
Chapter 250: Maze Inversion Formation, Fourth Disciple_2

"It's controllable. The main disk is in my hand, I should be able to control it."

"Little Ha, swallow the circle disk."

Fang Hao commanded.

However, after he gave the command, he received no response.

A hint of concern swirled inside Fang Hao, could something have happened to Little Ha?

"No, this circle disk should not possess any offensive power but only the ability to cause confusion and inversion. Perhaps, Little Ha simply couldn't hear my voice."

Taking a deep breath, Fang Hao took a step forward before abruptly halting.

Before him was a well, a frog squatting on the ground. Its lively eyes were staring at a circle disk on the ground as if quietly awaiting orders.

"Little Ha?"

Fang Hao called out softly but received no response.

He lifted his foot and lightly kicked the frog, yet the touch was not of softness but a solid object.

" Is it a stone? Or a discarded artifact?"

Fang Hao was stunned.

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