
Chapter 141

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked.

"Well we are Greek demigods, so do you think that there are Roman demigods out there somewhere?"

"Well if there are they are doing an amazing job hiding away," Clarisse replied, "I have never heard of any Roman demigods being found in recent camp history or any Roman monsters for that matter."

"Aren't roman monster basically ripped off versions of Greek monsters?" Percy asked.

"Ah, well for the most part yes, but there are some unique roman monster out there."

"Really? Like what?"

"Well…. let's see," Annabeth then took on her thinking pose as she began to search her head for the information she needed, "well there is the-nope that's greek. The-nope that's Nordic. The Kraken? No too vague also has roots in Greek myths. Ah ha! Lemures!"

"Those are basically ghosts," Clarisse said before thinking for a bit, "what about fauns?"

"Roman version of a Satyr," Annabeth explained, "oh I know! A Caladrius!"

"A what?" Percy asked.

"A Caladrius is a now white bird that can take away people's sickness and disperse it to the winds. It also can tell when someone is able to make a full recovery or not."

"So basically the only original thing about Roman monsters is a bird that can heal people?"


"Lame," Percy replied, "well I know one thing if there was a Roman camp they must be one of the most boring group of people on the face of the Earth. Probably don't even know how to swing if the history books are right about their fear of water."

Soon the cab brought them to the station again where Percy got tickets for a train going to New York in the next minutes.

"So what's the plan here?" asked Clarisse, "we going back to camp or going after Luke?"

Annabeth turned to Percy who answered, "we're going after Luke. We know where he is, we can't let a chance like this escape."

"Didn't Chiron say this was just a reconnaissance mission?" Clarisse asked.

"Yeah he did, but we now have the opportunity to get him ourselves, and I don't know about you but I want some sweet revenge."

Annabeth and Clarisse looked at each other before nodding, "alright then, let's go catch ourselves a traitor."

Percy smiled and the three then waited for their train to arrive. Slowly however Percy began to notice something strange, it was the middle of the afternoon and the train station was clearing out, fast.

"Ah guys, I think something is about to happen," Percy said as he reached into his pocket to make sure Riptide was still there.

"What do you mean?" Clarisse asked as she took out a cylinder of what looked like perfume which was actually her spear in disguise.

"Everyone is clearing out of the station, fast," Percy commented. Annabeth took out her dagger and stepped back behind Percy and Clarisse. Soon the last of the mortals were gone leaving the three questers alone in the middle of the big main platform of the station.

Percy then felt something, a chill come up his spine;

Warning! An enemy approaching from your right side!

Percy turned to his right and narrowed his eyes, "there," and sure enough he saw three people walk towards them. The one in the middle was a woman with white blond hair and cold blue eyes wearing a light blue shirt with dark jeans. Around her was an aura of cold, the same aura Percy felt, she was also the same person Percy felt in the cafe, seems they trailed them all the way here.

To the left was a girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes similar to the first girl. She wore a very form fitting black dress which showed her slender but well built figure and by her side was a large metal baseball bat.

And the last person was a man who stood at 6 feet tall, half a foot taller than the girls with broad shoulders and a square jaw. He wore winter clothes with a heavy coat and a beanie, but the strangest thing about him was the fact that he was currently riding a freaking reindeer.

Annabeth and Clarisse turned out the enemy and Percy Observed them. First was the woman with white blond hair;

Elsa Arendelle, Snow Queen

Lv- 40



Race- Human (Clear Sighted, Mutated)







Elsa at a young age was given power over ice allowing her to freely control it. At first she was unable to control it but after help from her sister Anna she has learned to cherish and control her powers. She now wishes to find the person did this to her and is willing to do anything to find said person.

She wishes to stop Percy from traveling to New York at all costs

She is calm but afraid of failure.

Then the one with strawberry blonde hair.

Anna Arendelle, Ass kicker

Lv- 21



Race- Human (Clear sighted)







Anna is the younger sister of Elsa. Every since a young age she has rained to become stronger to protect her sister from those that would seek to harm her. Soon she became a martial arts master having a level of mastery over several different styles of fighting including karate, judo and krav maga. She is now on a quest to find who experimented on her sister along with her boyfriend Kristoff.

She wishes to stop Percy from traveling to New York at all costs

She is fully focused and is ready to fight.

The blonde guy;

Kristoff Kai, Master of reindeers




Race- Human (Clear Sighted)







Kristoff Kai is a master of reindeers giving him control over reindeers and the power to enhance himself with parts of a reindeer. His personal reindeer is Sven who is… well a reindeer. He is dating Anna Arendelle and is currently helping her find the man who experimented on her sister.

He want's to stop Percy form getting on the train to New York

He is currently hungry, but is also focused on the task at hand.

And his freaking reindeer;

Sven, Reindeer extraordinaire

Lv- 10



Race- Reindeer







Saved by Kristoff at a young age, Sven the reindeer has sworn his servitude and friendship to his human saviour. He has become close friends with Anna and Elsa and is willing to disobey Kristoff if it means pleasing them. He is also very smart, for a reindeer.

He doesn't like Percy, smells to much like fish

He is hungry but is interested in a good fight.

Percy sighed read their bio's looks like trouble just found them, again. What was with him and finding trouble in Boston? Did the city hate him or something? And what did the reindeer mean when it said he smelt like fish? The fuck!

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