
Chapter 51 This was going to be fun.

The gym was the same as before and the inside hadn't even changed.

While the two walked in, they had taken the big stage and just walked around.

They didn't even need to talk. They could feel the presence of the others in the gym.

The light flickered on and when they heard the voice speak

"I know you're there, servants of the Gremory." The two shared another look and shrugged.

"Should we come out? Time to face the music." Issei walked first while Koneko joined him. Before them, it appeared that Rias' guess was right.

Three [Pawns] and one other Piece. Issei guessed she was a [Rook]. That said [Rook] was wearing a traditional Chinese Dress that showed off her body.

The [Pawns] was a set of twins. With gym outfits, they looked a bit cute. The last girl was wearing an haori and she had a stick out.

"Well, it appeared that Riser-sama was right. Sending out her best plan was stupid." Issei loosened his neck.

Using guns wouldn't just do on them. He could take care of the four but it wouldn't do Koneko's confidence any good.

Looking back at the first year, Koneko began to think about who she could take on.

"Chief. I'll be taking care of the [Rook]. Can you occupy the other three?"

He nodded to her as she left his side.

"My name is Xuelan. I'll be your opponent, [Rook]."

"Koneko Toujou. Rias Gremory's servant."

Issei turned over the three other women. This was going to be fun.

[Any need from me, brat?]

'Good to hear from you again. Nah, I'll be using my bare fists on them.'

[Don't be overconfident, Issei. At least, use Joyeuse. Even you can't afford to slip up.]

It was rare that Albion lectured him but the [Sacred Gear] user obeyed without a problem.

Pulling out his sword, the three [Pawns] gulped when they saw the weapon.

Xuelan and Koneko had begun to trade blows. Like her master, Xuelan could use fire but for a Koneko Toujou that had trained under Issei, it was like Xuelan was slow. It didn't even cause an issue to avoid the attacks.

She replied with her own attacks. A savage uppercut stumbled her back while Koneko delivered another kick to the midriff.

Issei pulled out the sword and weighed it on his shoulders.

"So who of you want to go first?" He asked sardonically. None of them were too eager to get close to the sword. He leaned back against the wall of the stage while he eyed the three girls.

Then the haori one made the first move. She moved fast in front of Issei who simply let her come to him.

Issei just watched her jump as his left hand stopped the entire descent. Mira would have preferred it if he hadn't smiled;

That cheerful smirk on his face just promised her what sort of personal hell she would be in. Pulling her along, Issei grabbed up the sword and smashed it down at the defenseless [Pawn].

Grayfia's voice echoed over the place.

[Riser Phenex. One [Pawn] retired.] Issei looked over at the twins who had taken out two weapons which Issei usually wouldn't assume with Devils.

He could hear the motors running behind them and from the looks of it, they had chainsaws.

Briefly, the Dragon wondered why they had such weapons but he didn't hesitate as they came from both ends.

"Rip it apart, rip it apart." He imagined they were usually a bit more chirpy for being able to tear a guy apart with chainsaws.

Issei was not looking forward to being that guy.

Ducking to the right, he used Joyeuse to block the chainsaw. A fist dazed the twin on that side as well. When the other twin came on his left, he moved out of the way for it. Then with his open hand on the left side, he grabbed her and smashed her, face down onto her sister. One of the weapons was buried in the other.

The White Saint didn't give them any time to react.

Ile could only watch in horror when she saw the pained face of Nel when she felt the sword piercing through her sister.

It took only a moment before her face was the same and Issei didn't just stop at her.

[Riser Phenex. Two [Pawns] and one [Rook] retired.]

Grayfia spoke again as she announced the fact that Koneko had also won. Issei watched how Koneko had her arms still in the position where she had broken Xuelan's neck.

Walking over to the Dragon, the junior just smiled and offered a fist. With his left hand, Issei responded. Their fists bumped and they walked outside.

Scene skip

The spells that Kiba uses were paying dividends.

So far, the three [Pawns] that Riser had sent through the forest, were running in circles. Their team consisted of two girls in maid outfits while the other girl's clothes weren't suited for a battlefield.

Kiba was just waiting on the girls to come closer. It was three to one and the lessons that Issei had given him, couldn't go to waste. If he wanted to do this, he had to do it right.

Giving them the time to react, wouldn't be beneficial. He had to save his power for stronger Pieces and not just that, but he had to join up with the other two.

He used his high speed to smash through the unprepared [Pawns] who simply stood by as Kiba just smashed through the first one.

Without even a word, he turned back and used his speed to go for his second target.

[Riser Phenex. One [Pawn] retired.]

"What is this?" The showgirl shouted as Kiba turned back around. His eyes zoned in on the two girls. His time was limited and Akeno did a marvelous job.

It wouldn't take too long.

He never would have guessed that he could his high speed for stealth.

[Riser Phenex. Two [Pawns] retired.]


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