
Spending Time with Family (Part 4)

With a flash of azure light I stepped out from the remnants of Emma's 'parents' ' house, our apartment entering into my vision as I held Emma herself within my arms. Her eyes were red and sore, soft snores of emotional tiredness echoing out somewhat. I felt utter sadness for her, today was meant to be a happy day, not what it had become soon after our arrival. 

' I'll have to make it up to her in whatever way I can...' Sombrely i gazed down at my beautiful wife's sleeping face, her body hugging into me for warmth and support. I had to stay with her, no matter what else was planned for today. Footsteps lightly pattered against the polished floor boards of the apartment, my other wives stepping in to check. Jean, Blink, Sol, Hel and Hela all stopped when they saw how wrecked Emma was and my steely expression.

"Honey...? What happened?"

"Hmmm, that is for Emma to speak on when she awakes, if she wishes to do so. Just please keep in mind that she had gone through a very traumatic experience, okay?" My other wives paled and looked worried that some of their experiences would be the same. Rolling my eyes I stepped forwards and gave each one of them a kiss on the forehead before walking past them.

"I'll continue our family meetings tomorrow, okay...? I just need to stay with her for tonight." No words were spoken. only supportive emotions as they followed after me, wanting to spend their time with her as well.


The next day Emma finally awoke, her expression completely unresponsive as she just stared at me, tears leaking from her eyes. I was broken, our lives weren't supposed t be like this... The thought that if I had just left it alone we could be enjoying our time together seeped into my consciousness constantly. Emotions did not affect me as such but they were definitely there, within me, whispering cruel little nothings. 

Hel and Hela were also there, their emotions clear for me to feel. They were pissed, not understanding what had lead her to this point. Sol had been here just a few minutes ago but had gone to go grab Fleur, Emma's closest 'sister'. Emma reached her hands out and beckoned for me to hug her, which I gladly did. Her grip was strong, immensely so, her emotions erratic despite the justification she had in ending her 'parents'.

'System... Is there a way for me to tell who is her Biological mother?'

[System already knows who her parents are... Do you wish to know?]

'Yes...' Is stroked her hair and felt her calm down, her mind slowly settling into comfort as the negative emotions faded.

[Mother of Emma 'Frost' is a woman known as: Mary Parker]

'Hold on!' My surprise must have scared her as she latched onto me harder, her strength powerful enough to obliterate a planet if she wanted to, not enough to hurt me though. I ran my hand through her hair and then slowly brought them to her cheeks, walking back a single pace and looking down at her. Her eyes were somewhat focussed now as she stared right back into my soul. All of my feelings spilled out through our connection, my love for her, the love i had for her little quirks and interests... Even my love of her super enthusiastic explanations of scientific topics. Tears began to coalesce in her eyes. 

"I love you Emma, no matter what anyone else does, I will always love you. Even if you were to become a Nazi, I would still love you... Please, do not recoil from me, from your sisters... We love you and want you to talk to us." Tears now leaked from her eyes down her bright red cheeks as the Nazi line was cringey and caused her to blush from how ridiculous it was. Smiling from her embarrassment I wiped her tears and beckoned Hel and Hela over, Fleur stepping into the room after Sol as they just returned.

"What happened Emma!?" Fleur ran up to Emma and took her hands, her expression hurt and concerned as she looked to me and hurtfully smiled. She knew it wasn't my fault, no doubt, but she wasn't certain and therefor my presence was worrying to her. Unfortunately for my silly little Witch wife, i would go nowhere.

"I- i am okay Fleur... I just found out some stuff about my parents..." Her tone was muffled slightly from her emotions as she even let the last words die as they were spoken. Fleur sat beside her and hugged her from the side, her hands rubbing Emma's back as my frosty wife gazed at me with curiosity.

"What were you... surprised about honey...?"

I closed my eyes and sighed, showing my dislike of this line of questioning. Despite this I opened them once more and looked at Emma.

"Whilst you were asleep and in your torpor, I did some digging into your actual family..." Emma's eyes lit up as I felt small buds of excitement burgeon, as if the possibility of having family was a god-send, the greatest present she could ever receive. This was quickly sputtered out however by the realism of her logic as she quickly came to the conclusion that they wouldn't accept her.

"You have a brother, and an Aunt... They live in New York." Her eyes lit up like endless stars as the excitement that was smothered burned bright again.

"A-are they nice people?" Her voice was quiet but her smile was obvious, Fleur, Sol, Hel and Hela all grinning at the change in emotion of the hurt woman.

"Yes. In fact, your brother is a genius that saves people and your Aunt is a caring woman and loving... And might I say, very JUICY..." Emma rolled her eyes at my comment and then laughed, her mood somewhat returning to the norm. Pain was still evident in her body language and her mannerisms but this wouldn't be noticeable to most people.

"You are not going after my aunt... Okay?"

"Okay... fine. Anything for you all." Her smile widened at that as she stood up slowly, moving over to me and kissing me, her lips as soft as fresh snowfall.

"Good. Can we go meet them?"

"If we can't, who can?"


Standing before an apartment building with a very 'New York' feel to it, the general sounds of flying cars and people resonated throughout the perfectly clean streets. Since the Veritas Imperium's rise the American Infrastructure had been all replaced and updated. Highways and roads leading from city to city were scrapped and dug up, allowing the earth to rejuvenate in many ways. Now there were long connecting floating buoys that outlined the exterior of the floating road, the new highways and roads being totally holographic.

Emma and I stood before the building in comfortable clothes, formal in style but great in every other way. I wore black jeans with a black blazer, underneath said blazer a black and gold shirt outlined my perfect figure. John Lennon glasses with red lenses adorned my face, lightly sitting on my nose as my hair was all swept to one side. Emma was wearing a lovely red and blue dress, the red a bombastic explosion of vibrancy as the blue was made of metallic elements that weaved in and out of the red in a fancy pattern. Needless to say she was beautiful.

"Emelia, you look so beautiful... I should have chosen something better..." Emma looked down at her own dress and looked mildly frustrated at her own sense of taste at this moment. Shaking my head I smiled and grasped her chin, my lips meeting hers for a few seconds before I took her right hand.

"Don't be silly, my snow angel, you are beautiful today. Now, let us go meet your aunt and brother, m'kay?" She blushed before nodding, her eyes scanning the exterior of the New York apartments. Today I had called for a holiday in New York, celebrating the accomplishments of the Military. The act had gotten a lot of support and was declared a holiday on this continent, naturally I did this to get Peter Parker free from school for this day. Luckily I had been able to use some of my influence to shove this through before school started, the internet being used to disperse the notice at abnormal speeds.

Stepping into the building there was very little to speak about. It was your typical every day apartment building in New York. Very little people walking in and out and a missing receptionist at the front. The lobby was very basic with a tan colouration and shitty wallpaper, needless to say it was a blast from the past of Terra. Emma was looking towards the reception area with a little bit of frustration.

"Honey, how are we supposed to find what level they are on?"

"I am a Primordial, so are you... Hahaha, all you have to do is extend your senses through the building." Her entire demeanor shifted into embarrassment as she looked down at the ground, her right hand tightening around my left hand.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, let us go up there." I guided us over to an elevator and hit the up button, waiting for a few seconds as the Elevator slowly reached our position. With a ding we entered and began to slowly lift upwards. It was an odd sensation going from teleportation to more rudimentary transportation, I could see why deities after a while just did mundane things to satiate their curiosity. Craning my head to look at Emma I soon noticed her minor anxiety in meeting complete strangers that were meant to be her family, her true family. I couldn't do much about that as it was natural, simply staying by her side would be enough.

A minute passed before we finally reached the floor we needed to get to. Stepping out the wallpaper was the same, many doors lining the hall as a small group of people moved away from us. Smiling at Emma I pulled her along with me, her nervousness growing as we got closer.

"Come on sweetie, It won't be that bad!" I spoke aloud as I pulled us down the right-hand side of the hallway, stopping when the number of doors we had passed was 13, standing in front of door 14. Emma stood next to me and squirmed a little, her left hand reaching out as if to knock. She paused for several seconds as the sound of people talking inside came to our ears, our current senses limited to Human Levels.


The sound inside ended prematurely as footsteps took its place, soft pitter patters of a slow moving person crisply conveying despite our limited senses. Within the next moment a peep hole opened in the door and a womanly voice questioned our presence.

"Hello? Who are you two?"


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Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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