
Against Im 2

At Navy Headquarters:

In Marineford, the transponder snail broadcasted the chaos unfolding in Marie Geoise. Admiral Akainu and the now-retired Sengoku, who had been frozen earlier by Aokiji's powers, watched in disbelief as the very foundation of the World Government crumbled before their eyes. The entire marine force scrambled to comprehend the implications of this unprecedented event.

Aokiji, who had been grinning at the downfall of the World Government, turned serious when the robed figure attacked White Tyrant. After a brief internal monologue, he decided to go and aid White Tyrant. As he stood from his chair, making his way towards the exit, Garp couldn't help but ask, "Whose side are you on?"

"White Tyrant," Aokiji replied without turning back. Garp chuckled and said, "Count me in then," as he joined Aokiji.


At Revolutionary Army:

In the hidden base of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon looked at the screen. His piercing gaze bore into the screen as he absorbed the reality of the World Government's downfall. Revolutionary commanders gathered around, discussing their next moves, weighing the benefits and risks of this unexpected turn of events.

"I am going there" Dragon said and rushed out


Kaido and the Beasts Pirates:

On Onigashima, Kaido and the Beasts Pirates observed the chaos through their own transponder snail. Kaido grinned widely, savoring the opportunity for chaos and disorder. His crew, too, cheered at the news of the World Government's demise, ready to exploit the resulting power vacuum.

"How can I miss this?" Kaido said and then transformed into green dragon and ruched towards the Mary Geoise


Shanks and the Red-Haired Pirates:

Shanks, the captain of the Red-Haired Pirates, calmly observed the events through his transponder snail. His crew members, equally composed couldn't help but ask " What should we do?".

"Go there" Shank said his ship started moving towards Mary Geoise.


At Hunter Island

Zephyr and other powerhouses of the Hunter organisation looked at the screen intently.

After White Tyrant got attacked,. Bucky stood up and said " Let's go and help White Tyrant, it will be the best opportunity to completely destroy the world government." 

Zephyr nodded and then they boarded the Angel of Destruction and rushed towards Mary Geoise.


At Mary Geoise

Max kept firing various attacks at the robed figure but every time, he just engulf them in his Void.

"Tch, Try to absorb this" Max said and summon a water elemental through the sea water, a big sea slime appeared on the destroyed Mary Geoise.

It shot sea water towards the robed figure but he once again absorbed it, Max then instructed it " flood this whole place with sea water and also make a rain with sea water".

Hearing Max words, the slime jumped and then a water column shot upwards and then its started raining , the robed figure frowned and then created a ball of absolute darkness and all the water around 3 meters of him got absorbed inside it.

"Fuck , just how many tricks he got" Max grumbled.

Max then used another spell : Light clone and various clone got created and then all of them pointed at the robed figure and attacked various Ashen flame attacks.

While real Max started chanting a Tier 7 spell, he has just entered Tier 7 and therefore he need to chant to invoke the spell.

"....In the sanctum of the soul, where shadows writhe, An incantation of torment, where life meets scythe. Gather, O spirits, beneath the lunar lit sky, As I weave the tapestry, let the wicked ones cry.

From the echoes of despair, let the spell take form, Soul Reckoning, unleash the soul's storm. No barriers withstand, no defenses conform, To the depths of their being, let the shadows swarm.

Oh, arcane forces, hear this spectral call, Soul Reckoning descends, a judgment for all. As the ephemeral whispers in the void enthrall, Tier 7 spell : Soul fall." with Max chanting ends a skull formed in the space near the robed figure and then it opened it's mouth and chomped the robed figure, the robed figure helplessly watched as the Skull mouth passed through his portal like it never exists and engulfed him inside it's mouth.

When the skull dissipated only the lifeless body of the robed figure remained.

"System quickly take the Devil fruit" Max said as he sat near the Dead body of the robed figure.


Max nodded and looked back and saw Akoiji and Garp appearing there.

"Kyahahahah brat, you killed them all" Garp laughed and said.

"Are you here to avenge them?" Max asked looking at him.

"Me, Avenge them?, Kyahahahah, I came to assist you not him" Garp laughed and said.

"But it looks like you don't need our help" Akoiji said looking at the dead body.

"No I need help, there are a group of celestial dragons, they are innocent, have them live a normal life from now on" Max pointed at the Ashen flame dome and it dissipated revealing some small children, they are just around 5 years old and have yet to get contaminated by the Celestial Dragons corruption.

Garp looked at the children and said to Max " I thought you killed them all" .

"I am not a monster like your navy" Max mocked back.

Garp fell silent and no longer talked.

Suddenly Akoiji waved his hands and a Ice wall appeared above the sleeping children, after the Ice cover appeared a fire ray struck the ice cover.

Garp and others raised their head and saw a Green dragon, Garp ran ahead and stated attacking the green dragon.

"He is taking all his anger out on Kaido" Akoiji said.

"Aren't you going to help him" Max asked as Akoiji created a ice chair and leaned on it.

"He doesn't need my help, White Tyrant or should I say Max-Hunter King" Akoiji said lazily to Max.

"Call me anything you want, I am going to disappear any way" Max shrugged

"Disappear?" Akoiji tilted his head and asked.

"Yes, My work is over, I will no longer show my face to the world, not now though, probably after a year, there is still new world to sail after all" Max replied with a smile.

Akoiji nodded and didn't said anything.



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