
Chapter 35 He whispered in her ear.

The thoughts were cut short as a blue circle appeared and in the middle of it, Grayfia appeared. Her eyes widened as she saw Rias sitting in the lap of Issei. The Dragon gave a nod to her.

The maid wasn't pleased with the development.

Issei's eyes didn't leave her body. She was strong, very strong. The only reason why he wasn't thrown around the room was that Grayfia was not going to hurt Rias.

"Ojousama, what is the meaning of this?"

Rias had an innocent smile on her face as she watched the Ultimate [Queen] come closer to the pair.

"I have made a resolve. I am not going to let my family dictate my fate."

Rias was relieved that she and Issei had come to an agreement on how to handle Grayfia and Riser.

The eyes of the [Queen] narrowed at Issei who was as calm as a cucumber.

"Hyoudou-san, I would appreciate it if you could move." Issei looked at her, back to Rias, and then shook his head.

"Nah, not feeling it. The only person who could get me to move agrees with me so I am good where I am." The eyes of Grayfia narrowed even further.

Grabbing his arm, the silverette felt the power behind his arm.

"Do you understand who you're talking to?"

"Yes. I understand you're very much capable of killing me. The only question is how much of this county would remain, if Rias would look at you ever again and if you got any working limbs?"

Issei let his gauntlet appear and that did the trick for Grayfia.

"My fight isn't with you, Grayfia-san." Rias' eyes signaled to the woman that she had found an answer to her situation.

The [Queen] of her older sibling had questions but those had to wait.

It appeared that Rias had found an answer.

When this was over, Grayfia would have a long talk with Issei.

It had to wait though as an orange-red circle caused the room to be filled with flames. The cry of a bird could be heard over it.

All of the residents had a different reaction to it. Koneko didn't want to look at the brightness of it while Akeno looked at the flames.

Her teasing smile had fallen off her face. Kiba glanced at Issei who nodded at him.

He had no clue but it appeared that the [Knight] trusted Issei to keep Rias safe.

Rias stiffened when she glared at the flames. Issei made a loose chain of his arms around her delicate middle, right below her bountiful chest.

'I'm here. Not anywhere else.' He whispered in her ear.

As soon he watched the man enter the room, his feeling to help Rias didn't just redouble but tripled.

The man's suit appeared to be well made although Issei guessed that he took notes from Japanese Delinquents with the open shirt.

The man had an arrogant look on his face as he turned to the woman that would be his bride sitting in the lap of Issei.

His eyes bore at Issei who had his arms around the girl.

The glare that he received from Issei made it clear that he had dibbed his hands on Rias.

"Rias, what is the meaning of this? Riser hopes you were informed that Riser would visit." Rias' eyes had the sweetest look but the amount of bile that came out of her mouth was poisonous.

"I was informed indeed. It appears that my family has taken up a faster note. I wonder if you had anything to do with that?"

Riser was annoyed by the reaction of his woman-to-be. His eyes went to Issei who was sitting in a calm fashion.

But the calm exterior hid one message.

Not getting your hands, she is mine.

The Phenex strolled over to the desk. His hands slammed on the wood. Issei hoped that he had no need for holy magic to teach this asshole a lesson.

"Indeed. My dear, you have no choice. Riser is annoyed beyond belief but he will remind you that the contract has been clearly set. The Underworld is our home. Lower-class Devils and other reincarnated beings are taking over. You, as heiress, of one of the remaining Pillar families must be responsible for having other purebred Devils for our survival."

Tapping his arms, Rias made clear to Issei that he could let her go. He did so and she veered up.

Proud and defiant, she glared at Riser. Issei moved out of the chair and leaned on the desk. Sitting on the right side of Rias, he let her speak. It was the fastest way he could stop Riser from hurting her.

"I did not agree to this and I wasn't asked my opinion. I was indeed informed last night that the engagement proceeded. Grayfia informed me that unless I had a suitable suitor as a partner. I have the right to choose my partner."

Riser glared at Rias. The rejection didn't sit well. "That right has been forsaken as you are heiress of the clan. It's not for yourself but for the good of your clan. Is it really such a burden to marry me? Many of the Underworld would gladly marry a child from the house of Phenex!"

Issei coughed when he heard her talk.

The two looked at him.

"Rias was told that if she didn't have a suitable suitor, the engagement would be official. Too bad for you and the Underworld, she has made her choice. Myself." His glare extended to Grayfia.

"Tell Sirzechs and her parents that I, Issei Hyoudou, the Hakuryuukou of this generation, accepted her proposal. If that is the case, there is no reason for complaints."

The mouth of Grayfia wanted to fall open by the open brazenness.

Issei focused back on Riser whose head got an ugly purple by the rudeness of the Dragon.

"What is the meaning of this? How dare you, a filthy human Dragon, take what is rightfully Riser's?" The fist aimed at Rias was blocked by Issei who kept the fire of the Phenex at bay. It barely burned through him.


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