
Chapter 3: Macho Man

Author Warning: PLease be aware this Fanfic is 17+ so from here on out there will be cussing

and later chapters will contain Smut, Gore and other adult content

Please enjoy and give me Stuff you want to see such as Pairings, Deaths, Mythical Creatures, Powers or anything else you can think of

Begin Story

Macho macho maann!

I got to be a macho man

Body body 

Got to touch my body oh yeah

Mooch macho man

I got to be a MACHO MAN!

-Village people

POV 3rd

If one was to step into the room of one Angus Craig, all they would smell was sweat, and all they could here is Angus Belting out "Macho man" by the Village people.

It is currently 7 am, and for the past 1 and ½ hours, angus has been working out, he has done his regular work out now 3 times and has risen END and STR twice.

He has figured that currently to raise the Stats once, he will need to complete 

100 sit-ups, 200 push ups, 20-minute plank, 400 squats

But since he has the time to do that in one hour he will complete 2 of these sets every day.

At 8 am 

Angus went to the Cafeteria and had breakfast.

At this time many of the prisoners were having lunch

There he met John Murphy. At First Murphy seemed like a bloody cunt, But if one looked past this behaviour one could tell that he was cunning and intelligent.

Angus found out John was charged with Arson, and in one year would be floated.

Now when Angus say John the only thing he could think was Prince Zuko. 

So it was obvious that Angus planned to be the Wise old uncle that john murphy never had, and probably never new that he needed.

Angus: well John it is a lovely morning, soon enough I will need to go off for tutoring.

John Murphy: Tutoring? For what.

Angus: ooh I have amnesia, no big Deal only problem is I need to relearn many thinks that people should know on the Ark.

John Murphy: Oh shit, well at least you are not dead.

Angus: Yes, that is true, tell me John what would you do if you could live and were not floated?

John Murphy: I don't see why you would ask that, since no one has ever been pardoned from death, but if I could live I would go back to Farming station and join the moonshine team. That is what my Dad did before being floated.

Angus: Hmm, that is nice, Now do not think that that all in the night is Dark, sometimes there is light and hope.

After saying Angus got up and left not even waiting for John to say anything.

POV John Murphy

What the fuck was that?!

Here I am eating Breakfast, and some one-eyed Freak comes up and starts talking.

Now without so much as by your leave he says something wise and just fucking walks off!!!

I don't know if I want to talk to him again or drop kick his ass?

Due to being friendly and intriguing +2 CHA

At 9 am in Angus's room

Wells went on to tutor Angus in English, Math and Science.

Wells: I do not know, but this is really strange, you seem to know a lot about these subjects, even though you have amnesia, the only ones you don't have well are Civics, ethic, and history

Angus: Not sure but does your brain have Muscle Memory?

Wells: So that is all I planned to teach for today, anything you want to do, for the next hour?

Angus: I see a chess set here, you want to play and talk?

Wells: Sounds good.

During the game Angus Started to ask some questions.

Angus: So, Wells, if we were to be on earth today would you keep the Arks traditions and laws going or would you make new traditions and laws.

Wells: That is a good question, we have our laws and traditions for a reason, so I would keep them.

Angus: But you must understand "that for traditions sake, Tradition must always be changing" (Welcome to America).

After 12 Games, 2 of which Angus won, Wells left leaving Angus able to Practice bending and Meditation for the Next 11 hrs with supper in-between.

In this time the Following Changes Happened

Meditation (Lvl 4, 5%)

+1 Int

Skill Earth Connection (lvl 2, 60%)

Skill Earth Bending Lvl 2, 56%

Tactile Earth Manipulation (lvl 5, 40%)

Mana per minute 20

Due to constant use +1 WIS

Class Bender Earth (lvl 0, 0.30%)

Seeing the small change to Skill Earth bending, He decided to try Creating a new skill once his mana replenished. Once it did he place the earth one foot away from himself.

Once he was Ready, after concentrating and raising his feet then stomping his goal was to get the earth to rise and shoot forward like a bullet.

After 12 times not working, he tried lifting his arms which did not work 

Next, he tried stomping and pushing his arm, which Caused the earth to hop a teeny tiny amount. This made him try the stomping and pushing a few more times and on the 17th time, The earth jumped up 2 feet and shot forward to hit the wall 6 feet away.

After this success he tried 6 more times, and this was the result

Active skill created

Earth bullet (lvl1, 10%)

Mana used 10

Range 10 ft

Damage 2

Training will improve Skill

Seeing the Cost he was happy it was cheap, but unfortunately it had week damage, but the good news is that since it was cheap, he can practice it more.

For the next week it was mostly the same schedule

Physical training,

And then Breakfast with John Murphy who still had no clue what to make of Angus

Tutoring with Wells, along with Chess where Angus now won 4 out of twelve games, while also asking Questions on what Wells would do in certain scenarios on Earth. 

Gradually Wells got used to these and started thinking properly and giving well thought and not pre programmed answers.

Then the rest of the day was Bending and Meditation. 

BY the end of the week these were the gains

+10 STR

+ 20 END

+12 WIS

+2 INT

+5 Cha

Meditation (lvl 10, 50%)

1 INT per 19 hours


Earth bullet (lvl10, 30%)

Mana used 10

Range 10 ft

Damage 7

Tactile Earth Manipulation (lvl 8, 40%)

Mana per minute 17

Skill Earth Bender (lvl6, 34%)

Earth Connection (lvl 4)

Class Bender Earth (lvl 1, 89%)

And he unlocked a new ability, to compress loose soil to rock, and a skill to turn rock to soil

Active Skill Created

Compression (lvl 1, 50%)

Mana per use 70


Active Skill Created

Loosen (lvl 1, 50%)

Mana per use 10

By the end of the week he decided that he was limited on traing based off of his Mana limit and regeneration so he decided for his second week to Study exclusively in his Mental library, so that he could increase his INT

2 week time line

He did his morning Routine of Working out

Then Breakfast with John Murphy, whom he started asking about same scenarios as he did Wells regarding Earth. Though Johns answers tended to lean to Right makes right.

During these Chats Bellamy started listening in but never did join.

After Breakfast Wells did keep coming around, but mainly just for chats and Chess.

And for the rest of the week, he immersed himself in reading in his mind.

He read records of ancient Bending techniques and a special little book Called Bending Phylosophies By Prince Iroh.

This book emphasized the way you viewed an element affected your bending, such as Sand Benders leant towards Water bending views, while Lavabending leant towards Fire.

It was also talked how to do different forms of bending at the same time such as sand on your right side and Lava on your left, but this Stuff would need to be reread When my bending was higher.

After two days of reading Bending books, Angus went on to Studying Runes

Here some of the Runes learnt were:

Uruz: Health, and Strength

Fehu: Wealth, Prosperity

Thurisaz: Protection, Defense

Ansuz: Communication

Kenaz: Energy, Light

Gebo: Receiving, Absorbing

Along with hundreds of other runes

For the Next 3 days he religiously wrote each rune and the meaning hundred of times in a journal, so if he was ever Deaf, Mute and Blind he would Still Automatically remember how to Draw them

Passive Skill Created

Runesman (lvl 3, 5%)

2% speed in carving/writing basic runes

Class Runesmith (lvl 1)

The last 2 days were spent Reading Farming books regarding cross breeding of plants, and creation of water ways to improve plant growth

These were the end Results after a week of pure Studying.

+11 INT

Name: Angus Craig

Species: Human (?)

Class: 1- Bender (Earth lvl 1, 89%) 2- Runesmith (lvl 1) 3- Lonely Farmer (lvl 80)


HP:300 HP regen: 30 per hour Mana:190 Mana regen: 60 mana per hour


Strength (STR): 22

Endurance (END): 30

Agility (AGI): 1

Intelligence (INT): 19

Wisdom (WIS): 30

Charisma (CHA): 5

Special Abilities: Mindscape Library, Adaptable Mind/body, Unlimited Bending, 

Passive skills: Earth connection (lvl4, 0%), Earth Bending ( lvl 6, 34%) Meditation (Lvl 6, 50%), Runesman (lvl 3, 5%)


Active skills: Tactile earth movement (lvl 8, 40%), Earth Bullet (lvl10, 30%) Compression (lvl1, 50%) loosen (1, 50%)

Author Note:

Please let me know if the System layout is easy to understand.

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