
Chapter 107: Meng Chong's Qi and Blood are Perfect, Dangerous Aura_1

In the capital city of Wu Country, once again, excitement erupted in the wake of Meng Chong. The ministers were terrified, and the Emperor of Wu's face was deathly pale.

Senior Wu, a martial artist with a powerful reputation, unexpectedly broke into the imperial palace alone, cutting a long trench within the palace with a single stroke of his sword.

Intimidating both the ministers and the Emperor of Wu.

The imperial guards within were all trembling in fear, none daring to step forward.

Even the disciple of Senior Wu was hiding in the distance at the moment, as he noticed something seemed off about his master!

In the court, the Blood Spirit Child crushed a hapless minister to death with a casual squeeze of his hand, then sat on the emperor's throne. His jagged-edged blade was leaned against the foot of the throne while the Emperor of Wu stood, white-faced, in front of a group of ministers.

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