
Iruma Nasgara; A Being Beyond An Undead...

"It's time to meet with the king..." Princess Gaia said as Khan heaved out a silent sigh of relief. He had been waiting for the moment for five days and now it was finally before him. As for how he would ask the king such a question without him getting suspicious. He didn't know. But he knew well, everything would piece together when he arrived in front of the man.

"Follow after me..." Princess Gaia said as Khan immediately covered the Pekun Caso, before immediately following after her. Of course, he wouldn't try to quickly pack up the plate. That could wait after he makes out of this alive.

Slowly the door to the place was locked leaving the place completely silent and immediately, a massive storm suddenly raged on from where storm the long pillar of blue light appeared, quickly advancing towards the entire Cyrion's settlement area meeting up with the balcony where Khan and Princess Gaia formerly stood.

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