

As the first rays of sunlight peek through the curtains, the room is embraced by the sweet scent of ripe strawberries, infused with the delicate smell of steamed beef and fresh bread. Anna smacked her lips on the bed murmuring unintelligible things from her mouth.

"Stand up Anna let's eat." Janie's voice could be heard but Anna didn't bulge. She rather turned to the next side and continued her sleep. It's been a whole week since they left their home in search for happiness they were yet to find.

Though Anna found peace and some time alone from her family's nagging and all that, she still felt so empty. She wondered if Noah felt that way too. Even if she has told herself not to think about him she couldn't stop thinking. She has trained herself to be mad at him for keeping such huge secrets from her but she couldn't stay mad for even a day.

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