
Chapter 108

Inside was a basically a large waiting room with a tall black man in a very nice white Armani shut sitting in the receptionist post. Crowding the room were several people all walking about like zombies, aimless and lifeless. Percy walked up the man and used Observe,

Charon,Ferry Man










The god of boundaries and territories, Charon is the one who ferries the dead to the Underworld. He accepts bribes to take people who are not dead into the Underworld and is known for his tastes in fine suits.

He has no opinion on Percy

He is feeling extremely bored

Percy walked up to the man, "hello. I need to go to the Underworld."

The man looked at Percy, "well it is refreshing to hear that being said for once. None of that, 'there must be a mistake , I'm not supposed to be dead Mr. Charon' bullshit. However I must decline, your not dead."

Percy reached into his inventory and pulled out 10 drachman and put it on charon's desk.

The man looked at the coins and then to Percy, "are you trying to bribe me?"

"Yes," Percy replied.

"Well it's not going to work. And beside what-" Charon however was cut of as Percy put an extra 20 drachma into the pile. "That's a lot of coin."

"And it can all be yours, for just one ferry ride across," Percy replied. The man then looked at the coin and then to Pray before reaching up to grab them. Percy smiled at this, "glad we can do business."

"Who are you kid?" Charon asked as he checked the authenticity of each coin.

"Percy Jackson."

"Well Percy Jackson, you just earned yourself a trip into the Underworld," Charon said with a smirk. He put the coins aside and walked to the elevator behind the desk. The inside was stuffed full of people but Percy didn't mind. He moved in and Charon joined them.

"Going down!" Charon called out as the doors closed.

Percy then waited for the elevator to go down, but it didn't, the elevator moved forward. Percy was pushed back by the sudden movement and suddenly they were all covered by a bright light that blinded them all.

Percy opened his eyes and blinked out the effects of the sudden light. When his vision cleared up the Underworld was present in front of him in all it's unholy glory.

The elevator had changed into a boat that was crossing a dark murky river filled with the souls of the damned. Percy looked ahead and saw the whole of Underworld. There was a huge wall in front of him, like the ones in prison. At the center of the wall was a big opening that allowed the spirits of the dead in, and there standing gaurd over this opening was a huge three headed dog.











The guardian of the Underworld, Cerberus is found to be a fierce gaurd dog and it's ferocity is only matched by the legends surrounding it. It fight this beast is to sign off on your own death, which incidentally is the only way that thing is letting you through.

Kill to gain- 70,000 Exp.

Percy reached into his pocket and took out the ring of invisibility that Ares gave him. He was about to put it on to, when he stopped.

The original plan was to be quiet about it, he needed to make sure Luke and Grover was safe when they were in here. But now only Percy was here and he could do whatever the fuck he wants. So it was time to make a statement.

Percy put away the ring and took out Zeus's Master Bolt. He looked at the weapon, 'how do you even use this thing? Do you throw it?' Percy pointed it at Cerberus and waved it around, 'nop nothing. Maybe I should yell fire or-'


Out of one end of the cylinder like structure a stream of lightning flew out. The moment the lightning touched the beast it exploded into golden dust.

Ping! Ping!

You have gained two levels!

Percy Jackson



The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-14 Exp- 9,771/52,000









MONEY- 16,597$/306D

Percy looked at the golden dust and then at the Master Bolt. He then quickly pointed it away from his face, 'note to self always keep this thing pointed at the enemy.' Percy then looked at his status page and smiled at the upgrade. Just then;


Perk Chimera's blood has activated! Which trait of Cerberus's do you wish for?

Shadow traveling

Aura sensing

Ice Breath

Percy looked at this new box with a look of concentration, 'so this is how Chimera's blood worked.' He first clicked Shadow Traveling;

Shadow Traveling,

Allows user to travel between the shadows of the world. You can however only travel to the shadowy areas of places you have been before as you are not a child of Hades.

The rest were pretty self explanatory for Percy so he didn't bother clicking on them. They most useful thing to him it seemed was Shadow Traveling, after all he already had a way to sense people and teleportation beats Ice Breath any day of the well.

So he pressed Shadow Traveling again;

Are you sure you want to learn Shadow Traveling for your Chimera's blood perk?





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