
Wars Within

Maybe we need reinforcements your kingship! We can never be too sure especially when our spies found out that Xerxes will be present in the battle tomorrow, General Omari explained confidently while pinpointing the areas where the leader of Persia will be at and more on the military tactic drawing table.

I'm sorry for being late, I need to save the love of my life inside a pig pen! So are we at?, General Hydar (Andromida) retorted strongly as she walked inside the room with Pharaoh Henshu smiling at her.

It's about time, general. And who you might have saved in that filthy quagmire?, Henshupta said and winked at Hydra teasingly. Later my Lord, it's a surprise. Anyway! so, what is Xerxes' position???

General Omari of the Navy and General Gyasi of Chariotry came close together to help me distinguished Xerxes' position and what we will do to trap and capture him. Henshupta tried to touch me on my buttocks but I was able to catch her hand and smiled, thus telling her that I am not in the mood for it now.

Henshupta then continued and resided in the preliminary talks and brainstorming for tomorrow's battle. Regardless of Hydra giving in to her whims or not she'll get her and she always does get whatever she wants since she's Queen and pharaoh. However Hydra is different she knows how to play me and knows the game of tricking me then seizing the moment like I can never go back to the real me anymore. I always fail to control myself in front of her and always die just to kiss or make love to her. Hydra is my precious gem, my goldmine as of the moment.

Henshu, your highness I found my true love Meta and I want to marry her. Will you give out your blessing for both of us before we had out for battle tomorrow?, Hydra whispered as she fixes her armor after we had sex for the third time since I missed her. I was still bare and hugging her when she said those words that cut my heart into pieces and destroyed my world like blacking out a bit, then I woke up seeing her moving away from me. I envision Hydra moving away and father away as if I could never reach her, then saw myself being mourned and thrown with flowers. Oh by the mercy of the gods! Am I going to leave this world without true love I can call my own?, Henshupta suddenly uttered while Hydra is still talking about Meta and her and their love story.

Hey, Henshu, are you alright?, I asked becoming concerned of my queen then held her cheeks to look at me.

Ah yes, I just saw myself dead. Hydra, I'm scared!, Henshupta added and felt the terror crying silently. I wrapped my arms around her since it's peculiar to see the King, Pharaoh so vulnerable since I have never seen her like this, afraid of something. She always appeared composed, strong and mighty. Well, I guess, she is human too. She gets scared for she bleeds and can die too in the end. But now yet, not now or soon.

Not in this lifetime, you're not! My queen, keep the faith, I'm here, we are all here to protect and fight for you! Nothing, no one will ever rob us of our wins. I will make sure of that! Now sleep my Henshu and we will ride to win the battle together tomorrow!, I said kissing pharaoh on her forehead and hugging her passionately.

I left Pharaoh sleeping with a heavy heart. How can I tell her that I love Meta and will marry her when she is like this, unfocused and emotional. I should let her sleep and let the maids not bother to wake her up for the battle tomorrow. She isn't ready and is not fit to lead the soldiers. Be ready Hydra, tomorrow, we will need more than prayers to the gods for Xerxes is a monster who eats flesh and he is definitely interested in eating mine first more than the queen's.

Ahh….ohh!, what time is it? Hydra….Hydra!!!!!, maids, where is my armor? Why didn't you wake me up?

The general said not to….., one maid said and I slapped her for I was so angry that Hydra decided for me instead of asking me about this issue. I am queen and the pharaoh. I should be the one to decide and always have the last say. This is strike one Hydra. Grrrrrr!!!!!

I rode my royal horse while the generals are calling out for the foot soldiers, warriors, charioteers, navies and infantries, preparing to charge. General Hydra is giving an inspirational message when I arrived.

Men and women of Egypt. We are soldiers ready to fight, kill and die for our country, people and queen. Fight like there's no tomorrow. Live like you have never fought before. Be scarred or be scared but not be careless enough not to kill the enemy before you. Protect your right and your left, your front and your back, most especially yourself from doing so. I am proud of all of you and so does your queen…..General Hydra shouted.

I am very much! Fight and don't be afraid to lose or get discouraged. In fear we get to see what's in front of us. Like Daniel who wasn't scared of Goliath, a giant. Or like Pericles who wasn't scared of the monster but killed it with Medusa's numbing eyes. Go forth my lads and ladies! Let's fight like we have never fought before. 'till death. We will merry in the afterlife together!!!, I added and rode my horse in front of General Hydra who was surprised but not very much when I arrived. I may appear weak when we have sex but don't mistake me as a woman who can never fight back or kill you. I am queen and pharaoh, don't give out orders or leave me behind again or I'll cut your head off myself! Understand, darling! It's not an order but a warning!, Pharaoh Henshupta whispered in Hydra's ear that made her insides tingle and steaming with desire. She just breathed and smiled after the queen said all those words that made her more hungry for the pharaoh and hungry to kill Xerxes and defeat him and his soldiers right here, right now, today.

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