
Chapter 17

In Amegakure, the rain dropped endlessly, and constantly, never ending, never stopping. The rain was eternal. Atop the highest tower of Ame, a man with orange hair, piercings all over his face. He wore a black cloak with red clouds adorning them. The man opened his Rinnegan eyes, and he stared down at his village emotionlessly.

"Pain." A voice spoke behind him, as a woman with short light blue hair stood behind him. Her bangs framing her face, a origami flower decorated her hair. And her orange eyes expressed only indifference.

Pain, only glanced at Konan, silently telling her to continue.

"'He' is here." Was her simple response.

Instantly, the form of Tobi instantly appeared behind her, his form materializing from his teleportation technique. "Must you always look so melodramatic, and depressing? Pain?" Tobi blandly asked.

Pain merely gave Tobi an indifferent look, and turned his attention back to his village. "Why are you here? Madara?"

Tobi merely chuckled at Pain. "I am here to discuss the death of both Deidara, and Sasori. The death of two of our members has struck quite a blow don't you think. I never thought we would lose two Akatsuki members so quickly. And it was only over the Ichibi as well. This is quite bothersome. Wouldn't you say so?" He asked, his tone almost mocking.

"It does not matter if we lose even more members. The plan to create the Bijuu super weapon will commence as planned. This world will know pain, just as I plan for it to witness. The loss of both Deidara, and Sasori is only a minor setback." Pain coldly stated.

Tobi chuckled once more "On the contrary, Deidara was quite useful as he was a long ranged type Shinobi, and I'm pretty sure that no one else in the Akatsuki can fight at long range as well as Deidara did. Sasori was in charge of our biggest network of spies, and with his death, we just lost all of our contacts if I am not mistaken." Tobi stated, his tone both serious, and mocking.

Pain narrowed his eyes, he could practically feel Tobi's grin "Was I not correct in assuming that Zetsu was an even better spy than Sasori?" He coolly asked.

Tobi's grin got just a bit larger "True Zetsu was, and still is the best spy in the elemental nations, but it doesn't hurt to have backups when Zetsu isn't available." He said, with a shrug.

"Why are you really here? Madara?" Pain emotionlessly asked, finally breaking his gaze from his village to look upon the masked Uchiha.

"Why am I really here? I could be here for a lot of things you know. I could be here to just talk with you. I could be here to just annoy you. I could be here to ogle Konan as she is very beautiful-" Konan shuddered slightly in disgust "-I could be be here to get back my stash of porn, not that I have any. Heck, I could be here to possibly even kill you." Tobi answered, listing off many reason on why he could possibly be there.

"Madara. Enough games." Pain icily said, his emotionless eyes now showing one emotion for the first time.


Tobi smirked beneath his mask at how he always got under Pain's skin. "Who said we're playing games? I could be here just to socialize." He mused.

"Your idea of socializing is... Twisted at best." Pain lowly muttered, giving Tobi a blank glare.

Tobi scoffed slightly, before he spoke in a serious tone "Let's get down to business shall we? With the loss of both Sasori, and Deidara, we will need a new member to join us. Though, there are very few S-ranked Shinobi these days. However, I have a possible candidate."

"Who?" Pain asked.

"A former Konoha Shinobi by the name of Hiruko. Though finding him may prove to be quite bothersome as he is quite elusive. Though it is nothing Zetsu can't handle." Tobi answered.

"Very well, I will leave that matter to you. However, what will we do about the Ichibi? We never truly finished the sealing of it's Chakra." Pain stated, shifting his eyes to look deeply into Tobi only visible one.

Tobi's Sharingan flashed menacingly "Leave the Ichibi. We only really need a fraction of its Chakra anyway." He answered.

"I see." Was Pain's only response.

"Now onto the matter of the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki." The masked Uchiha stated, his eyes taking further interest in this matter.

Pain, and Konan narrowed their eyes slightly at the interest they heard in his voice.

"Leave the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki to me Pain. And Before you ask why I want you to leave the Kyuubi to me. It's quite simple.. I plan on converting the boy to our cause." Tobi declared.

Pain's, and Konan's eyes widened slightly, before they went back to their emotionless visage. "And why do you want him to join us?" The ringed eyed figure head of Akatsuki couldn't help but ask.

"My reason's are my own Pain." Tobi icily responded "But if you must know. I have taken quite the interest in the boy. I believe that with him on our side, our plans will accelerate exponentially."

Pain hummed thoughtfully "I thought we needed his Bijuu's power."

"As I said before, we only truly need at least a fraction of its true power. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't worry, judging by how much power the Kyuubi has, we would only need at least four, to six tails." Tobi stated 'And I know one person who has at least four tails of the Kyuubi's chakra. I believed he lived in a temple with a few monks.. what was the boy's name... Sora I believe?' The masked Uchiha idly thought.

"Do what you will Madara. I am only concerned with our plans of creating the perfect Bijuu weapon. Soon, this world will know peace. Through Pain." Pain declared, his tone becoming that of a judge convicting someone.

Tobi merely shook his head at Pain's arrogance, and his Sharingan flashed. "Regardless, tell the others to steer clear of the Uzumaki boy. He is mine to deal with. Also-" His voice turned cold, and malicious with his next sentence. "-You'd best remember just who you are talking to Pain. You may have the eyes of god, but your power is meaningless compared to the might of Uchiha Madara." The masked Uchiha darkly stated.

Meanwhile in the afterlife, the real Uchiha Madara suddenly felt as if someone was using his name. And was going to slander it. He vowed to find whoever is response for this feeling, and to destroy them utterly.

Back to the plot. With his piece said, Tobi began disappearing within a swirling vortex. 'Now to pay a visit to Itachi.' He thought, before his form completely disappeared.

There was a heavy silence lingering in the air. Konan briefly scanned the area, making sure both Pain, and her were truly alone.

"It is clear Konan, my paths have this entire area under their watch. You are free to speak your mind." Pain said.

"That man... We should remain wary of him Nagato. I feel as if he is merely using us." Konan said.

The ringed eyed man merely closed his eyes "It makes no difference to me. If he is indeed using us, than we must find a way to use him without him realizing. Even if he is using us, this world will have peace one way, or another." He stated.

Konan wordlessly nodded, and she sighed. "Still though, how will we deal with Madara when, and if he betrays us?" She asked.

Pain merely remained quiet for several minutes, before he spoke. "Than we shall show him Pain." He declared. With that said, the ringed eyed man merely turned, and stalked back inside to place his paths to rest.

Konan silently followed after him, apparently satisfied with his response. However, the two of them never noticed Zetsu's head slowly emerging from the spot Pain was previously standing.

"Tobi was right to give us the assignment of mostly spying on Pain." White Zetsu quietly said.

"Yes, but with the death of Sasori, our talents will now be split between observing Pain, and spying on others." Black Zetsu commented.

"I'm sure we can do it." White Zetsu said.

Black Zetsu made an approving sound "Of course we can. Our abilities are one of the best for spying in the entire elemental nations."

"Right. Now lets get back to spying on Pain."

"Remember to conceal your Chakra."


With their conversation over, Zetsu split apart, and melted into the ground. One to continue spying on Pain, while the other went to go, and give a report to Tobi.

Tsunade lounged on her couch in her office as she drank a bottle of Sake with a smug grin on her face. The blonde haired Senju laughed gleefully as she drank her precious Sake, its true what they say. Sake tastes way better when your all relaxed, and energized.

The Shadow clones of Tsunade, who were doing her paperwork, all glared at the original contempt. They wanted some fucking Sake too!

However, Tsunade's good time was put to a close when the village elder, Koharu, and Homura, entered her office without even knocking on the door. (That's just freaking rude.)

The two elders eyed the Sake in Tsunade's hand with a scowl, and they looked at her with disappointment as the Senju used clones to do her paperwork.

Tsunade didn't care either way on why they looked at her with disappointment. She was Senju fucking Tsunade! A sannin, and the Godaime Hokage. She could do whatever the fuck she wanted!

Tsunade downed her Sake, dispelled her clones, and and sat down in her chair, completely ignoring the disapproving looks the elders sent her. "What do you two want?" Tsunade asked, wanting to get this over with.

Homura cleared his throat, and opened his mouth to speak. However, Koharu was the one to speak. "This is about the Jinchuuriki Tsunade. Not only did you promote him to Jonin, but you also sent him outside the village when Akatsuki is sure to go after him. What on earth were you thinking!? And now we are hearing that the boy has a fiance!? what is the meaning of this!?" Koharu demanded, glaring at the Senju.

Tsunade merely rose a thin eyebrow "Really? You barged into my office over this? And what the hell do you mean what am I thinking?" She calmly asked, though an undertone of fury was hidden extremely well in her voice.

Homura decided to take the stand "We simply believe that the boy is much to young to have been promoted to Jonin. We also believe that in order to keep the boy safe, he must never leave the village walls. Should akatsuki get their hands on the boy, than there is no telling what will happen?"

Tsunade only stared blankly at the elders "He beat Kakashi in less than thirty minutes. Jiraiya himself has admitted that Naruto is stronger than him. And as for his fiance? You have nothing to worry about as long as you don't provoke her, or Naruto." The blonde haired Senju stated.

"The boys accomplishments do not matter!" Koharu snapped "What matters is that we have our Jinchuuriki under our control. Giving him a promotion is giving him to much freedom. But allowing him to maintain his relationship with his fiance is unacceptable! We need the boys loyalty to remain with the village, and us as a whole. Therefore, we demand that the he, and the girl be separated at once!" The elderly woman finished.

Back in Suna, Shiroi suddenly felt the urge to destroy the entire village of Konoha. And to torture the village elders for several centuries. The white haired girl blinked, and she decided that instead, she would destroy Konoha countless times over inside her mind. Meanwhile Naruto, who was several miles away from Suna, suddenly wanted to pull an Itachi and massacre everyone in Konoha. He blinked, and thought nothing of it.

When Koharu finished saying her piece, the air was thick with tension. And Homura gulped when he saw the hardly restrained fury within Tsunade's eyes. 'Koharu! I thought we agreed that we wouldn't do anything about the boys relationship with the girl!' Homura thought in mild panic.

He didn't hate Naruto or anything of the sort. In fact, he thought the boy was a good influence on his own grandson Udon. After all, he knew that Udon looked up to the boy, and at first he was worried. But when he heard Udon giving nothing but praises of the boy, and the boys beliefs, he began to see Naruto as something more than a Jinchuuriki.

He still believed that a Jinchuuriki should be controlled, but he more or less, didn't hold anything against Naruto. In fact, the only reason why he was here, was because the promotion for the boy was much to soon, and because he didn't think it was safe for a Jinchuuriki to run around. Especially with the likes of Akatsuki out there.

"Elder Koharu... Did you just demand something from your Hokage?" Tsunade quietly asked.

Koharu glared at the slug princess "And if I did?" Koharu icily asked.

"You obviously do not know your place!" Tsunade thundered. "I AM the Hokage! YOU are merely elders! You are ONLY mean to advise, or give suggestions to the Hokage! The two of you obviously forgot that this is a dictatorship! There will be no demands! Sarutobi-Sensei obviously has given you two more freedom than he should have.. But listen to me very carefully... If you dare to do anything against Naruto, or Shiroi... Than I will execute the both of you at the front gates of the village.. Are we clear?" The Senju hissed, cold fury lacing her voice.

Homura gulped at the killing intent that Tsunade was releasing. Years of being retired of Shinobi service did not sit well with him at all. Before, he would with stand the killing intent of several Jonin. But now, with him being retired, he would barely the killing intent of a newly promoted Jonin. And the scary part was... Tsunade wasn't even using her full killing intent.

However, it appears Koharu was able to ignore the killing intent. But not by much seeing as the back of her neck broke out in a cold sweat. "You cannot just threaten your advisers Tsunade!" Koharu said.

Tsunade merely smirked slightly "Oh really? Tell me, if I were to order your execution, do you think that the people of this village will question why you are being executed?"

"Of course they would!" Koharu responded.

'No... They wouldn't.' Homura thought, he was aware of how simple minded the villagers could be. All Tsunade had to do was simply say to the villagers that they were secretly plotting to overthrow the village, and the villagers would be in a uproar. Demanding for their blood, with no questions asked.

Tsunade smirk widened, and Koharu began to get worried. But she calmed down when Tsunade didn't do anything, instead, the blonde Senju merely gave the elders a hard glare. "Regardless, what I do with Naruto is none of your concern. You are only mean to advise me, not order me around. Now get out of my office."

"Tsunade are dare you-" Koharu was cut off as Tsunade released her killing intent once again.

"Elder Koharu." Tsunade's spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, yet her voice was heard clearly. "You had best learn your place. Now get. Out. Of. My. Office." The blonde Senju said, her voice now holding enough ice to freeze hell several times over.

Koharu swallowed a lump in her throat. Her pride soon began to take hold, and she opened her mouth to scold Tsunade. But, Homura placed a hand on her shoulder, and began to tug her out of the room. "Forgive our intrusion, Hokage-sama." Homura respectfully said.

Tsunade didn't respond, merely kept looking at the village outside her window. She heard the door close, and she let out a wide smile. She created clones, and proceed to sit back down in her chair while the clones did her paperwork. She pulled out a Sake bottle, and instantly began chugging it down. Sometimes, it was great being Hokage.

Sasuke glared.

Tia glared.

Sasuke glared harder.

Tia only gave the black haired boy an even darker glare.

Kabuto watched them in a amused manner. "Come now." Kabuto began "The two of you can glare at each other all day. One of you is bound to get bored eventually."

Tia glared at the glasses wearing teen "I don't care if I get bored bitch. If I get bored, I'll just go to your lab, grab something that looks like a your fucking sex toy, come back and shove down this bitches throat." She said.

Kabuto looked offended, while Sasuke's face took on a green hue.

"Regardless, I'm going to go now. Enjoy yourselves you two." Kabuto said, smirking slightly.

Sasuke glared at Kabuto's back, and he turned his glare upon Tia, only to have a fist meet his face. The Uchiha skidded back several meters, and he held his face in pain for several moments. Slowly, and with a eerily calm expression, he lowered his hands, and glared at Tia. "What did you do that for?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm bored." Was her simple reply. "I need to do something about the boredom." She said with a smirk. "Plus I want to get some training done. For the next hour or so.. Your ass is mine bitch." Tia finished with a blood-thirsty grin on her face.

Sasuke opened his mouth to respond, but was forced to roll to the side when Tia felw past him, her talons nicking his shoulder. Sasuke glared, and he silently drew his blade.

"Come now Uchiha. Don't disappoint me." Tia stated, a large grin on her face. The bird like girl flapped her wings, and flew towards the Uchiha. Her talons already gleaming to remove his head from his shoulders.

Sasuke ducked, and allowed the girl to fly over him. He channeled lightning Chakra into his hand, and dozens of Senbons laced with lightning sped towards Tia.

Tia snarled, and she covered her frame with her wings, channeling Youki into her wings while doing so. The lightning senbons bounced off, and the dark pink haired girl smirked slightly. "Come on Uchiha-kun." She said mockingly "That snake pedo is always singing praises of your skills. Don't tell me that this is all you have. If so... Than you will never have your revenge against your brother." She taunted.

Instantly Sasuke's killing intent spiked incredibly. "I won't hold back any longer." Sasuke darkly stated.

Tia gave a feral grin "That's the spirit Uchiha!" She yelled, a large grin on her face. "Lets get this fucking show started!" With that said, she leaped, with Sasuke leaping towards her as well.

It was hours later that both Sasuke, and Tia finished their sparring session. The entire room was filled with cracks, burns, scorches, and rubble. The amount of destruction within the room would have been enough to impress the Kyuubi. But only by a little. In the middle of the field, a panting Sasuke could be seen as he knelt on the ground. In front of him, Tia was also panting, and she was glaring at the Uchiha.

"Teh. Our fights always end like this." Tia commented, annoyance in her tone. Also on her knees, and she breathed heavily.

"Hn." Sasuke grunted.

Before Tia could shoot back an argument, footsteps were heard. "I wish the two of you would stop destroying rooms whenever the two of you fought. It is quite bothersome to replace them." A smooth, silky, and amused voice spoke.

Sasuke scowled as he glared over at the voice's direction, while Tia merely huffed.

"Orochimaru." Sasuke said with a scowl. His Sharingan spinning lazily.

Orochimaru smirked, his yellow slitted eyes glinting malice, and a lust for power. "Kukuku, Hello Sasuke-kun. Tia-chan. Its good to see the two of you are progressing well." The snake like man stated, his eyes never leaving Sasuke's Sharingan. 'Such wonderful eyes.'

"And you Tia-chan. How have you been?" Orochimaru asked, his eyes finally leaving Sasuke's.

Tia glared at the snake Sannin. "I'm fine, although I am bit worried that you ripped Kabuto's ass apart last night. I'm pretty sure I saw him limping out of here." She shrugged.

Orchimaru merely smirked in amusement, well aware of how much she loved getting under people's skin. "You need not worry for Kabuto. He is fine, he's only a bit tired because of a small favor I asked of him."

"Did you ask him to revive your limp dick?" Tia taunted.

Sasuke saw that the flash of annoyance that entered Orochimaru's eyes. And he found himself smirking slightly. However, just as fast as that annoyance came, it vanished, and the Sannin was smirking once more.

"Regardless of the favor I asked of Kabuto, I merely came to see what all the noise was. I'll be taking my leave, and Sasuke-kun, prepare for a sparring session with me later in the afternoon." Orochimaru commanded, before he left the room.

Tia lips became a thin line as she watched the Sannin leave the room. Once she was sure that Sannin had left the room, she released the shiver that she had been suppressing. "That fucker give me the fucking creeps." She hissed, her eyes glaring angrily down the hall that snake Sannin walked down. She hated how that man was always able to make her feel even a shimmer of fear. If only for a split moment.

"Hn." Sasuke grunted.

"So tell me... When are we leaving that snake bastard?" Tia asked.

"We?" Sasuke questioned.

Tia glared at the Uchiha "Don't think I didn't forget motherfucker! You promised to help me with my revenge, provided I help you with yours! You just better uphold your end of the fucking bargain. Otherwise there is gonna be one less Uchiha in the world." She dangerously hissed.

Sasuke scoffed "Fine than." He said "I have a plan to escape him, but it will require him to be at his weakest. Once that opportune moment has come.. I'll end him." Sasuke declared, his Sharingan spinning madly.

"And what am I gonna do during this time?" Tia asked indifferently.

"You will be ensuring that no one interrupts my fight with Orochimaru." Sasuke blandly stated.

"Oh so I'm a bodyguard?" Tia deadpanned.

"When I fight with Orochimaru, my focus, and attention will be solely on him. I won't be able to defend against a surprise attack, since my attention will be on Orochimaru. That's where you come in." the second to last Uchiha explained.

"Teh whatever." Tia grumbled, before she turned, and began walking down the halls.

"Where are you going?"

"Hunting! I'm fucking bored. Make sure you have a Fire style Jutsu ready, you stupid Uchiha. Because once I get back from my hunt, your cooking my fucking food!" Tia hotly demanded, before she flapped her wings slightly, and vanished in the halls.

Sasuke tsked at her retreated form. Honestly he didn't even what to think of the girl most of the time. She was annoying, even more annoying than Ino, and Sakura... No, screw that. No one was more annoying than Ino, and Sakura. Maybe Karin, but at least Karin had that special Chakra of hers. As for Tia, she could fight on par with him, and that was something he respected.

He respected her, but he hated her as well. The only reason he even tolerated her was because she promised to help him get his revenge, provided that he help her with her own revenge. It was a small price to pay, and he accepted that.

They were allies.

Nothing more.


Naruto grinned as he landed on the Kazekage's balcony. He had arrived in Suna exactly several minutes ago, and he was pleased to note that he didn't spend as much time in Uzu haven as he originally thought.

He had arrived as the sun was just rising over the horizon, and the blonde was eager to deliver Gaara the gifts he had for his old friend. He stacked up enough gold from Uzu haven to last Suna for several years. And it was only five percent of what was truly on the floating island in the first place!

That was unbelievable to the blonde, but hey, who was he to complain?

The blonde silently opened the balcony door, wanting to surprise his friend. He gave a fox like grin as he silently stepped inside. However, his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates at what was before him. He was shocked, and bewildered.

Yui, who was suppose to be sleeping, was straddling Gaara's lap. Gaara had one hand around her waist, while his other hand was trailing down her shoulder, and moving steadily closer to her breasts. The two were in a deep kiss, and with Naruto's sharp senses he was able to hear the small slurping sounds coming from their mouths.

He was so shocked that he didn't notice the sealing scroll he had in his hand, slowly slip out, before it landed on the ground. Creating soft thud. That soft noise was enough for Gaara, and Yui to stop their actions, and for their heads to snap towards his direction.

The three stared at each other for several moments, before it was Naruto who broke the silence by clearing his throat. "I'm, uh, sorry for the interruption." He apologized, before he picked up the scroll, left the room, shut the balcony door, and hightailed it out of there like his ass was on fire.

Naruto let out a sigh of relief as he jumped form rooftop to rooftop, glad that he was out of the Kazekage's building. Seriously walking in on one of your friends about to get freaky was awkward as hell. The blonde didn't think he had ever felt so awkward in his life. Man, he won't be able to stare gaara in the face for a long time, he just knew it.

The blonde decided to go back to the hotel he, and Shiroi were staying in. He decided that she should know he had arrived. Gaara, and Yui already knew now, might as well let the others know as well. But he was going to Shiroi first. Because one, She was his fiance, and two, he wanted to see her.

The blonde jumped through several more rooftops, before he landed in front of the hotel. He casually walked in, stepped up the stares, and silently entered his shared room with Shiroi. His eyes took in the room, and the lump that was laying on the bed, along with a mop of silvery white hair at the top. He smiled slightly, and entered the room.

He removed Altair from his spot at his side, and placed the blade on the wall. He removed his robes, and scarf, and carelessly hung them on the coat hanger in the room. He removed his boots, and placed them neatly next to Shiroi's shoes. He removed his dark orange mesh shirt, and neatly folded it, and placed it near the foot of the bed.

He removed his pants, leaving himself only in boxers, and placed them in the same spot as his shirt. He gently laid beside the white haired girl, and he slowly closed his eyes. Allowing himself to get himself some sleep, despite the rising sun. He felt shiroi begin to snuggle closer to him.

"Naruto." She whispered, a smile forming on her lips. Her eyes opened slightly, and her half-lidded eyes instantly met the blondes. "When did you get back?" She asked.

"Just now." Naruto softly answered, his eye lids dropping slightly.

The white haired girl nodded slightly "Just rest for now. I expect to hear the full story when you wake." She said, shutting her eyes, and she snuggled closer to her.

Naruto noticed a patch of green nestled in Shiroi's arms, and he smiled as he caught sight of a sleeping Chachazero. The blonde gave the white haired girl a soft kiss on the lips, and a kiss on Chachazero's head, before he allowed sleep to overcome him.

Naruto groaned as he awoke. He released a drawn out yawn, before he looked around the room. 'What time is it?' He thought.

"Its seven minutes to ten o;clock." Kyuubi answered.

'Thanks Kyuu!' The blonde smiled, getting off the bed. 'Hey, where's Shiroi-chan?' Naruto asked, seeing the bed empty.

"When she left the room, I heard her murmuring something making break-fest." Kyuubi commented.

Naruto froze as he finished donning his robes, and placing Altair at his side. 'Shiroi-chan... Is cooking?' He asked slowly.

"Yeah, I don't see the problem here." The giant fox said, with a raised eyebrow.

'Remember the last time Shiroi-chan tried to cook?' The blonde deadpanned.

"Yeah, I still don't see the... Oh fuck!" Kyuubi shouted in remembrance.

Naruto merely held a deadpanned expression on his face as he imagined the Kyuubi breaking in cold sweat.

"I guess that explains why she didn't come back after an hour..."

Naruto twitched, and the blonde cautiously began moving towards the door. He slowly opened the door, and he didn't have to wait long as he instantly heard the sounds of battle.

"Back you wild beast! Back I say! Dammit! Why is it that everything I cook, comes to life, and tries to fucking kill me!?"

Naruto heard Shiroi scream out, followed by a beastly roar of both hunger, and rage.

"Oh shit!" A crash was heard.

"I am NOT paying for that!"

Naruto blinked once, twice, and a third time, before he opened the door completely, and moved down the hall, to their hotels kitchen. He instantly saw what type of... Beast his fiance was fighting. It resembled a blob in appearance, and it was a light brown color. It had hollowed out sockets for eyes, and a large hollowed out hole for a mouth.

The most disturbing thing however... Was that it smelled like pancakes.

... How the fuck did Shiroi manage to turn pancakes into this... This... Thing!?

The pancake monster roared, and tried to devour Shiroi. However, Shiroi jumped over it, and land gracefully behind it. Unfortunately when Shiroi dodged, the beast ended up crashing into a lamp, and into the T.V set.

"I'm not paying for that either!" The white haired girl exclaimed, pointing a finger at the broken furniture.

Naruto heard giggling, and he turned his head. He saw Chachazero, sitting on the edge of a book shelf, giggling like no tomorrow.

Another crash, the blonde turned just in time to see Shiroi kick the pancake monster into a wall. The pancake based creature merely gave a small groan, before he began to slither to the white haired girl.

"Know your place!" Shiroi roared, stomping her foot on it repeatedly.

Naruto couldn't help it, he chuckled. Shiroi's head snapped towards his direction "Naruto don't just stand there! Help me find a way to kill this thing!" She demanded. The pancake monster groaned, and tried to stand, only for Shiroi to begin stomping on it repeatedly once more. "I said know your place!"

"Shiroi-chan, why don't you just blast it with a cero?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow, amusement shining in his eyes.

Shiroi blinked, before she blushed in embarrassment. "Why didn't I think of that?" She murmured.

Naruto chuckled "It seems even you are prone to dizzy moments Shiroi-chan."

Shiroi twitched. Her having dizzy moments? As if! Her pride as a vampire wouldn't allow such a thing! She was a vampire, one of the most dangerous, and powerful Youkai to ever walk the earth. The mere thought that she of all people could have a dizzy moment was unacceptable! She wouldn't stand for it! She gave the pancake monster a glare. It was all this damn things fault! And as such, it would be... 'Disposed' of.

She pointed her hand at the groaning creature, and she gave a malicious smile as red Youki began forming in her hand. The pancake only had time to give off a questioning 'Grr?', before it was blasted by Shiroi's cero. His short existence being reduced to dust in mere moments.

Shiroi gave a satisfied smile, before she suddenly turned to the blonde, and she clung on the blondes arm. "Naruto-kun, lets order some room service shall we?" She asked sweetly.

Naruto wordlessly nodded, but inwardly he wondered why Shiroi seemed to be a bit off. There was nothing wrong with her, but there was something different about her. While the silvery white haired girl went to order room service, the blonde took it upon himself to scan her Chakra for anything strange. Nope. There was nothing wrong with her Chakra.

Shrugging, the blonde pushed those thoughts out of his mind, and instead watched as his fiance walked back into the room. "I didn't know what you wanted, so I just ordered some sandwiches, and coffee."

Naruto nodded "I don't mind sandwiches, or coffee Shiroi-chan." He responded.

The girl smiled, before she slowly advanced upon the blonde.

"Shiroi-chan?" Naruto asked questionably.

Shiroi merely smiled, and she licked her sharp fangs.

Naruto gave a small chuckle, before he tilted his head, exposing his neck. Instantly the blonde felt the sharp, but dull pain of Shiroi injecting her fangs into his neck, and the admittedly pleasurable sensation of her sucking his neck. The blonde gave a small groan, as he felt pleasure from his fiance sucking on his neck. This continued for several more moments, before Shiroi finally detached herself from his neck.

Naruto caressed her cheek, and he gave a shallow kiss on her lips. However, the girl tugged his scarf, and brought him in, deepening their kiss. He felt her tongue brush against his lips, and he parted them. Allowing her tongue to freely roam around in his mouth. He could taste his blood on her tongue, but it didn't really matter to him.

He felt her fangs scratch his tongue, drawing a small amount of blood. Shiroi noticed this, and her tongue swirled around his own, taking all the blood on her tongue, and moaning at the taste. Naruto, not one to be outdone, forced her tongue back into hers, and he expertly explored the confines of her mouth. Swirling his tongue inside her mouth.

He pulled back, a trial of saliva connecting them, before it snapped. Shiroi leaned in closer, and she began licking, and nibbling the blonde's ears. Getting a groan from the blonde. She smirked against his ear, and let out a small sexual growl as she began grinding his crotch. He heard him groan again, and she was about to let out a smug grin, before she felt him begin kissing her neck, while thrusting his crotch upward.

She moaned, and she cursed the fact that they were still wearing clothes. Her hands slowly began to undo his robes, before a knock sounded on the door. Her eye twitched, and the slits in her eyes began to get thinner with anger, and rage at the person who dared to interfere.

Her fangs grew longer, but Naruto sensing her anger, merely smiled, and kissed her cheek.

Her anger dissipated slightly, but her eyes still promised death to whoever interrupted them.

"Cha-chan!" Naruto called out.

"Yes Naruto-chama!" Chachazero exclaimed, floating atop the blonde's head. Naruto noted that a barf bag was held in her hand, and they knew that she saw him, and Shiroi about to go at it. He chuckled sheepishly "Can you answer the door Cha-chan?" He asked.

"Aye! Aye! Sir!" the green haired doll cheerfully said.

"Chachazero." Shiroi began "I give you permission to cut up the person who dared to interrupt." She added.

Instantly, a large grin adorned the dolls face. The little doll floated off, and Naruto gave her an amused look.

"Don't you think that's a bit overboard? Not to mention that Cha-chan could end up killing that person." He asked, his voice holding slight concern.

Shiroi waved him off "Nope. I said cut up, not kill." She explained.

Naruto opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off as a terrified scream resonated from the door. Moments later, giggling could be heard, and the screams, and giggles got more distant.

Naruto blinked once, twice, and a third time, before he stood. "I think the person who was giving us room service dropped the sandwiches near the door." He commented "I'm just going to go check." He said.

Shiroi merely shrugged, and she closed her eyes as Naruto went to go check on the door. She wondered what was going to happen now. She knew that Yui was going to stay with Gaara, and she accepted that. She knew that she would have to tolerate that pink haired wench for several more days. Though to be honest, Shiroi found the girl to be amusing. She somewhat found it to be very much entertaining.

Getting Sakura angry was amusing to her. She enjoyed the reaction she got out of her, and if she ended up beating the girl to within an inch of her life because she took her anger to far... Well that was just a very nice bonus for her.

She heard Naruto reenter the room, and she looked up as he sat back on the couch. "Well, the sandwiches are alright." He said, showing her the four sandwiches wrapped in plastic. "But the coffee.. I'm afraid the janitor is gonna be picking that up." He joked.

Shiroi lightly giggled. The two quickly ate break-fest, and Naruto explained what happened to him during his little adventure in Arashi's tomb. To say Shiroi was shocked was an understatement. She couldn't imagine meeting the Nidaime Hokage in such a manner. And to find out he's your great grandfather shortly after, was nothing short of amazing.

She asked several more questions, such as how the Nidaime was like. How strong he was, what it was like to fight against him. Naruto answered to the best of his ability, and Shiroi was amazed at the tale. She honestly didn't think that the Nidaime riding atop Tsunami's was actually real. But from what Naruto was telling her, it was very much real.

They spoke for several more minutes, before they left the hotel. They walked through the streets of Suna, and they noticed how everyone was so lively. Villagers waved to the two, and even the ninja of the village bowed in respect to the two. Shiroi smirked at that, Naruto merely smiled.

"Ah, there you two are." The two looked up, only to see Kakashi staring at them from his perch atop a streetlight.

"Kakashi-Senpai." Naruto greeted. Shiroi merely gave a polite nod.

"So did you two sleep well enough?"

"We slept fine, Kakashi-Senpai." Naruto answered, a polite smile on his face. Shiroi merely gave Kakashi a bored look.

"I'd love to stay and chat Naruto, Shiroi-san. But I'm afraid I've lost track of Sakura, so I'm on a hunt to find her." Kakashi said "I came to find the two of you, so I can ask if you've seen her anywhere around here." He finished.

Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly at the mention of Sakura, and he slowly nodded his head. Silently saying he hasn't seen her anywhere.

Shiroi merely gave a silent chuckle at the thought at what trouble the pink haired wench could have gotten into. Maybe she was being raped against her will? She nearly cracked a grin at the very thought.

Kakashi hummed for several moments, and he tried to remember where he last saw Sakura. Come to think of it... Didn't he last see Sakura partaking in that game of strength? Perhaps he should search around that area. "I just remembered where I last saw Sakura, I'll gonna go see if I can find her." With that said, Kakashi turned, but stopped. "By the way, Gaara says to be in his office when you have time." Kakashi said, before he vanished in a burst of speed.

"You heard Kakashi-Senpai. Looks like Gaara wants me to visit him." Naruto commented "What will you be doing while I'm with Gaara, Shiroi-chan?" He asked.

Shiroi waved him off "I'll probably try to find Yui, and hang out with her. Although I really was hoping we could spend the day together." She pouted.

Naruto chuckled "I'll come find you when I'm done with my conversation with Gaara." With that said, Naruto gave Shiroi a peck on the lips, before he blurred away.

Shiroi hummed thoughtfully 'What to do, what to do, what to do?' She thought to herself. She caught sight of Yui's black hair, and a grin appeared on her face. She carefully snuck behind the black haired succubus, and looked over her shoulder. "Hey Yui." She simply said.

Instantly Yui was startled, and the black haired girl squeaked in surprise, and she jumped back a little. "S-Shiroi! Don't do that!" She exclaimed, placing a hand over her heart.

Shiroi giggled slightly "So what are you doing?" She asked.

Yui gave her a small glare "Well, I WAS observing the villagers. Before you startled me."

Shiroi smirked slightly "What do you mean by observing? Surely you know the villagers well enough."

Yui sighed "Its something you won't understand Shiroi. After all, you don't live in a village." She said.

Shiroi rose an elegant eyebrow "Oh? Try me. I'm living in Konoha with Naruto-kun, so please do tell me.. Why your observing the villagers, and why I wouldn't understand." She asked, though her tone suggested that she was demanding Yui to tell her.

Yui sighed again "When you look at these villagers... what do you see?" She asked.

Shiroi blinked, and she looked at the villagers mingling around. "I see lowly, and ignorant humans. I see people who take what they have for granted, and aren't satisfied with what they have. I see villagers, who can not let go of their hate." She answered honestly, though, it her eyes glazed over, and it wasn't the Suna citizens she was looking at. It was the villagers of Konoha that she was projecting.

Just thinking about Konoha, and the way they treated Naruto, made her snarl lightly.

Yui didn't notice her snarl. "I see villagers who can smile, and enjoy the peace they have at the moment. The five great villages have been in three wars, and because of that, they were able to continued to hold on to both hope, and strength. Despite their their pain of losing a loved, they are still able to push forward. And those who can't, are helped by those who have." Yui said.

Shiroi narrowed her eyes "You are aware of how they treated Gaara as a child... Right?" She asked slowly.

The black haired girlfriend of the Kazekage nodded "I know... And for a time I hated them, I despised them.. But Gaara told me to let go of my hatred, since it would only to more harm than good. So... I just let my hatred go." She answered.

Shiroi narrowed her eyes into slits, her eyes flashing blood red. Let go? Was it truly so easy to let go of her hatred? No. No matter how hard she tried, she could not discard her hatred for the villagers of Konoha. She would tolerate them. She was able to stand in their presence, to talk neutrally with them, to be able to look at them in the eyes. She could, and would tolerate them for Naruto's sake. But to forgive them?

Not. A. Fucking. Chance.

Should the villagers of Konoha give her a reason, even the smallest of reasons... Than she would show them a true demon brat. As they so affectionately nick-named Naruto.

Until than she would tolerate them. For Naruto's sake, she would tolerate them. though she wished that just one of them would try something...

So she could give them a glimpse of what hell truly is.

Anko grinned as she devoured another plate of Dango. She nearly ate the plate itself with how she just wolfed down all the Dango on it.

Across her, Kurenai lightly shook her head at her best friends actions. "Jeez Anko, eat anymore, and you'll end up getting fat." The black haired woman deadpanned.

Anko grinned at her best friend "Oh Nai-Chan~ You know it's nearly impossible for Kunoichi's to get fat. what with the calories we burn off." She told her pregnant friend.

Kurenai snorted slightly, and she smiled at the purple haired Jonin. "How's has it been Anko?"

"Oh you know, same old, same old." Anko replied, picking her teeth with a toothpick. "Working at the Interrogation department with Inoichi, and Ibiki. Training in the forest of death. Teasing my poor little Iruka-Chan, eating Dango... Did I mention eating Dango?" She grinned.

Kurenai gave her a small grin "Honestly Anko, you and your obsession with Dango. I honestly will never understand."

"Dango is the food of the GODS!" The purple haired Dango lover exclaimed childishly.

"A certain blonde haired recently promoted Jonin would disagree." Kurenai deadpanned.

Anko scoffed "Please, my Otoutou obviously hasn't tasted the mighty Dango's." She stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Naruto would argue that Ramen is much better." The red eyed woman added.

"Don't worry, I will soon corrupt Naruto into the ways of Dango." Anko declared, her mind coming up with various scenes where he corrupts Naruto into her ways, and he being eternally grateful to her.

Kurenai chuckled nervously as he noted the gleam in Anko's eyes, and she silently cleared her throat. "Speaking of Naruto, you never really explained why you see him as a little brother."

Anko's grin slowly faded into a small smile, and she sighed almost sadly. "Remember that time I disappeared for two months?" Anko began.

Kurenai slowly nodded, she remembered how Anko had been missing for two months. At first, she thought nothing of it. But after the third week with no contact with her, she immediately went to the Sandaime about this. Only for the old Hokage to tell her that Anko was a long term mission.

"Well.. I was never really on a long term mission. I was in the village the entire time... As a temporary ANBU." The purple haired Kunoichi explained. Kurenai narrowed her eyes slightly at Anko.

"It all began shortly after yet another group of villager were badmouthing me for being the snake bitch." She sneered "I wanted to get away from the village for awhile. So I went to Sandaime-sama if there was anything I can do to get away from the villagers. There were several missions he had, but they required a team. And who would work with the snake bitch. So Sandaime-sama offered to let me in the ANBU temporarily. I accepted." Anko took a swig of her sake.

"After that, my missison only included those that were only two miles away from the village. My temprary code-name was Hebi-six-two. It was during one of my assignments that I came across a mob of villagers beating down on our favorite, and unfortunate Jinchuuriki. Uzumaki Naruto. I immediately moved in, and disbanded the villagers. They backed off quite quickly, after all, no one messes with the ANBU." Anko laughed, remembering the frightened faces of the villagers.

"Since than, I found myself protecting the little brat for those two months. I read him bedtime stories, I gave piggyback rides, I made sure that his apartment was somewhat clean. And I enjoyed torturing the villagers that were brave enough to attack the kid in front of me. He was my precious little Otoutou. To him, I was Hebi nee-Chan. Than my temporary time in ANBU was done, and... The council forbid me from ever making contact with the gaki unless it involved Shinobi related business... And litte Naru-Chan was only five at the time." Anko said, with hazy eyes.

"With me gone, the villagers began the attacks on him again. But, they weren't that lucky, since weasel also caught them, and brought them the interrogation department. And of course, I was Ibiki's apprentice at the time, so yeah. Ibiki kindly allowed me to practice on the poor bastards. And I must say, I fucking enjoy it. I had hoped that when Naruto became a Genin I could take him under my wing." A sneer came upon her face.

"But Kakashi-" She spat "-Interfered with that, and I lost my chance of seeing Naru-Chan again. The only time I ever got to see my little Otoutou again.. was during the Chunin exams.. And he never even remember the way I smelled. As a kid the gaki always had a sharp nose... Yet he never remember my scent. The scent of his Hebi nee-Chan." Anko whispered, staring at her sake bottle.

"I knew for he wouldn't remember me. After all, he was only five at the time, and you know that kids don't remember things when they grow up. Though that still didn't stop the pain I felt when he didn't remember me." Anko sighed "But now." She gave a small smile "Now that he's a Jonin. Heh, I have a feeling that we might get sent on some missions together. And I look forward to it!" Anko grinned.

Kurenai stared at her friend for several moments, before she gave a soft chuckle. "Your a softy aren't you Anko?" She teased.

Anko stared at Kurenai for several moments, before she pouted. "Nai~Chan! I'm the one whose supposed to tease you!" She whined, before a grin came upon her face. "So... When is your little child due. I want to spoil the little baby already!.. And maybe corrupt him to my ways." She said, though she whispered that last part to herself.

However, Kurenai was still able to hear her friend, and her left eye twitched slightly. "I told you Anko, he isn't due for several more months." She responded.

Anko pouted "Dang it!" She gave a lighthearted glared at Kurenai's stomach "Hurry up you! So you can meet the strongest, and most sexist Kunochi of Konoha. Mitarashi Anko!" She declared. (Seriously in your opinion who IS the strongest Kunochi in the leaf village? Besides Tsunade. Tell me your thoughts.)

Kurenai chuckled lightly at her friend, before she ordered another plate of Dango for Anko. Its been a long time since she even had dinner with Anko, and she planned on enjoying herself with her friend.

Though she wondered when Anko was going to approach Naruto. Many different scenes enter her mind, but she nonetheless wished Anko luck.

It was the best she could do right now.

The man in Akatsuki clothes remained still, and silent. His partner had left earlier to hunt for some fish, and other edible things in the forest. As it stood, it was just him... And his 'visitor'.

"I can't put my finger on it, but... There is something different about you... Itachi." A voice spoke out. The cold, and emotionless drawl filling the air, as Tobi slowly walked into Itachi's line of sight. His Sharingan gleaming slightly.

Itachi stayed silent for several moments, before he slowly opened his eyes. "Madara." Was his simple answer.

The wind blowed, and their robes fluttered as the two stared into each other's eyes with their Sharingan's.

The silence was broken by Tobi's small chuckle "How interesting."

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