
His Everything

"The wind isn't bad tonight," Luca said. "I checked the forecast when I was waiting for you in the car." 

Sophia was confused as to why that information was relevant until she realized Luca was leading her to the rooftop balcony that was off of his living room. 

She had seen the area the day before and admired the landscaping done with limited space but she didn't think they would go outside when it was early autumn and tended to be cool. Considering she was generally a cold person, she felt nervous but she waited to see what he was going to do. 

However, as they opened the door that led them outside, her eyebrows raised when they approached an impressive fire pit made of a singular rectangular stone. Fire came out of it in a thin line down the middle. 

"What is all this?" she asked in disbelief.

Luca let go of her hand and she went forward to explore a little bit. 

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