
C137: End of the Abyss P19

C137: End of the Abyss P19

Overall Word count = 1618 on 8/31/2024.

Alt Title teaser: Divinity

The group has huddled up with the exception of Finn and Lily. Finn because he had to go back and find his group which he does as they finally arrive at the 68th floor. Seeing the state of the floor as it is cut off from the dungeon after the fight prevents the floor from being repaired. So the group heads back up to collect the left behind group that set up camp. They needed to address what was going on. Finn would omit some details about Lily to protect her until her transformation ends at least but he would reveal his own past life.

He has no reason to hide and by revealing these types of details, the group would be more reassured in his strength, though their curiosity would only heighten as they ponder the situation that caused him to awaken his past memories. His ties to LIly would eventually be revealed but by then, it would already be too late.

Axel conjures some earth walls around Lily to at least hide her from plain view while they all recuperate or Cassandra heals them. An eerie silence pervades through the floor as the group is unsure of how to start the conversation until Welf suddenly comments on Axel's new appearance.

"You're short again" Welf bluntly states

"You obviously have not been hit in the head enough by Senji" Axel retorts.

"He actually stopped doing that once we met you and your primary saintess. He spent more time polishing his armor as if terrified by her and wanted to be prepared in case they attacked him"

"Good to know. This newest armor of his broke instantly against the Balor."

"I'd say that you are equally at fault for endangering everyone here by hurting the dungeon so badly that it sent so many stronger rexs at us with little to no rest. "

"Welf" Haruhime calls out and is about to chastise him when Axel continues speaking.

"You're right. I'll be sure to give you all the final versions of your rings… at least with my current limits. Though we would have to leave the dungeon for that" Everyone understands his words and how they still don't plan to leave until they truly destroy the dungeon

"On the other hand, some good news. I finally have control of my power so I no longer have to be afraid of touching anyone and then dying from extensive exposure to being in contact with me. "

"Does that mean that you have reached your limit in terms of stats? You will become level 10 and then maybe become a god"

"No thanks. I'm not interested" Axel declines which raises plenty of eyebrows from the group and Bell can't help but ask

"Why not. If you become a god or a Saint, then can't you live forever with all the women you love?"

"Your words imply that Haruhime and Aisha along with Syr would also face similar situations to be with me." Bell becomes tongue-tied as he didn't consider all the members of his harem. It might be possible for Haruhime and Aisha but not for Syr who was the mother of Axel's first born. He can't think of anything to try to clear up the misunderstanding when Axel continues to speak.

"But don't worry. As long as I have mana, I can live forever. I already have a solution for them too." Haruhime lets out a hidden sigh of relief at the prospect of being with Axel forever.

As she realizes that she was actually quite worried about what would happen after they clear the dungeon. She is sure that the others were also worried about this but Axel's words reassured her.

Their conversation is soon interrupted by a golden burst of light originating from Lily. They all turn their attention to her as the golden light expands into becoming a pillar that flows through the former dungeon floors until it clearly seeps out into the open world and into the sky that changes the color of all nearby clouds to reflect the golden light.

Everyone who witnesses the pillar is surprised as the mortals of the group are unsure of what this means but the gods know the pillar is typically associated with a god descending from Heaven, but this one is showing up from inside the dungeon. Only someone like Ouranos knows the true significance of this and has a proud smile at a mortal finally reaching the level of a god.

While all mortals are confused, the Pallum are even more so. Those who can physically see the pillar or are within Orario feel a connection to the pillar, as if their wish was finally granted making them feeling nostalgic and happy. Granted even Pallum much further away in many vast lands be it hopeless mountain ranges, happy homes, young or old. They all sense a connection in the direction of Orario but don't know why.

Yet the confusion of those in Orario and the dungeon like Finn is soon answered as a 'holographic' projection of Lily in her Fianna armor can be seen inside the pillar (like Zordon-power rangers). Her voice then begins to resonate within the heart of EVERY Pallum that prayed for Fianna, Of course the people in Orario can also hear this as she speaks from inside the pillar.

"You all might be confused about who I am. But in your heart, you already know. 15 years ago I had been reborn and the memories of my past life had resurfaced. I am Fianna, who through all your prayers have become a god."

Every Pallum trembled at this revelation while Finn smiled with a gentle expression. Yet Lily is not done talking.

"I have not asked for this power, nor this responsibility, I am just a monster slayer." her tone is depressive but every Pallum can only yell out in their hearts that she is a goddess, she is the reason that their people can prosper in this age.

"I am not here to preach or spread hate against anyone. But I will thank everyone who has given me the capability to finally destroy the dungeon which took my, Liliruca Arde's parents in this life. " She takes off her golden visor, revealing her face to everyone in Orario. Many don't really know her until one by one they realize that she was one of the recently rapidly growing adventurers who is part of Axel's group. Afterall, the prestige of the Titan is no means small.

On the other hand, Soma and his familia members are the most surprised. While Soma has changed his ways (Lily changed them by herself as she wanted to rid herself of the soma brand upon her. Happened after they returned from the phoenix encounter. Happens like canon except she suppresses the Soma captain by herself and then still drinks the alcohol and survives thanks to Axel's ring draining the energy from her ).

Soma has a smile on his face as he whispers his congratulations to Lily. Some of the soma members are frightened as they never really stood up for her when she was still in their familia and bullied by Zanis and others. As for Zanis himself, he nearly craps himself and immediately runs to gather his things to escape Orario entirely.

"My first act as a god to share this blessing I received to all Pallum. Be kind and hopefully I will stop hating this world for the way it is." With her words, a golden burst occurs at the top of the pillar that is hidden behind the thick golden clouds. Flakes of light fall in a very specific way that they essentially flew towards each and every Pallum in the world. A tremendous feat that allows all Pallum, including those not yet born to receive her blessing.

The blessing manifests in different ways, some become greatly more flexible or stronger while those can learn things faster. The blessing is very generalized to be all rounded helpful but nothing that is outright life changing due to how spread out it is to affect the whole Pallum race in the world. It's essentially the difference between 1 or 2 letter grades in a stat which might seem a lot but not every Pallum in the world has a falna, so a rise from I to H or G might seem much to those people but what is most impressive is how every Pallum received this level of blessing.

Lily says one final message, "I hope my people do not abuse this power and extend the hand of darkness to others out of misguided pride or prejudice. I shall be on my way now. "She whispers the next part but it's still heard by everyone, "it's your turn now brother" The pillar of light finally collapses back down to merge with Lily who is beyond exhausted. She collapses on her back but Bell was quick enough to rush up to catch her. He lets out a sigh of relief as he repositions her near the camp so that she can properly rest.

Lily now has a chance to properly rest but the world does not as the group witnesses a repeat of the golden lights flowing into the dungeon. Yet this time the target is Finn Deimne on the floor above them. The members of the Loki familia who are inside the dungeon are confused but also excited as if Lily's words are correct then their captain is about to become a god as well.


Alt Title: Chatting, Divinity and Blessing

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