
Dealing(chapter 81)

prevoulsy in chapter 80

Henry then exited before doing the same to all the remaining 9 patients. When he arrived at the young patient, he stopped and looked at the boy. The kid was afraid, but Henry's eyes didn't contain any mercy. No, they were devoid of it. "Don't disappoint me, Zero. I have great expectations of you," he said. The reason why he said that was simple. Henry wasn't stupid enough to waltz into Afterlife, a settlement for a group of Inhumans, all with powers. And he wasn't arrogant enough to think that he could take on all of them without paying a single price not to mention his limit information. So he decided to do what he thought was right, and that was to wipe the consciousness of a small child who he confirmed was an Inhuman and send him into the afterlife once he is completely undercontrol.


Chapter 81

Wipe their consciousness away, place a small soul clone of his. That is right, a soul clone. Ever since Henry separated a small piece of consciousness, Henry wasn't fascinated with the idea, but there were a lot of uncertainties. For example, would it inherit his memories? Would the clone think it was him? And most importantly, how could he make sure that it stayed loyal to him? Once he finally solved all of those questions, Henry would then create a soul and place it in the empty shell of the unawakened Inhuman child.

Awaken their Inhuman genes and place them at the doorstep of Afterlife, and Bob's your uncle. Henry effectively placed himself inside Afterlife, gaining not only knowledge but also valuable Inhuman blood. The reason why he was doing all this was to get his hands on an essence blood from superpowered subjects, and the reason he was gathering the superpowered blood essence was for Project Null.

After checking that everything was alright, he noted down the results he got from the 10 adult patients, did some calculations, the time it took before they regained their free will. The potion said that it would only last for 200 minutes, and since it was a tier 6 potion, it wasn't permanent. But he wasn't worried. He was counting on making a tier 7 potion by consuming a lot of fortune potions. He was still struggling with making a tier 7 potion, which made sense since this particular tier is a giant hurdle for Henry. Henry then left; he had an appointment after all, since one of his products was going on sale.

-scene change-

Henry sat at a finely polished table in an upscale restaurant, the ambient light casting a soft glow over the rich mahogany wood. He was impeccably dressed in a tailored black suit, his demeanor calm and composed. Surrounding him were four older men, each representing a different country—Russia, the United States, England, and China. They were generals, seasoned with years of experience, their uniforms adorned with medals and insignia that reflected their distinguished careers.

General Ivanov of Russia, a stout man with a thick mustache and a heavy accent, spoke first. "Mr. Henry," he began, his voice gruff and tinged with skepticism, "this Adrenal Surge Pill, it sounds... promising. But we need to understand the full picture."

Henry offered a slight, reassuring smile. "Of course, General Ivanov. The Adrenal Surge Pill is a product of extensive research. It significantly enhances physical capabilities by releasing adrenaline into the bloodstream. This results in increased strength, immunity to pain, resistance to fatigue, and accelerated recuperation, almost superhuman"

General Montgomery of England, a tall, slender man with a clipped accent and piercing blue eyes, leaned forward. "What about the side effects, Mr. Henry? We need transparency here. Our soldiers' lives are on the line."

Henry nodded, maintaining his composed demeanor. "The effects last for approximately 50 minutes per dose. However, it's important to note that the heightened state of adrenaline can induce aggression and recklessness."

General Li of China, a stern man with a solemn expression and a soft yet authoritative tone, asked, "And what measures have been taken to mitigate these side effects?"

Henry responded calmly, "We've conducted extensive trials to understand and mitigate the aggression and recklessness. Proper training and controlled environments can significantly reduce these risks. However, the benefits in terms of enhanced physical capabilities are substantial and could provide a decisive advantage in critical situations."

General Richardson of the United States, a burly man with a Southern drawl and a weathered face, narrowed his eyes. "Mr. Henry, let's cut to the chase. How much is this gonna cost us?"

Henry's slight smile returned. "Given the extensive research and development, along with the unique capabilities of the pill, we are looking at a significant investment. The cost would be justified by the unparalleled advantages it offers your forces."

The generals exchanged glances, each weighing the benefits and risks in their minds. Ivanov's thoughts turned to the potential superiority it could offer on the battlefield, while Montgomery considered the ethical implications and the possible backlash from the public and the press. Li's mind was on the strategic edge it could provide against their adversaries, and Richardson was calculating the budgetary impact and the political ramifications.

General Ivanov broke the silence. "We need assurances, Henry. If this goes south, it's your head on the line."

Henry's composure never wavered, he could kill them, and it wouldnt even cost a single effort, but he was here as a seller, you cant solve all of your problems with brute force, plus, he wants to develop connections "I understand, General Ivanov. My team and I are committed to providing support and ensuring the safe and effective use of the Adrenal Surge Pill. Our reputation and continued cooperation depend on it."

Montgomery added, "We'll need regular updates and transparency. If there's any deviation from what you've promised, there will be consequences."

"Of course, General Montgomery," Henry replied smoothly. "You have my word." for whatever that was worth

General Li nodded thoughtfully. "We will proceed, but with caution. We expect a full report on the ongoing trials and immediate communication if any issues arise."

Henry inclined his head in agreement. "Naturally, General Li. Your trust is paramount."

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