
Young Lady of a Prestigious Family (5)

Upstairs, Ye Shaohua was reading a book in her room, with the college entrance exam only a month away.

008, who had not been seen for a long time, finally appeared again. According to itself, it had been upgrading. Seeing Ye Shaohua like this, it covered its chest in heartache, "Host, you actually have the mood to read? Have you forgotten our oath to complete missions?"]

Ye Shaohua turned a page, paused, indeed it had upgraded. "Don't be like this, daddy loves you."

[I'm not listening, you're not trying at all...]

Before 008 could finish its sentence, Ye Shaohua's phone on the desk rang. The bank had sent a message notifying that 5 million in remuneration had been deposited into her account.

Upon seeing this message, 008's voice came to an abrupt halt, then it quietly hid in Ye Shaohua's mind, feeling deeply ashamed of its behavior.

In the following days, Ye Shaohua went to school and reviewed for exams as usual. Previously, she had been doubtful whether Ye Ke had any intention of taking action against her.

During this period, Ye Shaohua finally noticed something amiss. These days, whenever Ye Ke looked at her, his gaze was enduring yet contented, filled with vicissitudes.

Ye Shaohua had a sudden realization and finally understood why she couldn't figure it out before: why the original Ye Ke in the plot had such great hostility towards the original protagonist.

Now it seemed that the original Ye Ke was reborn, which was why he showed no mercy to the original protagonist.

Ye Shaohua touched her chin, thinking that this was perfect because she found the current Ye Ke uninteresting, and now things had become interesting.

After his rebirth, Ye Ke stopped going to school and insisted on getting involved in the company's affairs with their father, taking on several investments that others were pessimistic about.

However, within a few days, these unpromising investments were acquired by the state, shocking the upper echelons of Ning City society.

Ye Ke also gave Ning City's laboratory a newly developed software, reportedly prompting Teacher Cheng to call the higher-ups overnight. Ye Ke was exceptionally admitted to University Beijing in advance, becoming a member of its laboratory.

That day, Ye Shaohua went to take the college entrance exam. The Ye Family were at home discussing important matters.

After knowing Ye Shaohua had chosen class 2, they didn't bother further; what kind of outcome could her grades bring about? Besides, the current Ye Ke was too outstanding.

Ye Father had completely forgotten about his other daughter, his whole mind occupied with Ye Ke.

"What's the background of that Gu Jingyan? We've been acquainted with the Fu family for so many years, is this okay?" Lady Ye was somewhat conflicted, she was partial to the Fu family.

"The Gu family... Is it the Gu family from Imperial City?" Ye Father suddenly asked.

Ye Ke nodded mysteriously, "Dad, do you want to be an ordinary businessman for the rest of your life, or do you want to take a step up?"

Ye Father hesitated, "But... what about the Fu family?"

"When you made the marriage promise, you didn't specify who it was for. Isn't it convenient that Sister just returned?" Ye Ke smiled tenderly.

"Shaohua, but..." Ye Father frowned, "Will she agree?"

"Let it be," Lady Ye became resolute upon hearing that Gu Jingyan was from Imperial City, "As for Shaohua, marrying into the Fu family would be fortune she couldn't cultivate in a lifetime. She'd be overjoyed."

Besides, someone living under another's roof should be conscious of their dependence. Would Ye Shaohua dare to resist?

"Isn't it hard to explain to the Fu family?" Ye Father still felt it was inappropriate.

Ye Ke quickly took out a file folder, "Dad, that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. Jiachen has been involved with several female celebrities, even without the Gu family, I wouldn't marry into the Fu family."

Seeing the contents of the folder that Ye Ke presented, both Ye Father and Ye Mother were enraged on behalf of Ye Ke and tacitly agreed to the idea of having Ye Shaohua replace Ye Ke.

Ye Father never considered how inappropriate it might be to send Ye Shaohua, who had not been trained in aristocratic etiquette, to the Fu family. To him, sending Ye Ke there would be demeaning, but Ye Shaohua? That would be reaching high.

Because in his heart, a thousand Ye Shaohuas couldn't compare to one Ye Ke.

Ye Father and Lady Ye took a photo to visit the Fu family, while Ye Ke was ready to head to Ye Shaohua's room as soon as she was finished with her college entrance exam.

Ye Shaohua was chatting with several people from the Hacker Forum, who were asking her to go to the laboratory in Imperial City.

Ye Shaohua closed the lid of her laptop, didn't reply but just started packing up her belongings.

"What are you doing?" Ye Ke was startled to see Ye Shaohua packing her things.

"Moving out. With the college entrance exam over, I'm of age and can move out to work and earn my tuition." Ye Shaohua closed her laptop.

"Move out? Are you sure?" Ye Ke watched her silhouette, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes but quickly vanished.

Ye Ke preferred Ye Shaohua moving out over marrying her into the Fu family. After all, who knew if she went to the Fu family, she might take up Go again, and Ye Ke would have to spend effort dealing with her.

Now it's good, she wanted to move out on her own, making it easier to deal with her. After all, the world is full of unlucky people.

"Sister, think it over carefully. With your poor grades, how will you attend university without the Ye family's support? Dad can still arrange a good university for you, didn't you like Go? You can choose to study it again if you want, right?" Ye Ke said this while observing Ye Shaohua's expression.

"Little sister, you're so young and already able to find investments, making money for the Ye family. I believe I can also strive on my own." Ye Shaohua picked up her bag, checking if anything was left behind.

Hearing Ye Shaohua say that, Ye Ke felt relieved. No wonder she didn't make the same choice as in her previous life. So that's how it is.

"Sister, have you really thought it through? Not letting dad help you with Go?" Ye Ke asked repeatedly.

In her previous life, Ye Shaohua's academic performance was poor, but her Go skills were exceptional. If it weren't for the Ye family's help and extensive resources, she wouldn't have become a national Go player.

Without the Ye family's assistance this time, Ye Shaohua's performance would show how she could get into university!

Though she could hardly wait for Ye Shaohua to leave immediately, Ye Ke still patiently asked Ye Shaohua three times if she really no longer wanted to study Go, only leaving when she was certain that Ye Shaohua meant it, feigning regret, "Sister, don't worry, I'll persuade dad for you."

After leaving Ye Shaohua's room, Ye Ke looked very scornful at the bottom of her eyes, thinking Ye Shaohua would be difficult to deal with, but now it seemed she was nothing special!

By the time Ye Shaohua couldn't make it on the outside and wanted to return, the Ye family would already be in her, Ye Ke's, hands.

In the room, a cold smile also flitted across Ye Shaohua's mouth; she replied on the computer chat interface — [I'm in Ning City.]

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