
Busy Hogwarts Life


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Harry, aware that the isolated consciousness couldn't actually prove lineage, decided to end the simulation there. He stepped back from the virtual room, closing it down. "That's enough for now," he said, stretching his legs. "I need to find a way to prove I'm of Slytherin's line without getting too close to the real Basilisk."

Nigel, ever the source of commentary, remarked, "Quite the pickle, isn't it? Maybe you could ask the Sorting Hat for some ancestral documents?"

"Funny, Nigel," Harry replied with a smirk. "But it does give me an idea. The Sorting Hat did sort me into Slytherin. Maybe it knows something about proving lineage."

Harry then shook his head, "I do have Gringott's blood test, but I doubt the creature would accept a test done by goblins. It probably has a way to check if I have Slytherin lineage in my blood or not. We need to test it another time though."

Nigel chimed in, "Fair point. A bit hard to hand over a document to a giant snake. And by 'hard,' I mean impossible."

Harry sighed, "Alright, we'll put that on hold for now. Let's focus on gathering more information and preparing for when we do face the Basilisk."

Nigel's tone turned mock-serious, "Excellent plan, Master Harry. No sense in rushing to get petrified."

Harry smirked at Nigel's comment. He grabbed his school bag and headed out of his room, determined to keep up appearances and stay on top of his classes while he worked through these mysteries. As he walked through the halls, he spotted Hagrid near the Great Hall.

"Morning, Hagrid," Harry called out, waving.

Hagrid beamed at him. "Mornin', Harry! How's it goin'? How is the lil' Dragon, getting along with others?"

Harry nodded, "Definitely. It is doing great.. Speaking of which, do you know much about Basilisks?"

Hagrid's expression turned serious. "Basilisks, eh? Dangerous creatures, they are. Best keep yer distance if yeh ever come across one. Why d'yeh ask, Harry?"

Harry shrugged casually, "Just curious. Read about them in one of my books and wanted to know more."

Hagrid nodded, satisfied with the answer. "Well, jus' be careful. If yeh ever need help with any creatures, yeh know where to find me."

"Thanks, Hagrid. I'll remember that," Harry said, heading off to his next class.

As he made his way to Potions, Harry saw his friends were already seated. He took his seat between Tracey and Neville, with Daphne next to Tracey and Hermione next to Neville. Parvati and Lavender were close by. Lavender smiled brightly as Harry approached, "Hello, Harry. You're late."

Harry grinned, "Couldn't help it. Had to ask Hagrid about some magical creatures."

Tracey raised an eyebrow, smirking, "Still thinking about becoming a magical creatures expert, Harry?"

Harry chuckled, "Something like that. Besides, Hagrid always has interesting stories."

Neville leaned over, curious, "What did you ask him about?"

"Basilisks," Harry replied casually, making sure his tone didn't betray the seriousness of his research.

Daphne's eyes widened, "Basilisks? Those are really dangerous!"

Harry nodded, "Yeah, but it's good to know about them, just in case."

Parvati, overhearing the conversation, joined in, "I hope you're not planning on finding one, Harry."

Harry laughed, "No, just curious. I'll leave the dangerous stuff to the experts."

Parvati nodded, "Back in India, snakes are sacred," she said, then lowered her voice. "I know Parselmouths are frowned upon here, but back home, they are pretty revered. Despite all that, our ancestors despise Basilisks due to their corrupt nature."

Harry shook his head upon hearing her. "I disagree," he said thoughtfully. "There are no corrupt natures. Each creature is born with talents and instincts. The Basilisk is an artificial creature, and its creator might have been evil, but that doesn't make the creature itself evil. It's like saying children of criminals are guilty by association. It's not the creature's fault it was created for dark purposes."

Parvati tilted her head, considering his words. "That's a fair point, Harry. But how do you reconcile that with the danger Basilisks pose?"

Harry shrugged. "It's all about understanding and control. If we can learn to understand these creatures, we can mitigate the danger they pose. Look at how we handle dragons and other dangerous creatures. It's not about eliminating them; it's about finding a way to coexist."

Daphne chimed in, "Harry's right. Besides, every creature has a purpose. Even if it's dangerous, it plays a role in the ecosystem. It's our responsibility to understand that role and manage it."

Tracey grinned, "And speaking of dangerous creatures, Harry, how's your training going? Last summer you were planning to tame a dragon next?"

Harry laughed, "Maybe some other day, Tracey. For now, I think I'll stick to my studies. There's enough danger in just the star student in Professor Snape's potions class."

The group chuckled, and Parvati added, "Your talent in Potions is getting more and more dazzling though. You are basically Snape pet."

Harry smirked, "You'd be surprised. He has high expectations, but it's a good challenge."

At that moment, Professor Snape swept into the classroom, his robes billowing behind him. The students quickly quieted down and took their seats. Snape's sharp gaze swept over the room.

His sharp gaze scanned the room, finally landing on Harry.

"Mr. Potter, come here, please," Snape said, his voice cold and commanding.

Harry rose from his seat, sharing a quick smile with his friends before walking to the front of the room. Parvati gave him a "I told you so," look. Since the exams last year, Snape had stopped teaching Harry in the traditional sense and instead used him as an assistant in class. Today seemed no different.

Snape addressed the class, "Mr. Potter will be assessing your potions from last year. Hopefully, you can recall the simplest ones." He emphasized the word "simplest" with a hint of disdain. Harry nodded at Snape, understanding his role for the day. As Snape moved to his desk, leaving Harry to take over.

Harry turned to face the class, feeling a mix of excitement and responsibility. "Alright, everyone, we're going to review the potions we covered last year. Let's start with the Cure for Boils potion. Can anyone tell me the first ingredient we need?"

Hermione's hand shot up immediately. "Nettle leaves, finely chopped."

"Correct," Harry said with a nod. "And the next step after adding the nettle leaves?"

Neville hesitantly raised his hand. "You need to add the crushed snake fangs slowly to avoid any reactions."

"Exactly, Neville. Good job," Harry praised. "Remember, it's important to add the ingredients in the right order and at the right pace."

As they went through the steps, Harry walked around the classroom, checking everyone's progress. He stopped by Lavender's cauldron. "Lavender, your potion is looking good, but make sure you're stirring it clockwise, not counterclockwise."

Lavender blushed. "Thanks, Harry. I'll fix it."

Moving on, Harry reached Seamus' station. "Seamus, your potion is too thick. Did you measure the porcupine quills properly?"

Seamus scratched his head. "I might have added a bit too much."

"Just a bit," Nigel quipped in Harry's mind. "You might as well have thrown in the whole porcupine."

Harry suppressed a laugh. "No worries, Seamus. Just add a bit more water and stir it gently."

He approached Ron, who was struggling with his potion. "Ron, what's the problem?"

Ron sighed. "I can't get the right consistency. It's either too runny or too thick."

Harry examined Ron's potion. "Try adding the flobberworm mucus a little at a time. It's easy to overdo it."

Ron nodded and followed Harry's advice. Slowly, the potion began to resemble the correct texture. "Thanks, Harry."

After ensuring everyone was on the right track, Harry returned to the front of the class. "Alright, everyone, let's move on to the Forgetfulness Potion. Who can tell me the key ingredient for this one?"

Daphne raised her hand. "Lethe river water."

"Correct," Harry confirmed. "And what's the most crucial step in brewing this potion?"

Tracey answered, "Maintaining the correct temperature. If it's too hot or too cold, the potion won't work properly."

"Exactly," Harry said. "Temperature control is vital for the Forgetfulness Potion. You need to keep it at a steady simmer."

The class continued with their potions, and Harry moved from table to table, ensuring everyone was following the instructions correctly. When the period ended, Snape stood up and addressed the class. "That's enough for today. Mr. Potter has done an adequate job of reminding you all of the basics. I expect better results next time."

The students began to pack up their things, and Harry returned to his seat. As he did, Snape gave him a brief nod of approval. It wasn't much, but coming from Snape, it meant a lot.


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