
Lucas' Prophecy, A Gift To Dumbledore!

Hearing that Lucas was predicted to die just like himself, Harry was still a little happy in his heart. However, he didn't see any panic in Lucas' face.

He even saw him walk up to Professor Trelawney with a smile on his face.

"Harry, does this fellow Grindelwald really have a talent for prophecy?"

Facing his friend's question, Harry shook his head and said he didn't know.

From the previous school year, the two have gradually moved away.

During the summer vacation, Harry tried hard not to meet Lucas and also declined Draco's invitation to his house. Of course, this is also a partially because of Mr. Malfoy.

"Let's hear what he's going to say."

As soon as Harry finished speaking, Lucas started his prophecy.

"Within three years, you will be dismissed from Hogwarts because you cannot make predictions anytime and anywhere."

"As a descendant of the famous Seer Cassandra Trelawney, you will be forced to live on the streets, and no one will want to hire you after you were fired from Hogwarts."

"Until in the end, you meet a horrible man who ends up taking your life."

Lucas said that and grabbed Professor Trelawney's wrist at the end.

Through the eyes of foresight, he led the professor to see the scene when she was fired by Umbridge.

As for the latter content, it was made up by Lucas himself.

However, seeing a part of the prophecy by herself, it was enough for the divination professor to believe in his words.

When Lucas let go, tears welled up in Trelawney's eyes.

"No, she can't do that, Hogwarts is my home, she can't just make me homeless."

She choked up and said this sentence.

Professor Trelawney looked at the curious young wizards in the classroom and decided to end the class.

"That's all for today's class, you can leave now."

After those words, she turned and walked towards the door in the corner of the classroom.

"Oh, she can't do that....I'm going to find Dumbledore..."

The students could still hear Professor Trelawney talking to herself from a distance.

Seeing what the professor looked like, all eyes turned to Lucas again.

At this moment Lucas was walking out of the classroom holding Hermione's hand.

"Honey, you never told me that you also have the ability to predict the future."

"My beautiful lady, I think with your ingenuity, you should be able to discover that these are all lies."

"You lied?"

Seeing Hermione's puzzled eyes, Lucas activated the eyes of foresight, and let her see that her O.W.L score was ten O's.

"Merlin, this is amazing, how did you do it?"

Seeing the surprised expression on her face, Lucas just smiled and didn't explain.

Mainly because he didn't know how to explain it.

After all, his ability can accurately and proactively predict the future, which is a very shocking thing.

At the same time Harry and Ron, who left the divination classroom, were also discussing what happened just now.

"Harry, do you think Grindelwald really has the gift of prophecy?"

Harry thought of the times Lucas had acted like he knew the future several times before.

Somewhat frustrated, he said: "Maybe he really has this ability."

At this moment, he felt a little lost because Lucas has one more ability than himself, and it's an ability that everyone envies.

With the end of the divination class, word of Harry's predicted death also spread.

There were also rumors of Lucas' prophetic abilities.

People learned that Lucas made a prophecy to Professor Trelawney, and successfully convinced her. They all exclaimed upon hearing of this.

As for Harry, everyone seems to be reluctant to mention him anymore.

For this "Savior" who is always in trouble, everyone has gotten used to it.

Well, there are still a few people who care about him, like the twins Fred and George.

They thought that teasing Harry was very interesting.

After lunch, Harry and Ron were on their way to the castle gates where Professor McGonagall was waiting for the third year students.

Today was their first visit to Hogsmeade.

Although Harry failed to get his aunt's signature, he still intended to go to Professor McGonagall to see if she could do something to help him.

"My dear, you have been laughing at your consent form for a long time, are you really that happy that we're going to Hogsmeade village?"

Cho looked at her boyfriend next to her suspiciously.

As a fourth year student, she has been to Hogsmeade several times.

Although there are delicious candies and all kinds of shops there. But the more times you go, the less attractive it will become.

Under the gaze of the two girls, Lucas shook his head and said, "Of course it's not because of this."

Checking out Gellert Grindelwald's signature on the consent form, he didn't know if the old bee would notice. This was a gift for Dumbledore that he asked Hestia to bring back from Austria.

When the three of them arrived at the gate of the castle, many people had already gathered there.

Lucas and Hermione walked towards Professor McGonagall with their forms and heard her talking aloud to everyone.

"Students from third year and above, please submit your consent forms to me, which must be signed by your parents or guardians."

"In addition, I would like to remind everyone that you can only go to Hogsmeade Village on specific days. The gentlemen of the second year over there, please leave immediately."

Several second-year lion cubs also planned to fish in troubled waters. It's a pity that it didn't escape the sharp eyes of Professor McGonagall.

"Harry, I heard you were scared in your divination class, is it true?"

"There are dementors on the gate ahead, isn't Potter afraid of them?"

Ron protected his friend and looked at the Hufflepuff boys with an angry expression.

But neither of them noticed the tall Black figure that was approaching.

This was discovered by several Hufflepuff boys who pointed at the back of Harry and Ron with a terrified expression.


Harry turned reflexively and looked back.

When he saw the figure in black flashing past his eyes, he slipped and fell to the ground.

A familiar laugh came from the black figure and Ron's pale face quickly turned red with anger.

"Fred, George, you are going too far!"

The black cloth was ripped off revealing the Weasley twins inside.

"Oh Ronniekins, please forgive us, we didn't expect you to be so timid, are you alright Harry?"

"It's so funny, Harry Potter really is a coward."

"Harry, what's it like to be attacked by a dementor?"

The jeers from the few Hufflepuff students came again.

With a gloomy face, Harry stood up and walked towards the door.

"Harry, don't be angry, Fred and George always like to play pranks on everyone, but they don't mean any harm."

"I understand Ron, but I have to let everyone know that I am not a coward, help me think, how can I prove my courage?"

Ron frowned in thought.

"How about a night tour?"

Harry shook his head after hearing this, a simple night tour can't prove someone's mettle.

The two of them couldn't think of a good way for a while.

Little did they know that the Care of Magical Creatures class that would follow soon will just happen to meet Harry's requirements.

Facing Harry without a guardian's signature, Professor McGonagall was quite hard-hearted.

Without a signature, you cannot go to Hogsmeade and there are no exceptions.

Expressing herself clearly, she turned and walked into the castle.

Harry watched as everyone left the school in groups with a trace of yearning in his eyes. Until the backs of everyone disappeared, he just returned to the castle.

But instead of going back to the Gryffindor common room, Harry went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor's office.

He felt the need to ask more about the Patronus Charm.

If he learned it, he would not be so embarrassed when facing the dementors.


This is a pure wizarding village that was established by the adult wizards who followed the Founders back then.

After a thousand years of development, Hogsmeade village has grown quite large.

"This place is not as good as I expected, if I knew it earlier, I would have stayed to review the Defense Against the Dark Arts course in the library."

"I heard from the seniors that the professor this time is very capable, and I want to learn more from him."

Hermione sipped her butterbeer and grumbled while Lucas and Cho just shook their heads after hearing this.

Apart from Lucas and her family, Hermione's life seemed to be nothing but studies.

Thinking about Defense Against the Dark Arts though, Lucas narrowed his eyes.

He was thinking about how to make things worse to get Dumbledore's attention.

Carefully recalling the scenes in the original book and movie, Lucas suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He thought of an excellent solution, a reasonable one even if he made a big fuss.

The visit to Hogsmeade Village ended soon.

The next day.

The third year students gathered beside the Forbidden Forest for their Care of Magical Creatures class.

This was actually Hagrid's first lecture as a professor.

Seeing the big creature with wings behind Hagrid, most students showed timid expressions.

When Harry saw the appearance of everyone, he suddenly made a bold decision in his heart.

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