
Chapter 41: Human Trash, Skia..Skia, Human Trash!

Grim and Jessica strolled through the park, each enjoying their frozen treats – Grim with his chocolate ice cream cone, and Jessica with a pink popsicle.

The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the scenic path.

As they walked, Jessica broached a subject that had been on her mind. "I've got no idea what to say to Danielle at the science fair next week. We haven't talked much lately, and I don't want to mess this up."

Grim licked his ice cream thoughtfully. "Well, why not start with something she's interested in? What does she like?"

Jessica sighed. "That's just it, I'm not sure. We don't talk about personal stuff much."

Grim suggested, "Let's try a few scenarios." They began role-playing different conversation starters, but each attempt ended with Jessica sounding either awkward or bland.

"What about hobbies?" Grim finally proposed. "Does she have any hobbies?"

Jessica pondered this as they continued their walk.

Just then, a basketball bounced over and stopped at Grim's feet. He picked it up, noticing a group of kids nearby gesturing for him to throw it back.

Instead, Grim aimed for the nearby basket and, mimicking moves he'd seen others do, launched the ball in a perfect arc. It swished neatly through the net, eliciting claps and cheers from the kids and passersby.

Jessica, jolted from her thoughts by the sound, suddenly remembered something crucial. "Danielle loves basketball! She plays because her dad does, and she's good at it."

"There's your answer," Grim said, handing the basketball back to the kids. "Do some research on basketball, watch some games. Maybe even take her to a game in the future."

Jessica nodded, making a note on her phone. "That's a great idea. I'll start with that."

"Alright, then why don't we role-play some scenarios again?" Grim suggested, a playful glint in his eye. "I'll be Danielle, and you try talking to me."

Jessica sighed, but agreed to amuse him again."Okay, let's give it a shot."

Grim cleared his throat and, to Jessica's surprise, adopted a surprisingly convincing girl's voice. "Hi, Mom, what's up?" he said, fluttering his eyelids dramatically.

Jessica tried to suppress a laugh. "Hi, Danielle. How's school going?"

Grim, as 'Danielle,' responded with an exaggerated teenage tone. "It's, like, totally fine, I guess. But why do you suddenly care?"

Jessica sighed, realizing this approach wasn't working. "Okay, that's not going to help. Let's try something else."

They shifted gears, with Grim suggesting Jessica ask about hobbies or interests. As they continued the role-play, Grim maintained his comical portrayal of Danielle, complete with dramatic gestures and expressions.

"So, Danielle, do you still enjoy playing basketball?" Jessica asked, trying a different angle.

Grim, batting his eyelids, replied, "Oh my gosh, yes! It's, like, the only thing Dad and I do together that's fun."

Jessica nodded, getting into the rhythm of the conversation. "Would you like to go to a basketball game sometime? Just you and me?"

Grim paused, then in his 'Danielle' voice, said, "That would be... actually pretty cool, Mom."

Their playful exchange continued, with Grim offering exaggerated responses that made Jessica laugh.

They finished their treats and Grim asked, "Are we heading to the station to report our findings?"

Jessica shook her head. "Not yet. I want solid evidence before accusing Dirk Bane. Years as a PI have taught me to be more cautious."


Back at her apartment, Grim prepared a quick meal. As he cooked, he pondered aloud, "Do you mind if I drop by Felicia's with some food? She probably hasn't eaten since morning."

Jessica agreed, scrolling through the footage from the bug. "Go ahead. I'll review this to see if we missed anything."

After packaging the meal for Felicia, Grim set off.

Jessica sat, headphones on, her eyes focused on the screen, searching for any clue that might unravel the mystery of the AA meetings and Dirk Bane's true motives.


(New York Precinct...)

Grim, following Skia's shadow, found himself at the entrance of a bustling police station.

Policemen walked about, escorting handcuffed criminals and conversing with civilians.

The atmosphere was one of controlled mayhem, this was a typical morning at a busy precinct.


In an interrogation room, an officer was questioning a sullen arson suspect linked to a fire that had killed five people.

Despite their efforts, the suspect remained stubbornly silent.

Behind the one-way mirror, Felicia, observing the fruitless interrogation, sighed in frustration.

She told the officer through his earpiece to take a break. As she rubbed her temples, a female officer approached and whispered something in her ear.

Surprised, Felicia instructed her to bring the individual to her temporary office.

After five more minutes of futile interrogation, Felicia made her way to her office, acknowledging her colleagues along the way.

Inside, she found Grim waiting for her with a container of food.

"You brought lunch?" she asked, a hint of relief in her voice as her stomach growled.

Before she could sit down to eat, Felicia motioned for Grim to sit first. He did so, but to his surprise, Felicia then sat on his lap, seeking his comforting embrace. "Just hold me for a moment," she said softly.

As they sat in the quiet of the office, Felicia began to share the day's tribulations. "It's been non-stop since morning. Two bank robberies, four store robberies, three homicides... and this pyromaniac is driving me nuts. We can't get a word out of him."

Grim listened, just offering an ear as Felicia vented her frustrations. She sighed, leaning into his embrace. "It's days like these that make me question why I chose this job."

Grim offered a comforting squeeze. "But you're good at it. And you're making a difference."

Felicia looked up at him, a tired smile on her face. "Thanks, Grim. I needed to hear that." After a pause, she asked, "How about you? Any progress on your case?"

Grim nodded. "We might be close to cracking it. There's a meeting on Friday that could give us the answers we need."

"That's good to hear, just make sure to be careful."

Felicia finished her meal and stood up, stretching. Grim stood as well, ready to leave, but then he paused. "I might have a way to get your arsonist to talk."

Felicia raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh?"


In the interrogation room, Felicia managed to clear the room and shut off the cameras for a brief period. "I can give you two minutes, but that's it," she warned.

Grim smirked. "One minute is all I need."

As he entered the room, the suspect mistook him for another officer.

Grim locked the door and faced the man. "Did you start the fires?" he asked directly.

The suspect spat on Grim's shoe in response. Grim sighed, "The hard way, then. Human trash—Meet Skia...Skia Meet Human Trash."

A horrifying growl filled the room, plunging it into darkness.

For thirty excruciating seconds, screams echoed, leaving Felicia stunned and hesitant outside.

As the screams ceased, Grim calmly walked out, leaving a visibly shaken suspect behind.

"He's ready to talk now," Grim said casually, kissing Felicia before leaving.

Felicia, still processing the swift turn of events, entered the interrogation room. The arson suspect was now a shadow of his former self, terrified and broken.

"I did it, just make the monster go away!" he pleaded.

Felicia looked back at the door Grim had just exited through, her mind racing. 'What on earth did Grim do in those thirty seconds?' she wondered.

Here's another chapter that was meant for tomorrow because I felt bad for not uploading for a while.

samadomkvcreators' thoughts
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