
First Spell

In the dim light of the cupboard under the stairs, Harry Potter, now more bewildered than ever, gazed at the game-like status screen that Nigel, his newly discovered AI companion, had conjured. The display, comprehensive and intriguing, provided an overview of Harry's current capabilities and talents in the magical world.

"Master Harry, let's analyze your status, shall we?" Nigel's voice, laced with his characteristic wit, echoed in Harry's mind. The screen read:

Name: Harry Potter

Age: 10

Wizardry Level: Beginner

Points: 50

Wizardry Skills:

Spellcasting: Basic (No knowledge of simple spells and charms)

Potion Brewing: Novice (Limited understanding of basic potion ingredients)

Transfiguration: Novice (Limited understanding, no practical experience)

Charms: Basic (Unfamiliar with fundamental enchantments)

Care of Magical Creatures: Basic (Limited knowledge, no hands-on experience)

Physical Skills:

Broom Riding: Excellent(Incredible talent, little experience)

Dueling: Basic (Fundamental understanding of duelling concepts)

Wizarding Arts:

Divination: Basic (General talent, no practical experience)

Arithmancy: Novice (Understanding of basic concepts)

Runes: Basic (Limited information)

Magical Attributes:

Magical Resistance: Low (Basic resistance to common spells)

Legilimency/Occlumency: Basic (General awareness, no practical skills)

Parseltongue: Innate (Ability to communicate with snakes)

Mystical Talents:

Seer Abilities: None (No known seer abilities)

Animagus Transformation: None (No ability to transform into an animal)

Muggle Skills:

Muggle Studies: Excellent(Great understanding of the non-magical world)

Stealth and Disguise: Basic (Basic understanding of stealth techniques)

House-Specific Traits:

Gryffindor Courage: High (Innate bravery and determination)

Ravenclaw Wisdom: Moderate (Inclination towards learning and knowledge)

Slytherin Ambition: Low (Minimal ambition for power or status)

Hufflepuff Loyalty: High (Strong sense of loyalty and fairness)

Artifact Expertise:

Wandlore: Basic (Limited knowledge, no practical experience)

Magical Item Identification: Limited (Cannot identify common magical objects)

Alchemical Skills:

Alchemy: None (No knowledge of alchemy)

Dark Arts Defense:

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Basic (Understanding of fundamental defensive spells)

Special Talents:

Wandless Magic: Excellent (Innate talent for performing magic without a wand)

Harry, slightly perplexed, questioned, "Nigel, why is Dueling listed under Physical Skills? And what exactly does my 'excellent' skill in Wandless Magic entail?"

Nigel, in his unflappable manner, replied, "Master Harry, Dueling is as much about physical agility and reflexes as it is about spellcasting. As for your talent in Wandless Magic, it's quite rare, suggesting an inherent ability to channel magic without the conventional conduit of a wand. Most intriguing, indeed."

Harry nodded, his mind racing with the possibilities this newfound knowledge brought. "I can't believe I have such abilities. It's... it's a bit overwhelming."

Nigel's voice carried a note of reassurance. "Fear not, Master Harry. With my guidance and your innate abilities, we shall navigate this magical journey with aplomb. Remember, every great wizard starts as a beginner. Your journey is just beginning, and what a thrilling journey it will be!"

As Harry absorbed this information, his feelings of isolation and despair began to wane, replaced by a budding sense of excitement and purpose. With Nigel's assistance and the Technology System's capabilities, Harry felt, for the first time, a glimmer of hope about his future. A future that promised to be filled with magic, adventure, and the uncovering of his true potential in a world far beyond the confines of the Dursleys' cupboard.

In the cramped, shadowy confines of the cupboard under the stairs, Harry Potter, now armed with a newfound sense of identity and purpose, turned his attention to the intricate details of his status screen. Nigel, ever the source of wisdom and dry humor, stood ready to guide him.

"Okay, Nigel," Harry began, his voice tinged with curiosity, "I understand some of these talents, but there are others that puzzle me. For instance, why do I have a knack for Potion Brewing when I've never brewed a potion or even know a single formula?"

Nigel chuckled softly. "Master Harry, consider your years of cooking for the Dursleys. Potion making, at its core, is not unlike cooking – a meticulous blend of ingredients to create a desired outcome. Your experience in the kitchen, albeit under less-than-ideal circumstances, has inadvertently honed a basic understanding of mixing and combining elements. It's a skill that translates rather well into the art of potion brewing."

Harry nodded thoughtfully, the analogy making sense to him. "And what about Arithmancy? Why do I have some talent there?"

"Arithmancy, Master Harry, is essentially the magical equivalent of mathematics, entwined with numerological significance," Nigel explained. "Your basic schooling has provided you a foundation in mathematical concepts, which forms the groundwork for understanding the more complex principles of Arithmancy. Remember, every wizard's journey begins with the simplest of steps."

Harry's brow furrowed in thought. "That makes sense. But then, why is my skill in Wandless Magic marked as 'excellent'? I've never knowingly performed magic without a wand."

"Ah, but therein lies the beauty of innate talent, Master Harry," Nigel replied with a hint of amusement. "Your ability to perform magic without a wand suggests a deep, intrinsic connection to your magical core. It's quite rare and indicates a potential for great power. Many wizards spend years trying to master such a skill, and yet, here you are, naturally gifted."

Harry's eyes widened in awe. "That's... incredible. I had no idea."

"Indeed, it is," Nigel affirmed. "And as for your other talents, we shall explore and refine them in due time. You have a unique blend of skills and attributes, Master Harry, and with the Technology System's aid, we will unlock your full potential."

Harry, now filled with a sense of intrigue and purpose, turned his attention to practical matters. "Which spells should I purchase then, Nigel? Which do you think would serve me best?"

Nigel's voice carried a twinge of mischievous humor. "Ah, Master Harry, a strategic question indeed. Considering your current... shall we say, domestic situation, there are a few spells that could subtly enhance your standing with your dear Aunt Petunia and Cousin Dudley, while perhaps sowing a few harmless seeds of discord between your Aunt and Uncle Vernon."

Harry raised an eyebrow, curious about Nigel's suggestion. "Go on, Nigel. I'm listening."

Nigel's list appeared on the screen, each spell accompanied by a brief description:

Scourgify: Cleans surfaces impeccably. Ideal for winning over Aunt Petunia's cleanliness obsession.

Muffliato: Generates a soft, unnoticeable sound in the background, perfect for causing slight misunderstandings and miscommunications – just enough to create a ripple in the usually calm waters of the Dursley household.

Confundo: A subtle spell to cause minor confusion. Use sparingly to gently nudge situations in your favor without raising suspicions.

Reparo: Repairs broken objects. Quite handy to mend things that Dudley might 'accidentally' break.

Avis: Conjures a small flock of birds. A delightful distraction and a potential source of wonder for Dudley, shifting his focus away from tormenting you.

Episkey: Minor healing spell. Useful for those little accidents that tend to happen around you, Master Harry.

Harry chuckled softly. "Nigel, you're a genius. These spells could really change the dynamics around here."

Nigel's tone was laced with satisfaction. "Indeed, Master Harry. The key is subtlety. We don't want to unveil your magical prowess too soon or too blatantly. Small, almost imperceptible changes can have a butterfly effect, leading to significant shifts in your daily life."

Harry nodded, absorbing Nigel's advice. "I'll be careful, Nigel. I don't want to cause any real trouble, just... make life a bit more bearable here."

"Quite right, Master Harry," Nigel agreed. "And remember, while these spells can aid in your current predicament, our primary focus should be on your overall magical development. These small victories will be but stepping stones on your path to becoming a skilled wizard."

Harry checked the list and sighed. He could only afford two spells at the moment: Scourgify and Muffliato. His curiosity piqued, he asked Nigel why these particular spells were so inexpensive.

Nigel's response was tinged with his usual dry humor. "Master Harry, these spells are akin to the common cold in the wizarding world – prevalent and rather easy to catch. They're first-year spells, found in nearly every spellbook. Their commonality makes them less costly, a fortunate circumstance for us at this juncture."

With the two new spells in his arsenal, Harry felt a surge of excitement. He was about to embark on his first foray into practical magic. "Nigel, how do I cast these spells without a wand?"

"Ah, wandless magic," Nigel began, his tone reflecting a blend of instruction and encouragement. "It's about focusing your magical energy internally rather than channeling it through an external object like a wand. Envision the spell in your mind, feel the magic within you, and direct it towards your intended target."

"It will not be easy, Master Harry," Nigel cautioned, his voice echoing in the cramped space of the cupboard. "Even with a wand, learning a spell can be a challenging endeavor for a novice, particularly one who has never cast a spell before. And attempting it wandlessly, despite your innate talent, adds an additional layer of complexity."

Harry furrowed his brow, contemplating the difficulty of the task ahead. "So, how do I start? It sounds almost impossible."

Nigel's response carried a hint of encouragement, laced with his typical dry humor. "Ah, but the impossible often makes for the most interesting challenges, doesn't it? You must start by attuning yourself to your inner magical core. It's like... tuning a radio to the right frequency. Once you're in harmony with your magic, the spells should flow more naturally."

"And how do I do that?" Harry asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Focus and meditation, Master Harry. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and try to sense the magic within you. It's a bit like searching for a friend in a crowded room. You know they're there; you just need to find them."

Harry nodded, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He tried to push away the thoughts of the Dursleys and his dreary life, focusing instead on the sensation he felt during those rare, unexplained moments when something magical happened around him.

"Excellent," Nigel encouraged. "Now, once you feel that connection, envision the spell you wish to cast. Picture it not just as words or motions, but as an intention, a desire you wish to manifest."

Harry concentrated, picturing the Scourgify spell in his mind. He imagined the kitchen floor at the Dursleys', dirty and then gradually becoming spotless. He felt a strange sensation, like a warm current flowing through him, focusing on his intention.

"Very good, Master Harry," Nigel's voice sounded impressed. "That warm sensation is your magic responding to your will. It's a promising start. However, don't be discouraged if your initial attempts don't yield results. Wandless magic is a skill that even seasoned wizards struggle with."

Harry opened his eyes, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "I understand, Nigel. I'll practice and try my best. But why is it so hard? Is it just a matter of practice?"

"In part, yes," Nigel explained. "Magic is an art as much as it is a science. It requires not only knowledge and practice but also a deep understanding and connection with your magical core. Wandless magic demands a higher level of control and finesse. It's like playing a violin without a bow – possible, but it requires a great deal of skill and precision."

Harry nodded, determined. "Then I'll start practicing. I might not get it right away, but I'll keep trying."

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