
Chapter 78 Good to see you again.

If idiots claimed that cats were only useful for women over forty who had no hope of ever finding love, well, those people never suffered a critter problem. Issei was glad for his visitors in Rome.

His musing was stopped by the soft-spoken voice of one Koneko Toujou.

"Thanks for showing up, chief."

Koneko was dressed in a cut hat that resembled cat ears, a white blouse, and an overall-short, the orange bows gave it a cute touch.

"Wouldn't be fair to keep you waiting." She greeted Issei with a tight hug and he lifted her up, closer to him as the first-year smiled at him.

Issei put her back on the ground as she watched the guy.

"You're dressed nicely. What is that on your shirt?"

He realized she was looking at the logo.

"I got it from a friend of mine who said that he couldn't fit in it. Hence why he handed it to me. It's also the only thing I could wear that was a bit fitting. You have a nice outfit as well."

Koneko had a small chuckle.

"It took me forever to convince Buchou to let me leave. I think you wouldn't have minded how I looked."

"If we go like this, you are dressed fine. If we went high wine and dine, I would have told you to switch."

Opening the door, he could smell the cats before he saw them. It was a good thing that he had learned to ignore the smells from them. If one could appreciate it, it was just nature's smell.

"Ah, Koneko-chan. Good to see you again."

A college student, a woman with short brown hair, netted and with a mask and dressed in an apron came to greet the two.

"Hello, Hikaruno-san." Koneko said hi to the two.

"You're not scheduled to work today. And who might this handsome guy be?" Hikaruno was already smiling when she saw Issei.

"This is Issei-senpai. He's a senior at my school. I'm on a date with him."

The woman wondered how the little girl managed to get a date. Issei clearly didn't strike her as a lolicon. And from the way he acted around, he was quite gentle with Koneko.

"I see. What would you like?"

"The big one, please."

Hikaruno gulped when she heard that.

"Koneko-chan, Modest won't like that. He got his shots and he's still angry."

'Modest?' Issei wondered as he heard that name.

"Well, I think that chief and I can handle him," Koneko replied as she opened the door to shut up any other complaints.

"We'll order drinks when we are ready. Thank you."

The little girl waved to Issei to walk over and the Dragon followed. Inside, there were over a dozen cats who were all over in the den. As soon as the two walked in, they were all over Koneko.

Issei's eyes widened as they walked in.

The place looked very comfortable with cushions, tables, and chairs placed. All things were all cat themed.

There were litter boxes, crab poles, and other places where cats would lay.

"They seem to know you." Issei kept his distance from the girl who looked more like she was meeting old friends than greeting a few pets.

"They do. I work here often. It's a fun gig." Issei just walked through and then sat down on a cushion. Other cats just walked out of the way for him. Animals could sense him before they saw him.

Even if he kept it under lock and key, it was often scary enough that animals avoided him.

"Not a cat person, chief?" Koneko had taken up a grey-striped one and walked over to him. The others followed Koneko, meowing and rubbing their faces against her legs.

"I can handle them. They just can't handle me. By the way, who is Modest?" Her eyes switched over to one corner of the room.

On top of it laid a giant (for cats) orange mixed with a male cat who was glaring at the entire group. There were a few pieces of his right ear missing and Issei thought that he had a scar on his left eye.

"That is Modest. He is the King of this place. He allows other cats in his place and he tolerates the staff. They keep him around as something of a watchman." Issei could feel how the furball was looking at him like he was going to tear him a new one.

"And you can handle him?" Issei asked while Koneko put the cat on the ground.

"I can. Can you, chief?" The Dragon stood up and walked over to the bad boy who had not even thought of letting Issei out of his sight.

Despite hissing and getting up from his seated position, Issei was not disturbed. He stood right before the orange cat whose eyes had become like slits.

The Dragon stood like he was unimpressed by the show of Modest. He kept his own aura, suppressed until Modest began to inch closer.

Then Issei did the reaction for which Modest wasn't ready. Every other cat jumped up and ran away from the two while Modest immediately got calmer from the feeling.

"That is impressive, chief." Koneko wasn't afraid of Issei. While some parts of her instinct told her to join her furry friends, the bigger part was knowing that Issei wouldn't act violently.

"Cats are animals. They can sense an apex predator. They won't mess with me." Issei simply answered.

Koneko raised an eyebrow as a question for that.

"Back in Rome, when things got quiet and I was at the house. Only the fiercest, wildest, and oldest strays dared to enter my house. I made a habit of feeding them when I was home. Compared to them, this guy here is a softie."

Modest was still apprehensive of Issei but when he felt the large hand, he knew better than to maul it open.

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