
Chapter 912: Third Brother's Scene

Zhao Xinglong had not finished speaking when, faintly, Liu Kun's voice came through from the other end of the phone, "Dragon Miner, what are you up to? Weren't you going to Starmoon this time? I heard you brought back a few bottles of nice wine, take them out, will you?"

In the background, Li Hua's teasing reprimand could also be heard, "You country bumpkin, how come the oil royalty of the Middle East didn't drown you."

Nie Zhenbang hung up the phone, a knowing smile on his face, his heart filled with a touch of warmth. Brotherhood was not something spoken about or formed through daily dining, whoring, and gambling. Over the years, even though they were all in different places, had started families and built careers in various fields, the depth of their feelings had not faded.

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