
Spending Time with Family (Part 6)

Whilst waiting for the pizza to arrive we discussed some small topics. May stayed clear of Emma's fake parents and just asked questions about her life and where she worked. When my wife had told her that she lived in Atlantis and owned a company that dealt directly with the world government May almost had a fit. She had expected a poor woman or couple that was on hard times, not a woman with so much power and influence.

Peter was interested as he also asked her what company she owned. My wife had found this question funny as she soon answered, revealing her phone that had an ID from Frost Corp, her company. Her brother was instantly excited and began to ask a million questions, his genius shining through as he discussed some of the most modern products my wife's company was making. Flying cars, weapons and so much more... I understood it all but I was kinda doing all of this to take a break from complex thoughts and work. Luckily May was frustrated with the fact she couldn't understand and started to just move her head from one to the other.

"Emma, Peter, please change subject. Your aunt is feeling quite, excluded."

Emma widened her eyes and looked over at May, an apologetic look coming over her as she began to speak.

"Sorry, May, I didn't mean to exclude you..."

"Oh, don't be silly. I was just a bit surprised how alike you both looked when discussing such nerdy topics." 

I laughed at her statement and then looked between the two, noticing a small resemblance despite the fact Emma took after her mother and Peter obviously took after their father. It was a little uncanny for me but I decided to refocus us all towards something different, well, until the front door bell rung. Standing up I walked to the front door, May tried to get up instead but was reassured by Emma that it was fine.

Getting to the front door I opened it to find a woman with a battle scar across her face. She was a strong looking woman with enough strength to blow this building to smithereens, let alone the apartment. Yes, this was one of my praetorian guard... 

"Pizza gal?"

"Yes madam President."

I chuckled and took the pizza with my magic, my smile causing the praetorian to nod and grin just a tiny bit before stepping back and walking to the side of the door. Like a bouncer at a night club she simply stood there, stalwart and unmoving. She was one of many people that had died in the first conflict in 40k and as such she saw serving me as the ultimate honour, their lives having been saved by me.

Hearing steps from behind me I turned and began walking back, the pizzas floating behind me as I saw May coming towards me. She was definitely weirded out by the floating pizza boxes but quickly ignored it as she noted the presence of another person by the door. 

"Who is that? Is she your friend?"

"You... Could say that... She is my praetorian."

"Pray what now?"

"Guard, body guard."

"Oh! Okay."

Yet again I had weirded her out and she was nervously watching my praetorian. Rolling my eyes when she couldn't see I sent a small message to her to come inside so she stopped worrying May. Her movements were janky at first but soon smoothed out as she walked inside. That was when May saw the uniform she was in, one that was dedicated to the protectors of the leader of the Global Government. Her mouth was wide open before turning her head in my direction, abject horror and curiosity flowing out of her.

'Oh for fuck's sakes...'

"A-are, y-you a leader in the government...?!"

"Let's sit down first. Praetorian, please stay near the entrance."

"Yes Madam President." 

May almost fainted in that moment as my praetorian stepped up beside the door and looked extremely happy, being let in like she was meant, to her, that she was doing a good job.

'I'll give her a promotion and make her a personal guard for Emma...'

|Suck up|

'Shut it.'

Walking into the lounge room I soon found Emma arm wrestling Peter and winning hands down, her primordial strength beating the immature body of Spiderman. May was walking a little behind me, sweat slightly beading on her face as she was concerned suddenly about so many different thing, most prominently the state of her house.

She was too cute... Unfortunately I couldn't hit that. With that in mind I set the pizza down, motioning May to sit down and for Peter to pay attention, something he picked up easily with his Peter-tingle. Emma was a little shocked at the change of mood, her senses no doubt expanding out and witnessing my praetorian standing there like a brick wall of pure power. Giving me a single twitch of her eye, i could tell she was pissed by this... 

'Maybe don't make her Emma's Guard... Perhaps my personal one? My Praetorian Primarch? Hahaha, now that would be really fucky...! I love it.'

A shiver spread through the woman at the front door as I sat down on the opposite side to May, Peter sitting to the side and eating a single piece of pizza. Emma followed her brother and ate pizza as if it were popcorn and we were a movie they were watching.

`Hey that shit looks as fun as fuck, why can't i Be there purple hair wonder?`

`Shut it Deadpool!`

`Ohhh... That time of the month again is it?`

`Don't make me fucking smite you...`

`Just Kidding! Just Kidding... Let me know if you need any tampons though...`


`I'm gonna go now. Call me if you need some cocaine real quick!`

"First, May, my name is Emelia Lionheart." 

The pizza slipped from Peter's hand as he looked like he was having a heart attack, despite his 17-18 year old body. So shocked was he, that the pizza would have fallen to the floor if it had not been for Emma picking it out of mid-air, placing it back down on the box for her brother.

"I am the Primordial Goddess of Emotion, Luck, Magic and many other elements. Currently I rule as the supreme President of the Veritas Imperium. I cleansed the world of corruption-"

"And you brought humanity into the space age. You are the person responsible for making the internet free entirely for everyone and then not only that, you are creating the orbital rings of Terra where we can house billions more people or even grow massive quantities of crops!"

I smiled as Peter picked up my explanation. He was intelligent, and i needed more people like that. My kids were fucking brilliant and so were my women, but besides them only Tony Stark, Erik and Xavier has proper intellect suitable for rapid progression, oh, and Elon Musk. An idea started to form in my mind... They were moving, so they needed a house or were at least open to the idea... 'Maybe after I have explained everything.'

"Yes. Anyway, that is just my official shit. So please don't be concerned by my praetorian, she is a perfectly moral woman who previously died in combat and was brought back by me."

Peter practically had glowing eyes at my explanation as May was just continuously processing. So complex were her emotions that even I could only feel the surface of them. It was cute, yet again, she was just way too chill and now she wasn't, the dichotomy was delicious. Emma deadpanned at me and glared into the side of my face, my feelings fading as I knew I'd be beaten if I continued with those thoughts.

"I know this is a lot. But, i wish to help you out."

May snapped out of her emotions at the mention of help, her hands flailing forwards as she tried to deny it. That was until Peter stopped her and looked at me seriously.

"How do you wish to help?"

"Well, you are my brother in-law technically, and she is my aunt in-law, so? Probably getting you guys a house you want. Education you want or need. Opportunities."


"Hmmm, think of this as less of me putting you in a position that you were unfit for because you were family. More like I am giving you training, education and ample time to make something of your lives or simply live in comfort."

May seemed moved by that, and Peter too was intrigued. Emma stood up and walked to my side, hugging into me and looking at her two new family members.

"I know we have only known each other for a short amount of time, so if you need some more-"

"Time, yes, we need some time to process and understand... Can Emma stay with us for a while Emelia?"

"As long as she's fine with it."

"I am."

"Good, okay, well I'll go now then. I hope you get to know each other better and I apologise for not being able to stay here much longer."

May attempted to deny the apology but was stopped as Emma's next words stunned her to silence.

"Yes, my sisters will be quite pissed if you miss your time with them..."

"MHM! Good point, chao!" 

I snapped my fingers and vanished me and my guard, both of us appearing within my apartment as Fleur stepped forwards from the kitchen.

"Is it my turn yet?"


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