
Chapter 211: Hermione's Fame

After refuting Professor McGonagall's arguments, Alaric presented his own viewpoint.

"I actually think it's not dark magic that corrupts the heart, but rather the possession of great power. Dark magic, which can harm others, is just one way to obtain power.

It's not the use of dark magic that leads to corruption, but rather corrupted individuals who frequently resort to it. 

But how can those without power resist the corrupted ones with power? 

Instead of being defeated due to lack of power, I would choose to first grasp powerful magic and then decide whether to use it or not."

After speaking, he continued, "I actually think Hogwarts' education is somewhat outdated. 

You know, Professor McGonagall, this year's visit to the Ministry of Magic has left me very disappointed."

"Is it because Fudge falsely accused you? The Ministry of Magic is indeed very corrupt in certain aspects," McGonagall looked at Alaric with curiosity.

"No, it's not that," Alaric shook his head, a mocking smile appearing on his face.

"I'm referring to the magical abilities of those Ministry officials and the wizards from Wizengamot. 

Our Ministry of Magic, apart from Aurors who are somewhat well-trained, the skills of the other wizards are simply embarrassing for the Ministry. 

Can you believe it? Most of them can't even cast the Shield Charm properly, let alone counter-curses."

"Oh, well..." McGonagall felt a bit embarrassed by this remark, as most of the wizards in Britain graduate from Hogwarts. 

Many of the Ministry officials were her students. "The Shield Charm is not a simple spell, and countering curses is even more advanced."

"I understand that the Shield Charm may not be simple for ordinary people, but it and the Counter-Curse are the most basic defensive spells. 

If they can't even do these, they'll be completely defenseless against slightly trained opponents," Alaric complained. 

"Even if Hogwarts is unwilling to teach dark magic, can't they at least hire a somewhat reliable Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher? 

Professor Lupin this year is passable. But look at Professor Lockhart from last year and Professor Quirrell from the year before that. What kind of nonsense is that?"

"Speaking of Defense Against the Dark Arts professors..." Dumbledore suddenly interjected.

"I assure you, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the next academic year will surely meet your expectations."

"Heh, really?" Alaric helplessly smirked. In Dumbledore's view, the next Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the next academic year was indeed a reliable person.

The former Auror, "Mad-Eye" Alastor Moody. 

Moody was very famous in the 1970s because he successfully led all Aurors who became Death Eaters back to the right path without using the Unforgivable Curse, which was prohibited by the Ministry of Magic.

However, in reality, this Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the upcoming year was even more unreliable than the previous ones put together, because he was a Death Eater, disguised by Polyjuice Potion as Barty Crouch Jr. 

Ultimately, his plot led to the death of Cedric Diggory and the rebirth of Voldemort - the first time there were casualties among the students, and Voldemort's side succeeded in their scheme.

However, Alaric had no intention of exposing him because he also needed Voldemort's revival. Otherwise, how could he completely kill him?

Moreover, Harry's experience of being transported to the graveyard played a significant role in Alaric's plan.

The opponents Hermione encountered on the second day were not weak at all. 

The participants who could persist until the second day, although some were still students like Hermione attending magical schools, most of them were already in their seventh year.

Additionally, such participants constituted a very small portion among all.

More participants were in their thirties or forties, or even middle-aged wizards in their fifties.

Wizards of this age had reached the peak of their lives. Compared to younger wizards, they had much more experience and mastery over powerful magic.

However, they were also stronger, more vigorous, and had quicker reflexes than older wizards.

For wizard dueling, it required not only exceptional magical skills but also demanded physical strength and experience.

Being able to dodge the opponent's spells or withstand them without being knocked unconscious was also an advantage because it allowed the wizard to focus more on defeating the opponent rather than defending against their attacks.

Most of Hermione's opponents on that day were male, they were either Aurors or wizards from renowned dueling clubs.

These individuals had their own sets of skills in magical dueling, making it challenging for Hermione to gain the upper hand using her usual tactics.

However, Hermione had other advantages besides these.

Although she lacked combat experience compared to these individuals, she compensated for it with her extensive knowledge.

While these wizards might use spells Hermione hadn't learned, as soon as they uttered the incantation, Hermione could immediately recognize the spell and react accordingly.

Furthermore, Hermione's agility and formidable magical prowess far surpassed the imagination of these opponents.

In particular, the variation of the Shield Charm that Alaric had taught her allowed her to deflect her opponent's spells with her wand.

Even opponents with Auror backgrounds had to yield to Hermione in the face of her skills.

The matches on the second day lasted from morning till dusk.

When Hermione finally wore down her last opponent with her sheer magical and physical strength and then defeated the towering Russian wizard with a Full-Body-Bind Curse, a thunderous applause and cheers erupted from the audience.

Because Hermione had successfully advanced to the top four.

This schoolgirl was much more formidable than anyone had imagined.

No one could believe that such a young girl could trample over numerous wizards several times her age and make it this far.

In a sport predominantly dominated by males, having a female competitor in the top four was unprecedented.

Moreover, this was an achievement that many older women, including some experienced female Aurors, couldn't accomplish.

At this moment, Hermione had become a celebrity in the wizarding world.

Even if she couldn't ultimately win the championship, or even if she only secured the fourth place, no one dared to underestimate her. 

Everyone still regarded her as an idol.

Because Hermione's combat prowess had not yet reached its peak, she was still young meaning she had time to become stronger.

No one could imagine how powerful she would be when she became an adult.

In fact, journalists from all over the world had already prepared their interview drafts, eagerly awaiting the end of tomorrow's matches to begin interviewing this talented young girl.

And the Ministries of Magic from various countries were also eagerly eyeing Hermione - wasn't she a future elite Auror?




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