
Ant-Man: Final(chapter 100)

Chapter 100

As the water flowed over his fingers, Cross heard a soft chuckle from the doorway. He spun around, surprised to see Henry standing there, leaning casually against the wall. "Ah, Henry?" Cross said, his voice edged with surprise. Henry stepped forward, his demeanor relaxed and confident. "Oh, please, don't mind me," Henry replied with a chuckle. His eyes flickered to the still-flushing toilet. "I gotta say, I'm impressed. Quite clean," he remarked, his voice dripping with amusement. He met Cross's gaze, a smirk playing on his lips. "I feel like you and me are going to get along really well, Mr. Cross." The two men exchanged knowing smiles as they shook hands, sealing an unspoken pact. 

Cross nodded, a hint of relief mingling with his excitement. "So am I?" he began, but before he could finish, his eyes rolled back, and he slumped to the floor, unconscious. Henry swiftly placed a plank dark hollow box over Cross's head, activating his mysterious device. Minutes passed as the room remained silent, Henry working with methodical precision. Once satisfied, Henry removed the box and injected Cross with a potion to lower his blood pressure. He muttered to himself, "Well, then, now that I have the formula—well, it's a little incomplete, but I can finish it. He is of no use to me, but Ant-Man needs trouble. Can't have these heroes living an easy life, now can we?" Henry smiled, a plan already forming in his mind.

Cross stirred, groggy and disoriented. He blinked up at Henry, confusion written across his face. "What happened?" he asked, his voice thick with bewilderment. Henry chuckled, his expression one of feigned concern. "Oh, must be your low blood pressure. You should check that out, Cross. You're a promising talent, and I want to sponsor you." Cross nodded slowly, a groggy chuckle escaping his lips. "Yeah, I need to check that out, but before that, I have a dinner with my former mentor, so if you'll excuse me," Cross said, shaking off his daze as he left the room. Henry watched him go, his mind already moving to the next phase of his plan.

-scene change-

Scott sat in the van outside, counting the days until he could see Cassie again. With a heavy sigh, he returned to Luis's apartment. "Hey, what's up, hotshot?" Luis greeted him, but Scott remained silent. Dave tried to lighten the mood, "Maybe he didn't hear you." Luis asked, "How was the party?" Scott walked to the fridge, grabbed a beer, and took a swig. "Tell me about that tip," he said. Luis, taken aback, clarified, "What?" Scott reiterated, "I want to know about that tip." Luis, now excited, exclaimed, "Ooh, baby, it's on!" Dave joined in, "Hot dog!" Luis and Dave celebrated, but Scott urged, "Calm down, alright? I just need to know where it came from, it's gotta be airtight."

Luis began his elaborate story, "Okay. I was at a wine tasting with my cousin Ernesto, which was mainly reds, and you know I don't love reds man, you know? But there was a rosé that saved the day, it was delightful. And he tells me about this girl Emily that we used to kick it with, it was actually the first pair of boobs that I ever touched." Scott cut in, "It's the wrong details. It's wrong… It has nothing to do with the story. Go!" Luis continued.

 "So, uh, he tells me that she's working as a housekeeper now, right? And she's dating this dude Carlos who's a shot caller from across the bay and she tells him about the dude that she's cleaning for. Right? That he's, like, this big-shot CEO that is all retired now but he's loaded. And so, Carlos and Ernesto are on the same softball team and they get to talking, right? And here comes the good part. Carlos says: 'Yo, man. This guy's got a big-ass safe just sitting in the basement, just chillin'.' Of course Ernesto comes to me cause he knows I've got mad thieving skills. Of course I ask him: 'Did Emily tell Carlos to tell you to get to me what kind of safe it was?' And he says: 'Nah, dog. All she said is that it's, like, super legit, and whatever's in it has gotta be good!'" Scott, processing the information, questioned, "What?" Kurt simplified, "Old man have safe." Luis added, "And he's gone for a week."

Scott summarized, "Alright. There's an old man, he's got a safe, and he's gone for a week. Let's just work with that." Luis, enthused, exclaimed, "Y'know what I'm sayin'?" The group then got prepared, gathering the right gear for the robbery. Kurt confirmed, "Landlines cut, cell signals jammed. No one will be making a distress call tonight." Luis double-checked, "All check." Kurt and Dave echoed, "Check." Luis, reassuring Scott, said, "If the job goes bad, you know I got your back, right?" Scott, confident, replied, "Don't worry, it's not gonna happen." Scott left the van, and Luis admired his confidence, "I love it when he gets cocky." From the van, they watched Scott hop the fence into the house. Dave, monitoring the situation, commented, "Damn! Alarm is dead." Luis praised, "Nice!"

Inside the house, Scott navigated carefully. "Alright, I'm moving through the house," he informed them. He encountered a door with a thumbprint scanner. "There's a fingerprint lock on the door," he noted. Luis, puzzled, responded, "It's got a what? Ernesto didn't tell me nothin' about that. Aw, man, are we screwed?" Scott, thinking quickly, reassured, "Not necessarily." Using household items, he cleverly retrieved a fingerprint from a door knob and used it to pass the scanner. "I'm in," he confirmed. Kurt, impressed, said, "No alarms have been triggered. He's in like the Flynn."

Scott opened the door and saw the imposing safe. "Oh, man," he muttered. Luis, curious, asked, "What is it?" Scott replied, "Well they weren't kidding, this safe is serious." Luis, concerned, asked, "How serious we talkin', Scotty?" Scott explained, "It's a Carbondale. It's from 1910, made from the same steel as the Titanic." Luis, awed, asked, "Wow. Can you crack it?" Scott, recalling history, said, "Well, here's the thing. It doesn't do so well in the cold. Remember what that iceberg did?" Luis joked, "Yeah, man, it killed DiCaprio." Dave, somberly added, "It killed everybody." Kurt, reminiscing, said, "But not the old lady. She still threw the jewel into the ocean."

Scott got to work, "I poured water in the locking mechanism and froze it with nitrogen. Ice expands, metal doesn't," he explained. Luis, intrigued, asked, "What are you doing now?" Scott, focused, replied, "Waiting. Waiting." Soon, the safe door broke open. "Nice," Scott said, peering inside. Luis, hopeful, asked, "What is it, cash? Jewels?" Scott, disappointed, replied, "Well, there's nothing here." Luis, disbelieving, asked, "What'd you say?" Scott noticed some blueprints and the original Ant-Man suit. "It's a suit," he said. Luis, confused, asked, "What?" Scott clarified, "It's an old motorcycle suit." Luis, still hoping, asked, "There's no cash, no jewelry, nothing?" Scott confirmed, "No. It's a bust." Luis, empathetic, said, "I'm really sorry, Scotty. I know you needed a score." Meanwhile, an ant with a camera recorded Scott taking the suit, and inside his lab, Hank watched intently.


A/N 3 chapter in a raw, god i am going through my stock, anyways, this is the last ant man chapter, but most importantly. ONE HUNDRED CHAPTERS, YAY.

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