
Chapter 100

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"So, what exactly happened in New Mexico?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Previously, Iron Man paid attention to New Mexico, but it was more of a precautionary attitude towards superhumans.

And partly, a curiosity.

But now, Tony Stark's concern for New Mexico had reached an unprecedented level.

He never anticipated that what happened in New Mexico would be so significant.

And if you also consider the Battle of New York.

Doesn't that mean that besides those few Asgardians mentioned in the journal, there could also be a Loki among those who arrived in New Mexico?

What exactly happened between Loki and the two brothers, Thor, in New Mexico!

That led Loki to attack SHIELD for the Tesseract!

Eventually igniting the Avengers' grand battle against Loki in the Battle of New York.

From the clues and intelligence Tony Stark has so far, it seems that this is how things went.

However, due to a lack of supporting information, Iron Man couldn't possibly guess what happened in New Mexico.

Of course.

What Tony Stark didn't know was that what happened in New Mexico was actually just a small piece of the puzzle in the context of the Battle of New York.

The real reason for the outbreak of the Battle of New York wasn't what happened in New Mexico, but Odin's long-standing favoritism towards Thor.

But based on the fragmented descriptions in the journal, it's not strange for the journal's holder to be misled.

"The Chitauri invasion, so it took place during the Battle of New York!"

Nick Fury, in front of another journal, although initially surprised, soon had a moment of realization.

No wonder.

He had questioned before how Thor, being the older brother, ended up joining forces with the Avengers to fight against Loki, his younger brother?

Now it seems, Loki wasn't invading New York alone but had allied with an alien race, the Chitauri!

So, the "Chitauri invasion" mentioned earlier in the journal, happened here.

During the Battle of New York.

So, the Battle of New York was essentially an alien invasion war.

In an instant, Nick Fury realized why nuclear weapons were deployed in this war.

With the current level of human society's technology, when faced with an alien invasion.

The only effective weapon seems to be nuclear bombs, right?

But there's one thing.

Weren't the Avengers already involved in the war? Then why would human society still launch nuclear bombs?

Could it be that the Avengers were unable to defeat the Chitauri?

Could New York truly be leveled by nuclear bombs in the future?

No way!

Thinking of this, Fury's eyelids couldn't help but twitch fiercely.

Surely not, the journal said nothing of the sort.

If the Battle of New York really resulted in New York being bombed by nuclear weapons, such a "groundbreaking" event, surely the Devil wouldn't omit mentioning it?

However, the Battle of New York, being an alien invasion war, still weighed heavily on Fury, making him feel a great burden.

"The Avengers Initiative must be accelerated!"

Fury silently made this decision.

Not just the Avengers Initiative, but other related measures as well, such as the development of superweapons.

Regardless of whether the other universe's New York was bombed or not, in this universe, Fury would definitely not allow it to happen!

[However, there's still something I can't quite figure out.]

[During the Battle of New York, Thanos should have only obtained one Infinity Stone, right? How did he dare to make trouble in Odin's domain?]

[Not to mention, the Sorcerer Supreme was still alive!]

[Was Thanos really so bold to cause trouble under the noses of these two superpowers?]

[Wasn't he afraid of provoking these two Lords and getting slaughtered?]

[Could this be the reason Thanos manipulated Loki into launching the Battle of New York?]

[After all, Loki is the son of Odin, the ruler of the Nine Realms!]


So, the mastermind behind the Battle of New York wasn't Loki but Thanos!

Nick Fury's expression tightened slightly.

Indeed, Fury had never anticipated this outcome.

He had just thought he gained more insight into the Battle of New York, even piecing together a rough truth of the event.

Only for the journal to turn around and drop a bombshell, catching him off guard.

All along, Fury had thought Loki was the mastermind behind the Battle of New York.

After all, such a high-profile and high-ranking character manipulating such a war seemed logical.

But now?

Loki turned out to be just a pawn of Thanos, manipulated by him!

This really is something!

Fury couldn't help but feel somewhat amused.

Aren't you the God of Mischief, skilled in mind games? How could you be outplayed?

It appears Thanos is indeed no simple character!

Of course, what's even more formidable is the legendary King of Gods, Odin.

According to the Devil's description, the reason Thanos let Loki invade New York was because he was wary of Odin.

After all, Earth is also one of the Nine Realms, under Odin's jurisdiction, and Thanos didn't dare to cause trouble freely on Odin's turf.

So he let his son do it.

Truly worthy of being a King of Gods!

Even Thanos, who could wipe out half the beings in the universe, was extremely cautious around him.

Not surprisingly, this is good news for Fury who knows the truth about Earth and the existence of many alien races in the galaxy.

With a superpower like Odin around, Earth is largely safe.

Then there's the Sorcerer Supreme.

The journal mentioned this name before but didn't elaborate.

Fury could only guess that this individual was a superpowered hero of the magical order, nothing more.

As for how powerful this individual really was, the journal didn't say, leaving Fury unable to judge.

However, Fury never expected the Sorcerer Supreme to be so powerful!

By the Devil's account, this individual was placed on the same level as Odin.

Making Thanos weary, just like Odin!

To think that there are such formidable individuals on Earth!

Truly, this was a surprise for Fury.

All along, he thought the most powerful individual on Earth was Danvers.

However, such a powerful character, how did he die?

Was he killed by someone even more powerful?

Damn, just how many incredibly powerful beings are there on Earth?

Or is it not the beings from Earth but those from across the stars that are incredibly powerful?

However, the specifics are something that Nick Fury can't even begin to imagine.

"Infinity Stones?"

Then, Nick Fury looked at these words and fell into deep thought.

Without a doubt.

The "Infinity Stones" mentioned here must refer to those stones mentioned earlier in connection with "stone-less Thanos."

So, the full name of these stones is the Infinity Stones.

And there's more than one Infinity Stone! From Satan's tone, Thanos, with a single Infinity Stone, dares not provoke Odin or the Sorcerer Supreme.

But what if he got hold of more stones?

Seems like he dares then!

So, what exactly are these Infinity Stones?

How could they enhance Thanos's power so significantly?

Obviously, this answer couldn't come from mere speculation alone; one can only hope the diary would provide the answers.

Thus, like Black Widow and Tony Stark, Nick Fury continued to stare at the diary.

However, after waiting for several minutes, the diary remained quiet, without any new text "popping out."

Without a doubt, the diary once again stopped updating.


Nick Fury then closed the diary.

He began summarizing and sorting through some of the key intelligence spoiled by this diary entry.

Simply put.

This round of spoilers, aside from expressing Satan's surprise at the "plot" changes.

It involves some civil war between heroes and the incident in New Mexico.

The civil war is too far off, worrying about it now is somewhat premature.

After all, Nick Fury's Avengers haven't even been assembled yet.

Not to mention, the catalyst for the civil war is quite complex, dealing with the Sokovia Accords, which restrict heroes.

And the introduction of the Sokovia Accords surely isn't just because of that one mission in Sokovia.

It's clear.

Incidents like Scarlet Witch accidentally harming civilians must have happened more than once or twice.

That's what ignited public opinion.

Nick Fury understands these incidents are hard to avoid, even inevitable.

After all, who can guarantee an operation without any collateral damage?

Especially in a super war between superheroes and supervillains.

So, the civil war is a very complex issue, also a case of specific situations requiring specific analysis.

It's not something Nick Fury can think of a strategy for in advance to prevent or avoid.

Compared to the civil war, Nick Fury is more concerned about what's soon to happen in New Mexico.

The diary made it very clear that soon.

At least five Asgardian gods will descend upon New Mexico, all heavy hitters like Thor and the Warriors Three.

Even the Asgardian ultimate weapon, the Destroyer, will make an appearance.

These unwelcome guests from Asgard will turn New Mexico upside down, even destroying it!

This is the most urgent and pressing issue in front of Nick Fury.

Equally the most troublesome.

Those are gods, how to deal with them?

Surely, setting up defenses in New Mexico in advance and preparing a large amount of manpower and weapons isn't feasible.

Not to mention, the information from the diary cannot be revealed.

Even if Nick Fury could share those reasons, such absurd reasoning wouldn't be persuasive at all.

Nick Fury couldn't convince anyone to deploy a large armed force in New Mexico.

Let's not forget.

Having gone through the Kree-Skrull War, Nick Fury is acutely aware of how futile human weapons are against these alien races.

For the crisis in New Mexico, conventional methods are obviously inadequate.

After much deliberation and thinking, the only solution Nick Fury could think of was the old plan: the Avengers Initiative.

Against beings like the Asgardian gods, the best option is undoubtedly superheroes who possess extraordinary powers.

"Looks like we need to speed up the process of forming the Avengers," Nick Fury sighed, feeling an increasing sense of urgency.

It's been several months since Nick Fury officially started this plan, but aside from Black Widow and Barton, he hasn't managed to recruit anyone else.

He needs to step it up!

Although there isn't a concrete result from Tony Stark's evaluation, in this special moment, Nick Fury feels it's appropriate to end the evaluation period.

After all, Black Widow didn't give any definite negative feedback during the evaluation period, right?

With the diary as a reference, now seems to be the right time.

Then there's Captain America.

Since Captain America was uncovered early, Nick Fury has been eager to recruit him into the Avengers.

From every aspect, Captain America is the perfect choice.

However, Captain America's current state isn't great; he's busy readjusting and assimilating into this new world.

He's still lost.

Nick Fury originally planned to give Captain America more time to adjust and settle.

But now, it seems he doesn't have that luxury.

As for Satan?

Nick Fury thought it over but wasn't too optimistic.

After all, the diary's lines show that this person is quite indifferent to superheroes.

However, since Satan is a mercenary, even if he doesn't join the Avengers, Nick Fury could consider hiring him.

So, the situation with Satan is still somewhat hopeful.

Besides, there's Bruce Banner and other extraordinary individuals mentioned in the diary.

However, these people either have their own significant issues or are untraceable, so it doesn't look like there will be any results in the short term.

So, prioritizing which extraordinary individuals to recruit became clear after such a brief analysis.

Apart from speeding up the formation of the Avengers, developing superweapons also received high importance from Nick Fury.

Weapons capable of dealing with these extraordinary threats!

After all, there's only a small number of superheroes.

Aside from relying on their valor, Earth must also have a true defense force!

Didn't the diary also say it?

The other self secretly used the Cosmic Cube to develop weapons because of the threat in New Mexico, didn't it?

It even led to a Project Insight that could kill millions in one go!

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