

So, mistakes come with consequences.

Just like Hawkeye, who is now utterly dead.

This time, no one will bring him back to life.

Seeing Hawkeye die so miserably over a single sentence, many superheroes clenched their jaws and gripped their weapons tightly.

Yet, no matter how angry they were inside, none of them spoke up for the fallen Hawkeye.

Even Black Widow, who had fought alongside him for decades, kept her head down, not daring to look at Zane in the sky.

They didn't want to die!

"Do any of you have questions?"

"If not, I'll officially start the game. I'm quite eager myself."

Zane's face transformed from cold indifference to a bright smile as if flipping a switch, right after Hawkeye was turned into a bloody pincushion by spears.

But this sunny smile on Zane's face only sent chills down everyone's spine.

"Mr. Zane, I have a question!"

Tony, battered and bruised, struggled to his feet and looked at Zane with a complex expression.

"Go ahead!" Zane looked at Tony as if he were a stranger.

With his mind clear, Zane had fully grasped his relationship with Tony.

There was none.

Their fundamentally different ideals meant that any forced relationship would only leave both sides feeling uncomfortable.

It was better to cut ties cleanly and decisively.

Tony glanced at Hawkeye lying in a pool of blood, then looked back at Zane's indifferent eyes.

Taking a deep breath, he asked the most crucial question.

"Mr. Zane, I have just one question."

"What do we gain if we win this duel, and what happens if we lose?"

As Tony's words fell, everyone's eyes focused on Zane, waiting for his answer.

Like lab rats tied to an operating table, waiting in fear for the scalpel to fall.

Zane rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

He hadn't really considered this. This game was a spur-of-the-moment idea for him.

He just wanted to see a good show and hadn't thought about rewards or punishments.

Everyone instinctively held their breath, waiting for Zane's contemplation.

Suddenly, Zane's face lit up with a bright smile, as usual.

"How about this: the losing side's civilization will disappear completely from this universe."

"And the winning side's reward is that their civilization gets to survive."

"What do you think?"

Everyone, including the surviving Chitauri, froze.

They looked at Zane in the sky with incredulous eyes.

Was the fate of a civilization a mere game to this man?

Yes, it was!

Tony took a deep breath, a determined look in his eyes.

"I understand!"

No objections, no arguments.

Tony agreed straightforwardly.

Because he knew that no one could challenge this man's decision!

In fact, Tony had anticipated this outcome.

He knew all too well the twisted amusement in Zane's mind!

Seeing Tony agree so readily, the smile on Zane's face grew even brighter.

The anticipation in his clear eyes was unmistakable.

In the next moment, the Reaper's Scythe suddenly appeared in Zane's right hand.

As he swung it, a semicircular wave slashed through countless buildings, disappearing into the distant horizon.

Immediately, the buildings struck by the wave were severed at their midpoints, collapsing to the ground and kicking up clouds of dust.

Then, the divine power of death surged from Zane's godhood, forming a massive hand in the sky.

This colossal hand descended upon the now-ruined area with overwhelming force.

Each time the hand struck, it felt as if a minor earthquake was shaking New York.

Everyone could almost hear the earth groaning under the strain.

After dozens of strikes, the massive hand disintegrated.

It transformed into a barrier that enveloped the now perfectly leveled area.

At the same time, the excitement in Zane's eyes intensified.

"Skynet, send someone over. I want this game broadcasted live worldwide," Zane announced loudly.

"Yes, boss," Skynet's voice came from the communicator on Zane.

In the villa, Skynet's avatar pushed open the door.

A jetpack emerged from its back, and it soared into the sky, breaking several sound barriers.

In less than ten seconds, it arrived over the battlefield.

Its eyes flashed with green data streams, quickly hacking into all of Earth's signal towers and satellites.

Instantly, every device capable of displaying images on Earth flickered with static before showing live footage of the New York battlefield.

"Can everyone hear me?" Zane pulled out a microphone from his treasury, smiling brightly.

In his mischievous delight, he finally understood why the Grandmaster, the Collector's brother in "Thor: Ragnarok," was so enamored with his gladiator arena.

This feeling of controlling everything and using all beings as pawns was indeed irresistible.

Even the usually calm Zane couldn't resist the urge to play the host.

Once the microphone was confirmed to be linked to the live broadcast, Zane signaled Skynet to focus the camera on the two groups on the ground.

"Ladies and gentlemen, look at the people below."

"Next, these ugly aliens will duel with your beloved heroes."

"The stakes are the survival of civilizations!"

"So, pray and cheer!"

"Pray that your superheroes will pull through this time!"

"Cheer for the existence of these extraordinary beings on your fragile Earth!"

Excitedly, Zane even stood up, passionately pointing at the two factions below.

In the villa, Lorna covered her face in embarrassment as she watched the man brimming with juvenile enthusiasm on the TV.

Who is this clown? I don't know him…

Meanwhile, Bastis, Little Bone, and Groot, upon hearing Zane's voice, gathered around the TV, watching Zane's performance with great interest.

Unlike Zane and his reckless crew, everyone watching the live broadcast was gripped by panic.

Some were in disbelief, while others, fearing the end of the world, began looting and rioting to vent their inner fears.

The global chaos was immediate.

Seeing Zane in the video, the U.S. government broke into a cold sweat and quickly ordered the return of planes armed with nuclear missiles.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, still in his hospital bed, nearly blacked out again upon seeing Zane causing trouble.

Regardless, this game, which Zane saw as mere entertainment, had everyone on edge.

"Now, both sides have ten seconds to choose their first-round fighters," Zane said, looking down at the people below.


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