
chapter [128]

Rating game arena

With a graceful bow, Serefall stood before the imaginary crowd, her voice resonating throughout the arena. "Dear viewers of DevilNet, get ready for an epic battle! I'm here as your favorite host to narrate and judge this exciting showdown between two of the most formidable devils."

"It seems we'll have an unmissable duel today! Tannin, the legendary dragon, will face our dear Riser-chan, known for his impressive feats and, of course, his impeccable elegance." Serefall winked mischievously at the virtual camera, her smile radiant and playful.

"You know, folks, Riser-chan is simply magnificent. His charm, his skill, his imposing presence... Everything about him is absolutely enchanting." Serefall shook her head in admiration, exaggerating a bit to highlight how amazing she found Riser.

"As for Tannin, well, he's a formidable opponent, no doubt. But let's face the facts, Riser-chan is the favorite here." She shrugged with a mischievous smile, knowing her bias was evident but not caring in the slightest.

"We have the promise of an exciting confrontation, full of twists and surprises! The competition will begin in one hour, so get ready to watch it all on DevilNet, with your favorite host, me, Serefall Leviathan!"

With a dramatic wave, Serefall concluded her introduction, leaving the virtual audience eagerly anticipating the start of the upcoming showdown.

Riser's POV

Merlin and I were sitting on plush sofas, enjoying the opulence of the waiting room. Around us, a central table displayed a tempting array of finely prepared dishes, and crystal glasses gleamed next to bottles of champagne and selected wines. It was tempting to indulge in the treats, so I helped myself to some fresh fruits while we waited.

As I savored a juicy grape, I couldn't help but lament the excessive amount of praise Serefall had lavished upon me during her introduction. Though flattering, it was a bit much even for me.

"Riser-sama, it seems Serefall really went overboard with the compliments, doesn't it?" Merlin commented, her voice calm and serene.

"Yes, a bit overboard, I'd say. But then again, it's her style," I replied, agreeing with her observation.

As the conversation continued, Merlin made a shrewd observation about Tannin's behavior. "Why do you think Tannin chose not to meet you before the battle?"

I shrugged, picking up a champagne flute. "Doesn't matter. If he wants to settle our differences with fists during the Rating Game, then so be it."

Phenex Family Mansion

Romina's POV

As I remained hidden upstairs, my heart pounded hard, a mixture of fear and apprehension filling my mind. I knew it wasn't right to spy, but my concern for Riser and Ravel's safety was stronger than any sense of guilt.

In the living room, I could hear my husband's firm and authoritative voice echoing through the walls. He was surrounded by three women and a man, whose voices murmured in response to his words. My stomach churned with anxiety as I tried to catch the gist of the conversation.

"Riser needs to learn his position in the family hierarchy," I heard Victorius say, his voice cold and relentless. "He cannot continue to challenge my authority."

His words hit me like a blow. I had always known Victorius was severe, but his determination to punish Riser left me chilled. I knew him well enough to know he didn't take challenges lightly, especially after being publicly humiliated by his own son.

The women around him nodded in approval, fueling his anger. I knew I needed to intervene, but my fear held me in place.

"Don't worry, Victorius-sama. We're here to support you in whatever decision you make," one of the women said.

It was when Victorius mentioned his plan to kidnap Asia during the Rating Game that my fear reached a new level. He was willing to put not only Riser's life at risk but also the safety of an innocent young woman. My heart squeezed with anguish, yet still I remained frozen, unable to find the courage to confront him.

Suddenly, a hesitant voice broke the tense silence of the room. "Victorius-sama, what if someone were to try to stop what needs to be done?"

Victorius turned to face the man, his eyes cold and calculating conveying unwavering determination. "If anyone dares to interfere, I will not hesitate to eliminate them. The authority of the Phenex family will not be challenged."

A chill ran down my spine as I listened to Victorius's words. It was as if he was willing to sacrifice anything to maintain his power and authority intact.

Silently, I slipped out from behind the wall and made my way to my room, locking the door behind me and sinking to the floor, tears streaming down my face as I struggled against the wave of despair threatening to engulf me. Taking deep breaths, I tried to gather my courage and think of a plan to protect my children, even if it meant defying my own husband.

A few minutes passed as I pondered my options. There was no time for crying. Victorius said he would go to Riser's house when the Rating Game began. I rose from the floor with determination, wiping the tears from my face. I had to act fast to ensure Riser and Ravel's safety. With a nervous sigh, I focused my energy and activated my teleportation power.

Riser's Mansion in the Underworld

Nana and Mirko, strategically positioned at the entrance of the majestic mansion, were alert to any unusual movement around them. Their heightened senses alerted them to the possibility of intruders, and they were ready to act quickly and efficiently to protect the mansion and their mission.

When they sensed the characteristic energy of a teleportation manifesting nearby, their hearts raced, and they assumed a defensive stance, ready to face any threat that approached. However, when they saw Romina emerging from the dimensional distortion, their muscles relaxed, immediately recognizing their master's mother.

Romina appeared outside the grand mansion, her heart racing with the urgency of her mission. She had hoped her teleportation ability would take her directly inside the mansion, but to her surprise, she found herself outside, facing the imposing entrance doors.

With a look of surprise, Romina looked around, perplexed by the failure of her initial plan. Before she could formulate an alternative strategy, however, her concerns were interrupted by the sound of nearby voices.

"Romina-sama," greeted Nana, her voice respectful and reverent. "What a surprise to see you here."

"Yes, it's a surprise," echoed Mirko, nodding his head slightly in a sign of respect. "How can we assist you?"

"Thank you, Nana, Mirko. I need to speak to Ravel immediately. It's a matter of utmost urgency."

Nana and Mirko exchanged a meaningful glance, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Mirko, could you continue watching the entrance while I accompany Romina inside the mansion?" suggested Nana.

"Of course. Rest assured, I'll keep an eye out here," replied Mirko, assuming a vigilant posture.

Nana then turned to Romina and made an inviting gesture towards the mansion. "Please, Romina-sama, follow me. I'll take you to Ravel."

Romina followed Nana through the mansion doors, her mind spinning with worry as she hurried to find her daughter.

Finally, they reached the living room, where Sona was seated elegantly beside Tsubaki. Upon seeing Romina enter, Sona rose with surprise and joy.

"Romina, what a pleasant surprise to see you here," said Sona, her voice soft conveying genuine joy at seeing her. "How can I help you?"

Romina took a deep breath, feeling grateful for Nora's support. "I need to speak to Ravel. It's something urgent."

Sona nodded understandingly, her gentle gaze conveying support.

"Tsubaki, could you please summon Ravel to the living room?" asked Sona, addressing her queen who was standing beside her.

Tsubaki nodded promptly and left the room to fulfill Sona's order.

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