
Chapter 32: New Life

As morning arrived, Tyson began training his Pokémon for the upcoming tournament. To start the day, Tyson and Gligar engaged in a jog through the town, with training weights attached to their legs. Sadly, due to its inherently low agility, Trapinch normally found it a challenge to keep pace; as such, he was excluded from the jog. Thankfully, Tyson devised a distinct training exercise for it. Earlier, he located a rock formation in the woods and after confirming it was not the territory of a local Pokemon, Tyson directed Trapinch to utilize Bulldoze to break the rocks until there were none left. Although this would not give a significant increase in its strength, it nonetheless would help to enhance Trapinch's control over its ground type energy.

To the side, Alice observed Trapinch's training cradling the incubator in her arms. In order to enable Tyson to concentrate on training Gligar and Trapinch, Alice graciously volunteered to oversee the egg for the day. Conversely Leo opted to venture into town to collect supplies for the group.

- Emeragrove Stadium

At the center of the town a lone building stood. Lined with colors of gold and red the building stood seven stories in height. At the front of the building stood a pair of imposing statues depicting the images of two of Sinnoh's legends. The two statues in all their likeness bore the appearance of the legends of spacetime. As the tournament was still four days away the area at the front of the building was relatively empty. Passing Infront of the building during their jog, Tyson and Gligar couldn't help but pause and stare at the building.

"So, this is the place where we will battle," Tyson spoke as he paused in his jog, gazing thoughtfully at the building. "My first tournament, how amusing. Just a year ago, I woke up in this world—a world I believed to be mere fiction. Now, here I am, training alongside my Pokémon and travelling just like in the anime" Tyson reflected with a smile as his gaze shifted downward Gligar, who he noticed was also lost in thought. "So, are you excited?" Tyson inquired, waking Gligar from her reverie as she met his gaze. With a booming smile Gligar nodded, she was happy as long as she could travel alongside Tyson. The pair continued their jog and soon returned to camp.

- Back at camp

On return the pair were greeted by Alice who had awaited their return. "Welcome back Tyson, did you enjoy the jog?" Alice questioned.

"It was a good warm up, but now were going to up the pressure" Tyson replied as he removed the weights on his feet before walking over to his bag. From his bag Tyson removed a small pair of weights he had stored in the left side pouch before making his way over to Gligar.

The jog itself was a warm-up for the training Tyson had planned. Standing before Gligar, he carefully affixed a small weight to Gligar's tail before speaking, "We are going to engage in basic physical training over the next four days. Both you and Trapinch are at a disadvantage compared to Pupitar in terms of foundation. Although you two have made progress over the past year, Pupitar, on the other hand, was initially raised by my grandparents before being entrusted to me on my eighth birthday. During its time with my grandparents, it was fed top-quality Pokémon food and received the care of my grandfather, who is an intermediate breeder. While you all experienced my grandmother's training, Pupitar starting point allows him to gain greater benefits".

Hearing this Gligar's head fell in disappointment. Thinking about the past years training she had endured she hoped to at least be on par with Pupitar, however to her dismay after its battle with Druddigon the shell Pokemon spent most of its time training sandstorm or sleeping. Still despite all of that Tyson claimed that Pupitar was still ahead of not only her but Trapinch as well.

Observing Gligar's disheartened expression, Tyson reassured her, "Do not worry; you will catch up in due time. The primary factor propelling Pupitar ahead of both of you is its mobility, mastery of its moves, and, of course, its inherent species potential. Although it may start slowly, as Pupitar approaches its final form, the increase in its strength will become increasingly apparent. To address this, I intend to have you concentrate on enhancing your foundational skills and strengthen you before evolution". Tyson explained ask Gligar raised her head to look at him.

"Furthermore, as you are the youngest in the group, it is normal for you to the furthest behind; however, that does not imply that you will be the weakest. My plan is for you to serve as the wall, disrupting the enemy's flow. You are the tank they must overcome to confront your brothers in combat." Tyson reassured Gligar with a smile as her downcast expression slowly turned to one of determination.

"That's the spirit! Now we are going to focus on strengthening your wings and tail, as these will be your main weapons before you evolve. Starting now, I want you to practice the Wing Attack trick we developed," Tyson explained, much to Alice's intrigue, as she watched Gligar gather flying energy in her wings before flapping downward, releasing a gust of wind. Unfortunately, although the force of the wind would typically be sufficient to lift Gligar, given her increased weight, she barely managed to lift off the ground.

"Is that the training you intend for her to undertake?" Alice inquired.

"Indeed, for Gligar, her move pool is more than adequate; the only aspect lacking is her physical strength and endurance. Through this exercise, she will progressively enhance her strength, and with the morning run, she will augment stamina. Furthermore, the continuous use of Wing Attack will contribute to enhancing its control over flying-type energy." Tyson explained as Alice nodded in comprehension. During their training with Bertha, Gligar was required to work on learning new moves and improving her control over ground, rock and poison type energy. Now with this training Tyson also sought to improve her natural power and physique before her evolution into Gliscor.

Each trainer typically had a unique approach to training their Pokémon. Some concentrate on enhancing their control over type energy, others prioritize physical improvement or the development of a Pokémon's natural talents. (As an example, Pupitar training to improve its control over Sandstorms, is considered as training both its innate ability and its control of ground-type energy, as summoning Sandstorms would become second nature upon its evolution. Conversely, Trapinch's training of Bulldoze emphasizes the development of its control over ground-type energy and its physical abilities, as the move requires it to envelop itself in ground-type energy before colliding with its targets.)

"So where do I come in?" Alice inquired in confusion

"Oh, your egg sitting today. Thats your job" Tyson replied with a grin eliciting a look of shock from Alice

"What?! I thought we were going to battle, you know. It's what me and Leo normally do for training" Alice explained. Hearing this Tyson raised an eyebrow as he stared at Alice.

While battle was one of the better ways to improve a Pokémon's combat experience it did little from improving their control over their moves or their natural power. Many trainers tend to focus on battles primarily which is the norm for those without breeder knowledge or for those who do not have the money to afford top quality Pokemon food or training gear. In this regard Tyson was blessed on both fronts due to his grandparents.

"Was that all you two did?" Tyson questioned. Although battle was the most prevalent method of training, Tyson didn't believe that Leo would exclusively focus on battle as a form of training.

"Well, Leo often has Infernape meditate and practice its moves, though even I do so occasionally with Prinplup" Alice replied with a frown. She had noticed Tyson's questioning gaze which made her a bit nervous as she whispered "Sometimes..."

Although she had started her journey a year ago with Leo, Alice had only managed to become a rank three trainer. This was by no means easy as she had participated in a few competitions. Sadly, she was never able to claim victory despite her attempts. Leo on the other hand had won a few rookie tournaments and even received a third-place victory in the most recent competition he took part in. With the resources from his wins and third place, Leo helped Alice with training her Pokemon. Sadly, Leo sharing the resources meant he would not be able to focus wholly on the development of his team. This in part made Alice feel like she was burdening Leo so when Tyson spoke of training she wished to offer her experience in battle.

"Well, don't worry we will battle later on today" Tyson spoke as he attempted to cheer Alice up

Hearing these words Alice perked up as a smile etched itself on her face "Sure, just don't complain when I win"

"Well see about that" Tyson chuckled as the training session continued

Gligar and Trapinch's training persisted for two hours before concluding upon Leo's return with the group's supplies. Tyson had requested two items during Leo's shopping spree. One of which were several supplements, including Protein, Iron, and Calcium which would be used in the future. These vitamins were subsequently mixed with their lunch to provide essential nutrients and expedite their progress. These vitamins were in fact expensive, which was proven further as the sight of Tyson feeding his Pokemon vitamins shocked Alice. Sadly, the shock was not over as Leo handed Tyson two items, one was a small case and the other he stated was loaned to him for the shopping spree. Looking at the item Alice froze as she gazed at Tyson holding a Sinnoh League issued Black Card.

"I...is...is that a black card?" Alice asked her mouth agape

Watching Alice's reaction Leo chuckled, as this was in fact the same face he made when Tyson handed him the card. After nodding to confirm Alice's question It didn't take long for Alice to start her old habit of rapid firing questions in quick succession.

"Are you the young master of some big family? What family are you from? How did you get the card? Why did you trust Leo with it?" Alice asked as she gazed at Tyson

Tyson replied, "My family is wealthy, yes, but that is just some funds left to me by my grandmother for my journey to the academy. I have no plans to use the card beyond that. As for my family, my last name is Ryuuzaki, though my family is not famous or one of the royal clans. Finally, I let Leo use the card to get me these items because even if he wanted to steal the card, he could not. To limit my reliance on the card, I asked my grandmother to place a limit on the number of purchases that can be made each day and a lock can be place on the card using my phone".

Hearing the explanation Alice began imagining what Tyson's grandparents were like. He had often mentioned them during his stories though she had not imagined that they were rich. Leo on the other hand was lost in thought.

'Ryuusaki...I don't remember a high-class family with that last name' Leo thought

It had to be known that Black Cards assigned by the Sinnoh League could only be issued to League officials and those of high standing among society. So, seeing that Tyson possessed one had shocked Leo and Alice to the core.

"Tyson who are your grandparents exactly? You kept mentioning them during your stories and when we asked you said your grandfather was a retired adventurer. Though you didn't say much about your grandmother" Leo spoke causing all attention to be focused on Tyson as even Prinplup stared at Tyson in wonder.

Taking a sign Tyson began thinking 'It's only been three days since we met, and the question already came. Although I'm at fault for handing Leo the card it's not like grandma's identity needs to be kept a secret'. After a pause he spoke "My grandmother is Bertha of the earth

"The revelation caused Leo and Alice to freeze in place as they both shouted in unison "What?!"

With a sigh, Tyson went about calming Leo and Alice down and enduring the swarm of questions Alice asked. 'This is why I don't lead with my grandmother's identity,' Tyson thought. 'Most people would change the way they refer to me or treat me because of my grandmother's position as a member of Sinnoh's Council. Not to mention kids tend to ask a lot of question about grandma and it tends to get annoying'.

"So that is why all you're Pokemon are ground type," Alice remarked in realization. While specialists weren't rare it was still less common them generalist trainers.

"In a manner of speaking, I intend to specialize in both rock and ground type Pokémon. Consequently, these three are the initial members of my team," Tyson explained in response.

"I see, that explains why you're so good at battling" Alice chimed in once more with stars in her eyes

"So does that mean you plan to take on the Gym Challenge after joining the academy?" Leo asked from the side. After finding out Tyson's identity as Bertha's grandson he had wondered what Tyson's future goals beyond the academy could be.

"It was an option I thought about, however for now I'll focus on the present and the breeder exam first" Tyson replied

Seeing that Tyson did not deny or confirm his question Leo decided to let the topic fall. To the side Alice was about to ask another question when a cracking sound rang out. In unison the trio looked towards the container in Alice's hand as a smile formed on Tyson's face 'Its time" Tyson thought.

Taking the incubator from Alice, Tyson set it down and retrieved the box Leo had handed him earlier. Upon opening it, a small item emitting a blue glow was revealed. It was a necklace in the shape of a teardrop with a light blue liquid inside—a high-quality Mystic Water, typically valued at over 100,000 Pokedollars. Fortunately for Tyson, one of the main advantages of being in Emeragrove Town is that vendors from larger towns often gather both before and during a tournament. While some of the items they sold were worthless, it was possible to find rare treasures by simply looking hard enough.

Placing the Mystic Water inside the container, the egg began absorbing the light emanated by the item as it took on a white glow. Slowly the outer shell of the egg began the chip away as the light from the Mystic Water slowly began to fade. With a pop a small Pokemon emerged from the egg and begun gazing around. The Pokemon had a purple body with a light-yellow underside. It also had a large head with a purple fin on top and a light-yellow tail fin. "Mud" The small Mudkip called out as its eyes met Tyson's.

"Welcome to the world little Mudkip" Tyson smiled as he took the small Pokemon in his arms. 'Yes! it's a shiny!' Tyson cheered in his mind. The Mudkip although bigger than a normal baby Pokemon, Mudkip was clearly healthy. Still, Tyson's plan was to have Mudkip undergo a check-up at the local Pokemon Center.

Both Leo and Alice began observing Mudkip. Leo, in particular was amazed at its size, as a typical newborn Mudkip would be 0.70 ft tall and would peak at 1.04 ft after fully growing. In contrast, the Mudkip in Tyson's arms was 0.98 ft, almost reaching the base size for an adult. However, what caught their eyes even more was the fact that the Mudkip that hatched was a shiny Pokemon.

"Tyson why is Mudkip so big even though it's a baby? How did it become a shiny? Man, your luck" Alice questioned her curiosity getting the better of her

"Thats simple, the Mystic Water I placed in the incubator" Tyson spoke as he began to explain that he used the Mystic Water to enhance Mudkip's physique during birth. "During birth, Mudkip tend to use a significant amount of energy to escape their eggshell. By using Mystic Water as a supplement, the amount of energy required would decrease, allowing Mudkip to focus on enhancing its own body. As for her being a shiny, I'll chalk that up to luck". (A/N: Items such as Mystic Water which normally boost the power of Water Type moves can also be used to enhance the physical attributes of water type Pokemon both before and after birth. This is also why Pupitar is much bigger than the norm as he was raised while feeding on High quality hard stones and soft sand).

"Well, what now?" Alice question as Tyson turned to fished around in his bag for an item

Pulling out what looked like a bottle filled with Moomoo Milk Tyson began feeding Mudkip Infront of a surprised Alice "Well first after feeding, well get Mudkip a checkup. Though before that I want to introduce her to her brothers and sister" Tyson explained as he turned to her Pokemon who had been watching in excitement. "Ok you can approach" Tyson spoke as Gligar was the first to make her way over and climb onto his shoulder.

Staring down Gligar looked at the feeding Mudkip as it returned her stare. With a smile Gligar spoke "Gli Gli Gligar" [Nice to meet you little sister, I'm Gligar your big sister]. Smiling back, Mudkip continued to eat but held a childish grin as she stared at Gligar.

"Seems like I was worried for nothing; these two will get along just fine," Tyson thought as he continued to feed Mudkip. After finishing the bottle, Mudkip was slowly introduced to Pupitar and Trapinch, the latter of whom was happy to have a younger sibling to look after. As for Pupitar, he held a complicated stare. After losing its parents and then Tyson's parents, the only family it had, was Tyson, Bertha, and Shane. Now being a big brother, in his heart, he swore to protect Mudkip and his siblings.

Pokémon Team:

Team Rank: 3


Gender: Male

Type: Rock/Ground

Abilities: Shed Skin

Held Item: None

Moves: Rock Throw, Bite, Payback, Leer, Scary Face, Dragon Dance [Inherited], Ancient Power [Inherited], Stomping Tantrum, Sandstorm, Iron Defense, Outrage, Rock Slide

Custom Moves: Sand Shield

Moves Learnt:


Gender: Female

Type: Ground/Flying

Abilities: Hyper Cutter, Sand Veil, Immunity [Undeveloped]

Held Items: None

Moves: Thief, Knock Off, Poison Tail, Quick Attack, Wing Attack [Inherited], Toxic, Spikes, Toxic, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock Spikes, Venoshock

Custom Moves:

Moves Learnt:


Gender: Male

Type: Ground

Abilities: Hyper Cutter, Sand Trap [Undeveloped] Sheer Force

Held Items: None

Moves: Astonish, Mud Slap, Sand Attack, Bite, Crunch, Bulldoze, Dig, Sand Tomb, Bug Bite [Inherited], Rock Slide

Moves Learnt:

Custom Moves: Sand Trap


Gender: Female

Type: Water

Abilities: Torrent [Undeveloped] Damp [Undeveloped]

Held Items: None

Moves: Tackle, Water Gun, Growl, Mirror Coat [Inherited], Counter [Inherited], Bite [Inherited]

Moves Learnt:

Custom Moves: 

Hey guys hope your week has been good it's going to be back and posting. Feel free to drop a comment, review and follow also don't be afraid to asked questions I'm normally very active in replying to questions

MugenStrifecreators' thoughts
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