
Heroes, Heroines, Villains

I remembered the time when I came back to Thebes and saw the council elders while on their meeting, Sabah stood on the pharaoh's seat and ran to greet the me. General Jardin-Ur's eyes widened and Sadiki pulled him to the side of the meeting hall, asking why I am still alive. 

The council celebrated my return. I was different, weak, my skin had blue and violet patches that Angianasim checked her up when laid to rest in her chamber. Meraek came running to hug me who is so frail and thin. I am almost skin and bones that Meraek almost died seeing her love so defeated, fragile, no life, joy or light as she had before.

I told Meraek my story that Sakhbe, Hekanefer;s sister helped me in many ways, but when her brother sneaked to check up on her acts he saw me being assisted by the sibling thus suddenly seized me as his captive. People are scared him for he is the worst sadist ruler of Nubia, powerful yet passionate. Prince Hekanefer forced me to be his wife by force. He was gentle at first but since I always resisted his advances he changed from a kind sheep to a flesh enslaving wolf why he is called that in the battlefield. I was always in shackles and after two years of being his sex slave, I was aided and freed by Sahkbe from her brother's captivity. I felt violated, unclean, unworthy as I returned to Egypt weak and defeated. Hekanefer seized her city, Thebes and Cairo but not the whole nation. I was devastated when I found out that my father died protecting my honor, my seat. Sabah remained a faithful scribe and stood as temporary leader for Egypt while I was gone. Jardin-Ur still protected me and my nation, Hekanefer in turn became my lover and father to my child. Egypt became a great nation and more powerful than ever with Nubia on our side to fight for us. The council elders hated me and charged me for treason leaving my throne vulnerable to her enemies. My love Meraek and Sabah helped me in claiming my throne back which I reclaimed after smoothly.

Then, I woke up and seeing Hydra with my soldiers still fighting against the skas. Skelepur came in with his might and dark power like a hanging god in his filthy feature. He is all bones, eaten flesh of blue green, purple and as if melting since Hydra and our men, women, spewed and threw water from the Nile river time and again. Skelepur was melting along with his skas all over the palace, town and Thebes. Hydra spread the news that skas can be killed using water from the Nile.

It is true that I will conquer many cities including Persia and other enemy nations of Egypt. I place a new scribe Sabah as my right hand to help me reign. I was predicted to be hooked in riches, women and power, but changed and remained faithful to my lover. Women came and seduced me, sometimes I fall, sometimes I don't. I am still human and being passionate is my weakness but it is my strength as well.

While Hydra, Mina, Sabah, Meraek, Yuya, Angianasim, the generals, the health workers and the elders are helping the wounded soldiers, organizing groups to send to nearby cities and other countries for military and food aids, I remained standing in my garden overlooking the Nile. I thought about Skelepur and if he is really dead now.

Anubis and Wetwawet laughed at how Skelepur melted and died in front of everyone. Osiris kept silent and when the brothers got into his nerves he zapped them with his lightning using his fingers changing them into dust. That's better!!!, hmph!!!

Anubis and Wetwawet's eyes looked at each other. Wetwawet laughed at how silly Anubis looked as dark sand and all. Anubis spitted dust, stone and sand on Wetwawets eyes that he wasn't able to see. Anubis just laughed at how crazy they appeared to each other now.

Skelepur, my son, I know, you've tried your best to avenge your death but it's time to give up. Come, now and leave the earth! Take your rest. I grant you your eternal life into the underworld. I will see to it that you be reincarnated after 2000 years or so if the gods would allow it. So, for now, enjoy eternal damnation. Skelepur transformed into Xerxes and walked out of the evil lord's melting, eaten and scary body to his original mummified carcass. Xerxes stood and went in a grey area and disappeared into the gloom.


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