
《Chūnin exam 1&2》

Black Blade of Konoha

A/N: Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto.


[Jin's PoV]

Once again I sat in a classroom, once again I had a sheet of paper infront of me where I needed to write down answers. I had already finished college once in my past life. I personally wouldn't call this a challenge despite the brain damage I suffered under the Leaf preacher who's name I didn't bother to remember.

At the corners of my eye, I could see a few fellow Genin already cheating, my team is no exception.

Finishing the writing exam in half of the time it took the others to write down their answers, I flipped my test sheet over and looked at the clock longingly, wishing the time would go faster.

[Exam Overseer's pov]

This year's chūnin exam differs little from last year's. Since tensions with the other villages had been growing by the year, the last two chūnin exams had been for Konoha Genins only.

It's been almost ten minutes since the first one started to cheat. I'm unimpressed. I can see the Hyuga as usual use there doujitsu to peak at the answers, nothing new. That Uchiha in the third row is using a genjutsu to cover up her cheating, unimpressive.

And that one is staring at the clock. Is he not taking this exam seriously? Even if he is fast, there is no way for him to get most the answers correct. This test is designed with special Jonins in mind.

[30 minutes later]

"With special Jonins in mind.' my eyes twitched non stop in pure disbelief. All the answers were correct, with no flaws I could point out even if I wanted to.

[scene change: second part of the exam, forest of death]

[Jin's PoV]

The forest of death, an area of hostile nature probably equal in deadliness to the jungles of pandora. Home to predators of different species. Giant tree leeches fall down from above and are able to suck an adult human dry within minutes. Centipedes the size of amazonian boas can dash out from the corners and liquify it's prey's insides. Poisonous flora that can grant anyone an agonizing death. And then there are the carnivores mammals that fill their stomachs with the incompetent Genins who think they can survive this natural killing zone.

As for myself, I'm less worried about the kill zone I am about to enter and more worried about who the proctor for this part of the exam happens to be.

Standing infront of the crowd was a pale man with long black hair and purple makeup. "For this part of the exam, only a third of you will pass." the proctor said in his horse voice. It's non other than the snake man himself, Orochimaru the favored disciple of the monkey man.

"We will be letting death row inmates free in the forest behind us, ranging from bandits to ones with chūnin level strength. Each one of them have a seal in their backs containing a scroll, each scroll is worth points between 1 to 3. Upon killing the convict, the seal on their backs will unseal one of the scrolls. Each team needs a total of three points to be qualified and are able to move on to the next stage of the exam. The convicts were already told that they will be hunted down, they will be prepared.

The killing of fellow ninjas is forbidden and will result in the team being disqualified. You have three days to hunt down the scrolls and make it to the tower in the center of the forest. Any questions?" The sannin ask rhetorically.

While some of the other Genin teams were digesting the giving information, I already had a plan in my head.

Walking closer to my teammates, Hokuto and Kobeni I said in a whisper. "I have a plan how we can pass this exam. Follow my lead once we are in the forest." I made sure the other teams don't over hear us, information is crucial. Both my teammates nodded in affirmation.

At this point, I have become the unofficial team leader of team five. Stack it up with [Charismatic speech], they are more inclined to listen to me without objections. Still this ability is no mind control, it just make it easier to convince someone with less effort.

[Line break]

Within the forest with the gigantic trees and a darker shade that most forested areas around konoha, With full speed my team headed in a straight line in the direction of the central tower in the middle of this konoha jungle.

I was in the front of the formation with Hokuto behind me his Byakugan activated scouting the area ahead of us. Kobeni at the back ready to assist the group with genjutsu and long range attacks.

Our goal isn't to hunt down the convicts that were let loose in this forest, instead it's to make it to the tower as soon as possible and lay ambush to whoever managed to show up at the tower then steal their scrolls.

This strategy served two purposes. First is to complete the mini quest for this part of the exam. Second is hinder potential competitors.The less competition, the higher the chance is for everyone in my team to become chūnin.

The current konoha needs any ninja above genin the most in these times where tensions are high. What we are doing now is basically indirectly limiting the higher ups options for chūnin candidates.

The requirement for us to pull off something like this depends entirely on our strength.

"In coming, two individuals. One in hiding the other is coming this way." Hokuto said.

*whish! whish! whish!*

Noticing projectiles coming our way, Kobeni detonated a smoke bomb and we spread out under the cover of the smokescreen.

*Thud! Thud! Thud!*

*Zisshhhh. BOOOOM!!*

Three explosive tags went off in sync. The explosion boomed throughout the gloomy forest, dispelling the smokescreen. We were fast enough to get out of the blast range and hide behind the trees.

An average looking person walked into the clearing. Clad in ragged clothe and a ninja pouch tied to his thigh.

"Ya brats aren't bad, but I ain't dying here." The convict said seriously. Preparing another set of explosive kunais he observed his surroundings like a hawk. From the way he acted, it's almost certain that he is chunin level in strength.

Behind a tree I barked out orders. "Strategy eight! Tactic 5!"

When the convict turned towards my direction, Kobeni launched a few more smoke bomb all over the area and substituted herself with a log before a explosive kunai hit her.


Taking advantage of the explosion to muffle my steps I dashed towards the chūnin through one of the smoke clouds. To proof that he is no slouch, the chūnin looked towards my general direction and reacted by throwing two explosive kunais at me.

Seeing the explosive tags about to detonate, I swiped my sword coated in wind chakra and shredded the tags before they can go off, while doing so I let myself get cut by one of the edges and draw my blood on the flat side of my blade.


For a moment the chūnin's eyes reflected a crimson field of red spider lily's. He was still able to see me and tried to block my attack, but unfortunately for him, when Hellscape is activated my attack power is slightly stronger than normal and my base strength is already at the level of a special Jonin.

My wind chakra coated blade sliced down diagonally through his blocking kunai, forearm and ribcage like a sculpting knife cutting clay. In his eyes, the only thing he saw was my malicious grin and the vast field of spider lilys.

Chaining my first slash with another horizontal cut, I managed to bisect him at the upper torso. "That Paradise may be unreachable for me, savor it in my place." These were the last words he heard before his life left his body.

The nameless chūnin is just a convenient stepping stone. More shall follow in his footsteps and rest amongst the crimson bed of flowers.


AN: Here is your monthly chapter.

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