
Chapter 6

With Naruto

It's been a couple of days since the preliminaries, Naruto had immediately left the village, he had planned to go to Kiri but he had gotten sidetracked and was currently waiting on someone in a gambling town, in the middle of Hi no Kuni.

Naruto was walking towards an inn with an annoyed look on his face "Where is this woman, I've been waiting for three hours." Naruto growled entering the large inn.

Naruto sighed and calmed down before he looked up where he heard running. Going upstairs Naruto looked around, before the door opened and something small ran into his leg,

"Ita!" he heard looking down Naruto saw a blond haired girl on the ground rubbing her head, when the girl looked up at him, Naruto reached down and picked her up before he set her on her feet

"Why are you in a henge Tsunade?" Naruto asked the girl who smiled sheepishly up at him "We were suppose to meet three hours ago." Naruto said before Tsunade could say anything three men ran up to them

"Hey brat have you seen this woman?" a man asked holding up a picture of Tsunade

"Whose askin?" Naruto asked

"Grr, look brat don't be difficult have you seen this woman or not?" the man growled as he and his two friends tried to look threatening Tsunade who was still in her henge backed away

"Now's my chance!" she thought tip toeing away before Naruto's hand shot out and he grabbed her by the back of her robe and pulled her back besides him, as Naruto looked down at her

"Stay here." he said Tsunade watched as his pupil became smaller before going back to normal, before she found out she couldn't move causing her to sigh

"I should've drunk some vervain today." she thought

"Hey brat we asked you a question!" the other man yelled seeing Naruto wasn't paying attention to them before he threw a punch at Naruto, who caught the punch and with his strength swung the man into a wall, cracking it before throwing him outside the window down the other hall.

Naruto turned to the other two, and smirked as the veins under his eyes pulsated before the men ran out the inn. Naruto looked down at Tsunade and shook his head before releasing his hold on her "You can move now." Naruto said

As soon as he said that Tsunade released her henge before she bopped Naruto on the head, "Ita!" Naruto said rubbing his head feeling a lump "What was that for?" he asked

"I told you never to compel me." Tsunade said only for Naruto to scoff "What are you doing here?" Tsunade asked

"I've waited for you at the pond for three hours." Naruto said

"Oh, that's right, you have a job for me." Tsunade said nodding before motioning Naruto to follow her, when they reached her room, Naruto sat across from her at the table "So what is it?" she asked

"I want you to create a seal, that'll allow for my mate and any future ones I have be able to get pregnant in the event I turn them." Naruto said Tsunade raised an eyebrow

"Wouldn't it make easier for you to have children with your mates before you turn them?" Tsunade asked

Naruto shook his head "It would be better for them to have the child after they were turned, because if the baby was born human, and if I were to turn my mates their bloodlust would takeover and they would try to feed on the baby." Naruto said getting a nod from Tsunade

"Well, I'll see what I can do." Tsunade said before smirking "Is that all you came for?" she asked leaning across the table

"Yes." Naruto said simply lifting up the saucer of sake that was on the table, before Tsunade tackled him from across the table sending them both to the ground . Tsunade leaned up as Naruto had his arms around her waist, she smiled at him before she kissed him which he returned.

Pulling back Tsunade smiled before she saw that Naruto had vamped out, as he hadn't fed in a couple of days, reaching up she caressed his cheek feeling his veins "When will you turn me?" Tsunade asked

"When I meet you in Tanzanaku. The plan is coming together, Hiruzen will pay for all his crimes against the Uzumaki and Senju clans. I've compelled Homaru and Koharu to go to Jiraiya with intentions to name him the Godaime, and knowing him he'll put the responsibility on you, and when he comes to look for you, I'll tag along." Naruto said

Tsunade narrowed her eyes "When will we get rid of Jiraiya?" she asked

"I'm on it, when his uses run out, he'll be gone as well." Naruto said smirking evilly as he kissed her again and remembered the first time he met Tsunade


It's been 7 years since Naruto had turned, he was currently walking towards a town reading the journal of Sarutobi Hiruzen that he had found covered in dust on the top of the shelf in the Hokage's office.

The more he read the more angry he was becoming

Entry 18

I had Mito Uzumaki killed so she couldn't send word to Uzushiogakure that we were betraying them. Root members were sent out earlier this morning with them helping the invading forces, with Uzu out of the way the Kyuubi whore wouldn't be able to return home as agreed.

Tsunade has taken her in, so I along with Jiraiya have come up with a plan to get her to leave. Jiraiya will kill her beloved Dan on a mission, Dan's mission has failed anyway he has been unable to sleep with Tsunade, he's been more worried on his pregnant girlfriend Sasaki Haruno.

Hopefully her grief will cause her to have sex with Jiraiya, Orochimaru has come to me and said that Nawaki wasn't enough. So us killing the boy was a waist of time. I'm starting to regret sending the Senju clan to their death.

I have given Fugaku Uchiha a mission, to befriend the Kyuubi Jinchurriki Kushina, their offspring will make great weapons all I need to do is get rid of that Minato boy.

End Entry

Naruto was breathing heavily full on growling, when he put the journal in his backpack, before he vamped out and sped off

Entering a town Naruto allowed his face to return to normal as he walked through forcing himself to calm down as he walked he saw a woman stumble out of a bar, as he moved to follow he saw another man come out with a perverted look on his face before he followed after her.

Naruto stuck to the shadows following after the man, as he channeled youki all over his body stopping when his body aged to the 17 year old point. Naruto watched as the blond woman stumbled into an alley towards an hotel, before another man got in her way while the other was behind her

"Well, well look it here the Legendary Sucker out her alone and drunk off her ass." the man in front of Tsunade said

Tsunade narrowed her eyes before she looked over her shoulder to see another man, she also saw someone in the shadows who winked at her, Tsunade smirked slightly before she looked to the man who had spoken "Somebody's gonna die tonight." Tsunade sung swaying so she leaned against the wall for support and focused her chakra to sober herself up, as the man who followed her from the bar was pulled up into the sky as he tried to rush her, causing Tsunade, and his accomplice to look around

The other man eyes narrowed before he turned around only to see Naruto, who immediately latched onto his neck and started to feed, when he was done Naruto turned to the now sober Tsunade as Tsunade backed away while he wiped the blood from his chin "What are you?" Tsunade asked as Naruto stood in front of her

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said much to Tsunade's shock

"Y-your Kushi-chan's son, that's impossible he would be 12, if he was still alive." Tsunade said

"I'll explain that later. Who told you I was dead?" Naruto asked confused

"Jiraiya!" Tsunade replied as Naruto's eyes narrowed before he took out Sarutobi's journal and handed it to her "What's this?" Tsunade asked

"Things that shows your sensei and teammates are nothing but scum. It's you sensei's journal read it, and I'll get back to you in 2 days." Naruto said as Tsunade looked at him

"Tsunade-sama!" Tsunade heard looking back she saw Shizune running over to her, turning to Naruto she saw that he was gone. "Tsunade-sama are you alright?" Shizune asked getting a nod from

Tsunade who looked at the journal she remembered seeing her sensei write in on missions sometimes

End Flashback

It was 2 days later that he found her and told her everything, what he was, and the plan he was making to get revenge on her teammates, and the Uchiha that had been responsible for his mothers death, she had agreed to help in anyway she could, and Naruto helped her as well

Naruto was currently sitting behind Tsunade as she drunk his blood from his wrist as he channeled reiatsu and small amounts of Ki, into her, he watched as her 31 year old body de-aged into a 23 year old body. Before she opened her eyes and her Rinnegan glowed briefly, the successful transfusion of Uchiha blood showing. Naruto suddenly turned to the front door, hearing Shizune arriving "Here comes Shizune." he said taking his wrist away

"You should leave, before she sees you." Tsunade said standing up and deactivating her dojutsu, and wiping her face of the blood, as she pushed Naruto to the window "I'll see you in a month." she said before Naruto kisses her and jumped out of the window.

Sighing Naruto walked out of the town before Konoha Anbu landed in front of him "Maybe I should start covering my tracks." Naruto thought annoyed "What do you want?" Naruto asked

"Hokage-sama wishes to see you." the leading Anbu said, causing Naruto to sigh



"What do you mean I have to stay in the village?" Naruto asked with narrowed eyes as the Anbu stood behind him as he glared at Hiruzen

"Orochimaru, has been sighted in the village, we need the strongest people the village can offer incase he makes a move." Hiruzen said

Naruto made to move forward, when the Anbu appeared in front of him, weapons pointed at Naruto who didn't care he kept walking till the weapons pierced his skin "We both know what he wants. So why don't we just get rid of the Uchiha, and render his plan useless right now?" Naruto asked with a mental smirk

"Absolutely not, we will not kill young Sasuke." Sarutobi said

"He is a flight risk, hell for all we know he is currently with Orochimaru now!" Naruto replied

"He is with Kakashi, training in a private location." Hiruzen said, Naruto sighed and nodded

"Fine, whatever happens it's all on you." Naruto said before he walked out of the office, his wounds healing "So, Hatake took the fool out of the village, good. Perfect time to get the tablet." he thought with a smirk, as he vanished to appear in his estate

Naruto walked toward the living room to pour himself some scotch, when he heard music entering the living room he saw Mebuki Haruno mother of Sakura, and Noriko Yamanaka mother of Ino dancing in lingerie as Anko sat on the couch drinking from the wrist of Yoshino Nara mother of Shikamaru.

"Looks like you found a way to keep busy." Naruto said leaning on the doorway smirking as Anko looked up at him, she let go of Yoshino's wrist and vamp sped over to him wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately as Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist

Pulling back Anko asked "I thought you were going to be in Kiri to visit Mei?"

Naruto shrugged "I was, I met with Tsunade first, before I was going to start on my way before Anbu, escorted me back here to listen to Hiruzen tell me I have to stay in the village since Orochimaru is here."

Anko nodded before she whined "Do you think I can kill him this time?"

"Anko, I had the snake chained up in the basement for 6 months, and I allowed for you to torture him as much as you like. You can't kill him, he still has his uses." Naruto said

"Yeah, but I at least wished you didn't feed him your blood to heal him, or compel him to forget all the damage I did to him." Anko said with a light groan

Naruto shook his head, before he looked to the three Milf's that were dancing and looked to Anko "What are they doing here?" he asked

"They had news for you. Mebuki reported that Danzo is still looking into how you became a vampire, so he could turn himself into one or force you to do it for him." Anko said getting a nod from Naruto "Noriko, and Yoshino reported that Shikaku, and the Nara clan are now using vervain in their Medical Encyclopedia, and Inoichi is now stocking the herds in his families shop as well."

Naruto nodded "That would be a problem, if we didn't have an immunity to vervain wouldn't it." Naruto said getting a nod from Anko, before he zipped behind Mebuki, who leaned her head to the side before Naruto vamped out and bit into her flesh, while groping Mebuki's breast from behind. These three Milf's were among the most vocal in their hatred of Naruto when he was a child since they hated Kushina, as they were fan girls in their younger years pining for Minato's attention.

Naruto pulled back from Mebuki's neck to look see Anko feeding from Noriko, before he asked all three Milf's "Do you have anywhere you need to be today?"

"No Naruto-sama." they all said getting a smirk from Naruto

"Good." he said as he turned Mebuki around and picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as Anko grabbed Noriko, and Yoshino before they vamp sped upstairs. Grunts, moans, praises to Kami, and shouts of encouragement were heard coming from the estate from four different female voices

That Night

Naruto opened the door as the three Milfs walked out of his house their wounds healed with a little blood, as they walked home none of them could wait for their next meeting with Naruto.

Naruto smirked before he looked over to the nude Anko, who was drinking some bourbon, before he walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his head in the crook of her neck as she looked at the large picture of his pregnant mother that hung over the fireplace "Do you think I'd be a good mother?" Anko asked

Naruto looked up before he looked to the same picture with a smile on his face "You will be a great mother." Naruto said before he turned her around to face him, he then lifted her up and sat her on the table, and stepped between her legs as he looked her in the eyes

"But how do you know that?" Anko asked

Naruto smiled "The first five years of my life, and the years of your life when you came back to Konoha after you turned your back on the snake. It was hell for the both of us, we were alone, and we hated it. How do I know you will be a good mother, is simple." Naruto started as he caressed her cheek "You will try your absolute best to make sure our children doesn't have to go through the same shit we did, we would give them the childhood we wanted but never could have." he finished before he kissed Anko passionately as she wrapped her arms around his neck, before they held each other and bit into each others neck feeding on their blood, showing how much they love each other with how intimate blood sharing between vampires was.

When a puff of smoke appeared behind Naruto, sighing Naruto turned around as he and Anko both of them still vamped out, looked to Yugao Uzuki who stood there with a large scroll tied to her back, with a blush on her face seeing Naruto in nothing but some boxers and Anko completely naked before their faces returned to normal

"I got what you asked for." Yugao said before she took the scroll and tossed it to Naruto

Catching the scroll Naruto unsealed the Naka shrine's tablet, Naruto smirked before he looked to Yugao and said "Thank you Yugao-chan."

"Your welcome Naruto-kun." she replied before she sunshine's away, as Naruto summoned a clone "Go and put this in the basement, and write word for word what's on the tablet so that others can understand it." the clone nodded before it took the tablet and went down to the basement

"Now where were we?" Naruto asked turning back to Anko who smirked before she kissed him passionately, when they heard the front door unlocking

Looking to the door, as it opened a Root Anbu member walked through the hallway when he came into the living room to see it was empty, looking around the Root nin saw an open door.

Silently the root nin made his way toward the door, he didn't see a fully dressed Naruto and Anko who were in the shadows of the living room

The intruder looked around to see a office type room, a book shelf fully stocked with books, with years dating all the way back to the Rikudo Sennin's era "Danzo-sama, will love these." he whispered as he walked to the shelf and took a old book off the shelf, browsing through it he noticed something "This is a journal, they must all be journals." he whispered as he closed the journal, he then noticed a newer book on the desk, opening it he saw it was titles 'Naruto's Journal' "Something in these might help Danzo-sama discover the secret to becoming a vampire." he continued to whisper as he started to take all of the journals off the shelf

"I would appreciate it, if you would put those back how you found them." a voice said behind him

The nin jumped, and turned to see Naruto pouring himself a glass of scotch, before he looked up to the root Anbu "You like to read?" Naruto asked

"…." the Root remained silent

"Silent type huh. Well I like to read, my favorite subject is history, as you can see every Uzumaki leader chronicled everything from their time, starting from Hagoromo Jr. the first son of the Rikudo Sennin." Naruto said before he finished his glass

"Why are you telling me all this?" the Root nin said in a monotone voice

"He speaks." Naruto said with a smirk "It's simple, I'm telling you this because, you won't be leaving here alive. Alcohol might curb the cravings, but it only holds back the hunger for so long." Naruto finished as he vamped out, as the Root nin moved to pull out his tanto, but found it was missing

"Looking for this?" a feminine voice asked looking to the doorway, the nin saw Anko with the tanto, in her hands "I'll leave you two to have fun." she said before walking out of the office, as Naruto smirked showing his fangs before he sped over ,the Root nin gurgle was all that could be heard from the office.

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