
Captain America Vs Henry Vs Batroc (chapter 51)

prevously in chapter 50

Charging forward, he slammed the shield into the man's chest with a forceful shove, knocking the wind out of him and sending him to the ground. The mercenary lay gasping for air, incapacitated.

Captain America took out the remaining mercenaries on the deck with ease, sometimes dealing with three at a time. His shield was a blur, blocking attacks, deflecting bullets, and incapacitating his enemies. His enhanced strength allowed him to overpower them effortlessly, while his speed and agility made it nearly impossible for them to land a hit on him. He moved with the precision of a well-oiled machine, each movement flowing into the next without hesitation.


Chapter 51

Back inside the ships hall, Henry continued his mission, moving through the shadows and avoiding detection. The interior of the ship was a labyrinth of narrow corridors and small rooms, filled with the low hum of machinery and the occasional flicker of failing lights. The walls were lined with various control panels, their screens displaying streams of data. The floors were a patchwork of metal grates and solid plating, each step resonating with a hollow clang.

Henry's enhanced senses allowed him to navigate the base with ease. He could hear the soft whisper of air through the ventilation shafts, the distant conversations of mercenaries, and the subtle creak of the ship's structure. His vision pierced through the dim light, every detail of the aged metal walls and the rusted pipes clear to him. The air was thick with the scent of oil and machinery, mingled with the salt of the ocean.

He knew time was running out, but with his new abilities and the effects of the Shadowmeld Potion, he felt confident he could complete his objective and escape undetected. 

Still in the shadows of one of the mercenaries, Henry's helmet displayed a percentage that went from 0% to 100%. It took 8 minutes. "It took 8 minutes to extract the information. I guess it makes sense since it's SHIELD that we're talking about," he mused to himself. He finally moved from the mercenary's shadow before he headed out of the room. Just as he approached the door, someone burst it open, forcing Henry out of his shadow form. What burst the door open was actually Captain America's shield, which went past Henry and took down the mercenary behind him, leaving only their leader, Batroc. Captain America and Batroc were immediately surprised at Henry's appearance as he literally crawled out of the shadow. But the two were experts: one was Captain America, and the other was an expert mercenary, thinking quickly, henry jumped out the glass on the room he was in which was the captain capinate.

Henry's pulse quickened as he silently assessed the situation, the shards of broken glass crunching beneath his boots. Captain America and Batroc stood opposite him, their expressions unreadable masks of determination and focus. The room crackled with tension, a palpable anticipation before the storm of violence about to erupt.

Captain America discarded his helmet with a deliberate motion, his eyes never leaving Henry's form. Batroc, always the tactician, shifted his weight subtly from one foot to the other, sizing up their new opponent. Henry felt the weight of their scrutiny, each second ticking by like a drumbeat before the clash.

Without warning, Batroc surged forward like a lightning bolt. His technique was a blur of fluid motion—a whirlwind of kicks aimed at Henry's midsection. Henry's enhanced reflexes kicked into overdrive.

He sidestepped Batroc's initial onslaught with a dancer's grace. In one seamless motion, Henry countered with a lightning-fast jab to Batroc's exposed ribs, exploiting the split-second opening in his defense.

Batroc grunted in pain, momentarily thrown off balance. But before Henry could capitalize further, Captain America closed the distance with deceptive speed. Captain feinted a powerful right punch, testing Henry's reactions. When Henry reacted, Captain swung a crushing roundhouse kick aimed at Henry's head. Henry brought his arms up in a cross block, absorbing the impact with his enhanced strength. The force of the kick sent a shockwave through the air, the nearby crates rattling from the impact.

Henry retaliated with a series of rapid punches aimed at Captain America's head and torso, each strike calculated to exploit any opening. Captain America weaved through the onslaught, his training and instincts honed through countless battles keeping him just out of reach. Captain jabbed left, testing Henry's defenses, then followed up with a quick shield bash to Henry's chest. Henry twisted his body, taking the blow on his shoulder and redirecting the force. The impact of the shield on Henry's shoulder sent dust and small debris scattering from the ground, showing the intensity of the clash.

Meanwhile, Batroc recovered swiftly from his initial setback. He rejoined the fray with renewed aggression, launching a high kick at Henry's head. Henry ducked, then spun around to deliver a low sweeping kick at Batroc's legs, but Batroc jumped, avoiding the attack. Henry rose and immediately followed up with a punch aimed at Batroc's midsection. Batroc twisted to the side, narrowly dodging the strike, and countered with an elbow aimed at Henry's jaw. Henry leaned back, the elbow grazing his chin, and responded with an upward palm strike to Batroc's chest, sending him stumbling back. The force of the palm strike made the metal crates behind Batroc shudder and clank.

Captain America took the opportunity to close in from behind. He aimed a heavy shield strike at Henry's back.

Sensing the attack, Henry spun around just in time, raising his forearm to deflect the shield. The force of the blow reverberated through his arm, but Henry stood his ground. He grabbed the edge of the shield, attempting to wrench it from Captain's grasp. Captain America held on tightly, and the two engaged in a brief but intense struggle for control. Their struggle caused the ground beneath them to crack slightly, testament to the sheer strength they were both exerting.

With a burst of strength, Captain America twisted the shield, breaking Henry's grip, and swung it horizontally at Henry's side. Henry ducked, the shield whooshing over his head, and retaliated with a sharp knee strike to Captain's midsection. Captain grunted, staggering back but quickly regained his footing, raising his shield defensively.

As Captain America and Henry squared off, Batroc lunged forward with a flying kick. Henry sidestepped at the last moment, and Batroc's momentum carried him past. Seizing the opportunity, Henry delivered a precise kick to the back of Batroc's knee, causing him to collapse. Before Batroc could recover, Henry grabbed him by the collar and hurled him towards Captain America. Batroc crashed into Captain, the force of the throw causing both to skid back several feet, their heels digging into the ground and leaving marks on the floor.

Captain caught Batroc, preventing him from crashing to the ground, but the impact pushed them both back. Using the distraction, Henry moved in swiftly, launching a flurry of punches and kicks. Captain America parried and blocked with his shield, but Henry's relentless assault began to push him back. Each blow from Henry caused Captain's shield to vibrate violently, the metal echoing loudly in the confined space.

Seeing an opening, Henry aimed a powerful punch at Captain's ribs. Captain twisted his body, taking the blow on his shield, but the force of the strike staggered him. Batroc, now back on his feet, attempted to flank Henry. He launched a spinning kick aimed at Henry's head. Henry ducked, then immediately rose with an uppercut that caught Batroc on the chin, sending him reeling. Batroc crashed into a nearby stack of crates, sending them toppling over and spilling their contents onto the floor.

Captain America, recovering from the earlier hit, swung his shield in a tight arc. Henry blocked the strike with his forearm, then grabbed the shield's edge and pulled Captain forward, using the momentum to deliver a knee strike to Captain's abdomen. Captain grunted, doubling over slightly, his breath coming out in a sharp gasp.

Henry took a quick step back, assessing his opponents. Batroc, shaking off the uppercut, and Captain America, recovering from the knee strike, both prepared to attack again. Henry's breathing remained steady, his enhanced stamina giving him an edge.

As Captain America and Batroc moved to flank him, Henry shifted his stance, ready to counter. Captain America lunged forward with a shield bash, while Batroc aimed a low kick at Henry's legs. Henry jumped, avoiding Batroc's kick, and delivered a spinning kick to Captain's shield, using the force to propel himself backwards and create distance. The impact of his kick sent Captain skidding back, his boots leaving deep grooves in the concrete.

Landing lightly, Henry watched as Captain America and Batroc regrouped. He knew he had to end this quickly. As they advanced, Henry moved with blinding speed. He feinted a punch at Captain, then spun and delivered a powerful kick to Batroc's side. Batroc grunted in pain, stumbling away and colliding with a metal support beam, the sound echoing through the area.

Henry immediately turned his attention to Captain America, who raised his shield defensively. Henry aimed a series of rapid strikes at the shield, forcing Captain back. With a sudden, powerful punch, Henry struck the shield's center, creating a shockwave that pushed Captain America off balance. The shield vibrated violently, causing Captain to momentarily lose his grip.

Seizing the moment, Henry grabbed Captain's arm, twisted it behind his back, and used his enhanced strength to flip Captain over his shoulder. Captain America crashed into Batroc, momentarily stunning both combatants. The impact caused the ground to shake slightly, bits of debris falling from the ceiling.

Henry wasted no time. He turned his attention back to Batroc, who was recovering swiftly. With surgical precision, Henry targeted Batroc's nerve centers, delivering a precise strike to the base of his neck. Batroc crumpled to the ground, momentarily paralyzed from the expertly executed nerve pinch.

Captain America, struggling to rise, saw Batroc fall and launched a desperate attack. He swung his shield with all his strength. Henry ducked under the shield and stepped in close, driving an elbow into Captain's ribs. Captain gasped, the wind knocked out of him. Henry followed up with a swift uppercut to Captain's jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground. Captain slid across the concrete floor, coming to a stop several feet away.


A/N of course henry didn't go all out, in fact he was just playing, testing the waters, see just how much control he had over himself.

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