
Chapter 41 : Exam Trials I

2 days passed and Satoru simply relaxed on them, with some calisthenic training and aside from that nothing much else except sleep during both of those days. If one had to calculate how many of the 48 hours he slept, it'd be 36 definitely. He was tired as hell.

But the day was great, perfect and THE day of the anticipated, awaited and postponed exam trials.

They young students collected in the forest outside of Ember Village and there stood a Ember High Guard guard, in front of all the students that collected, all standing in a line from left to right.

"The rules are simple." the guard said. "On the edges of the forest, there will be other Ember High Guards to let you know how far you're allowed to go. You'll be given divided into teams of two, so be careful to choose your partner."

"On top of that, how this will work is to divide and there will be the hunt and seek part. You can choose to hide, but eventually you'll be found. Last duo standing wins. If one from the duo is eliminated, I'll say how in a second, then the partner alone has the opportunity to fight and win for both of them. Each opponent eliminated is 1 point. By eliminate, each duo will be given a colored band which they can place around their arm and once both that is taken and the opponent is unconscious you gain the point."

"Remember, there is a border of how far you can go and it's not a small border. Each duo will start out at one end of the forest and go from there. You are permitted to use any form, ability and any weapon. Potions, however, are not allowed."

"That'll be all. Pick your duo now."


Upon the explanation of the guard, everyone quickly took their partner. Jinn and Kazumi obviously paired up together, Nova as he said paired up with his cousin Sasha, Nao paired up with Rai, Yui paired up with Terin, Atreus paired up with Zankoku and Satoru paired up with Aza.

"Satoru!" Nova yelled out to him, despite being close ish to him. The white haired boy turned around and saw him approaching.


"I have a proposal." Nova quickly said, and everyone expected some tension between the two and glanced at them. "What is it?" Satoru asked.

"Let's eliminate everyone and have our fight at the end. 1 on 1."

"You got it."

Both of them fist bumped each other with a quick smirk and were directed by the Ember High Guard there to which corner to go to of the forest. Each of them got quickly there in the span of 10 minutes and were handed a the band.

Nova and Sasha were given red bands.

Jinn and Kazumi were given yellow bands.

Yui and Terin were given green bands.

Zankoku and Atreus were given orange bands.

Nao and Rai were given purple bands.

Last but not least, Satoru and Aza were given blue bands.

"I feel like we will win." Aza said confidently.

Satoru placed the band around his arm and turned to her "Why is that?"

"Because I've got you on my team." 

Satoru unnoticeably smiled a little whilst looking down and the Ember High Guard behind them told them that they have 1 minute left until it starts.

"Hey Aza."


"That night at Greenthorn. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything." Satoru took out his tanto blade while saying that.

She looked at him slightly confused : "It's fine but what do you mean? You weren't there."

"Actually I was, but I was useless. That's why I want to make it up to you and help you win this thing. It's the least I can do."

"No.. Satoru, I'm grateful but you had nothing to do with it. You were NOT there."

"What do yo-" she winked at him and slightly smiled. "Oh.." 

The normal reaction to that, to someone, would be to smile too upon realization and Satoru controlled it. It was obvious, but he didn't let it interfere with his expression.

"I don't know about what you've done and about what Mirazora Higher Ups asked me, including Miss Elara, but one thing is for sure. Kill or didn't kill those Gods, I don't particularly care. I know what I know and trust what I saw firsthand."

"They questioned her... But they haven't the balls to infiltrate her mind and check through her memories. It's not in their nature as Mages. What a fucking joke they are."

"Zeus, this is because of you. You and your fucking curses on humans. I could give a shit if it was you or your brother who did it, but one thing is for certain. I will find you and kill you. It's only a matter of time."

Aza activated her Pure Eyes, having them glow a white light in the shadows of the forest.

"Nova has been training like crazy and taking missions by himself, high ranked ones at that. He's determined, very determined to get stronger. I know what 'they' said about you, but he too is very strong from what I heard."

"I'll do my best to beat him. But lately, it feels like whenever I get stronger, everyone else does too."

Satoru's birth shifted the state of the universe's flow. 

Think of the limit being a 100 on a human's power. After his birth, but specifically when he became the God of Thunder, that cap, that limit of 100 was removed on everyone and moved up significantly. They do not realize it and even if they do train, it'll move very slowly like their limit is still 100.

Over time that will change.

"Is Zankoku..."

"No." Satoru said. "He's not a God."

"I see. I've been training hard for this, so I promise I won't disappoint!"

Satoru nodded at her and the guard behind them was heard counting down.







From their position, Aza and Satoru vanished in a burst of speed, rustling the leaves of the trees and making them fall off, shifting the air in their favor and rushing through the forest, avoiding the bushes and leaping over the lakes.

"Nao and Rai, 200 meters in front of us." Aza said, seeing through the environment, like xray vision.

"Got it."

Both of them sped up and arrived right to them, facing one another.

Nao stomped the ground and spikes or earth, progressively getting larger in a wave went at the both of them. Aza swerved to the right and Satoru leapt above them, landing at the backing up Nao on his hands in a hand spring and pushing himself with his hands at him with his foot aiming for his face.

Just barely, Nao reacted and put his hands up to block it.


Nao went for a downward elbow slamming strike at his opponent, though Satoru moved his feet back, into a backwards roll and stood up, dodging the strike at the same time.

Using the opportunity while he's getting up, Nao appeared at him and threw a left, right and uppercut, all which his opponent weaved.

"WHAT THE?! HOW IS HE MOVING LIKE THIS, I'M OLDER THAN HIM!" Nao thought to himself in a panic as Satoru expressionlessly grabbed his forearm with both of his hands after the uppercut and pulled it to himself, twisting his own body and throwing Nao into a tree behind himself.

He went through the tree, collapsing it, and rolled additionally after that.

Nao stood up, blood dripping out of his mouth and he watched as Satoru walked towards him.

He punched into the ground and stone formed around his right hand, enhancing his strength with this technique as he sped to Satoru with all of his speed.

"Got you!" Nao whispered, being less than an inch away from his opponent's face. Not getting to even grasp what happened, he felt a stinging pain in his stomach as he spat out more blood.

Satoru ducked under his punch with such speed and delivered a blow to him before he could even hope to punch him, sending him flying through multiple trees and rushing at him, seeing that he's barely conscious.

"Hm.." Satoru took off Nao's arm band and stored it in his pocket, leaving his body there to be taken care of by the Ember High Guard who were tasked with collecting the unconscious and dead ones.

He rushed to the area where he and Aza split up and listened for fighting, following the sounds of it, seeing multiple destroyed trees and her throwing hands with Rai.

Aura manipulation was something only very capable hand-to-hand users can unlock, or if they're taught it by someone who has a deeper understanding of it.

Thanks to her Pure Eyes that can see the twitch of the muscle fiber, she can perceive and block strikes thanks to it.

Rai noticed that Satoru was finished with their fight and started to run away.

Using his speed, the white haired boy, with a grin on his face, got in front of him thanks to the Storm Cloak and grabbed him around the neck in a chokehold, not doing anything.

The air bullets from the punched air by Aza traversed quickly, so Satoru turned him around and the air bullets penetrated through his aura, nullifying them as she rushed at him and started to strike all his pressure points with knuckle punches.

He expanded his aura, pushing both of them off himself and performed a sign with his hands quickly, igniting a large ability of a flame tornado, which began to burn down the leaves and trees moderately quickly.

From the large one, it duplicated and another was created...

One headed for Aza, and one for Satoru. What will he do now...

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