
Marine ford

"Max isn't aware of Katakuri's scheming, but even if he were, he wouldn't pay it any mind. His promised protection is still valid. Max has already read the memories of Katakuri and others, and none of them are evil. Everything they had done was due to the command of Big Mom. It's also the reason Max invited them to join his crew.

After a few days, Max arrived at Marineford, hovering above the Marine Headquarters as he looked at it.

The architecture of Marineford reflected both grandeur and functionality. Countless Marine soldiers, officers, and high-ranking officials bustled within its walls, following a strict hierarchy and code of conduct. It was a bustling hub of activity, with Marines undergoing rigorous training, strategizing for potential threats, and maintaining a constant vigil over the seas.

At the heart of Marineford stood the execution platform—an ominous reminder of the Marines' authority and their strict adherence to justice. It was here that public executions and trials took place, serving as a deterrent to pirates and criminals who dared to challenge the World Government's laws.

The island's location in the calm belt granted it a strategic advantage, making it a formidable stronghold that was challenging for any invading force to assail. Surrounding Marineford were imposing cannons, watchtowers, and defensive structures, all poised to repel any assaults from both land and sea.

Had Max not been hovering too high in the air, he would have been recognized by the Marine soldiers stationed at the watchtowers.

Descending slowly from the sky, Max released his Conqueror's Haki as if to announce his arrival. He arrived here as Max, the Bounty Hunter, not as White Tyrant.

The sheer magnitude of Max's Haki reverberated across the island, sending shockwaves through the air and striking at the very core of the Marines' resolve. Conqueror's Haki isn't just a manifestation of power; it's an assertion of will that can overpower and subdue the spirits of those deemed weaker or lacking the indomitable spirit required to withstand its influence.

At Marineford, the sudden eruption of Max's Conqueror's Haki induced an immediate and profound effect on those present. Marines, officers, and even high-ranking officials felt an overwhelming pressure weighing down upon them—a palpable force that challenged their spirits and determination.

The Marines, renowned for their discipline and resilience, faced an unprecedented challenge. The sheer aura of Max's Haki tested their mental fortitude, causing a wave of disorientation and unease among the ranks. Those lacking the necessary strength of will might have found themselves overwhelmed, perhaps losing consciousness or succumbing to the overwhelming pressure exerted by Max's Haki.

The atmosphere at Marineford shifted instantaneously. The controlled order and stoicism gave way to chaos and uncertainty as the unexpected display of Conqueror's Haki disrupted the very foundation of the Marines' stronghold.

In the aftermath of the sudden and overwhelming surge of Conqueror's Haki at Marineford, the atmosphere buzzed with tension and intrigue. Sengoku, the stoic Fleet Admiral of the Marines, swiftly mobilized a team of high-ranking officers and specialists to investigate the unprecedented disturbance.

Sengoku, a resolute and composed leader, stepped forward with Admiral Kizaru, Garp, and a squadron of Vice Admirals and elite officers by his side.

"Who are you?" called out Sengoku, his voice projecting authority and determination. "What is the meaning of this display of power at Marineford?"

The Fleet Admiral's question hung in the air, addressing the enigmatic Bounty Hunter directly. The gathered Marines stood poised, their expressions a mixture of apprehension and resolve as they faced off against a figure whose Conqueror's Haki had just now shaken Marineford—a powerful testament to this unknown figure's strength.

"Max, a Bounty Hunter, just came to claim a Bounty, nothing else," Max shrugged and threw the frozen severed head of Big Mom towards Sengoku.

'It's really true, and he is the Bounty hunter who claimed Big Mom's head,' Sengoku exclaimed, though his facial expression remained stoic.

"Brat, so it's you," Garp said with his cheeky smile.

"If you mean the person who killed Big Mom, then yes," Max tilted his head towards Garp and said.

"Kyahahhahaha, Max, right? How about you join the Marines?" Garp laughed out loud and said to Max.

Sengoku inwardly gave a thumbs-up to Garp, hearing him invite Max to join the Marines. But the next moment, he cursed out loudly after hearing Max's reply.

"Hell no, I don't want to be a hypocrite like all of you," Max sneered in response to Garp's invitation.

"What do you mean by hypocrite? We are a prestigious organization that punishes evil," Sengoku yelled, while Garp remained silent, not as shameless as Sengoku.

"Yeah, yeah, the same prestigious organization that killed countless pregnant women, a whole island, and turned a blind eye to Celestial Dragons' atrocities," Max replied, his voice full of mocking tone.

"Just give me the bounty and let me go on my way. Just standing in front of you bastards feels nauseating," Max said.

Sengoku gritted his teeth and said, "What bounty? Big Mom was killed by one of our Admirals; you just stole her head while our Admiral was injured after a fight with Big Mom."

Max glared at him and released his Conqueror's Haki, saying, "What did you say?"

"Sengoku, what's the meaning of this?" Garp also shouted at Sengoku, but Sengoku glared back at him and told him to shut up. Garp frowned and tried to stop Sengoku, but Tsuru intervened, instructing Garp to do nothing.

"So, you are trying to steal my bounty?" Max asked while inwardly feeling happy and thought, 'I don't know why this Sengoku dares to steal my bounty, but it's better, hahaha.'

Max's aim in releasing Conqueror's Haki was to agitate a certain idiot Admiral—Akainu. Akainu, with his pride in the Navy, would have attacked Max, creating a perfect opportunity for Max to counter-attack. Sadly, Akainu isn't currently present at Marineford. Instead, Sengoku is taking Akainu's place, causing Max to feel happy and no longer sad by Akainu absence.

Sengoku, also known as the Resourceful General, wouldn't have taken this step if he hadn't heard Max reference the Pregnant Women and Ohara incident. But now that he has, he can't allow Max to leave alive from here.

Those two instances had been kept hidden for a long time. Now that he has heard about them from Max's mouth, Sengoku wants to discover if anyone else knows about them. He also intends to kill Max to prevent the information from spreading further


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