

Chapter 2 - Scathach & Florence Nightingale

Perhaps two servants was a bit too much for the first time using his powers, Rick thought as he made his way to the medbay of Chaldea. This early in the morning the corridors were still rather deserted, allowing Rick a degree of dignity as he pushed his sore body with every step. 

Rick winced as a too eager step sent a lance of pain up his spine to bang against his head. Every odd sound scraped at the nerves already raw and each and every one of Rick's muscles felt like they were on fire, to say nothing of the lead weighing his bones down. 

Perhaps, if that had been all, Rick would have been fine. Alas, the night of passion and debauchery he had with Medusa Rider and dear Saint Martha, placed the heaviest burden on Rick's dick and balls. Now they were throbbing and certainly not in a good way. It felt as if fire ants dipped in chili sauce were tap dancing all over his cock.

Still, as he neared the sterile white door of Chaldea's medbay, Rick could find it in himself to regret what he had done. Fucking two servants - two women who cemented their place in human memory was an indescribable experience. 

A little bit of pain was a small price to pay.

So long as it was only temporary of course. 

Florence Nightingale was...an odd one to say the least. 

Rick felt silly even thinking it, for Chaldea was stock full of oddballs and weirdos even among the supporting staff, to say nothing of the heroic spirits summoned to do battle. 

And yet, Florence Nightingale managed to stand out even among such an illustrious crowd. 

Rick would have called her an ice queen, if it wasn't for the nurse's pink hair that looked fiery in contrast to the rest of the room that looked as cold as it was sterile. Despite being almost two heads shorter than him, Florence somehow towered over him with her dispassionate commanding presence. 

That was a new feeling for Rick. Sure, both Martha and Medusa were impressive, but neither tried to command him - not truly. Even Martha demands to be his wife were more like needy begging of a slut, rather someone in power issuing a command. 

That was not the case with Florence Nightingale. 

As soon as Rick had hobbled into her domain, the diminutive nurse marched right up next to him, grabbed him by his forearm and dragged him off with nary a word to be seated for an examination. 

There was something...martial about Florence. It was as if she were a soldier rather than a nurse used to saving lives. It was an odd feeling, but Rick didn't dislike the novelty. 

Her magnificent pair of tits helped. 

"What seems to be the problem?" Florence asked, staring cooly right at him. 

She likely noticed his lecherous gaze, but decided not to mention it. 

"I may have overworked myself." Rick rolled his shoulders, wincing from pain. "It hurts all over." 

Florence hummed and stared intently at him. It was as if she was looking right through him, though with all the absurd powers servants had, it was a real possibility. Who knew if a medicine-themed servant could have eyes that worked as x-rays?

She did have pretty eyes, Rick thought as he stared right back at her. They were of darker shade than her hair, crimson rather than pink. 

Despite himself Rick found himself lost in staring, dazed, until the nurse's cool gloved hand touched his forehead. 

Florence Nightingale hummed, but said nothing. Again, she looked him over. 

"Well, I can't think of a more probable cause than just exhaustion." Florence bit the corner of her lip, frustrated. "Though I do think there's something you are not telling me." 

Several images flashed through Rick's mind. There certainly WERE quite a few things Rick would rather not tell her. 

Instead of panicking, Rick just leaned back, ignoring pain, spread his legs wider and smirked. 

"Well, most of my body aches, but no part hurts more than my dick." 

Florence Nightingale remained as unflappable as ever, raising only her eyebrow. 

"Really now?" Florence slid onto the floor. "Drop the pants then."

There was nothing lewd about her words or tone and yet Rick found his cock stiffen. The more time he spent with this cold nurse, the more he liked her. Her voice was too cool and toneless to be called stern, more robotic than truly lifeless. 

Rick was amused to discover his new fetish. 

He was still very much in pain, but was too interested in what would happen next, so without protest he unbuckled his pants and let out his rapidly hardening cock into the chill air of the medbay. 

It was angry red and already throbbing, a hint of precum glinting on the tip. The sensation of erection was somewhere between pleasant and painful. 

Rick shuddered when Florence Nightingale grabbed his dick. The contrast between the hot skin of his shaft and the cool rubber gloves she wore was not unpleasant and certainly did nothing to lessen his erection. 

Florence gave a few experimental tugs, her expression never changing. 

"Would it be correct to assume you have recently engaged in intense acts of intercourse?" She asked him, her eyes never leaving his engorged dick. 

Rick smirked. 

"You could say that." His smile widened. "Wanna see for yourself?"

It was greedy and foolhardy, Rick was well aware. He was in no state for another mindbreaking fuck and the risk of overextending was all too high. Still, RIck couldn't resist taking that risk. He was nothing if not daring. 

"That would not be necessary." Florence stood up, much to Rick's disappointment. "Not to mention detrimental to your wellbeing." 

She fixed him with a stern look, prompting Rick to raise his hands in mock surrender. Then he watched as Florence Nightingale fetched a small plastic container and came back to sit between his thighs

"It would seem the surest way to get to the crux of your condition is to analyze the situation with your phallus." Her gloved hand once again gripping his shaft, she started to rub it, her thumb pressed against his glans. "To that end I shall extract a sample of your semen for more thorough examination." 

Rick's exhale came out as a hiss through his clenched teeth when Florence tugged a bit too harshly. He did nothing to stop her though. Even beyond the pleasure of having a beautiful if odd woman giving him a handjob, he was genuinely curious to see what was happening to him. 

He might have been able to get a more confidential explanation from Koyanskaya, but he would have had to find her first. That would have been a tall ordeal. Since he had started working in Chaldea, Rick hadn't even seen the strange woman once. 

As things were, there was a big risk of Florence finding something suspicious about his cum. Rick really should have refused and just gone to take a nap or something. Nevertheless he stayed put and decided to ride it out and enjoy the experience. 

Florence tugged and rubbed Rick's turgid cock, her thumb continuing to massage its head. The more she did so, the more the white rubber of her glove got smeared with Rick's precum. 

As time passed, Florence Nightingale's pace quickened. Rick's cock was large and the nurse's hand was barely large enough for fingers to encircle the shaft. So Florence used both hands to jack Rick off, nothing but determination on her face. 

Handjob started off half pleasant half painful, but as it went on the more Rick grew to love it. There was something...well exotic about having such an ice queen doing her damndest to extract cum out of his balls. 

Soon, Rick was pumping his dick into Florence's grip, feeling his orgasm rapidly approaching despite all the exhaustion. 

Florence must have sensed it too. She quickened her pace and brought the plastic contained closer to Rick's dick. Her expression never changed and it was that cool yet somehow enraptured look in the stern nurse's eyes that finally drove Rick over the edge.

With a groan, Rick came, his thick virile cum coming out in big spurts. With a servant's speed Florence brought her container closer, collecting all of his cum. In the end it was so full with semen, it almost spilled on the rubber of Nightingale's gloves. 

Rick relaxed into his chair, feeling an odd sort of relief come over him. No doubt, his exhaustion didn't leave and his muscles did not stop aching, but he no longer felt quite so antsy and his balls no longer felt quite so full. 

Something seriously strange was happening to him. 

Rick watched as Florence Nightingale rose, careful not to spill the cum he'd just extracted. He wished he had his phone with him to capture this wondrous image. Alas this was not to be. 

"That will be all for now." Florence told Rick, no hint of what just happened on her face. "I may need you for more samples, but until then just make sure to have enough rest and don't forget to hydrate." 

"Sure thing, Doc." Rick said on his way out of the medbay. 

It was a shame he did not see Florence stare at his cum with a fascination that went beyond mere scientific curiosity. 


Several days had passed without incident as Rick was slowly getting used to the new normal. 

It had been a bit tricky, juggling two needy sluts with janitorial duties expected of him. On more than one occasion Rick found himself dragged into a dark corner or a closet for an impromptu romp with Martha or Medusa.

Never both at the same time. Saint Martha seemed to dislike sharing private time with her 'husband'. Not that she wasn't eager to play with poor helpless Rider, whenever Rick asked it of her. 

Should Rick have felt bad for Medusa for the treatment she received from Martha, who was sadistic in her zealotry and perverted notion of wifely adoration?

Probably, but Rick enjoyed the helpless, strangled moans Medusa made whenever Martha chose to use her staff. 

The fact that it also gave Rick a bit more free time was also a plus. Nothing made a man appreciate off days more than a full schedule. 

Today was just one of such days - hallways and bathrooms were as clean as they'd ever be, unlike Martha and Medusa who were lying thoroughly sullied with Rick's cum in their rooms. 

Thus, for once Rick could enjoy a meal in peace and relative quiet. 

His tray heavy with top notch food courtesy of Emiya and Beni Enma, Rick chose one of the few empty tables left in the cafeteria. Everything looked mouthwatering and Rick was looking forward to filling up his healthy if abnormal body with some much needed fuel, when suddenly someone took a seat right across from him. 

It was Scathach, the witch queen of the Land of Shadows and, if some of the things Rick had heard about her were true, one of the deadliest servants in all of Chaldea. 

This certainly was one way to spice this dinner up. 

Despite the implicit danger, Rick couldn't help but get a good look at the gorgeous spirit.

Just like every other heroic woman in Chaldea, Scathach was a pinnacle of beauty. Tall and lean, she was not as voluptuous as some of the other women Rick had enjoyed. Scathach was built like an apex predator with deadly grace apparent in even the most mundane of actions. 

That is not to say she didn't have breasts - the pair Rick saw on her looked like they'd fit nicely in his palms, and they were the perkiest he'd ever seen. 

Her gorgeous face was framed with long and lustrous purple hair, unbound by any sort of braid. 

But for all of her great beauty, it was Scathach's eyes that drew most of Rick's attention. 

They had the colour of a freshly spilled blood, deep and captivating. However their beauty was marred by the amused, condescending expression with which Scathach looked down on Rick. 

"Hello, boyo." Scathach smirked and speared a piece of roasted meat with a fork. "Strange to see you all alone without those two wenches hanging off of you." 

Rick barely suppressed a shiver that threatened to run down his spine. He made a point of keeping his relationship with Martha and Medusa on the downlow. Damn it! How could this warrior-queen know what Rick was doing?

Cool it, Rick thought, his thoughts racing one faster than the other even as he desperately tried to keep them from appearing on his face. 

"Hello to you too." Rick gave the woman a tired smile. "Girlie."

If anything, Scathach's smile only widened, though it didn't lose the hint of danger.

"Bold. Bold words for the castle's keeper." She said, "Still, humour me. It's strange, you know, to see a lusty man like you all alone without those two whores." 

Scathach stretched the word 'whore', her Irish accent adding to the appeal. 

Rick chewed as if in thought for a long minute. 

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Genius, Rick. With a canny answer like this, a hero of myth and legend would surely be fooled! 

Still, the best Rick could come up on the fly was the good ole rule of admitting any wrong doings. 

Deny! Deny! Deny!

"Come now. Lad, don't think me so easily fooled." Rick felt Scathach's foot touch Rick's thigh. "The gorgon and the saint couldn't have been more obvious if they tried to hump you in the Main Room." 

Her fool traveled upwards until her heel pressed against Rick's cock. She pressed, softly but with enough strength to make Rick seriously worried. 

Still keeping his cool, Rick put his hand on Scathach's calf and started massaging the beautiful queen's foot. It was probably his most awkward boner Rick had ever had. Wonder what it meant about him, that with a very real possibility of castration looming over him, Rick still had it in him to become aroused. 

"Problem?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, enjoying the feel of her muscled calf held in his hand. 

"I've been in more than few trysts and bore witness to countless more. The sight and smell of a woman begging for good hard pounding is familiar to me" The servant said in a reminiscent tone that was odd coming from a woman that looked so young. "So let me tell you about this thing called subtlety."


Scathach stopped suddenly, her mouth still open. 

Would it be arrogant to assume she froze because she felt the full length of Rick's turgid cock?

"Apologies lad. It seems I got ahead of myself. Forget everything I said. I am not your teacher after all."

And just like that, the brave warrior queen of the Land of Shadows fled, abandoning her meal. 

Rick just stared at her retreating form, half confused and half wowed by Scathach's magnificent backside. 

"What the hell just happened?"


The next time Rick found himself on the path to medbay, it was with far less explainable reason than the last time. Sore muscles and deep pain were natural after a night as wild as his first with Martha and Medusa. 

However his balls feeling so full even after a dozen times Rick shoot his loads down his pets' willing holes, was definitely strange. 

It was not entirely unpleasant and whatever happened to his balls had certainly made his already prodigious sperm production all the more fertile. Medusa and Saint Martha definitely didn't complain. 

But he couldn't just walk around with a pitched tent like some gawky teenager, with balls that were uncomfortable to lug around. For some reason they'd swollen so much Rick could no longer comfortably wear his underwear. 

Before Rick could knock on the medbay's door, it opened, revealing the stern face of Florence Nightingale. 

"Just the man I wished to see." She did not sound pleased, but there was something akin to eagerness present in her voice. 

Without so much as asking for permission, the nurse grabbed Rick and hauled him in to sit in the familiar chair. 

"I have finally finished your semen- its analysis I mean." Florence said, moving to fetch another container. "The results are...unprecedented, If I may be so bold." 

Florence Nightingale paused, standing in front of sitting Rick, rubber gloves on, a container ready to be filled and a look surprised that Rick still had his pants on. 

"Wait a second." Rick raised his hand, wincing at the throbbing of his scrotum. "Can we call a raincheck on your little semen project. There is something horribly wrong with my dick and balls."

"Pants off." Florence immediately commanded. "We can't let anything detrimental happen to your phallus and scrotum."

Despite the discomfort Rick was feeling, he couldn't help it when his dick twitched from Florence's command. 

The gasp the nurse let out was also quite satisfying. And to be fair to the diminutive nurse there was a lot to be impressed with. Rick's cock was so hard and throbbing it seemed his shaft was straining against the crimson skin of his shaft. 

If his cock was painfully hard but still of the same size then his swollen ball sack was at least twice as big as they had been the last time. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call it a pair of tennis balls with hot churning cum ready to be unleashed on some pretty lass. 

Florence Nightingale quickly composed herself, but Rick could still see the reddened tips of her ears. It seemed Rick's cock was getting to the normally unflappable woman. 

"Well, isn't it interesting." Florence muttered, kneeling between Rick's legs. "The already impressive example of manhood seemed to have undergone a radical change."

"Impressive, huh?" 

Florence Nightingale raised her eyes, thoroughly unimpressed. 

"Purely medical observation of mean sizes of male genitalia." 

"Sure it is." Rick said, but quickly shut up when Florence gave his ballsack a warning squeeze. 

The squeeze quickly turned into an appreciative groping as Florence was not satisfied with mere observation. 

Florence marveled - for all of her great experience healing many varieties of wounds soldiers accumulated on the battlefields, it was her first time so up close and personal to such a big, throbbing, magnifice-

Distraction. This is what this brute's phallus was. 

Ever since the first time Rick hobbled into her medbay and Florence extracted a sample of his semen, Florence couldn't stop thinking about him and his beguiling semen. 

She couldn't escape it. When she was eating or working or performing check-ups, the sight and scent of Rick's semen constantly barged in before her mind's eye. Whenever another male needed her help, FLorence couldn't help but compare their manhoods with what she had quickly discovered was a pinnacle of male genitalia. Most came short, but even those that measured up just didn't have the same allure as the phallus that Florence was now holding in her too small hands. 

Thankfully nobody had noticed her compromised state yet. Experience and unnatural talent of a servant made routine procedures barely a chore for her, but it couldn't go on like this - it would be only a matter of time before Florence slipped up and revealed her shameful fascination with Rick's semen. 

His cock is truly obscene, Florence thought, moving her gloved hands up and down Rick's turgid cock. 

There could be no doubt about it - Rick's cock had increased in size since her last observation. 

She could no longer encircle his cock with her two hands and she could almost feel billions of Rick's swimmers churning inside of his massive ballsack. Florence didn't consider herself a woman easily awed and yet she couldn't help but silently marvel at their sheer virility on such a brazen display. Rick could probably impregnate every woman in Chaldea and still have more left. 

Unknown to her, the more time she spent staring at Rick's dick, the closer she leaned in. Florence started to breathe in deeper and deeper, her lungs filling with Rick's potent musk. Lightheaded, Florence was soon so close, Rick could feel her breath caressing the sensitive head of his cock. 

Rick stared down on the pretty nurse that was clearly enchanted by his dick. He would have been content to let Florence go at her own pace, but her leisurely stroking brought no relief to him, only more frustration. 

"Enjoying yourself?" Rick asked Florence as a droplet of precum formed on his dick tip. 

Florence pulled away even as her grip on his phallus tightened. 

"Silence." She tried to look nonchalant, but Rick wasn't fooled - he could see the faintest hint of blush colouring the nurse's pale cheeks.

Florence resumed her semen extraction. She stroked Rick's cock, her movement faster and faster, her eyes laser-focused on the tip. 

There was little passion and none of the frantic, almost desperate need to see Rick orgasm that Rick grew accustomed to seeing in Medusa and Martha. 

Robotic - that was the word.

And yet, there was something deeply erotic about a stoic nurse working so hard to bring Rick to orgasm. 

She was definitely succeeding. 

Florence could feel Rick's climax approaching. An already unbelievably fat cock swelled even further as more and more of his thick delicious cum rushed towards Florence's waiting mou-

The nurse's eyes widened. 

That wasn't what she was here for. 

Research, yes, she needed Rick's semen cum for pure research. Just to see what was happening to her patient. Nothing more. 

Maybe if she repeated it enough times, she might even believe it. 

Florence felt as much as she heard Rick groan, when suddenly his thick throbbing cock spewed forth burst after burst of hot cum. A tsunami of potent musk swept Florence away and it was only thanks to her servant reflexes she was able to place her container in the way of cum.

Florence nightingale watched as the hundred milliliter container was quickly filled up with Rick's potent thick semen. She could almost imagine billions upon billions of sperm cells rushing about hungry to ravage some helpless woman. Florence wouldn't have been surprised if a single drop was enough to knock up a woman, regardless of contraceptives. 

The nurse's eyes widened when she saw Rick's cum quickly fill and start overflowing. Florence just stared dumbly at the cum that now coated her glove-covered fingers. Even through the plastic Florence could feel the heat of Rick's semen. It radiated in waves throughout her body only to pool between her thighs as a fresh wave of arousal.

There was no need to look down to know that a small puddle of her liquids was forming beneath her. 

Florence just hoped Rick wouldn't notice. 


That was much better. Rick sighed, content and happy that the tension that had plagued him recently was lessened if only a little. He was by no means healed - Rick was pretty sure he'd need to bang Martha and Medusa at least a couple more times today if he wanted to have a good night's sleep. 

Nevertheless every little thing helped, right?

And it wasn't like this was just some pointless quickie. Hopefully now Florence Nightingale would be able to help him figure out what was happening to him. Sure, teasing her all fun and games, but Rick was sure she was a professional at heart. 


Strange, Florence was being oddly quiet. 

"What the -"


Rick let out an exasperated snort that snaps Florence out of her stupor. With all the speed and grace of a heroic spirit she stood up, deftly closed the lid and fixed a most murderous glare on Rick. 

"You are still here?" Her voice was arctic cold and yet she could not hide the luminous blush that stretched from her cheeks to her ears. 

"Alright alright, no need to bite my head off." Rick raised his arm placatingly. "So, I'll swing by tomorrow? You know, see if you have any results or maybe," He just couldn't resist."Give you new samples to 'study'?

Florence just pointed at the medbay's door with a stony expression. 

Seeing no further avenue for 'fun', Rick left. 

It was a shame he didn't look back when he was leaving. The moment Rick's eyes left Florence, the nurse brought her cum-slathered fingers to her nose and inhaled. The scent rushed through her body, setting every nerve on fire. 

It was all it took, a simple whiff of the stuff. 

"Gnngh." Florence's eyes rolled back as she orgasmed, spraying the already wet floor with a fresh dose of her juices. 


There were many things that could spoil having one's cock down a gorgeous woman's throat. 

Scathach was not one of them. 

"Suck you dirty little cunt." Rick growled, holding Martha by her hair. "You better do a could job if you want me fuck your asshole."

"Glurgkh Glurgkh!" Martha gurgled happily even as her throat was being thoroughly used and abused. 

Rick, pent up and angry, was ramming every inch of his bitchbreaker down the saint's throat, uncaring of her own enjoyment or health. It couldn't even be called a blowjob - Rick was using Martha's face like an onahole, dragging her face back and forth with spittle and Martha's ruined make-up running down her face and onto the floor of a storage room. 

It was a touch dusty, small and in no way soundproof. Any passerby probably could have heard Rick's growls and Matha's moans. Hardly the best place for a tryst - yes, but when Rick saw Martha walk down the corridor he just couldn't stop himself.

His orgasm was quickly approaching and Rick was ready to give his pet Saint a nice filling meal when suddenly Scathach opened the door looking unimpressed with the copulating pair.

Startled, Rick jerked his hips and his dick slipped out and sent a spray after spray of his cum all over the place. Splatters stained the walls and the floor and most ended up on Scathach's face and clothes. 

Martha let out a needy whine as she was denied the prize she had worked so hard for. If it wasn't for Rick holding her by her hair, she'd have licked his cum off the floor. 

Silly, whorish slut. 

"Once again you disappoint me, lad. I dinnae what your other women taught you, but clearly they had been too lax with you." Slowly, Scathach scooped a bit of semen from her face.

She kept Rick's gaze even as she slowly licked her finger clean. 

Rick swallowed as his cock quickly returned to the full mast, raring to go at the sight of another potential mate. It was a first time for him - to be on the back foot when it came to sexual matters. He felt it in his guts - whatever came next was going to be his biggest challenge yet. 

For all that all women in Chaldea possessed quite literal supernatural beauty, Scathach managed to be in a class of her own. It wasn't just her looks. It was the aura of an experienced deadly predator that was as dangerous as it was alluring. 

It was Rick's first time being in the crosshairs of a hunter and it left him speechless. 

"LIked the taste?" Rick said when he finally regained the use of his voice. 

He was no braggart, but if the way Florence Nightingale acted was any indication then Rick had a reason to be proud. If even the stoic Nurse of Chaldea was affected by the smell and sight of his semen, then surely Scathach too will be affected. 

"Disappointing." Scathach scoffed and suddenly her form rippled and in a heartbeat she was cleaned from Rick's cum. "If that's your quality then it is a wonder you managed to get as far as you did. Honestly, boyo, I have seen and tasted virgins more capable than you."

Now this was stepping over the line. Who was this bitch to just dismiss him like some anklebiter? Rick never suffered from the excess of pride, but his manhood was not something he'd let be insulted. 

"If you claim to be such a worldly woman, far beyond a mere human such as myself, then why don't you show it?" Rick stared right at Scathach, a challenge clear in his eyes. "Enlighten me what am I doing wrong!" 

Rick didn't mean to come off as acidic as he did, but judging by the surpirsed look on Scathach's face it was the right move. It took her less than a few seconds to regain her composure, but that was enough. 

Rick smelt blood. It was time for Scathach to learn that she was not the only predator around. 

"Don't be absurd!" Scathach tried to sound dismissive, but came off as flustered. "As I have told you before, I am not your teacher."

Rick let go of Martha's hair and stepped closer to Scathach, boldly invading her personal space. They were so close, the head of Rick's cock grazed against Scathach's thigh. Her cunt was close - a couple of inches and some thin barrier of her bodysuit.

So close and yet so far. No Rick had to stay concentrated. 

"Enough with this bullshit excuse." Rick said. "You sought me out, you keep trying to provoke me and for a lady who keeps saying that she is not interested, you seem to be quite fascinated with my big throbbing cock."

Rick pressed his cock against Scathach's covered cunt. 

Playing with fire did not even begin to describe the situation. There was a very real possibility that Rick had misunderstood and allowed wishful thinking to affect his decisions. If that were the case then Rick would be lucky if Scathach limited herself to physical damage only.

Even with Koyanskaya's power that gave him a very mild form of magic resistance, Rick didn't like his chances against a legendary witch, who had probably forgotten more about rune magic than Chu Chulainn had ever known.

Scathach appeared to be conflicted, her eyes who had probably forgotten more about rune magic than Chu Chulainn had every knowndarting from Rick to Martha then to where Rick's dick pressed into her crotch. Overall, it took less than 10 seconds but for nervous Rick it might as well have been eternity.

 Alarms rose in Rick's head when he saw Scathach come to a decision. A fiendish light twinkled in her eyes as the Irish queen smiled at Rick.

 "You know what lad?" Scathach grabbed him by the balls. "You are right."

In what looked like single fluid motion, Scathach traced a rune spell in the air and spat out a cavalcade of words in Gaelic. Blinding white light flooded Rick's sight and when the lightshow ended, Rick found himself in a completely different situation.

Gone were his clothes. Gone was the small storeroom. Even Martha was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, Rick was lying spread-eagled on a queen-sized bed. As soon as he realized what happened, Rick tried to free himself but the chains holding him down were beyond both his muscles and Koyanskaya's power. After some wriggling, Rick saw that the chains were no lengths of mere metal but series of gleaming runes.

"Don't worry about them for now." Scathach told Rick as she clambered onto the bed.

Her flowing magenta hair tickled Rick's skin when Scathach loomed over bound Rick.

"What do you have in mind then?" Rick asked in husky* voice. "Can't exactly show you my stuff if I am all trussed up like a Christmas turkey."

Scathach let out a low throaty laugh.

"Don't worry lad. We have everything we need right here." The Irish queen caressed Rick's cock that twitched in the air, red and ready to fuck. "I need you bound so that your flailing around wouldn't disturb our lesson."

Scathach slinked back down until she was between Rick's thighs, his cock right in front of her face.

Then Rick's hell started.

Scathach sucked and tugged, licked and stroked. No inch of his throbbing shaft was spared her attention. It did not take long for Rick to reach a climax, but when he was about to let it go, Scathach gripped the base of his cock and squeezed.

Rick groaned, frustrated and unable to cum. He tried to buck his hips, hell he would have settled for just a little bit of movement to dislodge the Scathach's fingers. No luck.

During the following minute, they remained in this position as Rick came off an orgasm that never happened.

"Why? What's the point?" Rick growled as Scathach started jerking him off again. 

Right now he would have killed to feel her lips on his cock, to have that teasing whore's throat wrapped around his cock. Right now nothing would have made Rick happier than to shoot all of the hot cum backed up in his balls down the teasing bitch's throat. 

Scathach massaged his balls, her movements slow and forceful but never painful. It was like she was preparing them for the labour to come, feeling all of Rick's churning cum just waiting to be released. 

"You are a gifted lad, I will admit." Scathach traced bulging veins of Rick's cock. "But it's not hard to see that you have never pushed yourself to your limits and beyond. With all of your previous paramours being just some mundane girls, it's no wonder that you have barely started tapping into your potential."

"I'd hardly call two heroic spirits 'mundane girls'." Rick said and then bit back a frustrated groan when Scathach once again held him on the edge of climax. "Medusa had even been a goddess once." Sweat covered every inch of Rick's body. "Or so I've heard." 

Scathach scoffed.

"As if those two virgins." The Irish queen rolled her eyes. "Excuse me, heroines of myth and legend, aren't barely better than some mortal girls."

Rick grunted when Scathach started stroking his shaft with both of her hands. Her hands were rough, calloused from a lifetime of handling entirely different kind of spears. Not that it stopped her from giving Rick a handjob of a lifetime. Again and again she brought Rick to the edge of an orgasm only to pinch or squeeze and leave him more blueballed than before. 

Rick bucked his hips, futilely trying to cum. 

Scathach didn't let him. 

"I didn't expect you to be so weak." She said as she let go of his dick. "Don't you see what I am trying to do here? Your stamina needs improvement." Scathach shook her head. "You should be doing your damnedest to resist cumming, but instead all you can think of is blowing your meagre load like some fresh-faced boy."

Rick glared at the witch. It was abundantly obvious what she was trying to do here. And yet he couldn't deny it and say it wasn't working. 

Every man, no matter how great or wretched, had at least a sliver of pride in their heart. Rick couldn't just let this challenge go unanswered. 

Scathach must have seen the change in his expression.

"I could just make you cum right now. I am sure you would enjoy it greatly." She said as she traced patterns on the tip of his dick. "Or we could do things my way."

The witch smiled innocently, but Rick didn't miss the sadistic edge of her smile. It promised nothing good, but at the same time he couldn't just give up, even knowing he was being blatantly played. 

So he just nodded. 

"Splendid." Her smile widened as Scathach grabbed Rick by his shaft, one hand near the head and another around the base. "Remember, you mustn't cum!"

If Rick thought he'd known hell before - Scathach was determined to prove him wrong. 

HIs cock, already sensitive from what felt like hours of edging, was on fire from all the sensations. Rick wanted to cum, wished it above all else…

But he couldn't. 

Rick wouldn't give up. Not this easily. Not without a proper fight. 

The tip of his cock was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum, lubricating his dick and Scathach's palms, making it easier for her to torment him. 

Scathach was stroking him like a woman possessed, her ruby eyes fixated on his throbbing balls as if measuring just how much cum was churning in them. 

Rick groaned, feeling an inevitable orgasm on the horizon. Maybe he could just…

A slap on his pecs dispelled these defeatist thoughts. 

"Grit your teeth, lad." Scathach grinned. "Hold back from cummung no matter what!"

Rick did as he was told, even as his body screamed at him to let it all go.

"Surely you do not wish to disappoint me and all the other little sluts around here? Do you think you'll be able to break them like Martha and Medusa with subpar semen? Do you honestly believe they'll keep coming to you again and again if you stay a quickshot who spurts after a couple thrusts into a real woman's cunt?"

Rick growled and opened his mouth for a rebuke-

"Didn't think so." Scathach said. "Don't worry though. I wouldn't have accepted you as a student if I didn't think you had potential. Look! Five minutes passed and you still haven't cum! Sure, you are leaking a bit, but it doesn't hurt to give girls a treat to lick up before the main course." 

Scathach's eyes glinted with impish delight as she bent down, pressing her bust into Rick's thighs, her face so close to his dick, Rick felt her breath caress its skin.

He almost lost it right then and there, but by some miracle he held on.

"Ha, you twitched!" Scathach said with delight. "Perhaps it's a bit too soon for oral training. Just a thought of my long and nimble tongue snaking all over your big throbbing cock, lapping up your precum, almost made you orgasm." 

Scathach slowly caressed Rick's abs with one hand. 

"I can see it clearly in your eyes. No doubt you want to grab me by my hair and slam my face down onto our fat cock. Don't think I can't see you bucking your hips trying to reach my lips!" Scathach took a deep breath. "Don't think it will be easy. You will have to work hard if you want to sink your dick down my throat." 

Scathach saw desperation on Rick's face and let out a throaty laugh, which did wonderful things to her sizable bust. Her diamond hard nipples scraped against his thighs.

"You'd pop the instant my tongue licked the fat glans of your cock and your massive balls would be drained before I could so much as kiss the tip." Scathach slowed down, changing her pace from rough rapid jerking to slow languid strokes. "Alas, you'll just have to be satisfied with my hands today. Nothing too wild for Chaldea's stud-to-be."

Rick lost it. He tried as best he could, held out for as long as he had the willpower. It wasn't enough. 

With a loud groan of defeat, he let it go and emptied his balls into the air and Scathach's hands, face and chest. 

Rick was left weak, panting but happy to have finally emptied his balls. 

Slowly, Scathach scraped off every bit of Rick's cum off of her skin and clothes. Staring right into Rick's eyes, Scathach swallowed all of his cum and then licked her fingers clean. 

It was a sight so hot, Rick's dick started to slowly harden, but before he could do anything about it, Scathach smiled, waved her hand, prompting the runes around his wrists and ankles to light up. 

A heartbeat later, Rick found himself back in his room, with Martha, hogtied like a Thanksgiving turkey, on his bed. 

Well, at least he had someone to take care of his raging boner. 


"No, no. That won't do." Florence said, frowning. "Your semen production appears to have gone down." 

It's been less than a day since his impromptu training session with Scathach and, though it pained him to admit it, he was yet to recover. When Florence called for him for more sample collection, Rick knew he wouldn't be able to repeat his performance 

However, Rick definitely didn't expect such a reaction from a normally calm nurse.

Florence Nightingale glared at him There was a small container, barely half full, held in her hands. It certainly was a far cry from the overflowing 

"What happened?" 

Rick rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. 

"Guess I didn't have enough time to sleep off exhaustion from my last, eh, bout of intimacy." Rick shrugged. "Don't worry, Doc, I'll be better next time." 

Florence Nightingale continued to stare at him, ill-pleased with such a response. Nevertheless, there was nothing she could do. Rick had a feeling that if she had a pill or an injection that could promptly fill up his balls, Florence would have already used it. 

Finally, the displeased nurse relented.

"See that you have enough rest, food and water. If we are to move forward with my research, I need you in adequate physical condition to provide enough samples." She said as she escorted Rick out of the medbay. 

"Yeah, yeah. Will do." 


It happened again. 

And again.

And again. 

Rick didn't mean for it to happen. Honestly, some RnR sounded divine in of itself, and Rick did look forward to properly messing with the ice-cold nurse again. Alas, hurricane 'Scathach' was as devastating as she was unpredictable. 

It was hardly Rick's fault.

The sexy witch kept ambushing Rick with her 'lessons' in the most inopportune times. It didn't matter if it was at night or during the day, alone or with Martha and/or Medusa for company. Scathach wanted a training session, she got a training session. 

It was just poor luck on Florence's part, that whenever she summoned him, he was exhausted from his time with Scathach. 

Still, the legendary Queen was one hell of a teacher, Rick had to admit. 

He hadn't progressed past her hand and yet his cock gained at least an inch in both length and girth. Nowadays, Rick was walking around with a permanent semi hardon, always ready for the women in his life. 

But this progress was hollow comfort to Florence Nightingale, who grew more and more annoyed after each visit. 

It was only a matter of time before someone had to give in.


Scalding hot water poured down from the showerhead, providing Rick some much needed relaxation. A massage and like a month of nothing but sleep would have been better, but hey, it was better than nothing. 

Rick groaned in pleasure, feeling another knot of muscles relax. He didn't know what was up with Florence and Scathach, but sometimes it seemed they were in a competition of who could wring out the most cum out of him. 

If that were the case, then the two of them certainly took it seriously.

And what would even be the prize in such a contest? Rick's body, dead from dehydration and just plain exhaustion?

Rick dearly hoped not. 

The tired man sighed and leaned against the shower wall. This felt nice. No grand conspiracies, no slutty 'wives' or smug warrior-queens. Just some plain hot water and solitude. 

Rick could get used to this. 

Alas, there was one thing that never left Rick - his 'power'. 

Well, the power that Koyanskaya oh so graciously bestowed upon him. It had started out nice and simple - a flat boost to his strength and stamina. Easy to understand and easy to control. But as the events progressed and Rick bedded more and more women, his power likewise increased and mutated. 

Nowadays, Rick wasn't sure what exactly Koyanskaya's gift was doing to his body and the inconclusive results of Florence Nightingale's research did not inspire confidence. 

He was growing by leaps and bounds and yet Rick could feel a greater power waiting to be embraced, but blocked behind some sort of barrier. No matter how much Rick strained himself, he couldn't break through this block, though after each session with Scathach Rick chipped away at that barrier. 

He was close, Rick could feel it in his bones and boner. 

"Guess I'll just let things play out and see where it gets me." Rick muttered, his eyes closed and letting water wash away worry from his face.

"Good lad!" Rick heard a familiar smug voice. 

Not now, he thought, even as his cock started to harden, well used to what followed after such a voice. Rick probably should have been more embarrassed just how 'trained' Scathach made him. But right now he was too horny to care. 

As always, Rick tried to get an upper hand, but Scathach was having none of it. 

The Irish beauty slammed Rick into the shower wall, both of her hands wrapped around his shaft and balls. Scathach looked up from where she was kneeling, an impish grin on her face. 

"I think it's time for your training." Scathach's smile widened. "Perhaps today is the day you progress from my hand to my mouth."

Rick growled and, quick as a snake, grabbed Scathach by her magenta hair. Strangely she didn't protest or oppose, but before Rick could impale the bitch queen's mouth on his cock, a new challenger appeared on the scene.

"Mind explaining the situation?" Florence Nightingale's words and her arctic cold tone made even the hot shower feel lukewarm. 

She was standing near the doorway, arms crossed beneath her bosom, one of foot tapping on the floor. Legendary nurse was staring wrothfully at the pair, a slight reddening of her cheeks and ears the only sign of her true feelings. 

"That's quite simple, lass." Scathach said, splitting her attention between jerking Rick off, massaging his balls and teasing the Nurse of Chaldea. "Richard here needed some guidance and I graciously became his teacher." 

Rick was caught between his two tormentors, and normally only immediate flight or at least a feeling of terror would have been appropriate reactions. However, with some unknown sixth sense of his, Rick could see this situation for what it really was.

An opportunity. 

Scathach ran down her hands over Rick's cock, from his balls, full of hot virile cum, to the very tip of his shaft, which was already sporting beads of off-white precum. It was apparent even to a naked eye that his dick was at least 1.5 times larger than it had been before. 

"As you can see, my tutelage is paying off handsomely." Scathach took a deep breath of Rick's musk. 

Florence Nightingale had finally had enough. For weeks, she had been puzzled by the strange phenomena that were all centered on one particular person. First, his semen was utterly bizarre by any standard and only grew weirder and weirder with each donation. 

The nurse's pussy clenched from just remembering the overpowering musk and delectable taste and sight of Rick's 'cum' semen. It was unseemly for a nurse to have such affection for her patient. And yet Florence couldn't help but feel drawn to the dark-skinned man. 

Now if only that..that...slattern would stop sniffing around her man!

Florence Nightingale finally found out the reason for the subpar amount of cum Rick was providing and she was none too pleased. 

Angry, Florence quickly stepped into the shower, grabbed Scathach by her hair and forced her pouty mouth onto Rick's massive throbbing dick. 

Scathach didn't choke or gag, but easily took the invading cock in her mouth, and soon her lips kissed the base of Rick's cock. The Irish queen never broke eye contact with Rick and before too long the man had to fight against the urge to just spurt his load into the Scathach's stomach. 

Florence could see it clearly - she had spent enough time with Rick to learn his signs of impending orgasm. But right now she was focused on that slutty queen.

The Nurse of Chaldea bit her lip as she picked up the pace, pulling Scathach by her hair and then slamming her down on the man's cock. Despite her own resolve to keep a cool head in the face of all this debauchery, Florence's actions became rougher and rougher, her grip on the Scathach's hair - tighter and tighter. 

Florence shifted from foot to foot, her loins on fire. She could feel her arousal pool and her pussy weep with arousal and knew without a doubt that her underwear was ruined beyond recovery. 

She couldn't stop herself, couldn't help but join this...this perverted tryst!

With a low whine, Florence abandoned all pretense of dignity and shoved her hand into her pants, pushed away her soaked panties and started playing with her cunt. Suddenly she met Rick's gaze. 

Legendary nurse flushed, embarrassed to have been caught with her hand in a proverbial cookie jar. The man just smirked, grabbed her, pulled the Nightingale closer and then suddenly his lips were on hers and his tongue was invading her mouth. 

All of Florence's body flushed as that stupid brute plundered her mouth for all its worth. 

She moaned into his mouth and felt more than she saw the smirk on his face. After a heartbeat of hesitation Florence gave in and leaned into Rick's embrace.

Rick could almost hear the glass breaking. 

Finally, he no longer felt constricted. Rick groaned into Florence's mouth as he came down Scathach's throat. Load after load, Rick had never come so much before, but he could feel in his bones that he had a lot more in reserve. 

HIs cock strained against its skin and Rick could hear Scathach finally gag on his dick. 

Not so confident, are you now? Rick thought with triumph, but when he finished cumming Scathach proved him wrong. Still smug, she carved several multicoloured runes in the shower's steamy air and in a flash, the trio found themselves in another room entirely. 

Rick had already grown familiar with this position - naked rune-bound to Scathach's bed, but this time there was Florence Nightingale hovering above his dick, held aloft by a series of glowing runes. 

Rick no longer needed a recharge period - his cock was already hard and slick with Scathach's spit. Florence Nightingale's dripping arousal only added to the lubrication. 

Slowly, the runes began to dim as Florence found herself descending right down onto Rick's cock. 

Moments away from being well and truly impaled, Florence was conflicted. She...she wasn't like that. Other women may find themselves weak to the dubious charms of brutes, but she was a healer! A woman of science and reaso-

"Nggh." Florence groaned when the tip of Rick's dick touched the entrance to her cunt. "N-now we *agh* shall see if your performance will *agh* improve with a real woman's genitalia."

The Nurse tried to sound calm and collected, as if she were just a researcher conducting yet another dispassionate experiment. Alas, her voice was shaking, moans constantly interrupted her words and her juices flowed freely down Rick's dick. 

Nobody was fooled.

After what felt like ages, Florence finally found herself fully impaled. She stared dumbly at her bulging belly, where Rick's impossibly fat cock was reshaping her inner organs to be a perfect cocksleeve.

Florence could feel Rick's heartbeat through his pulsing dick, could feel every vein and bump scrape against the nerve endings in her pussy, sending bursts of pleasure up her spine. 

Then Rick started to move. 

Florence choked on her own spit. Her eyes rolled back revealing the whites of her eyes and a burst of her pussy juices showered Rick's abs as Florence Nightingale had her first proper orgasm.

But Rick had no intention of slowing down. With his powerful hands he lifted the twitching woman up until only the tip of his dick remained inside of her and then roughly slammed her down onto his dick. 

Florence howled from pain and pleasure, the muscles of her cunt clinging desperately to the cock she was rapidly growing to love. 

"You...You dumb brute." She whined. "Your big fat throbbing cock is punching my womb." She complained, her accusation ruined by the whorish smile on her face and pleasure in her voice. 

Rick hammered into Florence's cunt, determined to break the bitch until she could no more refuse him than Saint Martha.  

"This one broke easily." Scathach said, smug as ever. 

"Move your hips, slut." Rick growled and started slapping Florence's shapely butt. 

Once the nurse found enough presence of mind to start moving herself up and down cock, Rick moved his attention to his 'teacher'. 

The Irish hero was standing off to the side, the shaft of her spear pressed in between her breasts. Scathach met Rick's gaze and slowly kissed the blunt end of her spear. 

Rick watched, transfixed, as Scathach started to make out with a phallic object, as she rubbed her clothed cunt against her spear's barb. 

He had thought it impossible, but somehow his dick got even harder inside of Florence's cunt, drawing another slutty moan out of her. 

Rick's gaze promised Scathach many things, but right now he had to focus on the woman bouncing up and down in his lap.

"So what's the verdict, Doc?" Rick smirked as he thrust harder and harder into Florence's cunt. "Will you give me a clean bill of health?" 

Florence smiled, her face alight with a slutty carefree grin - a far cry from her normally stoic persona. Her cunt muscles squeezed his cock tighter and her hands grabbed Rick's and put them on her perky breasts. 

"Yeah, oh please, fuck meAaagh!" Florence screamed, twitching from an orgasm. 

Rick squeezed and played with Florence's breasts, twisting and pulling on her nipples. His own orgasm was fast approaching and Rick was determined to finish it properly.

"Yes, fuck that little wench, ruin her for other men." Scathach moaned, practically mauling her breasts. "Breed her right and proper!"

Who was Rick to deny his teacher's request!"

In a couple of rough thrusts, Rick broke through the barrier, finally penetrating Florence's most sacred place. The nurse's eyes widened then went cross eyed as a truly whorish expression appeared on her face. 

Florence Nightingale's ahegao was the most beautiful thing Rick had ever seen and it was enough to push him over the edge. 

Rick flooded the nurse's womb. 

Florence moaned, feeling Rick filling her up. There was nowhere for cum to escape and soon her belly bulged even more as billions of Rick's swimmers rushed to violate and conquer her eggs. 

"Can servants even get pregnant?" Florence wondered in the privacy of her well-fucked mind. "Then again, with Rick's oh so wonderfully virile cum, nothing is impossible."

And with this thought, Florence Nightingale collapsed, panting, onto Rick's chest. 

Never in a million years, Rick would have thought he would one day see Scathach performing a striptease for him. Somehow she had elongated her spear so that it now served at a stripper pole. 

Rick watched, transfixed, as Scathach twirled around the pole, her every fluid movement an invitation to mount and conquer her. Slowly, piece by piece, Scathach removed her clothes. Teasing and toying with Rick's libido. 

When she removed her pants, revealing her wet cunt, Rick could have sworn he smelt the sweet, sweet smell of her arousal. 

When Scathach was sure Rick was well and truly hard inside of Florence's cunt, she smiled impishly and tapped her spear with her finger. A long rune sequence lit up and in a heartbeat she was holding a thick purple strapon. 

"Spread her for me." Scathach told Rick as she approached the bed. 

Rick smirked back and grabbed Florence's luxurious behind. His fingers sank into her plush ass and slowly he spread her asscheeks, revealing to Scathach the nurse's waiting asshole. 

Florence Nightingale, still dazed, but feeling something ominous approaching, moaned weakly and mumbled something into Rick's collarbone. Rick and Scathach ignored her weak protest, both too eager to ravage her delectable body to care. 

Scathach scooped a glob of cum and used it as a lubricant. Then, she pressed the head of the fake cock to Florence's sphincter. 

"Wait a sec-" Florence started to say, but in one rough motion, Scathach thrust her hips forward and skewered the nurse.

This completely snapped Florence out of daze. She shot up and if it wasn't for Rick's and Scathach's hands holding her firmly, she would have slammed into the ceiling. Trapped, she tried to squeeze her sphincter tighter but this did nothing but bring Scathach more pleasure. 

"Lad, I almost feel sorry for taking this one's anal cherry. It's quite a treat." Scatahch moaned as she slowly penetrated deeper and deeper, until her hips were pressed against the nurse's backside. 

Rick smirked, enjoying the way Florence tightened her pussy. It was a shame that he didn't get to be the one to take Nightingale's anal virginity, but double-teaming the pretty nurse was hardly an unpleasant proposition. 

"Aaay." Florence exclaimed when Rick slapped her ass, leaving a bright red print.

"Move!" He growled. "Ride me."

Florence did just that as Rick and Scathach double teamed her. She rose and fell back down on Rick's cock. When there was only a tip inside of her cunt, her ass was full with Scathach's strapon, when Rick was balls deep and fucking her womb, Scathach was teasing Florence's anal ring with the blunt barbs of her strapon. 

Rick was content to let FLorence ride this one out at her own pace, but Scathach fucked her with unexpected savagery. Soon the nurse's ass was cherry red and her voice hoarse from screams of pain and pleasure. Scathach mauled Florence's breasts, twisted her nipples and left bite marks on her neck. 

It seemed the Irish queen was less appreciative of Florence's attempts at domination than Rick had previously believed. 

Rick came and flooded for the second time the womb of Florence Nightingale. This load was even larger than the last, and soon there wasn't a place inside of Nurse's cunt that wasn't painted white. 

That was it. Rick had hit his limit and for more he would need a good night's rest. He was about to lean back and let the kingdom of Morpheus claim him…

"Assault Medicine!" 

A glowing syringe materialised in Florence's hand, which she promptly jammed into Rick's bicep. An instant later, a tidal wave of hot boiling energy spread from head to toe, filling Rick with mind-crushing power. 

His flagging cock became rock hard and his muscles bulged with newfound strength. 

Any trace of rational thought fled Rick, now the only thing he could perceive were two nubile fertile bitches, right and ready for breeding. He could smell them, smell their desire for him. Rick couldn't wait to ravage them. 

Rick rose on his elbows but before he could pounce chains of gleaming runes bound him back to the bed.

He snarled, but then he found a dripping cunt lowering onto his face. 

"Boy, I think it's time to see your oral skills." Scathach said. 

Undeterred, Rick pounced on the juicy cunt, sucking and licking and trying his hardest to quench his sudden thirst. 

Scathach moaned and ground her cunt deeper into her pussy, feeling the man's nimble tongue spreading her velvet folds. It's been a while since she had been this close with a man, certainly not since her materialisation in Chaldea. 

Florence and Scathach rode Rick for all that he was worth, taking pleasure from him and both riding for their orgasms. 

Scathach smiled sluttily at Florence, who returned the smile, her own unsure but lusty nonetheless. Scathach leaned in and captured the younger woman's lips and drew her into a passionate making out session. 

Their tongues danced and played, exploring each other's mouths and soon their hands joined, touching and caressing the women's gorgeous bodies. 

The air was thick with grunts and moans, none of the trio shy about vocalising their pleasure. 

Before too long all of them were pushed over the edge, caught in the throes of toe-curling, mind-numbing orgasm. 

That's when Rick struck. 

In one rough motion, he flipped their positions, his strength somehow overpowering two legendary servants. Neither Florence's noble phantasm nor Koyanskaya's power alone could have given him such power, but together, mixed with Rick's own strange nature, they gave Rick the chance to flip the tables on the two slutty servants. 

Before the women could recover from their climax, Rick manhandled them into new positions. Now they were in a position 69, with Florence on the bottom eager to munch on Scathach's dripping cunt. 

Scathach, not as enthusiastic in her change in fortunes, was about to stand up when Rick gripped her by the hair and shoved his well-lubricated cock into her cunt. 

Scathach gasped as her entire pussy and womb were speared by Rick. Something...she should have said something, anything to take control of the situation, but she couldn't .

It just felt so good, to have Rick fuck her, to feel him pull her hair and slap her ass as if she was just a bitch, fit only to be mounted by a strong stud. She...she wasn't like tha-


Scathach's thoughts scrambled when Rick pushed through and into her womb.

Rick slapped her ass, enjoying the yelp of pain it elicited. Finally he was on top, with this bitch unable to do anything but moan and thrust her hips back at him.

"Must feel so good to finally be put into your proper place, eh?" Rick smirked and slapped her ass again, watching it jiggle from his slap and thrusts both. "I've heard about 'Hound of Ulster' but I didn't expect Queen of the Land of Shadows to be a needy bitch." 

Scathach moaned in denial . 

"No, *gnngh*. It's *agh* not like thaaaat!" She slurred her words when another orgasm hit her. 

Rick scoffed, feeling savage joy from ravaging this delectable bitch. 

"Don't even try with excuses." Rick grunted, in heaven from the hot and slick folds of the warrior-queen. "That's it, isn't it? That's why you have sought me out, that's why you 'trained' me and pushed with your attitude until I snapped and put you in your place." 

Scathach opened her mouth to reply, but then Rick shoved his cock into her ass.

Delirious from pain and pleasure, Scathach came, spraying Florence's face with her juices. 

"Have something to say?" Rick growled and pulled harder on her hair, forcing her to bend until she was looking at Rick. 

Seeing the wild, dominant look on his face, something inside of Scathach broke and something new emerged, something that had always been there. She had denied it, but not anymore - Scathach was finally in her place as a strong man's slut. 

"Harder, master!" Scathach moaned happily, cross-eyed and with her tongue lolling out. 

Rick smirked and doubled his pace, fucking Scathach for all that she was worth. 

Finally, Rick buried his cock balls deep into her ass and came, flooding her insides with cum. Then he slowly extracted his cock, forcing it against her anal ring clinging desperately to keep it inside. 

Rick looked down, seeing his two new cum-addicted sluts, another pair of servants to be removed from Koyanskaya's way. Scathach and Florence licked and polished his cock, eager to get every bit of his semen, sharing whatever they found in lust-filled kisses.

Rick smiled, things were seriously looking up for him.


Unbeknownst to Rick, his tryst was less private than he had believed. It was not too bad - Scathach's spell held firm and let no sound out of the room. No one had heard Scathach's whorish moans and Florence's whimpers of pleasure. For now, Rick didn't need to fear fame and infamy amidst the dangerous people living in Chaldea's base. 

That didn't mean there was no voyeur to enjoy the show the trio made. 

"Yes, that's right you brute, show that little whore her place." Koyanskaya hissed, her eyes glued to the screen. 

Ever since she had arrived at this wretched hole, Koyanskaya endeavored to place secret cameras and listening devices all throughout the base. It was no simple task and there were still many rooms and chambers that Koyanskaya was not yet able to secure. Still, she was determined to know about everything happening around her target. 

It wouldn't do for some unforeseen circumstance or a secret plot to thwart all of her plans. 

Luckily, it seemed her finest scheme was proceeding just as she had foreseen. Better even. It certainly came as a surprise to see Scathach fall so far, so soon and so easily. 

Koyanskaya had always pegged the irish queen as one of the more troublesome targets for her pet stud to mount. And yet here he was, right before her eyes, plowing that bitch to kingdom come.  

Ever since she started watching Rick and those two whores, Koyanskaya was terribly aroused. Her pussy was sopping wet and her delicate and now utterly ruined panties clung to her cunt. Several times she caught herself, her fingers hair's width away from the edge of her underwear. 

Koyanskaya bit her lip, frustrated. It would be so nice, so easy to just give in - Rick had certainly given her enough material to play with herself till completion. 

But no. 

She couldn't let herself be distracted by that brute. She still had her many tasks and plans to bring into fruition. Countless things more important than indulging in some fleeting lust for a mundane brute she had raised from muck. 

Despite herself, Koyanskaya found her eyes fleeting between Rick's frame - tall and powerful with tight corded muscles straining against his dark skin, and the two sluts lying in fucked stupor, glazed with Rick's thick virile delicious* cum. 

Koyanskaya frowned. Something was wrong. She was no mere human, far above the weaknesses of some mortal slatterns. Rick's semen should have had no effect on him. 

There was something odd going on. 

'Odd that it's those two little sluts and not me down there'

And yet…

Maybe she would look into it another time.

After she had worked out her frustrations. 

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