinct.

Allies were made

Cruelties and eternal Hatred was caused

One of the cruelties that has made an age old feud is that of the Dwarves vs Elves

The High Elves upright in their nobility believed that the riches of the dwarven mountain was theirs.

They also believed that it was the Elves duty from the gods to eradicate the stone crunching pests.

The High Elves commanded the forest elves to divert a river to the Main Entrance of Hawk Mountains.

They Closed off all other exits, and stood at the Entrance to kill anyone fleeing from being drowned in the tunnels and caverns.

This was once a city of 10 Billion mountain Dwarves, but now is only a crypt.

This earned the eternal hatred of all dwarves for the High elves. The Hatred is less for the Forest elves and one for the Night elves.


The land was littered in blood,



The Unity age-

The Unity age consisted of 1 Billion years

After the Bloodshed in the Conquest age, the Ruling class of all naitons congregated

During this age many deals were made, and borders were set in stone.

Wars began to stop.

And this created the Ygdrasil faction



The Peace age-

The Peace age consisted of 32 billion years

This was the age of growth, global trade and peace.

Many species started interacting with others.

Humans cities became trade hubs due to ideal locations on rivers and lakes.

Dwarves sold weapons and other metallic goods.

Humans became rich off of trade and selling food

High and Night Elves still remained mostly isolated from other species.

Forest Elves dealt in wooden products and the fur trade.

The Nomadic people of Centaurs, minotaurs and Arachne stayed in their own land and remained isolated from others.


The Black age-

The black age consisted of 2 billion years

This was the age where some Gods returned from Earth

A few of these gods were Apophis, Set, Loki, Ares and Lilith along with many others of war, greed, and chaos.

In this time Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, Trolls, Giants, and Succubi were created

These creatures were taught by the gods that created them and spread out through the world to make their jobs easier to complete

of these creatures

Ogres were made by Lillith and Ares with input from minor deities. These were to imitate Humans

Orcs were made by Set, Hela, and Ares they were to oppose Elves

Trolls were made by Apophis to oppose Dwarves

Giants were made by Loki to personify his elements of Fire and ice, they were not made to oppose anyone but craved Fighting

Succubi were made by Lillth, so that she would have personal worshipers they were not made to oppose anyone

Goblins: were weak, but multiplied like rats. They were not made to be good fighters but slaves and labor to the other creatures.


During this time these creatures made a society and prepared for war as their creators have requested

During this time Lillith had her Succubi seduce many Humans, Faunus, and night elves to aid their goals.

This made what was known as the Chaos faction

But no wars were fought, and the other mortals were unaware to the future that awaited them





The Sword age-

The Sword age consisted of 1 Billion years

This was when the Chaos Faction Mortals began warring with the other mortals

Wars were mostly fought away from the cities, but pillaging, raiding and slavery was still a common sight

The Once Prosperous nations were brought low from deaths and lost profits.

These wars raged on until the rest of the gods from Earth returned

Once the gods reappeared the Ygdrasil vs Chaos Faction wars were slowly coming to an end.

Due to being a young society the Chaos faction lost very badly.

With the Other gods back in Midgard, the Chaos faction gods stopped directly aiding their creations.

The sword age ended with the Chaos Faction cities being obliterated, and the many creatures to go live their own ways.

But this did not mean fighting ended. It just meant that the large-scale wars stopped.

Raiding from Orcs, Trolls and Goblins still occurred



The Copper age-

The Copper age consisted of 8 billion years

Global trade returned and societies flourished, With the Gods back on Midgard, many of their creations wanted to show what they were capable of.

This age was the creation of world wonders, Buildings, Artworks, and Traditional fighting was turned into competions and sports. Adventuring also became quite common.

The Gods that came back from Earth Created many monsters for the Midgardians to hunt.

Some monsters included Dinosaurs, Sabretooths, and Komodo dragons, Swamp Dragons and others.

All was calm with the sporadic raids


The Unrest Age-

The Unrest Age is the Current year

This is the age were Gods brought Humans from Earth to Midgard and transformed them into other beings such as goblins, humans, dwarves, etc.

During this time much unrest will be caused, thought we do not know what will occur just yet

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