
Asgardian shenanigans(chapter 16)

prevously in chapter 15

[ Name: Bifrost Stone Ring ]

[ Grade: 5th ]

[ Description: Crafted from a single stone Bifrost-Infused Stone, scattered across the site where Thor, the Prince of Asgard, was banished to Midgard, this ring holds a trace of power. Imbued with Asgardian runes and the essence of the Bifrost, it enhances the wearer's abilities and grants access to otherworldly energies. ]

[ Effects: +150% resistance to space-related attacks, +150% protection against magical interference, +150% augmentation of spatial awareness while holding the ring, +150% resistance to dimensional interference, the ability to teleport to previously visited locations using Bifrost energy (requires energy supply). ]

[ Deterioration-Rate: 3% ]

This stone ring could allow him to teleport to a location he has been to before. "Finally," putting on the ring, Henry continued to inspect the ring, and finally, when his excitement stopped sending him over the moon, he noticed the condition for teleporting. "Energy, like electricity?" he thought as he pondered. "I don't have to carry a battery with me, would I?" he asked himself wearily before he remembered something. "Wait, it said any energy source, any. Don't I have an energy source which limitless regenerates?" he thought to himself as he smiled, activating his MP and willing the ring to teleport him by envisioning the small island in the middle of the pond, only for him to suddenly feel like he was being dragged by something before he felt like the sensation of when the car stops. Opening his eyes, Henry looked around as he saw where he was.

He was currently standing on the small island, the excitement he felt when he first created the ring returning. "I was right, my mana is of course an energy source," happy with himself, Henry then continued to check the ring like a new girl who was just proposed to.


Chapter 16

Inside his workshop, which looked vastly different with equipment such as modern chairs, desks, and the whole room now having platforms, storage, and other equipment he needed, Henry could be seen working on the hammer droid. He thought, "Damn it, Stark, why did you have to damage the arc reactor?" He cursed as he took out the arc reactor, . "Maybe I could try to create my own engine and my own design," he mused to himself as he placed the arc reactor down. "Or I can just modify this one to use something else other than palladium," he thought to himself as he pushed himself off the table before being surrounded by rainbow light. When the light settled, Henry was gone.

Back in his second hideout, Henry could be seen still sitting in his chair as he rolled towards the chair where his old laptop was. He thought, "An AI is a specific program with a clear task and defined algorithm, and nothing else, unless you are Tony Stark, of course." That is right, Henry was currently using the brifrost ring to hop from one hideout to another, completely cutting the need to travel days between them, which itself was an achievement. But it did come with a certain drawback: the deterioration rate of the ring increased with each use, meaning that eventually, he will run out. "Well, I can try to find where Asgard next visits Earth," he joked to himself as he knew the gods were somewhat immortal.

"Well, anyway, I can try to find teleport on my own," he thought to himself as he then did some adjustments on his very rudimentary AI, which could only answer hello with hi. After he did some fixing and harvested some available plants, Henry then teleported back to the first hideout. He then placed the item he was carrying aside before turning his attention to the droid, where he was removing its armor, which caused an idea to pop into his head. "Hmm, maybe I can try to create my own special metal, one that is specially resistant to, well, everything," he mused as he then continued to dismantle the armor of the droid.

[Scene Change]

Puente Antiguo, New Mexico, inside a diner, a man could be seen. The man was tall, wore a sleeveless biker jacket, black jeans, and had black shades. He had an olive skin tone. This man was, of course, Henry, who was in disguise. The reason being was simple: the location he was in was not far from where Thor was banished, so the government, especially S.H.I.E.L.D, was all over it. But the reason he had to be here was that he saw Thor himself, who was a tall man, well-built, with blue eyes and blond hair. And of course, Henry was trying to get his DNA sample, such as hair, saliva, any DNA sample which he plans to use. But of course, it wasn't easy.

In fact, he hadn't even gotten close to Thor as S.H.I.E.L.D was watching him. So he was biding his time, waiting, while also trying to make sure not to get caught. That is when his attention was suddenly attracted to a strange group of people: three men and one woman, all wearing strange medieval-style armor. "What, is there some sort of convention going on?" he asked himself. But not a second later, Henry saw the four strange people actually hugging and interacting with Thor, causing him to have an epiphany. "Oh, so they are Asgardians," he mused to himself as he smiled. "Looks like my sample size got bigger," he chuckled to himself as he made sure not to leave any of his DNA samples, just in case S.H.I.E.L.D found him and traced him back to where he was eating.

"But I bet they are not going to have any time for me as they seem to have their hands full," he smiled to himself as suddenly, a storm gathered at a visible rate not far from where the city was. This storm is, of course, one that he recognized as it was the same storm with rainbow light glowing from inside it. "Another Asgardian is coming," he said with interest as he continued to watch. "This is getting interesting," before he frowned. "If only I had some actual power, I could forcibly take any material I wanted," he sighed. "Well, if I had such powers, then I wouldn't have any need for such powers." His inner thought was then interrupted as a distant explosion could be heard. "Ah, guess the new Asgardian isn't as friendly or harmless as Thor," Henry chuckled as he imagined the trouble S.H.I.E.L.D was having, which always seemed to have a hand in supernatural stuff.

The explosion drew closer and closer until Henry saw what was causing the explosion, and again, Henry was ecstatic. "What an alchemical marvel!" Henry's alchemical senses were tingling as in front of him was a giant metallic robot, with glowing orange light coming from inside it. "A golem, a freaking golem!" Henry would have flown over towards the golem, dissected it bit by bit, and see how it functioned. Sadly, he didn't have such powers, so he had to put his ambitions and greed on hold as he watched the metallic Asgardian golem shoot a beam of orange light from its head, destroying buildings, gas stations, causing explosions to occur, as well as tossing cars.

"I really want one," Henry was basically salivating as he watched the four Asgardians. Thor's friend charged at the golem, two of the Asgardian males on the ground yeeted the fat Asgardian of the group with superhuman strength towards the golem, only for the golem to backhand the fat Asgardian, causing him to fly back and hit the car. The car didn't explode nor kill the Asgardian, but his fat ass was stuck to the car and he couldn't get up while the golem walked towards him, opening its face, which it could, before it glowed, only for the female of the Asgardian to jump up the lamppost before driving a spear through the golem causing it to bend, as the Asgardians celebrated. "Wait, is that it? Is it dead?" To say that Henry was disappointed would be an understatement. However, his disappointment didn't last long as the golem then powered up.

Before it literally did a 180, as it was stuck on the ground, turning its hands, head, legs, and torso to a position where the Asgardian woman was on top of its torso before she jumped down, avoiding the large beam of energy. "Oh, thanks. Although I want it destroyed to get some material, I still wish to see its capabilities." Of course, Henry being Henry, he was rooting for the Asgardians to win, but that is only because he wanted to steal the golem just in case the Asgardians managed to destroy it. Otherwise, Henry being a hater, he would have rooted for the golem. He then watched as the golem released continuous beams of hot energy, paving a path through hard gravel ground before sending the female Asgardian warrior flying as the fat Asgardian was then aided by the two other males who were then told to evacuate everyone in the town. Of course, Henry left, but not completely; he just watched from a distance he didn't want to get hit.

The golem would have killed them if Thor didn't step in whom started to yell to his brother? "guess odin gets around". "anyways the God of Thunder is stepping in," Henry smiled as he waited with anticipation, only for the golem to turn around just for a second before backhanding Thor and sending him flying, as human women yelled no before running towards Thor, who started to bleed. Meanwhile, Henry was confused. "What? Is that it?" and stunned at how quickly Thor was taken care.


A/N well another chapter, hope you guys enjoy it/

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