
Harmless Prank!


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As he thought of the word "quest," another system window appeared in front of him.

[System Message: Quest: Discover the Secrets of Rowena Ravenclaw's Wisdom. Reward: Increased System Utilities.]

Humming, Harry waved his hand and the quest window disappeared. He followed the snake deeper into the Chamber, his mind focused on uncovering Slytherin's hidden heritage at the moment. He could think about the new quest later. The Chamber was vast, its ancient stone walls echoing the whispers of countless secrets. Harry moved as he looked around, his footsteps barely making a sound on the cold stone floor.

The Basilisk led him to a hidden door that he had not noticed before. "This is where you must begin, Heir," the Basilisk hissed. "Prove your worth and the secrets will be revealed."

Harry nodded, feeling anticipation and determination. He placed his hand on the door, feeling the ancient magic pulse beneath his fingertips. With a whispered incantation in Parseltongue, the door slowly creaked open, revealing a dark corridor lined with torches that ignited as he stepped forward.

The corridor led to a large chamber, dominated by a grand statue of Salazar Slytherin. At the base of the statue was an ornate pedestal, upon which rested an ancient book bound in green leather. Harry approached it cautiously, aware that this was no ordinary book.

As he picked up the book, the pages began to glow with a faint green light. Symbols and runes danced across the parchment, their meaning just out of his reach. Some of these runes are oddly familiar, Harry thought, recalling where he'd seen them before. He remembered seeing them in the Serpent's room and kept that in mind as he tried to decipher more about the runes.

The room's ambiance shifted subtly, the glow from the book casting eerie shadows on the walls. Harry's curiosity was piqued, and he focused intently on the symbols, trying to make sense of them. The runes seemed to pulse with a life of their own, a rhythmic dance that hinted at secrets buried deep within the pages. The patterns were not entirely unfamiliar, though their exact meaning eluded him. He turned the pages slowly, hoping for a clue that would unlock their mysteries.

As he continued to study the runes, Harry felt a strange connection to the book, as if it was speaking to him in a language he was just beginning to understand. The symbols started to form coherent shapes, and Harry recognized a few basic runic phrases.

Then his eyes widened, "This is incredible! Nig—" He paused, thinking quickly. 'These are runes in Parseltongue. The very same starting point I was searching for to create my own runic languages for my omni-tongue ability. To think I searched all over, even in Nigeria, Spain, France, and found it here all along. It's laughable.'

The realization hit Harry like a ton of bricks. He had spent so much time and effort searching for the origins of magical runes in animal tongues, only to find the key hidden right under his nose. These runes were the foundation he needed to create his own system, a language of magic that could be his alone.

Eager to delve deeper, Harry began to study the intricate patterns and symbols with renewed vigor. Each rune seemed to pulse with a life of its own, revealing layers of meaning the more he focused. The complexity of the runes was astounding, yet their structure was simple enough to be molded into something new and unique.

Harry's mind raced with possibilities. He could see how these runes could be adapted to enhance spells, create powerful wards, and even communicate across great distances. The potential was limitless, and he was just beginning to scratch the surface.

But there was no time to waste. He needed to document his findings and begin experimenting with the runes. Harry grabbed his notebook and started jotting down notes, his mind working faster than his hand could write. He knew he had to be methodical and precise if he was going to unlock the full potential of these ancient symbols. Although he could easily take notes or re-watch the moment through system, he still enjoyed writing his findings.

Hours passed as Harry immersed himself in his work. The chamber was silent except for the occasional rustle of parchment and the soft scratching of his quill. He was so engrossed that he barely noticed the time slipping away until he was pinged by the system map.

Checking the map, Harry found a lost frog wandering around the castle. A smile crept onto his face. "I guess it's time to greet her properly," he muttered.

Umbridge, apparently searching for students to punish, had no idea she was being watched. Harry slipped on his invisibility cloak, blending into the shadows seamlessly as left the chamber. The corridors were eerily quiet, the perfect setting for some late-night mischief.

He followed Umbridge silently, noting her frustration as she peered into empty classrooms and checked behind tapestries. Harry's mind buzzed with ideas. He wanted to make this memorable. Moving ahead of her, he cast a series of subtle charms: small noises, flickering lights, and a faint chill in the air. Umbridge's head snapped around at every disturbance, her irritation growing.

Harry chuckled quietly, enjoying the game. He led her toward the entrance hall, where the atmosphere grew colder, and the shadows deeper. Umbridge paused, sensing something amiss, but couldn't pinpoint it.

Harry took a moment to cast another charm, causing a distant door to creak open. Umbridge spun around, wand at the ready, and stomped off in the direction of the noise. Harry used the opportunity to dart past her, aiming for the entrance where the Dementors were stationed.

Once he was outside, the cold intensified, and Harry felt the familiar, oppressive presence of the Dementors. Keeping a safe distance, he positioned himself to lure Umbridge closer. He cast another spell, making it sound like a group of students were whispering just outside the doors. Umbridge's face twisted with glee as she hurried toward the sound, clearly anticipating catching some rule-breakers.

As she stepped outside, the temperature dropped even further. Hidden beneath his cloak, Harry observed his breath forming clouds in the freezing air. Umbridge's face transformed from smug satisfaction to confusion, then to fear as she noticed the Dementors nearby. Harry contemplated how to draw the Dementors closer to her. Emitting some memories might work, but if the Dementors sensed him, the cloak wouldn't hide him. Then, an idea struck him. "I just have to make her think happy thoughts," he thought with a grin.

Using Legilimency, Harry entered Umbridge's mind. Despite her outwardly foolish demeanor, her mental defenses were surprisingly strong. Yet, against Harry's skill, they crumbled. He implanted false memories that began to flood her mind with happiness. Umbridge's wand trembled in her hand as she struggled to recall the spell to ward off the Dementors. Bewildered by the sudden influx of joyful thoughts, her voice wavered as she stammered, "Ex-Expecto Patronum," but no Patronus appeared.

The Dementors closed in, and Harry felt a grim satisfaction. He whispered the incantation again, intensifying the implanted memories. The fake happiness overwhelmed Umbridge, leaving her disoriented and unable to defend herself. Her attempts to cast the Patronus Charm faltered, her voice breaking with each attempt. "Expecto Patronum," she repeated, but nothing materialized. The Dementors drew nearer, feeding on her growing fear.

Harry remained hidden, watching as the scene unfolded. The Dementors circled Umbridge. Her breaths became rapid and shallow, eyes wide with terror. She tried again, "Ex-Expecto Patronum!" but still, no Patronus emerged. The Dementors were now almost upon her, and she seemed paralyzed with fear.

Umbridge removed a badge, her voice trembling, "I am here under orders from the Minister! I order you to leave me alone." But the Dementors, lost in the sweet memories they sensed, continued to surround her. 

Just as Harry was about to end the show, hoofbeats echoed in the opening. Soon, a group of Centaurs, herding Unicorns, approached Umbridge. Harry thought with a grin, 'This should be interesting.' Umbridge's disdain for other beings was well-known, but now she was being saved by Centaurs.

Umbridge's eyes widened as she saw the Centaurs approaching. Her face twisted with a mix of fear and revulsion. "Stay back!" she shrieked, her voice high-pitched and panicked. The Centaurs, undeterred by her outburst, formed a protective circle around her, their expressions calm yet vigilant.


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