
Just The Crimson Ball.

Xavian sighed and shook his head.

"Oh, it's nothing.

It's just makes me feel a bit uncomfortable seeing all these powerful vampires."

Max opened his mouth to say something, but paused as a stunning figure walked into the hall.

Anais looked far more beautiful than she had ever looked before, she had cut her long black hair and was putting on a long crimson red gown.

Xavian found it hard to look away.

Whether because of his mutal attraction to all females, or a specific one he had for Anais alone, the blonde teenager found himself drooling.

Max raised a brow while looking amused.

"Xavian? Are you okay?"

His voice brought the drooling teenager back to reality.

"Hmm?, Say what?"

No matter how hard he tried, he could not help but get a mini heart attack when he saw Anais.

Anytime he saw her, his heart would begin to flutter and he would find it really hard to focus.

"This must be love."

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