
Exploiting Desperate people (chapter 63)

prevously in chapter 62

[ Name: Crow-1 ] 

[ Grade: 5th (peak) ] 

[ Description: A mechanical crow crafted from an alloy of steel, enhanced through alchemy to resist all external effects. The crow is composed of four parts: the CPU, integrated with the ability to learn using fragments of Henry's soul as supplementary material, allowing Henry and the crow to be soul-linked; the Heart, empowered to fuel all functions with potent energy being used as supplementary material; the Feathers, bestowed with invisibility using essence extracted from the invincible barrier guardian, Aether, as supplementary material; and the Eyes, equipped to record events using cameras as supplementary material. The crow is also connected to Kai. ] 

[ Effects: 150% resistance to external effects, +150% learning capability (CPU), +150% energy efficiency (Heart), +150% invisibility (Feathers), +150% recording capacity (Eyes) ] 

[ Deterioration Rate: 0% ] 


Chapter 63

The crow was currently playing the feed to Henry, who was frowning. "Well, this masked man definitely has superpowers," he thought to himself as he watched the video while also pouring newly extracted essence from a strange blue vial that was one of the many things he stole from the fridge. He didn't even look at the result of the extraction as he observed the masked man. The more he rewatched the fight went on, the more certain he became. "Definitely super senses, but there is an obvious way to deal with this nuisance." He smiled, his mind racing with ideas on how to deal with this hero, before he finally turned his attention to the result of his extraction, which surprised him.

[ Name: Vial of Terrigen Essence ] 

[ Grade: 5th ] 

[ Description: A vial containing essence extracted from the Terrigen Crystal, which releases Terrigen Mist. Harmless to humans, but when an Inhuman is exposed to it, they unlock their genetic powers. ] 

[ Effects: 150% effectiveness in unlocking genetic powers in Inhumans, +150% enhancement of genetic potential, +150% stability of genetic transformation, +150% activation speed of genetic abilities, +150% control over newly unlocked genetic powers ] 

[ Deterioration Rate: 0% ] 

Seeing the description of the essence, Henry was momentarily stunned, missing the scene of the masked man getting brutally beat by the fisk, While Henry stared at the essence, he said, "Inhumans. Kai, search through all data in the servers for the keyword 'Inhuman.'" Kai did exactly that, but the result disappointed Henry as all the results Kai pulled up were descriptions of people described as being inhuman due to their cruel actions. "Looks like I need to pay Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. a visit," he thought to himself as he then saw the crow watching the fleeing masked man who was heavily injured.

"Anyways, looks like I need to create a new file for 'supernatural,'" he sighed before calling the crow to return to him meanwhile terry was just snapping in the background as if he was insulting henry, saying "You call yourself an alchemist, yet the only thing you've successfully transmuted is your reputation—from esteemed to laughable. Maybe if you moved as slowly as I do, you might actually get something right.".

henry ignored the darmn turtle as he then started to work on something else, only to be given a little notification by Kai, which intrigued him. "Hmm, Fisk's little toy was poisoned and rushed to the hospital," he chuckled, seeing a pretty big business opportunity. "Looks like my plan worked" he smiled, he already had the anti venom at hand, already prepared.

-scene change-

Henry casually strolled into the expensive hospital, his eyes glancing around at the opulent surroundings. The marble floors gleamed under the bright lights, and the air was filled with the faint scent of antiseptic. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, and the entire place exuded an aura of wealth and exclusivity. Guards, armed and alert, were strategically stationed throughout the entrance.

As Henry approached the main lobby, one of the guards stepped forward, his hand resting on his holstered weapon. "ID," the guard demanded curtly.

Before Henry could respond, a man in his middle ages with black hair combed back, wearing glasses and a business suit, exited the hospital. He was a white man with an air of authority and familiarity. Henry recognized him immediately—it was Wesley, Fisk's right-hand man.

"It's fine, he is a guest," Wesley addressed the guard, who nodded and stepped aside.

Henry and Wesley walked through the hospital's pristine halls. The place was eerily empty. The silence was only broken by the occasional beep of medical equipment or the soft footsteps of a passing nurse. The walls were a soothing shade of beige, adorned with more expensive artwork and high-tech medical posters. The floors were spotless, reflecting the high standard of cleanliness maintained here.

"Fisk is expecting you," Wesley said, breaking the silence. "Yeah, I've heard. His little pet is under the weather," Henry chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Wesley frowned, immediately placing his hand on Henry's shoulder. "If you ever—" Before Wesley could finish, Henry grabbed his hand and twisted it with a swift motion, breaking it. "Aghh," Wesley groaned in pain.

Henry sighed, his grip still firm. "Don't threaten me, kid. I will kill you and your boss," he said coldly. The guards, seeing the commotion, immediately surrounded Henry, weapons drawn. "Agh, it—it's fine," Wesley managed to say through gritted teeth. The guards hesitated. "I said fuck off," Wesley barked, and the guards reluctantly backed off.

Henry chuckled as they continued walking through the hospital. They passed several more luxurious rooms and corridors, the atmosphere tense with the unspoken threat lingering in the air. Finally, they arrived at a spacious lobby where Fisk and a couple of his men were waiting. The room was furnished with leather sofas and a large coffee table, the walls adorned with more high-end art pieces. Fisk, a large and imposing figure, immediately strode up to Henry. "Where is it?" he demanded, his voice a low growl.

Henry smiled, taking out two vials from his pocket. Fisk reached out to grab them, but Henry was faster, pulling them back just out of reach.

"Give it to me before I snap you like a twig," Fisk growled, his eyes burning with fury. Henry groaned, shaking his head. "What is it with you and your subordinates always threatening people?" he asked. "I don't usually do this. I don't sell my work, but you offered a nice price."

Fisk's men began to surround Henry, but he remained unfazed, his demeanor calm. "So, you pay the price, I give you the product. But if you want to force me—" he paused, his eyes narrowing, "then again, I believe Gao told you about me, so don't be stupid, Fisk."

Fisk looked like he could barely contain his rage, but he took a deep breath and gestured to one of his men, who brought forward several bags filled with cash. "Hmm, nice," Henry said, inspecting the bags briefly before handing the vials to Fisk.

"If this ever does anything to her, I will find you, and I will kill you," Fisk threatened, his voice low and menacing. Henry sighed, exasperated. "If I wanted her or you dead, Fisk, I would have killed you. Simple and efficient," he replied, his tone matter-of-fact while internally laughing to himself, because the person who poisoned fisk's toy was in fact himself, "gosh its always east to exploit someone desperate" he continued to laugh internally. The transaction completed, Henry turned and walked away, leaving Fisk and his men in the luxurious hospital lobby, unaware of the fact that they have been had.


A/N ...Fucking hell man

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