
chapter 1

It was dark... too dark to see anything

Did... did I actually get reincarnated?

I asked myself as i just let myself lay on the cold, hard ground for a few seconds to gather my thoughts.

My name... well, my previous name doesn't matter anymore. I was a 20 year old who was too ambitious for their own good. I had just dropped out of college after a series of unfortunate things happened right after another, and I chose to run away from previous life in hopes of living a fresh start inside the wonders of Japan.

Well... Task failed successfully I guess? If I can call it that.

I opened my eyes, and thankfully I was able to confirm that I indeed had a pair of eyes. Stretching my limbs, my hands came into view.

Instead of the normal, human hands that I had gotten used to, I saw a pair of elongated limbs covered in rough, purple skin with black, pointed fingernails that resembled those of what a demon was shown to have in medias from my old world.

Sitting up, I thankfully also had a pair of legs as well as body parts that I previously had. Though there was a slight strange feeling from my back.

As I said that, the strange feeling felt like it was moving side to side. Looking back, a thin-black tail with a jagged tip hanged behind me.

"Hmm, is... that a bad thing?" I asked myself and raised my hands against my head and sure enough, felt a pair of horns which made me sigh.

Is this gonna affect me? I remember Rimuru getting connected with Gazel was only because of the full potions he could make from digesting those grasses.

"What was it called again?"

<>Received. These grasses can be identified as Hipokute Herbs, a type of ingredient used in healing medication. Only thrives in areas blessed with high local magic densities. Fusing its juice with magicules produces recovery medicine. Grinding the blades and fusing them with magicules produces a salve that closes wounds.

A voice rang inside my head, immediately making me smile out of the happiness that washed over me.

"Say, great sage. Is it possible for me to create full potions with this herbs?"

I asked the Great sage as I crouched low, gathering the emerald-green grass into one pile as I awaited the answer.

<>Received, it is indeed possible to store the herbs inside the stomach of unique skill "predator" and absorb vast amounts of magicule to refine them into full potions.


I smirked at myself and spent the followings hours, days, or even weeks in gathering whatever herbs I could get while avoiding any threats lurking inside the cave.

"Hmm, Is it about time I go and find Veldora?" I mumbled to myself as I was sucking in the rest of the herbs I had collected which only amounted to 5% of predator's stomach.

I should find out what my skills does first in the meantime though... I know I got one other unique skill but I already forgot what predator does.

Received. The unique skill "Predator" chiefly comprises the following five effects:


Takes the target into your body. Lesser chance of success if the target has its own consciousness. Can be targeted on organic and inorganic objects, as well as skills and magic.


Analyzes and researches targets taken into your body. Lets you create craftable items. If the required materials are present, allows you to make a copy of the item. Successful Analysis of the casting method allows you to learn the target's skills and magic.


Stores the Predated target. Can also store materials created via Analysis. Items stored in your stomach are unaffected by time.


Reproduces the form and skills of absorbed targets. Only available once the target has been Analyzed.


Stores harmful effects incapable of being analyzed, neutralizing them and breaking them down into magical force

Thanks for the recap great sage, what does relentless does?

Received. The unique skill "Relentless" chiefly comprises of the following effects:


Physical aspects as well as magic held by you will be unconditionally enhanced by a total 5.0× depending on the amount of magicules present in the body.

Vitality Replenishment:

You no longer have the need for sleep and nourishment. The body will absorb magicules in the air in order to replenish vitality

Pain resistance

Pain felt by you will be cut in half.

Weapon resistance :

Cuts, stabs, pierce, and other weapon induced damages are greatly reduces and will be ignored under a certain threshold.


You are classified as an enemy of the world. Healing spells and other buff classified magic are heavily reduced when cast on you.

"Hmm, that's... a really balanced skill?" I mumbled to myself as I heaved a sigh and looked ahead at the cavern walls.

The great sage continued to explain how it had taken me 90 days for all of my skills to be fully absorbed inside my soul. And how it had used the words of the world in order to speak to me as it was speaking now

That's great and all, but I already knew most of that.

I shrugged to myself and kept my mouth shut, focusing my attention towards the great sage as I began to wonder about around the cave.

"Oh yeah, great sage. What am I actually?"

<>Received. The master is now part of the "Tiefling" Race. A sub race that branches out from the Demon race, born from the union of a lower ranked demon and of a mortal woman.

A tiefling huh? I guess that's... a good thing? Probably?

I thought to myself before asking the great sage the greatest, most important question of my entire life.

<>Received. Procreation, though not necessary, is achievable.

"Heck yeah!" I cheered from the top of my lungs, jumping up and down in my place as I thanked the heavens above.

Rimuru, my benefactor, I will enjoy the life that you should have enjoyed to the best I can! Trust me!

I laughed at my predicament, joy filling every fiber of my being until disaster struck.


I cursed outloud

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