
chapter 29

(A few minutes later)

Not too long later; Yuya and Rin stood across Kisara and Sora in the duel arena of the building. Yusei, Lulu, Zuzu, Serenity, Allie, Tate, Frederick and Kisara's escorts stood on the sidelines in the hall outside the arena. Both black suited men were watching from the right window, while everyone else watched from the left one. Skip was up in the control room, ready to activate the Arc System at any moment.

'And so begins an epic showdown between our resident Pendulum expert and Synchro witch against a wannabe student and businesswoman!' Skip cried out through the control room's speakers as Yuya, Rin and Sora brought out their Duel Disks and placed them on their left forearms, Yuya's one had the microchip Kisara gave earlier, inside of it.

Sora's one wasn't a Fusion Dimension Duel Disk, it was a yellow Standard Dimension one, something that Rin frowned at. 'He's using a Standard Dimension Duel Disk instead of one from the Fusion Dimension. Still, I bet that thing can still let him contact his home and travel dimensions'. The Synchro Duelist thought to herself, certain that Sora didn't just buy that Duel Disk somewhere around in Standard.

Sora was eying Rin's Duel Disk as well, recognizing it as one from his home dimension. 'That Duel Disk is from my home. Does this mean Rin and that Lulu girl over there are the important assets that Yusei stole?' The 13-year-old thought to himself, then looked through the corner of his right eye towards Yusei. 'I'll find it soon. Right now, let's see what this guy can do'. Sora added, turning his gaze back to Yuya. He then held up the right hand, now holding his deck of cards, then slotted it into the Duel Disk's deck zone.

Both Yuya and Rin slotted their decks in with all of their Duel Disks automatically shuffling the decks. Kisara reached into the coat she was wearing with her right hand, then brought it out to reveal her deck of cards in hand. She wordlessly slotted it in the custom-made Duel Disk's deck zone.

"Duelists, get ready! To duel!" Skip exclaimed with spirit, swiping his right hand up with the index finger out. Then brought it down to press a single button of the Arc system. The screen pulled up a single card, before it turned around to reveal it was the Field Spell Card; Wildest West. "Our card slingers will clash in the Wildest West!" Zuzu's father cried out as the Arc System underneath the field began to activate with beams of light erupting out. "Augmented Reality Combat System Energized! Generating Action Field!" The Ai called out as the Duel Field began to glow a pink colour.

The field transformed into an Action Field that was like the old west, like those towns in cowboy movies. Yusei widened his eyes slightly at seeing the field; it reminded him greatly of Crash Town, now known as Satisfaction Town back in his world and all the friends waiting for him. He gave a small smile, liking this field a bit, but it didn't seem like everyone liked the Wildest West Action Field. "Don't you have a cooler field? This one's kinda lame". Sora remarked as he crossed both arms and turned away with a frown, disliking the field because it wasn't his style.

Skip blinked in shock at Sora's words, Yusei's eyebrow twitched, and Rin frowned at the 13-year-old boy. "You've gotta be kidding me". Yuya muttered to himself, more annoyed than anything else at Sora. "Use your imagination! I wanna duel Yuya somewhere sweater than this!" Sora called out to Zuzu's father, looking up to Skip with both arms spread out.

Skip opened his mouth to speak, only to stop himself and pale a little bit. Sora frowned in confusion at seeing the expression on Skip's face, but before he could ask him what was wrong, he then find out why.


Something slammed down hard on Sora's head, causing him to cry out in surprise and pain. He quickly came down onto his knees, both hands over the head as he tried to ease the pain somehow. Sora looked up, then comically paled at seeing Rin standing there, gazing down at him in disapproval with both arms crossed. "This Action Field is the one that's been chosen, so no complaining. You can never expect an Action Field to be one you'd prefer, so shut it! We're dueling here, got it!" The Windwitch Duelist told Sora with a cold, stern voice that made Sora shiver in fright.

'Holy motherland of chocolate! This lady's terrifying!' Sora shouted inside his mind, before nodding to Rin in fear comically fast. "O-okay! I got it!" The blue-haired boy replied to Rin, something that made her grow a pleased grin. "Good... Now shut it and just get ready to duel". The green-haired girl told Sora, before turning around and walked away.

The Fusion Duelist grumbled, still rubbing his head even as he got back up. Sora turned to look at Kisara and saw her giggling innocently at him, something that made the Fusion Duelist grow anime white angry eyes at her. "It's not funny!" He snapped at her, which only made Kisara giggle more.

Rin stooped once she was next to Yuya, who was watching her with a bit of sweat going down the side of his face. She raised her left hand up into the air, right as the Duel Disk activated. The screen had the words "Duel Mode" first, then changed them with "Standby" right before it activated with the blade appearing. Rin turned around and swiped her left hand down forward. "Let's just skip the whole chant thing and get straight to the fun part!" Rin exclaimed, then reared her left hand in front of herself.

Kisara gave a cool smile at the younger female, rearing her left hand in. "Very well then. Prepare yourself!" She exclaimed, throwing her hand out right as the custom-made Duel Disk activated with a blade shaped like one of Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon's wings appearing. "Let's get this game on!" Yuya called out, before holding up the left arm with his Duel Disk activating. Sora grinned, holding his left arms in front of his chest right as the Duel Disk activated with a blue blade.

"Duel!" All four duelists cried out as the drew the top 5 cards of their deck, officially starting the tag duel.

Yuya Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Rin Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Sora Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Kisara Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Action cards gathered above the field, before they dispersed all over the field. "Action cards dispersed!" The same female AI voice from before called out, a soft wind blowing past the four duelists with Kisara's hair slightly blowing. "The first move is mine, so check this out!" Yuya exclaimed, taking a single card from the ones in his hand and held it up. "Making her first debut here today, give a warm welcome for my Performapal Uni!" He called out, then threw the card down on the Duel Disk's blade.

A bright light appeared above Yuya, quickly taking a humanoid shape before its glowing died down. It was Performapal Uni with the teenage female monster giving a happy cry as she spun around, then took a cutesy pose.

Performapal Uni ATK: 800/ Level: 4.

"And that's not all! When Uni is successfully Summoned, she lets me Special Summon another Performapal monster from my hand". Yuya explained, taking another card from his hand and flipped it over. "So say hello to Performapal Corn!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist exclaimed, placing the card down next to Uni's card. A blue light appeared next to Performapal Uni, before it took shape and died down to reveal Performapal Corn. The female monster gave a bright grin as she and Uni posed together with their backs pressed against one another as if they were two idols performing together.

Performapal Corn ATK: 600/ Level: 3.

Zuzu and Allie both grew big smiles at seeing the monsters Yuya had; admiring Corn and Uni for their beauty. "Wow... They're so beautiful". The little red-haired girl commented, pressing both hands against the window. "I know, right? Those two look like popstar idols". Zuzu said, mentally wishing she had monsters like Uni and Corn. Serenity and Lulu smiled at their fellow females, before looking at each other.

"These ladies have a few tricks up their sleeves, like this one! I activate Performapal Corn's special ability!" Yuya declared, throwing his right hand forward. "By switching her and Uni from ATK to DEF Mode...!" He began to explain, both Performapal monsters coming down and landed in front of Yuya, taking defensive positions.

Performapal Uni DEF: 1500.

Performapal Corn DEF: 1000.

"I get to add a Pendulum card from my deck to the hand!" Yuya finished explaining, glancing down to his deck at it started shuffling through the Duel Disk's shuffle system. After a moment or two, it ceased shuffling with a single card slotting out. Yuya picked it up with the right hand's index and middle fingers, then held it up for everyone to see. "I add the Pendulum Monster; Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon!" He declared, holding the card out for everyone to see.

Sora grew an excited face at seeing Yuya's new card, believing it to be a sign that he was about to Pendulum Summon next. "A Pendulum card! Does that mean you're about to Pendulum Summon, Coach Y?!" The 13-year-old boy asked with an excited voice, catching Yuya's attention as he looked at the younger male. "Unfortunately, no, not just yet". Yuya answered as he added Arc Pendulum Dragon's card to the hand, much to Sora's disappointment.

"I'll throw one card face-down and end my turn!" Yuya declared, slotting a card from his hand into the Duel Disk. A face-down card appeared in front of the Odd-Eyes Duelist, before it quickly disappeared with Yuya taking off to the right.

Sora Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

(Yugioh GX OST 01 Kaisei Joushou Hallelujah (TV Size) (HQ)

"You call that a move, Coach Y? I can match it, no problem! My turn now!" Sora exclaimed, placing his right hand's fingers on the top card of his deck. "I draw!" He added, drawing the card in a dramatic fashion by swiping his hand out. The blue-haired boy took a glance at the new card, before holding it out. "I'll get flapping to it by Summoning Fluffal Penguin!" Sora called out, then threw it down on a Monster Zone.

A torrent of water appeared in front of Sora, before it cleared to reveal a stuff penguin toy with it crying out energetically.

Fluffal Penguin ATK: 1600/ Level: 4.

"Now I play this little guy's special ability! Once a turn; Fluffal Penguin lets me Special Summon a Fluffal monster from the hand except another one of it!" Sora explained Fluffal Penguin's special ability, then held up another card and flipped it over. "Come out and say hi, Fluffal Leo!" The 13-year-old boy called out, then swiped the card down next to Fluffal Penguin's one.

A bright light appeared on Sora's right, but quickly cleared to reveal a stuff lion toy.

Fluffal Leo ATK: 1600/ Level: 4.

Yusei raised an eyebrow at seeing Sora's monsters, while Lulu just frowned a bit. "They're so adorable!" Serenity exclaimed in delight, before turning to look at Yusei with slightly flushed cheeks. "Yusei, aren't they just cute and cuddly?" She asked the young adult, catching Yusei's attention as he looked at her, before quickly looking away. "Cute and cuddly aren't really my thing". Satellite's Shooting Star stated, much to Serenity's disappointment at hearing that answer.

Back to the Duel, Yuya entered a bar and disappeared from sight. Performapal Uni and Corn floated after in after their duelist, leaving Rin to face Sora and Kisara by herself. The 13-year-old boy chuckled at Rin, before holding up a single card with his right hand. "I'll throw a face-down card and end my turn". He declared, swiping the card into his Duel Disk. A face-down card appeared in front of Sora, before quickly disappearing.

'The rules of this battle royal is that no one's allowed to declare an attack until everyone's had their turn. Their Life Points are the same, they don't share a Graveyard or field. And the duel ends only when only one duelist remains'. Yusei thought to himself, going over the rules for this 4-way battle royal. 'I should tell Serenity about the rules of duels like these so that she doesn't make a mistake when she starts dueling'. The Synchro Duelist added, taking a mental note to teach the teenage girl about battle royal duel rules.

Rin Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

(Music end/ Play Yugioh 5D's OST 02 Kizuna (TV Size)

"My turn! Now watch and learn!" Rin exclaimed with an excited grin, taking hold of the top card with her right hand. "I draw!" She cried out, drawing the in a dramatic fashion like Sora did. She flipped it over and gazed through her right eye's corner, then gave a satisfied smirk at what she saw. The Witch of the Wind swiped her right hand forward, revealing to be holding the Spell card; One for One. "I'll start off by activating the Spell card; One for One!" Rin called out, before slotting the Spell card into the Duel Disk.

A large copy of One for One materialized beside Rin on her right, before it began glowing. "One for One lets me discard a card from my hand..." Rin began to explain, discarding Windwitch - Ice Bell from her hand to the Graveyard. "Then, I can Special Summon a Level 1 monster!" She finished explaining, taking another card from her hand and held it up.

"Through One for One's power, I Summon Windwitch - Snow Bell!" Rin called out, then threw the card down on the blade. A portal appeared right next to Rin, before Windwitch - Snow Bell floated out of it and appeared with a small flash.

Windwitch - Snow Bell ATK: 100/ Level: 1.

"She won't be alone for long, because now I Summon Windwitch - Frosty Bell!" Rin called out, placing another card down next to Snow Bell's one and then threw her right hand out. Another portal appeared, before something floated out of it. It was a light blue snow ornament with angel wings at the top, a green gem at the top of its head and two tear drops on the pattern.

(Windwitch - Frosty Bell/ Level: 2/ Attribute: Wind/ Type: Spellcaster/ Effect/ ATK Points: 800/ DEF Points: 500/ Effect: If this card was Normal Summoned, select one "Windwitch" monster in your graveyard and Special Summon it. If the monster Summoned by this effect is a Tuner monster, add one "Windwitch" card from your deck to your hand.)

"When this card is Normal Summoned, Frost Bell lets me Summon another Windwitch monster from my Graveyard". Rin explained her monster's special ability, then glanced down at her Duel Disk as Windwitch - Ice Bell's card slotted out of the Graveyard Zone. She took the card and then held it up. "So my Ice Bell comes back from the Graveyard!" The teenage girl called out, then threw the card down on the blade.

Another portal appeared, before something shot out of it. It was Windwitch - Ice Bell, riding on her broom with a bright smile. She flew around a bit, then stopped next to her fellow Windwitch monsters and gave a wink of the right eye.

Windwitch - Ice Bell ATK: 1000/ Level: 3.

"Just what you'd expect from Rin, three monsters on her first turn". Frederick remarked with a wide smile at seeing the three Spellcaster-Type monsters. "And that's not all; one of them is a Tuner Monster!" Tate pointed out with an excited grin, something that made Serenity giggle at the two young boys.

"I play Ice Bell's special ability! When this card is Normal or Special Summoned; you take 500 points of damage!" Rin exclaimed with a grin, something that Sora widen both eyes in alarm at hearing this. Ice Bell raised her right hand and pointed the wand towards Kisara, a sign that she was the target. "Let her have it!" The green-haired female told Ice Bell, a command she was happy to obey as she unleashed a light blue beam from the wand.

Kisara stood still as the beam drew closer. Right when it was about to strike, the white-haired girl stepped aside, resulting in the blue beam passing through and struck the ground 5 feet away from Kisara, freezing the ground where it struck.

Kisara Life Points: 4000 - 500 = 3500.

Rin gave an impressed whistle at seeing Kisara flawlessly dodge Ice Bell's attack like that. "Wow... Not just beautiful looking and kind, but cool headed and fast as lightning. No wonder she was able to snatch a company's CEO". The green-haired girl remarked, starting to admire Kisara greatly after all she's seen so far. She wasn't the only one; Serenity was staring at Kisara in awe with both hands clapped together.

Rin looked back at her hand of two cards, before picking one of them up and held it out. "Before I get to Synchro Summoning, I'm gonna restock my hand a little! I activate Sacred Winds!" She cried out, right before the Spell card began glowing a bright green colour. "For every WIND Attribute monster I control, Sacred Winds lets me draw a card! Since I have 3, I draw three new cards!" Rin explained the Spell card's effect, right before discarding it.

Frosty Bell, Snow Bell and Ice Bell all began glowing a bright green color, before the top 3 cards of Rin's deck began to glow as well. Rin drew the three glowing cards and held them up, right before they and the Windwitch monsters ceased glowing. Rin gave a pleased smile, before slotting two of them into her Duel Disk. "I'll set two face-downs..." The green-haired girl began, right as two face-down cards materialized in front of her.

"Now, Level 1 Windwitch - Snow Bell tunes with Level 3 Ice Bell and Level 2 Frosty Bell!" Rin cried out, throwing her right hand into the air. Snow Bell transformed into a single bright light, before it turned into a single green ring that ascended into the air. Frosty Bell and Ice Bell flew towards the ring together, and right when they began to pass through it, they transformed into orange transparent. 3 bright stars appeared in Ice Bell's body, and 2 for Frosty Bell.

1 + 3 + 2 = 6.

"Fierce piercer that never relents, even when destroyed! Come forth and pierce these opponents down! I Synchro Summon!" Rin chanted, right as a thin beam appeared in in between the monsters and ring, before bursting into a powerful bright one that absorbed both the ring and monsters. "Level 6! Windwitch - Piercing Bell!" She cried out, right before the beam cleared to reveal Windwitch - Piercing Bell.

Windwitch - Winter Bell ATK: 2000/ Level: 6.

"And there it is! A Synchro Summon!" Allie cried with a wide smile, staring up at Piercing Bell with a bright smile. "Very impressive". Serenity commented, impressed with how Rin Synchro Summoned using 3 monsters. "It only has 2000 ATK Points". Zuzu pointed out, finding the Synchro Monster's ATK Points rather small. "Don't worry about that. Piercing Bell has an ability that makes up for the lack of ATK Points". Lulu told her counterpart with a confident voice, much to Zuzu's curiosity as she looked at the Xyz Duelist.

"I activate Piercing Bell's special ability! When she's Successfully Synchro Summoned; she deals 300 points of damage for every monster used as Synchro Material for its Synchro Summon!" Rin explained the Synchro Monster's special ability, then held up her right hand's index, middle and ring fingers. "Three monsters were used, so that's a total of 900 points!" She calculated for everyone, before pointing towards Sora with her right hand's index finger.

"Your turn now, Sora! Piercing Bell, attack!" Rin commanded her Synchro Monster, intending to deal some damage to Sora now. Piercing Bell gazed down to Sora, before holding her right hand out towards him and fired 3 icicles from the ice gauntlet. Sora took a step back, looking up towards the incoming icicles and cried out in panic, before comically turning around and ran off. Because of this, the icicles ended up piercing the ground where Sora had just been standing at, before bursting into icy green sparkles.

Sora Life Points: 4000 - 900 = 3100.

In the control room; Skip winced a bit from watching this. "Oh boy... Rin truly is ruthless to deal damage to both Sora and this Kisara woman on her first turn. I'm starting to doubt she even knows the meaning of mercy". The adult man remarked, then hugged himself in fright. He once thought his daughter was as ruthless anyone could be, but Rin came alone and shattered that thought. Unlike Zuzu who relies on her paper fan, Rin uses her firsts, elbows, knees and legs and they were just as painful as Zuzu's fan.

Sora stopped running and turned around to face to look towards Rin with a frown. "Hey! Take it easy on me, lady! Couldn't you have waited until your next turn to hit me with some damage?!" The 13-year-old exclaimed at Rin, right as Fluffal Penguin and Leo both floated down and ran up next to him. "Sorry, but that's not how my deck works. It goes on the attack straight away". Rin answered with a smug grin, before holding up her left hand.

Windwitch - Piercing Bell flew through the air, before suddenly spun around to face the other direction and shot forward to Rin. She reached out with her left hand and once she the green-haired girl, Piercing Bell grabbed hold of Rin's left wrist. The Synchro Monster brought its Duelist to behind her on the ice broom, where Rin took a seat as Piercing Bell soared though the Wildest West field. "My turn is over now, so come at me!" Rin declared with a smile, making herself comfortable on Piercing Bell's broom.

Kisara Life Points: 3500/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

(Music end)

Just then, the doors to the bar that Yuya entered were kicked open, revealing a grinning Yuya, holding an Action card with his right hand. "Look what I found!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist called out, walking down to the sandy street. Performapal Uni and Corn leaped out of the bar, spun around in mid-air, then landed down on their knees in front of Yuya.

Sora puffed his cheeks out at seeing the Action card in Yuya's hand. "No fair, Coach Y! I couldn't even see you grab that! Fine then, I'll get one myself!" The 13-year-old boy childishly exclaimed, before taking off in the other direction with Fluffal Penguin floating on the left, and Fluffal Leo running on Sora's right.

Yuya watched Sora run for a moment, before turning his gaze to Kisara. The white-haired female had made no move, except for when she dodged Ice Bell's attack, holding her five cards with a completely calm face. 'Let's see what this lady's got up her sleeve. I'm ready for her'. The Odd-Eyes Duelist said inside his mind, ready for whatever move Kisara was about to make.

The white-haired female gently took hold of the top card of her deck with the right hand's index and middle fingers. "My turn, I draw". She said with a calm voice, throwing her right hand out with the card in hand. She didn't even glance at it as she added it to her hand, then took hold of 3 other ones. "I'll start by placing 3 cards face-down..." Kisara began, slotting the three cards one-by-one into her Duel Disk.

Three face-down cards materialized in front of Kisara, before disappearing as she took hold of another card and held it up. "Then I Summon Maiden with Eyes of Blue". She declared, before placing the card down on her Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared on Kisara's right, before a female human monster that looked strangely almost like her appeared from it, displaying a gentle smile.

Maiden with Eyes of Blue ATK: 0/ Level: 1.

Yuya raised an eyebrow at seeing Kisara's monster, honestly more weirded out by its appearance instead of the almost none ATK Points. 'Seriously, what is it with monsters that look like people? Who the heck came up with ideas like those?' The Odd-Eyes Duelist thought to himself, then glanced down at a single card in his hand. "And with that, I end my turn". Kisara declared, right as a small breeze blew her hair, coat and skirt slightly.

Yuya Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 4.

Yuya blinked at Kisara, a bit surprised she left a monster with 0 ATK out on the field like this. 'This has Trap card written all over it. Still, I'm not gonna play chicken and be it!' The Odd-Eyes Duelist shouted inside his mind, then drew the top card of his deck dramatically. "Here goes!" He cried out, then brought the card up to see what it was. Yuya then threw his right hand out, still holding the card. "I'll start off by switching Performapal Corn and Uni back to ATK Position!" He declared, right as both female monsters stood up on their feet fully.

Performapal Uni ATK: 800.

Performapal Corn ATK: 600.

"They won't stay that way for long". Yuya stated, now holding the card he drew with his right hand's ring and pinkie fingers. "I use Performapal Corn's special ability again to switch both her and Uni back to DEF Mode!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist declared right as both Performapal monsters retook their defensive positions.

Performapal Uni DEF: 1500.

Performapal Corn DEF: 1000.

"Then I get to add a new Pendulum card again, remember?" Yuya said with a grin, gazing down at his deck as it began shuffling. After a moment or two, it ceased shuffling with a single card slotting out. The Odd-Eyes Duelist took hold of it with the right hand's thumb, index and middle fingers and brought it up, then gave a smirk at seeing what it was.

He thrust his right hand out, revealing the new card to be Performapal Monkeyboard. "I add my good friend, Performapal Monkeyboard!" Yuya revealed his choice, much to Sora's excitement as he stopped running and turned to face the older male. But it would seem that yet again; Sora's hopes to see Pendulum Summoning were ruined. "I activate my face-down card!" Rin cried out, grabbing both males' attention.

They looked up above to see Windwitch - Piercing Bell flying above them on her ice broom with Rin comfortably sitting behind the Synchro Monster, gazing down at Yuya. "The Quick-Play Spell card; Windwitch - Icicle Blocker!" The Witch of the Wind cried out, throwing her right hand forward. The back of a card appeared on Rin's left, before it turned over to reveal that it was a Spell card. Its image showed Windwitch – Glass Bell blocking the path of a surprised Synchron Explorer, Effect Veiler and Decoy Dragon.

(Windwitch - Icicle Blocker/ Quick-Play Spell/ Effect: Declare up to 3 card names and if your opponent has any cards with the declared name in their hand, remove them from play.)

"This card lets me declare 3 card names and if my opponent has any of the ones mentioned in their hand, they're removed from play". Rin explained the Spell card's effect with a smug grin, much to Yuya and Sora' comical horror. "What did you say!?" They shouted out at the exact same time, while Kisara just giggled a little. "I declare the names: Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon, Performapal Monkeyboard and Star-Eyes Synchron!" The Synchro Duelist called out, throwing her right hand into the air.

Icicle Blocker's card gleamed an icy green colour, then fired two beams down towards Yuya. The quickly drew closer, striking one of the two cards in his right hand and one of the ones in the left hand. The two cards began glowing, a sight that made Yuya growl angrily. He added both cards to the hand, then took the glowing ones and held them up. "I'll get you for this, witch!" Yuya growled out, right as Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon and Performapal Monkeyboard's cards burst into sparkles.

Rin gave a mocking laugh down at Yuya, something that made him growl at her once more. Everyone watching from the audience all sighed at seeing the two at it yet again. "There Rin goes again, picking on Yuya". Lulu commented with a mentally exhausted look on her face. "I'm starting to think she gets a kick out of picking on him. Why does she even do that to Yuya anyway?" Serenity asked, turning to look at Yusei since she figured he'd have the answer.

The young adult man gave a small sigh with both eyes closed. "It's because Yuya reminds her so much of a dear childhood friend of hers. Not to mention, how close he is to Lulu". Yusei answered the teenage girl, certain that Rin picks on Yuya because of her childhood friend Yugo that she hasn't seen for some time now.

(Play 09 Swing! Pendulum of Souls)

Yuya growled up at Rin with teeth angrily gritted against one another. "Alright, fine! Be that way!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist exclaimed, then looked down at his hand and picked up a single card. "I Summon Performapal Changeling Dragon!" Yuya called out, throwing the card down on a Monster Zone of the blade. A white portal appeared in the sky, and out came Performapal Changeling Dragon with a fierce cry.

Performapal Changeling Dragon ATK: 0/ Level: 1.

"Now Level 1 Performapal Changeling Dragon tunes with Level 4 Performpal Uni and Level 3 Corn!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist cried out, throwing his right hand out. Changeling Dragon gave a fierce cry, before transforming into a single green ring. It flew up into the air, right as Uni and Corn leaped upwards, heading towards the green ring. Both female monsters began to pass through it, turning orange transparent as they did so.

1 + 4 = 3 = 8.

Both Uni and Corn transformed into 7 rings altogether, right as a single thin line appeared in between them and the ring. It then burst into a bright, power big one that consumed the lights and ring. "I Synchro Summon! Level 8!" Yuya cried out, Extra Deck opening with a single card slotting out. The Odd-Eyes Duelist took hold of the card, then swiped it out. "Performapal Amazing Cheetah!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist cried out, throwing his right hand over the blade and placing the card down as he did so.

Something leaped out of the bright beam, then came down and landed in front of Yuya. It was a white skin cheetah with green spots and outlines. It was a normal size for a cheetah, but its fangs and claws were different from normal. They were surged with rainbow energy with the claws extended. Finally, Amazing Cheetah had a long crimson red scarf wrapped around its neck.

(Performapal Amazing Cheetah/ Level: 8/ Attribute: Earth/ Type: Synchro/ Beast/ Effect/ ATK: 2800/ DEF: 2400/ Materials: 1 Tuner Monster + 2 or more monster/ Effect: Once a turn if this card is successfully Special Summoned; you can add 1 "Performapal", or "Odd-Eyes" Monster from the deck, GY or banished to your hand. If a Monster, Spell or Trap is activated that targets this card: You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. When this card declares an attack; your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step. If you Pendulum Summon an "Odd-Eyes" monster, you can Special Summon this card from your GY in DEF Position with its Level decreased by 1, but banish it when it leaves the field.)

"Performapal Amazing Cheetah's special ability now activates! When this card is Special Summon; my quick friend lets me add a "Performapal" or "Odd-Eyes" card from my hand, Graveyard or banished zone to my hand!" Yuya explained, holding his right hand up as he spoke. "So, I'll be adding back my Performapal Monkeyboard you banished earlier". The Odd-Eyes Duelist made his choice, right as sparkles appeared and gathered in Yuya's hand. They quickly formed the shape of a card, before ceased glowing to reveal it was Performapal Monkeyboard.

"Alright! Yuya got his card back!" Allie cheered in delight, watching Yuya with wide eyes full of joy. "It's more than just that Allie. Monkeyboard's Pendulum effect is a real handy one". Yusei remarked with a smirk, getting Allie, Tate and Frederick to look up at him in confusion.

"I'll set Scale 1 Performapal Monkeyboard on the Pendulum Scale!" Yuya called out, placing Monkeyboard's card on the left edge of the Duel Disk's blade. A blue pillar appeared on Yuya's left, before Performapal Monkeyboard appeared inside it and floated upwards. It soon stopped with the number "1" appearing underneath it.

Performapal Monkeyboard Pendulum Scale: 1.

"Coach Y, you need two Pendulum cards to Pendulum Summon". Sora said with a small frown, thinking that Yuya made a mistake just then. "That may be true, but Pendulum cards can be used for more than just Pendulum Summoning. Like using their Pendulum effects! I activate Performapal Monkeyboard's Pendulum ability!" Yuya exclaimed, throwing his right hand out. Monkeyboard began playing its keyboard, right as Yuya's deck began glowing a golden colour.

"Once a turn; Monkeyboard lets me add a Level 4 or lower Performapal monster from the deck to my hand!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist explained, right as his deck began shuffling once more.

After a moment, it ceased shuffling with a single card slotting out. Yuya took the card and held it up for everyone to see. "I add the Pendulum Monster; Performapal Momoncarpet!" He declared, then swiped his right hand out to the side. "Then I'll it to complete the Pendulum Scale! I'm taking control of this duel starting now!" The tomato hair styled boy called out, swiping his right hand out to the side and then swiped it over his blade, placing the card on the right edge.

The blade of the Duel Disk gleamed a rainbow colour for a moment, before the words "Pendulum" appeared over it in the same colours. Another light blue pillar appeared on Yuya's right, before Performapal Momoncarpet rose up from within it. Once it was high enough, Momoncarpet stopped and the number "7" appeared underneath it. Then, a giant copy of Yuya's pendant appeared in between the two monsters, as if it was drawing a very small circle.

Performapal Momoncarpet Pendulum Scale: 7.

Sora let out a cry of excitement, staring up at Monkeyboard and Momoncarpet with wide eyes. Kisara was also staring up at the two pendulum Monsters, but with fascination. "With this; now I can Pendulum Summon monsters that are Level 3 to 7 all at the same time!" The Dueltainer called out with a grin, much to the excitement of Lulu, Zuzu, Allie, Frederick, Tate and Serenity watching from the sidelines.

The giant copy of Yuya's pendant began to swing in between Monkeyboard and Momoncarpet, drawing a round portal. "Swing far Pendulum! Carve the arc of victory! My monsters are ready, to swing into Action!" Yuya chanted, throwing his right hand into the air towards the portal as the giant pendulum went at lightning speed.

A bright portal then appeared from the giant pendant's drawing, before a single brown light shout out from within it. "Smash your way to victory, Performapal King Bear!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist exclaimed, right before the light cleared to reveal Performapal King Bear. The Pendulum Monster gave out a cry, thrusting its right claw forward.

Performapal King Bear ATK: 2200/ Level: 6.

"Time to brawl! King Bear, attack Fluffal Leo!" Yuya commanded, pointing towards the stuff penguin toy with his right hand's index finger. King Bear gave a cry full of energy, before gliding through the air towards Fluffal Leo. "King Bear's special ability! During the Battle Phase, this card gains 100 ATK Points for every Performapal monster I control! I've got 4 cards, so that's 300 points!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist explained the Beast-Warrior-Type monster's special ability, a brown aura appearing around King Bear and powering it up.

Performapal King Bear ATK: 2200 + 400 = 2600.

King Bear thrust its right paw forward and struck Fluffal Leo's back, resulting in the Fairy-Type monster shattering into sparkles with a small shockwave. (2600 - 1600 = 1000)

Sora Life Points: 3100 - 1000 = 2100.

"Nice attack Coach Y, but Fluffal Leo isn't done just yet. I activate my Trap card; Fluffal Crane!" Sora cried out, his face-down card reappearing in front of him and lifted itself up. The card began glowing, just as King Bear glided back to its Duelist's side. "Fluffal Crane lets me add back a Fluffal Monster destroyed by battle..." The 13-year-old boy began to explain, holding up Fluffal Leo's card before adding it to the hand.

(Music end)

"Then I can draw a card!" Sora added, drawing the top card of his deck and added it to the hand. "Ohhh! Tough luck for you, Yuya!" Rin called out from above, grabbing Yuya's attention. He glared up at the green-haired female, before pointing right towards her. "How's this for tough luck! Amazing Cheetah, attack Windwitch - Piercing Bell!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist commanded the Synchro Monster, an order Amazing Cheetah obeyed as it let out a cry, before taking off.

Piercing Bell shot down towards the ground, but pulled up at the last second and continued flying forward. Rin jumped off her Synchro Monster's ice broom and landed in a roll, stopping on her right knee. Amazing Cheetah proved to be incredibly fast as it easily caught up with Piercing Bell, before leaping up and slashed her back with its left claw. Amazing Cheetah quickly leaped away, right before the WIND Synchro Monster exploded. (2800 - 2000 = 800)

Rin Life Points: 4000 - 800 = 3200.

Rin stared towards the smoke cloud left behind by her monster's destruction, before turning to look towards Yuya. "How do you like that!?" Yuya exclaimed, holding up his right fist a bit. "I liked it a lot, thank you". Rin replied with a sly grin, much to Yuya's confusion. The Synchro Duelist stood up on her feet fully, before thrusting her right hand out. "I activate two special abilities!" She declared, before taking a card from the 2 in her hand and held it out.

It was a Monster card with the image showing a 14-year-old female girl with fare skin and matching emerald-colored hair and eyes. She was wearing light blue semi-transparent full-body tights with star patterns all over it. A belt is hung at her waist, and some articles of cloth are attached to it. Her outfit is complete with a icy green cape, a blue witch hat with a pair of bat wings, and a belt with an emerald attached to its front. Instead of holding a wand, she held a broom with both hands. It was large and thin, a typical broom witches use, but it did have a crescent shape crystal at the top end of it.

"Allow me to introduce Windwitch - Cresent Bell!" Rin called out, then threw the card down on her Duel Disk's blade.

(Windwitch - Cresent Bell/ Level: 3/ Attribute: WIND/ Type: Spellcaster/ Tuner/ Effect/ ATK: 1200/ DEF: 1000/ Effect: If a "Windwitch" monster you control is destroyed by an opponent's card (effect or battle), you can Special Summon this card from your hand or GY, but banish it if it leaves the field. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 Spell/Trap from your deck to your hand that mentions "Windwitch". You can only use each effect of "Windwitch - Cresent Bell" once per turn.)

A portal appeared beside Rin on her right, then Windwitch - Cresent Bell emerged from within it with a flash of light. "When a Windwitch monster I control is destroyed by an opponent's card; I'm allowed to Summon her to the field". Rin explained her monster's special ability, before holding up her left forearm.

Windwitch - Cresent Bell DEF: 1000/ Level: 3.

"And when this beauty is Summoned; her ability allows me to add a Spell or Trap that mentions Windwitch in its text". Rin further explained, right before Cresent Bell turned to face its Duelist. The Tuner Monster then held its broom out, pointing it to Rin right before her deck began glowing. It began shuffling for a few moments, until it stopped and a single card slotted out.

Rin took the card with her right hand and held it out. It was a Field-Spell with the card's image showing a magical forest with Windwitch monsters flying around the forest on their brooms with happy smiles. "I add the Field-Spell; Windwitch - Magical Forest!" She declared her choice, before adding the card to the hand; making it a total of 2 cards.

(Windwitch - Magical Forest/ Type: Field Spell/ Effect: All "Windwitch" Monsters you control gain 300 ATK. If you Special Summon a "Windwitch" Monster to your field, you can select one "Windwitch" Monster in your deck with the same Level as that Summoned monster and add it to your hand.)

"But I'm not finished just yet! Piercing Bell's activates! When this card is destroyed; one of my opponent's monsters loses 2000 ATK Points! Your kitty is getting declawed!" Rin explained her destroyed Synchro Monster's special ability, getting Yuya to raise an eyebrow, then smirked at her. "Sorry, not gonna happen". He stated, getting Rin to blink in confusion.

Yuya then threw his right hand out. "When an effect targets him, Performapal Amazing Cheetah can negate and destroy the card targeting it! So, too bad!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist explained to Rin, much to her surprise. A blizzard storm shot out of the smoke cloud, heading to Amazing Cheetah, yet the Pendulum Monster slashed through it with its right claw.

Yuya gave a smug grin at Rin, while she frowned at him for ruining her fun. "Nice try, but you're gonna have to do better than that. I end my turn, and Performapal King Bear's ATK returns to normal". The Odd-Eyes Duelist declared, right before King Bear powered down.

Performapal King Bear ATK: 2600 - 400 = 2200.

Sora Life Points: 2100/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"I'll say this turn; Rin really tried to wreck Yuya's turn". Serenity remarked, honestly feeling pity for the Odd-Eyes Duelist since he got bullied by Rin the whole turn. "And I get the feeling Yuya won't get a chance for payback. Rin's got her annoying Field-Spell now and that's gonna be trouble for everyone". Lulu said with a sympathetic smile for Yuya, Sora and Kisara because she knew how troubling that Field-Spell card was.

(Play Yu Gi Oh! GX Sad Duel Supreme King Theme ~ EXTENDED)

"Okay everyone, it's my turn now!" Sora exclaimed with a confident grin, right before drawing the top card of his deck in a dramatic style. He looked at the new card through his right eye's corner for a moment, before looking forward again. "Coach has started getting serious, so I guess I'll do the same". The young boy said with a confident voice, catching everyone's attention at what he said.

Lulu began to feel dread as she had a good idea what Sora was about to do. 'He has more than enough cards for a Fusion Summon. I guess it really was too foolish to hope he wouldn't get the chance to use that Summoning method'. The Mistress of Birds thought to herself, then mentally prepared herself for Sora's move.

Sora swiped his right hand out, holding the new card in between the index and middle fingers. "I activate the Spell card; Frightfur Patchwork!" The young boy declared, before slotting his Spell card in. A large copy of Frightfur Patchwork materialized in front of Sora, right before he took his deck out and began searching through it. "My handy little Spell allows me to add a Frightfur monster and a Polymerization to my hand". Sora explained Frightfur Patchwork's effect, much to the shock of the You Show students at hearing this.

"Did he say Polymerization!?" Zuzu questioned in shock, knowing full well what this meant and that it was bad news for Yuya and Rin. Yusei turned to look at Lulu and saw her shivering slightly, but wasn't having a mental breakdown, much to his relief. He placed his right hand on Lulu's left shoulder, grabbing her attention.

Lulu looked at Yusei and saw him giving her a supporting smile. "Stay strong Lulu. Remember, this fear of yours is something that can be overcome if you try hard enough. And once you've overcome this fear, you'll be stronger". Satellite's Shooting Star told the teenage girl with an encouraging voice.

Lulu blinked at her father figure, remaining silent for a few moments before giving him a smile full of gratitude. "Thank you". She thanked Yusei, truly grateful to have his support in overcoming her fear. The two of them returned to watching the duel, just as Sora picked up two cards and held them up. They were Polymerization and a Monster card called "Edge Imp Tomahawk".

"I'll add my Edge Imp Tomahawk with the Polymerization I'm adding". Sora stated, before adding both cards to his hand, reshuffled the deck himself and then returned it to the deck zone. He then held up Edge Imp Tomahawk's card with his right hand's index and middle fingers. "Next, I'll Normal Summon Tomahawk". He declared, before placing the card down next to Fluffal Penguin's one.

A portal appeared next to Fluffal Penguin, before Edge Imp Tomahawk emerged from within it with a small flash, its green highlights lighting up.

Edge Imp Tomahawk ATK: 1800/ Level: 4.

"Now I'll activate Tomahawk's special ability". Sora declared, then held up another with. "By discarding an Edge Imp monster from my hand; you take 800 points of damage, Coach Y. So, I'll discard my Edge Imp Sabres". The Fusion Duelist explained, before discarding the card to his Duel Disk's Graveyard. Edge Imp Tomahawk unleashed a bright green beam at Yuya, something the Odd-Eyes Duelist widened his eyes at seeing.

Yuya quickly held his arms up like a shield, right before the beam slammed into him and was pushed back by 5 feet.

Yuya Life Points: 4000 - 800 = 3200.

Yuya lowered his hands and gave a small glare at the smiling face of Sora. "Next up I'll activate this". Sora declared, taking one card from the five in his hand and held it up. "The Continuous Spell; Edge Nightmare!" He cried out, before slotting the card in. A large copy of Edge Nightmare appeared right beside Sora, before it began glowing a dark purple colour.

"Edge Nightmare allows me to Summon back a Level 4 or lower Edge Imp monster from the Graveyard, like my Edge Imp Sabres". The 13-year-old boy said, before holding up Edge Imp Sabres' card. He then swiped it down on the Duel Disk's blade. Edge Imp Sabres appeared with a flash right next to Tommahawk.

Edge Imp Sabres ATK: 1200/ Level: 3.

"My fancy pair of scissors now activates its special ability! When this card is Normal or Special Summoned; it lets me return a Fluffal monster on my field to the hand like my Fluffal Penguin..." Sora began to explain, taking Edge Imp Sabres' card from the blade and put it back in his hand, now having 5 cards. The Fairy-Type monster vanished, right before Sora held up another card and flipped it over. "Sabres lets me Summon a new Fluffal monster though, so say hello to Fluffal Owl!" The 13-year-old boy exclaimed, then placed the card down.

A portal appeared beside Sabres, before a stuffed toy owl emerged from within it with a small cry.

Fluffal Owl ATK: 1000/ Level: 2.

"I activate Fluffal Owl's special ability! When this card is Normal or Special Summoned; I can now add a Polymerization from my deck to my hand!" Sora explained his monster's special ability, much to the annoyance of Rin as she narrowed both eyes. "A second Polymerization?" She said with a frown, right as Sora added the second Fusion card to his hand, making it a total of 5 cards.

Sora faced forward, before thrusting his right hand forward. "Time for some Fusion action! I activate Fluffal Owl's second ability!" Sora declared, thrusting his right hand up with the index finger out. "By paying 500 Life Points..." He began, Life Points going down as he spoke.

Sora Life Points: 2100 - 500 = 1600.

"I can now Fusion Summon using monsters in my hand and field!" Sora finished explaining, much to the surprise of everyone at hearing this. "A Fusion Summon without using a Fusion card?!" Yuya questioned in surprise to hear this since he wasn't aware someone could Fusion Summon without a Fusion Spell card. Sora then held up the cards of Edge Imp Tomahawk and Fluffal Owl.

"I'll fuse Edge Imp Tomahawk and Fluffal Owl". Sora declared, right before both monsters floated into the air. A swirling portal then appeared behind both monsters, right before they started glowing and were absorbed into it. "When these two come together, they form a monster that'll leave you all speechless! I Fusion Summon!" Sora cried out, clapping his hands together for a dramatic effect.

Sora's Extra Deck then opened with a single card slotting out. The 13-year-old boy took hold of the card with his right hand's index and middle fingers, before holding it out. "Level 9! Frightfur Cruel Whale!" He cried, before throwing the card down next to Edge Imp Sabres' card. From the portal came a wave of water, before the Fusion Monster; Frightfur Cruel Whale emerged from within it and floated into the air, giving a terrifying cry.

Frightfur Cruel Whale ATK: 2600/ Level: 9.

Yuya, Rin and Kisara all looked up towards the Fusion Monster above them; the two teenagers having wide eyes at how massive it was. "That thing is huge!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist exclaimed, getting a scoff from the Synchro user. "Thanks for pointing out the obvious". She said with a sarcastic voice, much to Yuya's annoyance as he threw a small glare at her.

"My whale's coming for all of you! I play Cruel Whale's special ability! When this card is Fusion Summoned; it destroys a card of both mine and my opponent's!" Sora explained the Fusion Monster's effect, then gestured to Edge Nightmare with his right hand. "Bye-bye, yuck Edge Nightmare". He remarked, right before the Spell card shattered like glass.

'Which card will he go for? Will he go for one of my Pendulum cards? Or Rin's only monster?' Yuya questioned inside of his mind, wondering which card Sora will pick to destroy. To Yuya's surprise however, Sora pointed towards Kisara's Maiden with Eyes of Blue. "I pick that annoying little lady, so say bye-bye!" The 13-year-old declared, something that made Kisara narrow her eyes.

Frightfur Cruel Whale turned its gaze towards Maiden with Eyes of Blue, before crying out as he began charging towards her. "Why would Sora go for the weakest monster?" Frederick questioned with a confused frown, unable to understand why Sora picked that monster to destroy. "It's because unlike the other cards, Maiden with Eyes of Blue's effect is unknown. He is target her because she might be the most dangerous card on the field". Yusei explained for the young boy to understand, recognizing what Sora's attempting to do.

Frightfur Cruel Whale drew closer to Kisara's monster, yet Maiden with Eyes of Blue didn't despair. Instead, she peacefully closed her eyes and brought both hands together as if she were praying. A white aura then appeared over the Tuner Monster's body, right before Cruel Whale's right fin slammed and destroyed her. But the white aura remained, before bursting into a bright light that forced everyone to cover their eyes. "Hey!? What's the big idea!?" Sora questioned in surprise, having no idea what's happening right now.

"When Maiden with Eyes of Blue is targeted by an effect; hers activates and allows me to Summon a specific monster". Kisara explained, right before her deck began shuffling. After a moment or two, the deck ceased shuffling and a single card slotted out. Kisara took hold of it with her right hand's index and middle fingers. "Appear...!" She began, before holding the card up into the air. "Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Kisara shouted out to the heavens, much to the shock of everyone that heard this.

A powerful roar came from the bright light, before something emerged from within it. It was the legendary Duel Monster; Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The Dragon-Type monster ascended into the air, then let out a powerful cry.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon ATK: 3000/ Level: 8.

Everyone stared up at the legendary monster with wide eyes of awe; speechless to lay eyes on THE Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Even Yusei was stunned at seeing the Dragon-Type Monster; having heard how it was the ace monster of Seto Kaiba, Yugi's greatest rival. "Blue-Eyes White Dragon? Is that a rare monster?" Serenity asked with a confused frown, no idea how famous the monster was. She was still a new Duelist, so she had no idea about the legendary Duel Monster cards.

Lulu turned to look at the older female; face displaying the absolute amazement she was experiencing right now. "Rare? Blue-Eyes White Dragon is a legendary monster that was among the first few rare cards that existed! To see it with your own eyes is something not everyone has the chance to experience!" The Mistress of Birds explained to Serenity with an excited voice, something that Yusei was surprised to see since he didn't think Blue-Eyes would be famous here in this world.

Even Tate, Frederick and Allie were staring up at the legendary monster with actual stars in their eyes. "Oh wow! It's more amazing than I ever could have imagined!" Tate remarked with awe, which both Frederick and Allie nodded eagerly.

Yuya, Rin and Sora all stared up at the Dragon-Type Monster above them with wide eyes; honestly a bit mentally shaken that they're facing it. 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon? We're so dead'. The Odd-Eyes Duelist thought to himself, feeling he was mentally puny compared to this amazing creature. Sora slapped both of his cheeks to snap himself out of it, before gazing down at the five cards he had.

He took 3 of them, before holding them out. "I've still got a move or two to make! I play Polymerization!" The 13-year-old boy exclaimed; right before one of his cards began glowing. "With this Spell; I fuse the Edge Imp Sabres, Fluffal Leo and Fluffal Penguin!" Sora explained, right before taking Edge Imp Sabres' card and then sent it and the three other cards to the Graveyard Zone.

Fluffal Leo and Fluffal Penguin appeared on both of Edge Imp Sabres' sides, right before all three of them began glowing a light purple colour. They floated upwards, before a swirling portal appeared behind them and they were absorbed into it. Sora's Extra Deck opened once more and another card slotted out. He took hold of it, spun around and then held the new card out. "Say hello to this big, bad, puppy! I Fusion Summon! Level 6! Frightfur Wolf!" The 13-year-old boy cried out, before throwing the card down on the blade.

The Fusion Monster; Frightfur Wolf leaped out of the swirling portal. It landed down in front of Sora, glaring towards Yuya and Rin's monsters across it.

Frightfur Wolf ATK: 2000/ Level: 6.

Frightfur Cruel Whale flew around to above Sora and Frightfur Wolf, awaiting its master command. Sora gave a smirk, before throwing his right hand forward. "When Fluffal Penguin is used as Fusion Material, it's effect activates!" The young boy exclaimed, before drawing 2 cards from his deck and looked at them. "I draw 2 cards, then discard one". He explained, before discarding a card to the Graveyard.

He looked forward, before throwing his right hand out once more. "I'll now play my whale's second ability!" Sora declared, right before a purple aura appeared over both Frightfur monsters. "Here's how it works..." The Fusion Duelist began to explain, Extra Deck opening with a single card slotting out. "Crule Whale targets a Fusion monster, then I send a Frightfur monster from either my deck or extra deck like my Frightfur Daredevil to the Graveyard..." He explained, holding up the Fusion Monster card for everyone to see before discarding it.

"The Fusion Monster gains ATK equal to half of the Frightfur's original ATK". Sora finished explaining, right as Frightfur Wolf began powering up right before everyone's eyes. "My Daredevil had an original ATK of 3000, so Frightfur Wolf gains 1500 ATK Points!" The Fusion Duelist calculated for everyone, followed by Frightfur Wolf crying it.

Frightfur Wolf ATK: 2000 + 1500 = 3500.

"That mutt's got 3500 ATK Points". Yuya remarked with narrowed eyes, before sparing a glance down at Performapal Momoncarpet's card. "It's much more than that. See, my wolf can attack up to the number of Fusion Materials used for its Fusion Summon". Sora informed his three opponents, much to their surprise at learning this. "Three monsters were used to Fusion Summon Frightfur Wolf, then that means..." Rin began with wide eyes, right before Kisara finished for her. "Three attacks each turn". The white-haired beauty finished with narrowed eyes.

Sora gave out a confident laugh, right before pointing towards Kisara's Blue-Eyes White Dragon with the right hand's index finger. "Go wolfy! Show that legendary dragon who's boss!" The Fusion Duelist ordered his Fusion Monster, an order it was more than glad to obey. Frightfur Wolf turned its gaze towards Blue-Eyes White Dragon, but Kisara acted before it could act.

"You were careless, forgetting about my three face-down cards. And now that is gonna coast you". Kisara said with a frown, right before taping on her Duel Disk's screen. One of her face-down cards flipped itself over, revealing to be the Trap card; Attack Guidance Armor. The card glowed, before the suit of armor appeared, grabbing everyone's attention as they looked at it.

"Attack Guidance Armor. This Trap equips to any monster I chose, and your monster is forced to attack it". The white-haired beauty explained the Trap card's effect, much to Sora's alarm as he glared at her. "Don't you dare use that on my monster!" He warned the white-haired beauty, a threat that didn't concern her in the least. "I do dare! Guidance Armor, attach to Frightfur Cruel Whale!" Kisara commanded, throwing her right hand out with both hair and coat flowing slightly.

Attack Guidance Armor's red eyes gleamed for a single second, before it took off towards Sora's Fusion monster, then it magically grew bigger and forcefully attached itself to the Fusion Monster. Frightfur Cruel Whale cried out in pain, while the armor's eyes gazed down towards Frightfur Wolf. A red aura appeared over the Fusion Monster, right before Frightfur Wolf turned to look up at its fellow Fiend-Type.

Frightfur Wolf growled, and then started jumping around first, before crouching down low. It then leaped towards Frightfur Cruel Whale intending to slice and dice it with its claws, but Sora wouldn't allow that. He quickly took one of his three cards in hand, then held it out. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell card; De-Fusion!" He called out, before slotting the card into his Duel Disk.

A large copy of De-Fusion's card materialized, before it began glowing. "This Spell splits Frightfur Cruel Whale back into the monsters used to Summon it and negates the attack!" Sora explained the Spell card's effect, right before Frightfur Crul Whale gleamed for a split second, before turning into two flashes of light that shot downwards right before Frightfur Wolf swung its right claw.

Both lights struck the ground in front of Sora, before they both cleared to reveal Edge Imp Tomahawk and Fluffal Owl with both monsters in defensive positions.

Fluffal Owl DEF: 1000/ Level: 2.

Edge Imp Tomahawk DEF: 800/ Level: 4.

Lulu narrowed her eyes at seeing this, recognizing this tactic because many Fusion users she and the Resistance faced used it to defend themselves. 'Typical Fusion users. Using cheap tactics like that'. The Mistress of Birds thought to herself, too engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't notice she wasn't shaking in fear.

Sora let out a deep breath of relief, before comically glaring at Kisara as she lowered her right arm. "I'll get you for that later!" He warned the white-haired beauty, before turning his gaze over to Rin. He then pointed towards Cresent Bell. "Wolfy, attack Windwitch - Cresent Bell!" Sora commanded his Fusion Monster. Frightfur Wolf turned its gaze to Windwitch - Cresent Bell, before charging towards it.

Rin taped her Duel Disk's screen, before throwing her right hand out. "At this moment, my Trap card activates! Windwitch Family Huddle Up!" She called out as her face-down card appeared in front of her, before flipping itself up. The card began glowing, right before the cards of Windwitch - Ice Bell and Piercing Bell slotted out of the Duel Disk.

Rin picked both cards up and held them out. "When a face-up DEF Position Windwitch I control is targeted for an attack, Family Huddle Up first lets me Summon 2 Windwitches from my Graveyard in DEF Position! So say hello again to Piercing Bell and Ice Bell!" The Synchro Duelist explained, before placing both cards down next to Cresent Bell's card. Two portals appeared on Cresent Bell's sides, before both Ice Bell and Piercing Bell emerged from them in defensive positions.

Windwitch - Ice Bell DEF: 1000/ Level: 3.

Windwitch - Piercing Bell DEF: 2000/ Level: 6.

"Family Huddle Up's final effect! For the rest of this turn; all Windwitch Monsters I control gain DEF Points equal to all other Windwitch monsters I control". Rin explained her Trap card's final effect, right before all three of her monsters powered up.

Windwitch - Ice Bell DEF: 1000 + 1000 = 2000 + 2000 = 4000.

Windwitch - Piercing Bell DEF: 2000 + 1000 = 3000 + 1000 = 4000.

Windwitch - Cresent Bell DEF: 1000 + 1000 = 2000 + 2000 = 4000.

Sora cried out in comical panic, before waving both hands up into the air. "Crap! Fright Wolf, stop your-!" The young boy exclaimed, only to be cut off by Yuya speaking up. "I activate my Trap card; Performapal Show Down!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist exclaimed, grabbing the attention of both Sora and Rin as they turned to look at him. Yuya's face-down card appeared and flipped over to reveal the Trap card; Performapal Show Down.

"For each face-up Spell card I control like my Pendulum cards, this Trap switches your monsters to face-down DEF Position! Time for some enjoyable payback!" Yuya exclaimed, right before his Trap card fired two bright beams. They struck Piercing Bell and Ice Bell, resulting in them transforming into two shadowy caged monsters with glowing red eyes. With her two fellow Windwitch monsters no longer face-up, Cresent Bell powered down.

Windwitch - Cresent Bell DEF: 4000 - 1000 = 3000 - 2000 = 1000.

Sora let out a happy laugh at seeing this, while Rin gave a small glare at Yuya, who just waved with a smug grin. "Thanks Coach Y, I'll pay you back for this! Go Frightfur Wolf, attack Cresent Bell!" The Fusion Duelist commanded the Fusion Monster. Frightfur Wolf roared, before slicing Cresent Bell into two with its right claws. Both halves of the severed Spellcaster-Type monster exploded, right before Frightfur Wolf returned to its master's side.

The Fusion Duelist narrowed his eyes at Rin, before gazing over to Kisara. 'When my turn ends, Frightfur Wolf's ATK will return to normal, leaving it an open target for Blue-Eyes. I have to take it out right now, but her remaining two face-down cards are a concern. Still, I'll take my chances'. Sora thought to himself, before pointing up to the legendary monster. "Frightfur Wolf attacks Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" He declared, going with the risk if it meant getting rid of the strongest monster on the field.

Frightfur Wolf leaped into the air and crashed into Blue-Eyes, resulting in the Dragon-Type monster exploding. (3500 - 3000 = 500)

Kisara Life Points: 3500 - 500 = 3000.

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